阅读理解能力阅读理解能力v1 理解主旨要义v2 理解文中具体信息v3 根据上下文猜测生词的意义v4 做出简单判断的推理v5 理解文章的基本结构v6 理解作者的意图和态度第一步,通篇阅读,了解事实,掌握大意。第二步,弄清考点,逐句细读,判断选择。第三步,再读全文,抓住要点,验证答案。阅读理解解题三步曲阅读理解解题三步曲 To most of us,school means classes,teachers,schedules,grades and tests.But for the children at Sudbury Valley School in Massachusetts,school is very different.Firstly,there are no lessons.All the children,aged between 4 and 19,do whatever they want.There are no teachers,only“staff members”.The idea behind this is that you do not need to make children learn,because children want to learn anyway.“You do not need to say to a three-year-old,Go explore your environment.You cant stop them!”says Daniel Greenberg,a founder of the school.“But if you make children do what you want all day they will lose all taste of learning.”At Sudbury Valley School,you will find children talking,reading,painting,cooking,working on computers,studying French,playing the piano,climbing trees,or just running around.Two boys spent three years just fishing!The other way that Sudbury Valley School is different is that the children can decide the rules.Every week,there is a school meeting where both children and staff have one vote(投票)eacheven the four-year-olds.They decide the school rules,how to spend the school money,and even which staff they want and do not want anymore.When the school first opened in 1968,people said it would never work.But today,the school h as 200 students,and 80%of its students go on to college.Even the two boys who went fishing all the time have successful careers today.One of them is a musician and the other is a computer scientist.要求:1.认真静心地读文章2.边读边勾画和记忆3.每个题应勾画出在文中的依据Group work四人一组,由组长组织核对答案,答案相同的不再讨论,答案不同的小题人人说出在文中的依据,谁有说服力依谁的。对自己的不懂得题要主动向别人请教,认真倾听别人的解释。阅读题型的基本模式阅读题型的基本模式1、主旨大意题主旨大意题2、作者态度、语气理解题作者态度、语气理解题3、单词、短语理解题单词、短语理解题4、图示、数字推断辨析题、图示、数字推断辨析题5、指代关系题、指代关系题6、计算题、计算题7、细节理解题细节理解题8、推理判断题推理判断题9、常识题、常识题10、标题选择题标题选择题做英语阅读理解时,答题也有讲究。如果同学们具备一定的答题技巧,那么最终将事半功倍。我认为,做猜测词义题、细节理解题、主旨归纳题、推理判断题都有一定的技巧。阅读理解解题技巧(一)猜测词义题阅读理解经常会遇到生词,这些生词怎么解决呢?这就需要一些猜词的技巧。通常我们可以采用如下方法:1.根据生活常识猜测词义;2.根据上下文的意思来猜测;3.根据转折、因果关系猜测词义;4.通过同义词和反义词的关系猜词;5.单词的构词法推断猜测。二)细节理解题首先浏览一遍题目,看清题目要求理解什么细节,然后有选择性地在文中找出相应的段落句子或短语,认真分析理解,选出正确答案。这类题在中考阅读中较多,得分较易。关键要求学生要细心(三)主旨归纳题议论文和说明文的主题句经常在开头或结尾。记叙文往往没有主题句,需要在读懂全文、体会作者用意的基础上进行概括。常见的题干设计为:The passage mainly(主要)tells usThe main idea of the passage isThe best title of the passage is 等。(四)推理判断题推理判断题,需要同学具有严密的逻辑推理和分析问题的能力 要求:1.认真静心地读文章2.边读边勾画和记忆3.每个题应勾画出在文中的依据讲练二:2010年绵阳中考Fashion isnt very environmentally-friendly because it makes people buy things they dont need,just because theyre new.We want to take care of the environment,we dont want to pollute the air and we dont want to waste energy and resources.But we also want to be fashionable.How can we buy fashionable clothes and take good care of the environment at the same time?Old styles are fashionable again,so one way is to buy second-hand clothes-recycled clothes.Another way is to buy fair trade clothes.These clothes are either recycled or made in a way that is good for the environment.They also protect the people who make the clothes.Surprisingly,white cotton is one of the least environmentally-friendly crops(农作物)of all.To take good care of the cotton,the growers use chemicals(农药)that pollute water,make farm workers ill and kill wildlife.New materials,such as hemp and bamboo,grow quickly and are more environmentally-friendly.These materials are very soft and look fantastic.The best materials are colored using natural dyes,made from plants.Environmentally-friendly clothes are practical but until now they were often dull.Now fashion designers are working with these materials and the clothes are beautiful as well.So now we can buy fashionable clothes that are also environmentally-friendly.47464950Lets practice!要求:1、认真细致地完成练习;2、找出每个小题在文中的依据;3、不怕困难。Group work四人一组,由组长组织核对答案,答案相同的不再讨论,答案不同的小题人人说出在文中的依据,谁有说服力依谁的。The best team:The best student:阅读理解靠的是扎实的语言基础,扎实的语言基础来自平时严格的基本功训练和长期的知识积累。只要平时刻苦用功,打下扎实的英语知识基础,又掌握了较科学的解题方法与技巧,做阅读理解题是不会太难的。