科技英语翻译的基本方法和技巧长句的翻译顺序法 Each chemical element had its number and fixed position in the table,and from this it became possible to predict its behavior:how it would react with other elements,what kind of compounds it would form,and what sort of physical properties it would have.每个化学元素在周期表中都有一定的原子数和位置,可以据此来推测其特性:如何同别的元素相互作用,能形成什么样的化合物,以及它的物理属性。In the not-too-distant future,computers will probably give on every aspect of farming-which crops to plant,when and where to plant them,how much and what types of fertilizer to use,and when and where to market the crops.在不远的将来,计算机也许将为农业提供方方面面的帮助,如种植哪些作物,在什么时候,在什么地方栽种,用哪种肥料,用量多少,以及在什么时候和什么地方销售农产品等。Since ceramics can withstand higher temperatures than steel,US and Japanese firms have made prototype ceramic diesel engines that run without a cooling system,allowing higher efficiency and lower weight.由于陶瓷比钢更耐高温,美国和日本的一些公司制成了陶瓷柴油机的样机。它不需要冷却系统,能提高效率,减轻重量。逆序法 This is why the hot water system in a furnace will operate without the use of a water pump,if the pipes are arranged so that the hottest water rises while the coldest water runs down again to the furnace.如果把管子装成这个样子,使最热的水上升,而最冷的水流下来后返回锅炉里去,那么,锅炉中的热水系统不用水泵就能循环,道理就在于此。Iron rusts at its exposure to the open air on account of the corrosion made by the destructive chemical attack of a metal coming into contact with such media as air,water and moisture.金属在接触空气、水和湿气体等介质时,会受到破坏性的化学侵蚀,由于这种腐蚀,铁暴露在露天时要生锈。Various machine parts can be washed very clean and will be as clean as new ones when they are treated by ultrasonics,no matter how dirty and irregularly shaped they may be.各种机器零件,无论多么脏,也不管形状多么不规则,当用超声波处理后,都可以清洗得非常干净,甚至像新零件一样。试用顺序法翻译下列各长句:A student of mathematics must become familiar with all the signs and symbols commonly used in mathematics and bear them in mind firmly,and be well versed in the definitions,formulas as well as the technical terms in the field of mathematics,in order that he may be able to build up the foundation of the mathematical subject and master it well for pursuing advanced study.Since the molecules of a gas are much too far from each other to repel or attract each other,it is very easy to compress a gas,while a solid or a liquid is almost incompressible,because the repulsion of the electrical charges of which its atoms are made up are far stronger than any force we can apply.Experiments have proved that those elements which we ordinarily class as metals,such as silver,copper and gold are good conductors of heat and electricity and that the non-metals,such as sulfur,are good nonconductors and therefore good insulators.Key:一个学数学的人必须熟记并牢记数学中常用的符号,还要通晓其术语定义和公式,才能打好数学基础,掌握好数学以便深造。由于气体分子相隔太远,不能互相排斥,所以气体很容易压缩;而固体或液体几乎是不可压缩的,因为组成其原子的电荷的斥力,比我们所能施加的任何力都要强得多。实验证明,我们通常划分为金属的那些元素,如银、铜、金三类,是热和电的良导体,而像硫之类的非金属则是良好的非导体,也就是良好的绝缘体。试用逆序法翻译下列各长句:You must fix in mind the symbols,formulas,definitions and laws of physics,no matter how complex they may be,when you come in contact with them,in order that you may understand the subject better and lay a solid foundation for further study.To most people it is not easy to explain why Einsteins theory eventually shook the whole scientific and intellectual world.Most of what we know about the earth below the limited depth to which boreholes or mine shafts have penetrated has come from geophysical observations.试用分句译法翻译下列各长句:The physicians are practicing telemedicine,an emerging hybrid of telecommunications and patient care in which people in medically undeserved areas use ordinary telephone lines to consult with highly trained specialists whom they could not otherwise afford to see.Laser,its creation being thought to be one of todays wonders,is nothing more than a light that differs from ordinary lights only in that it is many times more powerful and so can be applied in the fields that no ordiary light or other substance has ever been able to get in.Atomic nuclei consist of combinations of protons,or positively-charged particles,and neutrons,or uncharged particles.Key:医生们正在从事远程医疗。这一新生事物是电信学与医学的结合,它使医疗事业不发达地区的人们能利用普通的电话线请医术高明的专家会诊,否则他们就无法请到这些医生诊治。人们认为,激光的发明是当代的奇迹之一。其实,它无非是一种光,与普通光的区别仅在于其功率比普通光大许许多多倍,因而它能用于普通光和其他光质从未进入过的领域。原子核是由质子与中子相结合而构成的,质子也叫带正电荷的粒子,中子也叫不带电荷的粒子。