Keywords and ExpressionsDefinitions and TermsWorking procedurelCategorized management and formulation of purchase planlOffshore equipment debugginglProcurement Procedure for Offshore EquipmentManagement of Implementation in ProcurementlCoordination and track work before equipments entrylTrack of EquipmentlFAT and Receiving Testpermanent store 常备物资warehouse 仓库non-permanent material非常备物资bundle equipment大包设备debug manager调试经理purchase planning 采购计划编制check list工程状态确认表POS(purchasing order specification)采购订单说明书TA(technical agreement)技术协议LOI(letter of intention)采购意向书SDRL(supplier document register list)供应商文件清单ITP(inspection test plan)检验计划节点VO(variation order)加账FAT(factory test)工厂检验punch list 完工整改通知单OSD report(overage,shortage,damage report)质量损益报告jeck horse test plan台架试验计划safety hand-over安全交底1.5 Common offshore equipment:equipment except for bundle equipment on project equipment list.1.6 Non-production materials:office supplies,articles for daily use,tools,uniforms,labor production appliances,low price and easily worn articles,fixed assets etc.1.7 Stock materials:materials need to be managed in SAP system,including permanent materials and non-permanent materials.1.8 Personnel involved:Purchaser,purchase director,purchase planner,warehouse keeper,equipment coordinator,project manager,commercial manager,technical manager,debug manager.2.1.1 CategorizationPurchase plan includes corporation annual purchase plan and purchase plan for special project.Corporation annual purchase plan include annual purchase plan for all the projects and annual purchase plan for common use,the plans are all compiled by the year.Purchase plan for a special project means the material purchase plan made only for a special project,the plan is compiled by the construction progress of the project.Purchase manager in the project team choose equipment vendor from the vendor list.If the vendor from the vendor list cant meet the purchase criterion or the quotation deviates seriously,the purchase manager should report that immediately to the project manager and commercial manager and discuss that with the ship-owner so as to find another qualified vendor outside the vendor list.2.1.3 Purchase plan and application procedures for non-production materials2.1.3.1 Offshore research and development center or the user department submits requirement list,gets the list posted on the ERP system after project managers approval,and forwards related technical standards,occupational health and environmental protection requirements. Purchase manager or the purchase planner checks material requirement application regularly,determines purchase quantity,establish purchase request and gets the work assigned to a specific purchaser. The purchaser should check stock timely after he receives purchase application.For the materials that need to be controlled by the project,the quantity to be purchased or transferred should be determined.The warehouse keeper should be informed to get regular stock transferred to project stock. The warehouse keeper transfers regular stock to project stock on the ERP system and marks the materials in the meantime.Feed the differentiation back to purchase department.Purchaser determines whether to establish purchase application,if not,the flow ends.2.2.2 Workflow for offshore equipment debugging2.2.2.1 The project team makes plan for debugging according to construction plans and make demands on debugging provider. Purchase director acts on project teams requirements and coordinates with the provider and feedback the situation before debugging on the check list to the project team. The project team checks the equipment before debugging,makes preparations for debugging,and submit check list.Furthermore,the project team also checks the situation of the project and contacts the debugging engineer. The material department is in charge of such coordinating work with the service provider as identification of temporary persons entering our factory,of the working place of the persons,assistance of signing“Safety and Security Agreements”,“Safety agreements”,application of Boarding Permit and assignment of the provider to related workshop after they are all equipped with qualified labor-protection suits. The project manager verifies the phased and the final result and prepares for the signature on the final debugging report. The check list is triplicate,and kept by provider,project team,and material department respectively. The material department categorizes,records,and stores accessories,debugging,operation and maintenance parts of the equipment separately and gets the spare part list updated for check. The material department collects guarantee ranges and starting and expiring date of the equipment.If quality problems occurred during debugging or after vessel delivery,the project team or debugging director feeds that back to material department.The material department discuss that with the provider and require them to change spare parts or come for repair work. The project manager,according to the jack horse test plan,assigns a debugging director to join the test.2.3.1 Procurement procedure for bundle equipment2.3.1.1 The offshore commercial department takes the lead to found the procurement team for bundle equipment according to offshore project information provided by the commercial headquarters.The procurement team consists of offshore commercial department manager,offshore commercial manager,offshore project manager,technical director from offshore research and development center or any other engineer assigned by the director. The project manager decides the delivery date for bundle equipment. The technical director or the engineer assigned by the director should provide POS according to the contract. The offshore commercial manager contacts the vendor or the provider and asks them for bidding.The offshore commercial manager submits bid documents to the two vendors.The offshore department manager gets the bid evaluated again and decides a qualified vendor. The offshore commercial department manager submits TA signed with the vendor winning the bid to Owner Company for confirmation and at the meantime,negotiates with the vendor the contract terms.The offshore commercial department manager signs LOI with the vendor and gets the prize and delivery date fixed. If the vendor is appointed by the owner,the offshore commercial manager together with people from the research and development center,offshore project team decides with the appointed vendor equipment specifications,prizes,spare parts,insurance,delivery date,transportation methods and so on one by one according to the procedures mentioned above. The offshore commercial manager draws up a list of bundle equipment,including vendor name,order circle time,ways of payment and so on and submits the list as an estimate of cost to offshore project team,offshore commercial department and financial department. The offshore commercial manager gets done the internal auditing for the purchase of the fixed bundle equipment in the company.The offshore commercial department manager signs the contract for the purchase of bundle equipment and gets the appointed vendor informed of the contracts validation.At the same time,the offshore commercial department manager takes the lead and gets done the work of purchase of other bundle equipment.The commercial manager hands to the purchase director relevant purchase documents and makes a record.3.1.1 During contract implementation of bundle equipment,the commercial manager shoulders the coordination work with the vendor before delivery and makes a track list of procurement progress of the bundle equipment.The list should include technical amendments(technical amendment is decided by the technical manager,prize changes is decided by commercial manager),delivery date etc.Then the relevant vendor gets informed after project managers approval for the track list.3.1.2 Under the project managers leadership,the offshore commercial manager is responsible for the coordination work with the ship-owner of implementation of bundle equipment procurement contract.The purchase manager is responsible for the coordination work with the vendor of implementation of common equipment procurement contract.All the documents after signing of the bundle equipment contract should be submitted to project manager and purchase manager by commercial manager.Special person should be assigned by the purchase manager for the work of collection and compiling of the record of bundle and common equipment.All the files involved with equipment procurement should be numbered and stored so as to ensure the traceability of the files.3.1.3 The purchase manager or director with the help of design manager should provide a procurement track list according to the production progress and attaches great importance to such equipment as equipment with a long delivery term or non-frequent equipment.The vendor should provide SDRL at purchase managers request for technical managers review.The purchase manager is responsible for the track and feedback of approved drawing by class.The technical manager is responsible for the verification of approval drawing by class.3.1.4 The purchase manager should strengthen the control on equipment manufacture through payment and sample test on the basis of ITP so as to keep control on the quality of raw materials,productive technology,quality and production progress.c)If the bundle equipment and the common equipment meet the requirements of storage,the relevant people from material department should get the whole set of files(including operation manual and certificates)compiled and handed to an assigned person by the project team after the verification by the project team.d)If theres any defect on the bundle equipment,the problem should be fed back to the commercial manager.The commercial manager contacts the vendor to settle the problem.The defects on common equipment should be fed back to purchase manager and the purchase manager contacts the vendor to tackle that.a)Equipment inspection work should be done in accordance to“Procedures for EquipmentInspection”.b)For the offshore equipment the needs FAT,the purchase manager takes charge of contact with the vendor and obtain the guideline for FAT.The technical manager conforms the guideline and time for FAT and informs the owner and class for approval if necessary.c)The project manager determines who will be assigned for FAT and the FAT plans.The project general manager,deputy manager,and general manager of the company review the FAT plan and ratify the implement of the plan.The FAT participants of our company submit to the project department an FAT report and a PUNCH LIST in 3 days after return.If the FAT result is confirmed,the FAT participants should report to the commercial manager and suggest to the commercial manager whether to ask the vendor for delivery.If approved,the vender is asked for delivery.d)The offshore commercial manager and purchase manager tackle the unqualified items after the acceptance of bundle equipment,follow up the rectification of the PUNCH LIST,urge the vendor to shut the unqualified test items in OSD,and search for the responsible person for quality.e)The purchase manager tackles the unqualified items of common equipment,follows up the rectification of the PUNCH LIST,urges the vendor to shut the unqualified test items in OSD,searches for the responsible person for quality and informs the vendor to deliver the equipment with project managers approval.