商务沟通讲义讲师联系方式Tele:E-mail:1.Open your eyes,your ears,your mind!2.Cooperate3.Practicen Class Participation 20%n Individual Assignment 10%n Final Exam and Cases analysis 70%Discussion(1):Group Comm.n After finishing self-judgement,your group(3-4 pers)uses informative or persuasive communication so as to get access to the common decision.The turn of 15 things should try to get everyones agreement.n Attentions:-No matter informative,or persuasive comm.,logic is the fundamental;-Dont change your idea only to avoid the conflict;-Dont make decision only to abide by“the minority and the majority”rule 你是一位宇航员,与另外几位宇航员驾驶一太空船飞向月球,原计划去与已降落月球、作为基地的太空母舰会合。然而,因机械故障,你们的太空船只能迫降在距离太空母舰200英里之外的月球表面。降落时许多设备受到损坏,而为了生存你们必须充分利用未受损坏的装备自行达到太空母舰。下面列出了15样未受损坏的物资和装备,请依据其重要性分别标出1-15,以供你们出发时酌其重要性决定取舍(比如,你们的体力只能带13件,就只好放弃另外两件)。(接下页)(1)一盒火柴(2)压缩饼干(3)50英尺尼龙绳(4)丝质降落伞(5)袖珍取暖器(6)2支0.45口径手枪(7)1箱脱水宠物喝的牛奶(8)2大瓶氧气(9)星际图(10)救生筏(11)磁罗盘(12)5加仑水(13)烟火信号枪(14)包括注射器的急救箱(15)太阳能无线电收发器15 154 46 68814 14 11 1112 121 13 39 9 13 132 210 107 7 5 5n 3.沟通是一种相互作用n 4.沟通的种类Significance of Communication Every year,Industry Week selects top 10 manufacture enterprises in America.The enterprises singled out in 1997 all agree that the magic weapon to win is“the same objective,good communication,and consideration to persons”Benefits of effective communication in your careerA valuable job requirementAn essential for advancing your career Benefits of effective communication for interpersonal and organizational conductsSignificance of Communication