Unit 6 Operating System Sec.6-1 What Is an Operating System?Sec.6-2 Operating System StructureExitUnit 6 Operating System Sec.6-1 What Is an Operating System?1 Specialized Terms and Phrases2 Grammar Points3 QuestionsExit Return1 Specialized Terms and PhrasesReturn Exitoperating system 操作系统1-1computer hardware 计算机硬件1-2hands-on system 手控(操作)系统2-2multiprogram 多道程序2-3time-shared system 分时系统2-3applications program 应用程序3-5compiler 编译器3-5database system 数据库系统3-5video game 视频游戏3-5 business program 商务程序3-51 Specialized Terms and Phrasesresource allocator 资源分配器6-1primary operating system 主操作系统7-3MCP-Master Control Program主控程序7-4bare hardware 裸硬件8-4shared multi-user system 分时多用户系统10-2computer architecture 计算机结构12-1move through 经过、通过2-3evolve as(逐渐)成为2-4viewas 把看作6-1Return Exit1 Specialized Terms and PhrasesReturn Exit2 Grammar Points The purpose of an operating system is to provide an environment in which a user may execute programs.1-2 The applications programs define the ways in which these resources are used to solve the computing problems of the users.4-1 It simply provides an environment within which other programs can do useful work.5-4Return Exit2 Grammar PointsReturn Exit Operating systems exist because they are a reasonable way to solve the problem of creating a usable computing system.8-1Operating systems exist because they are supposed to make it easer to compute with an operating system than without an operating system.9-2 is convenience for the user By tracing that evolution we can identify the common elements of operating systems and see how and why they developed as they have(evolved).11-22 Grammar PointsReturn ExitReturn Exit3 Questions How many parts can a computer system be divided into?Key:It has four parts:hardware,operating system,applications programs,users.3-2In what way is an operating system similar to a government?Key:Like a government,the operating system performs no useful function by itself.It simply provides an environment within which other programs can do useful work.5-3 What certain common functions should an operating system possess(have)?Key:It should have the common functions of controlling resources and allocating them to specific programs and users as necessary for their tasks.6-2What are the two goals provided by an operating system for a computer system?Key:The primary goal is to make the computer system convenient to use,and secondary goal is to use the computer hardware in an efficient manner.1-3Return Exit3 QuestionsReturn Exit3 QuestionsUnit 6 Operating SystemSec.6-2 Operating System Structure1 Specialized Terms and Phrases2 Grammar Points3 QuestionsExit Return1 Specialized Terms and PhrasesReturn Exitmonolithic system 整体系统2-a collection of procedures 一批程序2-2call 调用2-3well-defined interface 规定好的接口2-4object program 目标程序3-1information hiding 信息隐藏3-3system call 系统调用4-2trap instruction 陷阱指令4-3kernel call 核心调用4-4supervisor call 管理员调用4-41 Specialized Terms and Phraseskernel mode 核心模式5-1 user mode 用户模式5-1supervisor mode 管理员模式5-1dispatch table 调度表5-service procedure 服务程序6-4main program 主程序7-2utility procedure 实用程序7-4fetching data 取数据8-2virtual machine 虚拟机9batch systems 批系统9-1timesharing system 分时系统9-3Return Exit1 Specialized Terms and Phrasesextended machine 扩展机10-1multiprograming 多路编程10-2bare hardware 裸硬件11-4batch processing 批处理12-3interactive system 交互式系统12-4CMSConversational Monitor System会话监视系统12-4Client-Server-Model 客户服务器模型distributed system 分布式系统17-1remote machine 远程(端)机17-4Return Exit1 Specialized Terms and PhrasesReturn Exituser-space program 用户空间程序18-3message mechanism 信息机制18-6by no means 决不1-3take a look inside 看一看内部1-2by far as the most(by far as 最高级或比较级)2-1 最、非常 1 Specialized Terms and PhrasesReturn Exit2 Grammar PointsConsidering the pipeline operation,one can see that an efficient system operation can be attained if all instructions take the same number of cycles for the fetch and execution stages.3-1The designer should therefore strive to achieve a uniform series of single-cycle,fetch-and-execute operations for each instruction implemented on the computing system being developed.3-3Return Exit2 Grammar PointsThe standard instruction size should be equal to the basic word length of the computing system,which is usually equal to the number of data lines in the system bus,connecting the memory to CPU.4-1 Since it is impractical to have instructions of half-word length,they should all be a full word long.8-8Having all of the instructions of the same length is not in itself sufficient to ensure streamlined handling for all cases.9-1 Return Exit2 Grammar PointsAn obvious way of significantly reducing the complexity of the control unit is to provide a reduced number of choices of instructions,instructions and data formats and of addressing modes.9-6A reduction in the number of operation possibilities will simplify the design and speed up the operation of the decoding subsystem,since it will have many less items to distinguish.9-6Realizing that it might not be practical to hope that all instructions will execute in a single cycle,one can request that at least 75 should.10-8 Return Exit2 Grammar PointsIn other words,one should strive to provide features which tend to support HLLs in general(such as support for procedure handing,parameter passing and process managment),as opposed to a particular HLL(such as Pascal or FORTRAN).11-8The remaining sections of this chapter will be dedicated to the discussion of some design practices in many RISC systems,and to a historical survey of RISC development.16-3Return Exit2 Grammar PointsReturn ExitReturn Exit3 Questions