会计学1汉字的发展汉字的发展(fzhn)英文介绍英文介绍Chinesecharacter第一页,共12页。The origin of Chinese charactersAccordingtolegend,amancalledCangJie(仓颉仓颉(cnji))hadfoureyesandheusedhisowneyes,observedalldirections.AndheinventedasymbolicsystemcalledZiChinesecharacters.(子汉汉字)There are also some logographs found on potteries and cast in bronzes in Zhou times,known as the Bronze script.第第1页页/共共11页页第二页,共12页。the development of Chinese charactersthe Oracle bone script 甲骨文甲骨文Dazhuan大篆大篆(dzhun)li shu(隶书隶书(lsh))Regular script 楷书楷书(kish)Cursive script Cursive script 草书草书Chinese characters improve themselves constantly to adapt to the changing times.At the same time,it has made tremendous(极大的)(极大的)contributions to Chinese culture第第2页页/共共11页页第三页,共12页。Lets look back on the development of Chinese characters.The oldest Chinese inscriptions are the Oracle bone script 甲骨文甲骨文(BC.14-11).Perhaps only about half of known Oracle Bone logographs can be identified with later Chinese characters and therefore easily read.However,it should be noted that these 1,400 logographs include most of the commonly used ones.(常用(常用(chn yn))第第3页页/共共11页页第四页,共12页。The Script can also be called as“Script of Qin”,which derived from The Script can also be called as“Script of Qin”,which derived from“Dazhuan“Dazhuan(大篆(大篆(大篆(大篆(dzhun)(dzhun))”.At the beginning of the Qin Dynasty,”.At the beginning of the Qin Dynasty,The First Emperor contended the idea that the written script should The First Emperor contended the idea that the written script should be standardized in form because the character forms were different be standardized in form because the character forms were different from area from area toto area in Zhou times.It was said that Li Si area in Zhou times.It was said that Li Si(李斯)(李斯)(李斯)(李斯)compiled and The Script emerged piled and The Script emerged finally.第第4页页/共共11页页第五页,共12页。In order to make writing more time-saving,he invented a new form which was appreciated by The First Emperor.It is li shu(隶书隶书(lsh))The formation of the Official script is an important turning-point in history because it lays a foundation for the squatter shape of Chinese characters.第第5页页/共共11页页第六页,共12页。Its said that the Regular script(楷书(楷书(kish))emerged in the Later Han period.It is a kind of more beautiful and simpler form and could set an good example for writing.So it is called“Kaishu”in Chinese because“Kai”means good examples.In addition,famous calligraphers such as Yan Zhenqing(颜真卿)(颜真卿)and Liu Gongquan(柳公权)(柳公权)left quantities of masterpieces for us.The development of Chinese characters grew into a higher level.Regular script(楷书(kish))第第6页页/共共11页页第七页,共12页。It became popular in the Jin Dynasty(晋朝)(晋朝)as we know the famous calligraphers such as Wang Xizhi(王羲之)(王羲之),Wang Xianzhi(王献之)(王献之)and the like.Regular script(楷书(kish))第第7页页/共共11页页第八页,共12页。Cursive script Cursive script Cursive script Cursive script 草书草书草书草书(cosh)(cosh)(cosh)(cosh)Maybe the Cursive script emerged Maybe the Cursive script emerged at the end of the Later Han period.at the end of the Later Han period.The strokes are vivid and continuous.The strokes are vivid and continuous.For writing of the Regular script was For writing of the Regular script was not time-saving enough and the not time-saving enough and the Running script was hard to recognize,Running script was hard to recognize,people invented this new formpeople invented this new form.第第8页页/共共11页页第九页,共12页。With Chinese characters,and cultural heritage from generation to generation can,and increasingly deep accumulation;with Han Yu,Chinese culture before they can fully develop,expand opening in many areas;with Chinese characters and Chinese culture can be spread to distant places.Chinese culture was developed.One important reason is that with Chinese characters.Therefore Chinese culture is the core.Han culture is the root cause of spread far and wide,is the formation of the Chinese cultural circle of the media tools.Chinese characters has a long history of 5,000 years up and down throughout.With Chinese characters.Is conducive to the accumulation of knowledgefinaly第第9页页/共共11页页第十页,共12页。第第10页页/共共11页页第十一页,共12页。感谢您的观看感谢您的观看(gunkn)。第第11页页/共共11页页第十二页,共12页。