2023年中考英语二轮复习:单项选择考点突破练习题汇编(精选2022年全国各地中考真题,含答案解析)1安徽2北京3福建4甘肃武威(天水)5广西白色6广西北部湾7广西贵港8广西桂林9广西河池1 0广西贺州1 1广西柳州1 2广西梧州1 3广西玉林1 4贵州毕节1 5贵州黔东南州1 6贵州黔西南州1 7贵州铜仁1 8海南1 9河北2 0黑龙江哈尔滨2 1黑龙江龙东地区2 2黑龙江牡丹江2 3黑龙江牡丹江市、鸡西地区朝鲜族学校2 4黑龙江齐齐哈尔2 5黑龙江绥化市2 6湖北鄂州2 7湖北恩施2 8湖北黄冈、孝感、咸宁2 9湖北黄石3 0湖北江汉油田、潜江、天门、仙桃3 1湖北荆州3 2湖北十堰3 3湖北武汉3 4湖北襄阳1.(2 0 2 2 安徽)1.Y ou can _ bet ween joining t he dancing clu b and goingt o t he ches s clu b.第1页 共167页 I consider going to the chess club,for I like playing chess better.A.decide B.guess C.hide D.wait2.(2022 安徽)2 一I have but praise for the police because they oftenhelp people out of trouble.Yes,they re well worth praising.A.everything B.nothing C.anything D.something3.(2022 安徽)3.W hat place will you suggest if I travel to your hometown?一The best-known Mount Huangshan comes as the first choice.A.hardly B.patiently C.strangely D.naturally4.(2022 安徽)4 I do morning exercises every day.It works my whole body.一It s a good habit.It helps you keep in good.A.time B.touch C.health D.silence5.(2022 安徽)5.Do you know the spacewoman W ang Yaping?Sure.She is called the mother who the stars.A.gave out B.put away C.looked after D.reached for6.(2022 安徽)6.Jim and I share tastes and hobbies.No wonder you take part in lots of meaningful social activities together.A.separate B.weak C.similar D.double7.(2022 安徽)7.W hat are you saving money for?Father,s Day is around the corner.I a gift for my father.A.am going to buy B.have bought C.bought D.was buying8.(2022 安徽)8 You won,t fully experience the culture of a foreign countryyou go there in person.A.because B.unless C.as soon as D.as long as9(2022 安徽)9 Hey,Tom,you are making noise.You should be p o l i t e.Sorry,Mum.I ve got it.A.at most B.in public C.on time D.by chance10.(2022 安徽)10.Cooking helps us show love for family members.Every time I make dishes for Mum,she is very happy.A.I can,t believe it B.Take it easyC.I couldn,t agree more D.That depends第2页 共167页1 1.(2 0 2 2 北京)1.M y s is t er is only s ix,bu t can alr eady help wit h s omehou s ewor k.A.he B.s he C.it D.t hey1 2.(2 0 2 2 北京)2.W e have his t or y clas s t hr ee o clock ever y F r idayaft er noon.A.at B.on C.in D.t o1 3.(2 0 2 2 北京)3.I t ake phot os her e?S or r y,you can t.I t s not allowed in t he mu s eu m.A.M u s t B.N eed C.C an D.W ill1 4.(2 0 2 2 北京)4.A ft er t aking t ennis clas s es,T im is mu ch_t han las t year.A.s t r ong B.s t r onger C.s t r onges t D.t he s t r onges t1 5.(2 0 2 2 匕京)5.will L iu Y ang s t ay in t he s pace s t at ion t his t ime?F or s ix mont hs.A.H ow long B.H ow oft en C.H ow mu ch D.H ow s oon1 6.(2 0 2 2 北京)6.M r.S mit h has helped me a lot,I m t hankfu l t o him.A.or B.bu t C.for D.s o1 7.(2 0 2 2 W匕京)7.T he wor ker s t he commu nit y cent er now.A.cleaned B.wer e cleaning C.will clean D.ar e cleaning1 8.(2 0 2 2 北京)8.D on,t los e hear t.I f you keep wor king har d,you s omeday.A.will s u cceed B.s u cceed C.s u cceeded D.have s u cceeded1 9.(2 0 2 2 匕京)9.I _ abou t my s is t er when my phone r ang.I t was her!A.t hink B.will t hink C.was t hinking D.am t hinking2 0.(2 0 2 2 北京)1 0.J im a lot abou t C hines e cu lt u r e s ince he began t os t u dy in ou r s chool.A.lear ns B.lear ned C.will lear n D.has lear ned2 1.(2 0 2 2 W匕京)1 1.O n ou r far m,t he t ea leaves by hand when t hey ar e r eady.A.pick B.picked C.ar e picked D.wer e picked2 2.(2 0 2 2 北京)1 2.D o you know t he new nat ional par k?Y es,I do.T o pr ot ect wildlife and benefit t he local people.A.why did C hina s et u p B.why C hina s et u pC.when did C hina s et u p D.when C hina s et u p第3页 共167页2 3.(2 0 2 2 福建)L 一 J enny,why not go for picnic t his S at u r day?S ou nds gr eat.A.a B.an C.t he2 4.(2 0 2 2 福建)2.M ay 2 0 2 2,we held many event s t o celebr at e t he 1 0 0 t hbir t hday of t he C ommu nis t Y ou t h L eagu e of C hina.A.A t B.I n C.O n2 5.(2 0 2 2 福建)3.A s t he ar t fes t ival is coming,t hey ar e pr epar ing ever yt hingby.A.you r s elves B.ou r s elves C.t hems elves2 6.(2 0 2 2 福建)4.P leas e t he light s when you leave t he r oom.B e a gr eenerper s on.A.t u r n off B.t u r n on C.t u r n u p2 7.(2 0 2 2 福建)5.B et t y,you d bet t er follow t he doct or,s and do mor eexer cis e.I will.T hank you.A.advice B.agr eement C.infor mat ion2 8.(2 0 2 2 福建)6.M ay I _ you r pen?I can,t find mine.一S u r e.H er e you ar e,A.r epair B.make C.bor r ow2 9.(2 0 2 2 福建)7.have you been a member of t he H elper s C lu b?一 F or t wo year s.A.H ow s oon B.H ow long C.H ow oft en3 0.(2 0 2 2 福建)8.I t s impor t ant for u s har d in or der t o have a bet t erlife.A.wor k B.t o wor k C.wor king3 1.(2 0 2 2 福建)9.W e ar e making a big cake it s D ad s bir t hday t oday.A.becau s e B.u nt il C.once3 2.(2 0 2 2 福建)1 0.S ince 2 0 2 1,ou r s chool all kinds of aft er-s chools er vices for s t u dent s.A.pr ovides B.is pr oviding C.has pr ovided第4页 共167页33.(2022 福建)11.O ur class did well in the school singing competition.Yes,you sang of all.A.beautifully B.more beautifully C.most beautifully34.(2022 福建)12.As soon as the national hero came into the hall,everyone becameand stood up to welcome him.A.tired B.cheerful C.upset35.(2022 福建)13.Last month,the little girl well enough by theneighbors while her parents were volunteering.A.is cared for B.was cared for C.will be cared for36.(2022 福建)14.China won third place in the men,s 100-meter relay race atthe 2020 Tokyo O lympics.W onderful!W e _ Su Bingtian and his teammates.A.are proud of B.are friendly to C.are strict with37.(2022 福建)15 Could you tell me?In Fuzhou University.A.when your brother will startB.what your brother looks likeC.where your brother is studying38.(2022甘肃武威(天水)1.expensive.A.A B.An C.The D./39.(2022甘肃武威(天水)2.Theson calling from New York.I just bought a new shirt.shirt was prettyrang and P at answered it.It was hisA.telephone B.doorbell C.clock D.bike40.(2022 甘肃武威(天水)3.These are my cousins.are both universitystudents.A.W e B.You C.I D.They41.(2022 甘肃武威(天水)4.W e can see the toy bear in the picture.第5页 共167页A.in the box B.on the bed C.beside the shelf D.under the table42.(2022 甘肃武威(天水)5.一This will be my visit to the Great W all.I m really excited.一Really?I can t believe you ve never been there yet.You arrived in Beijingalmost a year ago!A.first B.second C.third D.fourth43.(2022 甘肃武威(天水)6.Let s the chicken and make some soup.A.look at B.cut up C.put off D.knock against44.(2022 甘肃武威(天水)7.How,s the new restaurant?-It s _.W e waited a long time for the food to arrive.A.wonderful B.exciting C.difficult D.awful45.(2022 甘肃武威(天水)8.I haven t got any apple juice,I ve gotsome orange juice.W ould you like some?A.but B.and C.or D.for46.(2022 甘肃武威(天水)9.do you exercise?Every day.A.How long B.W hy C.W hat time D.How often47.(2022 甘肃武威(天水)10.Linda spoke too quietly.I could hear herat the back.A.always B.ever C.hardly D.usually48.(2022 甘肃武威(天水)11.一 Shall we have an outdoor graduation party afterthe exam?_ I think everyone will love it.A.Good idea.B.No way.C.Enjoy yourself.D.The same to you.49.(2022 甘肃武威(天水)12.P aper_ in ancient China more than 2,000years ago.A.invented B.was invented C.invent D.is invented第6页 共167页5 0.(2 0 2 2 甘肃武威(天水)1 3.I wonder _.A.t hat A pr il is t he hot t es t mont h in T hailand B.do you know wher e I can bu ys ome medicineC.whet her J u ne is a good t ime t o vis it G ans u D.how can I impr ove my pr onu nciat ion5 1.(2 0 2 2 甘肃武威(天水)1 4.一I don t t hink s ixt een-year-olds s hou ld be allowedt o s moke.I t s bad for t he t eens healt h.A.I agr ee.B.I hope s o.C.I dis agr ee.D.I hope not.5 2.(2 0 2 2 甘肃武威(天水)1 5.W hat can we know fr om t his S chool N ot ice?NOTICE:School Closedstarting Monday,March 16 due COVID-19A.S chool will s t ar t on M onday.B.S chool will be clos ed for a week.C.W e*ve s u cceeded in fight ing agains t C O V I D-1 9.D.S t u dent s needn,t go t o s chool on M ar ch 1 6.5 3.(2 0 2 2 甘肃武威(天水)1 6.H i,M ar y.Y ou look t ir ed.I mis s ed t he s chool bu s s o I had t o r u n t o s chool t his mor ning.A.W hat happened?B.W hat a pain!C.Y ou r e kidding.D.H ow abou t you?5 4.(2 0 2 2 甘肃武威(天水)1 7.W e a meet ing.C ome and join in.A.wer e having B.ar e having C.had D.have been5 5.(2 0 2 2 甘肃武威(天水)1 8.K evin,what ar e you doing?D on,t you r emembert hat t he doct or war ns you not t o eat any candy?I m s o s or r y!I t ot ally for got abou t t hat.I m s o u s ed t o eat ing candy ever yH alloween t hat I didn,t r emember t his year I was n,t s u ppos ed t o.A.P r act ice makes per fect.B.W hen in R ome,do as t he R omans do.C.O ld habit s die har d.D.T ime is money.5 6.(2 0 2 2 甘肃武威(天水)1 9.H appy bir t hday t o you,M ar y.A.H ave a nice day.B.S ee you.C.T he s ame t o you.D.T hank you.第7页 共167页57.(2022 甘肃武威(天水)20.W hich of the following sign will you probably seein a reading room of a library?MMO pwtroot WLFSB.58.(2022 广西白色)1.Beijing,_ capital of China,is city with along history.A.the;the.B.a;a C.the;a D./;the59.(2022 广西白色)2.The mother encourages her little son to learn to look afterA.hers B.herself C.his D.himself60.(2022 广西白色)3.Chinese by more and more people in the world.A.speak B.speaks C.is speaking D.is spoken61.(2022 广西白色)4.一 you tell us a story in English?I think I can do it.Let me try.A.Need B.Can C.Should D.Must62.(2022 广西白色)5.There are_people in the picture,and theone from the left is me.A.eight;third B.eight;three C.eighth;third D.eighth;three63.(2022 广西白色)6.Mr.Zhao has given much money to P roject Hope heis not so rich.A.if B.though C.because D.unless64.(2022 广西白色)7.I always believe that there isn,t difficult ifwe set our mind to do it.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing65.(2022 广西白色)8.O ur teacher often tells us across the road whenthe traffic light is red.A.go B.going C.don,t go D.not to go66.(2022 广西白色)9.I don t know if it tomorrow,but if it,I 11 stay at home.第8页 共167页A.will rain;rains B.will rain;will rain C.rains;will rain D.rains;rains67.(2022 广西白色)10.O ur team won the first prize in the football match lastweek.A.You,re welcome B.Good idea C.W ell done D.That s all right68.(2022 广西北部湾)1.一How much is the cap?A.15 yuan.B.No,thanks.C.You re welcome.69.(2022 广西北部湾)2.The three heroes returned to the earth from space.W e areproud of.A.me B.him C.them70.(2022 广西北部湾)3.Students are busy in writing without talking,so theclassroom is.A.bright B.quiet C.small71.(2022 广西北部湾)4.一 Mary,how about going to the?Good idea.W e can read lots of books there.A.cinema B.library C.hospital72.(2022 广西北部湾)5.Jimmy finished the speech,and everyone stoodup and cheered.A.badly B.angrily C.successfully73.(2022 广西北部湾)6.-Miss Yao,may I your computer to search forinformation?O f course.A.use B.count C.draw74.(2022 广西北部湾)7.-Hmm,something so good.W hat is it?一 Hand-made cake.Come and try some.A.tastes B.sounds C.smells75.(2022 广西北部湾)8.-W hat were you doing when I called you last night?I football with my father.A.play B.was playing C.will play第9页 共167页7 6.(2 0 2 2 广西北部湾)9.E r ic,I fou nd a wat ch on t he playgr ou nd.Y ou d bet t er go t o t he L os t and F ou nd O ffice and.A.hand it in B.t u r n it down C.look it u p7 7.(2 0 2 2 广西北部湾)1 0.E xcu s e me,cou ld you t ell me?S u r e.W alk along t he s t r eet for abou t 1 0 minu t es.Y ou will s ee it on you rr ight.A.when t he S cience M u s eu m is openB.how I can get t o t he S cience M u s eu mC.how old t he S cience M u s eu m is7 8.(2 0 2 2 广西贵港)1.J im is a fu nny boy.H e is good t elling jokes.A.wit h B.at C.for D.of7 9.(2 0 2 2 广西贵港)2.I s t his you r B ing D wen D wen(冰墩墩)?一 N o._ is on t he s ofa.A.H er s B.H is C.Y ou r s D.M ine8 0.(2 0 2 2 广西贵港)3.I have a.W hat s hou ld I do?一 Y ou s hou ld go t o t he dent is t.A.t oot hache B.headache C.s t omachache D.fever8 1.(2 0 2 2 广西贵港)4.一L au r a is a gir l.I t hink s o.S he is only 3,bu t s he is n t afr aid of s inging in pu blic.A.clever B.s er iou s C.br ave D.car efu l8 2.(2 0 2 2 广西贵港)5.T ina get s u p ear ly ever y mor ning,s o s he is lat efor s chool.A.oft en B.always C.u s u ally D.never8 3.(2 0 2 2 广西贵港)6.T he air pollu t ion in ou r cit y is becoming wor s e and wor s e.T hat,s r ight.B u t t he gover nment is t r ying t o t his pr oblem.A.s olve B.plan C.ans wer D.dis cover8 4.(2 0 2 2 广西贵港)7.一 A my,don t for get you r mas k(口 罩)when yougo ou t.D on t wor r y,mom.I will.A.wear B.wear s C.t o wear D.wear ing第10页 共167页85.(2022 广西贵港)8.l Julie,why did you _ the job?Because I found a better one.A.turn up B.turn down C.look for D.look through86.(2022 广西贵港)9.一 W hat are they doing?They are discussing what to _ to the school in the village.A.give away B.throw away C.clean up D.cut up87.(2022 广西贵港)10.wonderful the opening of the Beijing W interO lympics is!一So it is.A.How a B.How C.W hat a D.W hat88.(2022 广西贵港)11.一There _ a talk by Zhong Nanshan in our schooltomorrow afternoon.Great!W e can,t wait!A.is B.was C.will be D.will have89.(2022 广西贵港)12.Are you going to ride your bike to the beach?一Yes.It s of all.A.convenient B.more convenient C.most convenient D.the most convenient90.(2022 广西贵港)13.一 P eople to take their temperatures before theygo into the supermarket during the CO VID-19 pandemic(新冠疫情).一 I think it s a good way to protect ourselves.A.are asking B.are asked C.asked D.ask91.(2022 广西贵港)14.一 I wonder.Im not sure.Maybe yes.A.if has Dave got his driverJ s licenseB.how long has Dave got his driver,s licenseC.if Dave has got his driverJ s licenseD.how long Dave has got his driver s license92.(2022 广西贵港)15.W ould you like to go to the mountains with me tomorrow,Gina?.Catch you at 9:00 am.第 1 1 页 共 167页A.Sure,I d love to B.Lucky youC.Yes,please D.Have a good time93.(2022 广西桂林)1.Bill has got two.A.sister B.brothers C.student94.(2022 广西桂林)2.This is _ book.A.my B.I C.me95.(2022 广西桂林)3.Emma is Class 2,Grade 9.A.on B.to C.in96.(2022 广西桂林)4.Listen to the teacher,class!A.care B.carefully C.careful97.(2022 广西桂林)5.Tony is _ than Darning.A.taller B.tall C.tallest98.(2022 广西桂林)6.They are working hard tigers.A.saved B.save C.to save99.(2022 广西桂林)7.The Greens in Guilin for six years.A.have lived B.lived C.live100.(2022 广西桂林)8.W ill she come back soon?Y e s,.A.she is B.she wi11 C.she does10L(2022 广西桂林)9.I think that Lingling a book now.A.read B.reads C.is reading102.(2022 广西桂林)10.If you _ along this road,you will find a park.A.go B.went C.goes103.(2022 广西河池)1 .It s a nice day today!Let s go for walk.A.a B.an C.the D./104.(2022 广西河池)2.Don t read in the sun.It s bad for your.A.ears B.eyes C.arms D.hands105.(2022 广西河池)3.一 Dad,I m afraid I cant do well in my math test tomorrow.Don t worry.Believe in _.A.you B.your C.yours D.yourself106.(2022 广西河池)4.Nowadays,birds fly to the warm south in winter.A.million B.millions C.two millions D.millions of第12页 共167页107.(2022 广西河池)5.You d better get up,or you will miss the train.A.early B.slowly C.quietly D.carefully108.(2022 广西河池)6.O ur classroom won t be clean we clean it everyday.A.after B.while C.unless D.because109.(2022 广西河池)7.Katie is of the three girls in her family.A.young B.younger C.the younger D.the youngest110.(2022 广西河池)8.Jack is quite different_ his twin brother Jeff.A.to B.for C.from D.with111.(2022 广西7可池)9 I usually spe