人教版高中英语选修6:Unit1__Art__keys__for__exercisesppt课件 .ppt
1.The style of Western art has changed many times,while Chinese art has changed less often.2.China,unlike Europe,has followed a similar way of life for a very long time.3.This text will describe only a few of the main styles,starting from the 4th century AD.2023/5/28老婆说:“我们离婚吧,这日子没法过了!”老公也咆哮着:“不过就不过,离就离,房子给你!车子给你!儿子给你!”停顿了一下,老公又说:“我也给你!你去哪里我也去哪里。”今天在网上看到这段话,我也傻呵呵地笑了,一种幸福的满足感开始从心里漫延出来。我也有车,虽然是两轮的;我也有房,市里一套县上一套;我的老婆,还是蛮漂亮贤惠的;我的儿子,和我一样聪明。我是幸运的,已经拥有了很多,我也是聪慧的,能够感悟到幸福。到了中年,生活已趋于平淡,拥有了这样美满的家庭,收获了这么多满足的感悟,我又何必向往尘世的浮华。其实,爱才是生活的颜料,幸福和精彩,都是爱的画面。家庭是我们的画板,我们可以一起为生活作画。即使画板小一些,画纸粗糙一些,我们依然能描绘出精彩的图案,能涂画上鲜艳的色彩。我的爱人,浪漫不是奢华,而是我愿意宠你,温暖也不是给你荣耀,而是我情愿为你低头。我说过:我给你的幸福,不是无忧无虑的生活,而是我陪你一起的日子。有你,有我,还有我们相互的爱恋,只要我们在一起,即使有过苦、有过痛,那也是我们生活的调料,在我们的回忆里,苦痛也能调出幸福的味道。我的孩子,你也是幸运的,我和妈妈很爱很爱你,我们愿意给你最幸福的生活。你聪明的头脑,是我们的骄傲,但聪明最大的敌人的懒惰,你如果不能战胜懒惰,那你只能是个聪明的傻子。你健康的体魄,是我们精心守护的屏障,我们一定会守护着你直到长大成人,但你的人生路还很长,你要学会爱惜自己的身体,学会照顾自己的健康,健康和安全是你成长的基石。孩子,你还需要懂得爱,爱不是索取,而是付出,所以你要学会感恩,用你的幸福、快乐和健康来回报爸爸妈妈和亲人给你的爱。家庭的温暖,是我们相互的关爱。因为有爱,我们才可以在孤单时用牵挂支撑起坚强,因为有爱,我们才可以在病痛时用懦弱撷取幸福,因为有爱,我们才可以在快乐时一起分享,因为有爱,我们才可以在失落时回家肆意发泄。我们是幸福的,我们的家里充满了爱。4.During the Middle Ages,the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes.5.Things had begun to change by the 13th century.6.In the Rennaissance,new ideas and values took the place of those that were held in the Middle Ages.2023/5/287.One of the most important discoveries during this period was how to draw things in perspective.8.The first person to use perspective in his paintings was Masaccio in 1428.9.When people first saw his paintings they were convinced they were looking.2023/5/2810.During the Renaissance oil paints were also developed,.11.In the late 19th century,Europe changed a great deal12.At first,most people hated this new style of painting.13.At the time they were created,the impressionists paintings were controversial2023/5/2814.Nowadays,there are scores of modern art styles15.It is interesting to predict what styles of painting there will be in the future.2023/5/28In the 5th century,Until the 15th century,Renaissance,In the Middle Ages,1428,From the 15th to the 16th century,In the late 19th century,Nowadays,in the future2023/5/281.Real 2.Impress 3.symbol4.Shadow 5.religion 6.attempt7.value 8.aim 9.predict10.believe 11.Europe 12.ridicule2023/5/281.Aim 2.Symbol3.Possessions4.Europe 5.Abstract6.Focus on 2023/5/281.Were,would drink2.Were,would be3.Were,would be4.Could,would draw5.Were,would help2023/5/286.Were,would visit7.knew,would send8.knew,would be9.were,would be10.came,could go2023/5/28Verb noun adj.abstract abstraction abstractattempt attempt attemptcollect collection collected/collective/collectableexhibit exhibit exhibited/exhibitioninfluence influence influential2023/5/28Verb noun adj.photograph photograph photographic/photographerpredict prediction predicted/predictable/profession professionalsymbolise symbol symbolic2023/5/281.Collective2.Predictable3.Attempt4.Exhibit 5.Symbolize/se6.Abstraction7.Photographer8.Influence9.profession2023/5/281.She knows a great deal more about contemporary/modern art than I do.2.Impressionist painters broke away from traditional ideas about art.3.Today we will focus on the art works of the Renaissance.4.If I had a permanent address,you would be able to send me those painting.2023/5/285.I have scores of CDs at home.Would you like to come and listen to some of them?6.I have not only seen Picasso in the flesh,but also know a lot about his life experiences and all his art works.2023/5/281.I wish I were beautiful.2.I wish I were taller enough to play basketball.3.I wish you could come.4.I wish he could/was able to visit us next week.5.I wish I could draw well.6.I wish I could go to Paris with you.2023/5/281.If I ran into a dinosaur in the forest,I would run away as fast as I could.2.If I met Pavarotti in the flesh,I would tell him how much I enjoyed his singing.3.If I knew more about Beijing opera,I would probably enjoy it more.2023/5/284.If I were good at paper cutting,I would make greeting cards for all my friends.5.If I lived in Beijing,I would go to the opera all the time.2023/5/281.John.2.Susan.3.He wants to see the exhibition of Chinese art.4.Small galleries.5.It is big,crowded and too expensive.2023/5/286.Modern art.7.The Frick collection and the Metropolitan Museum on Friday and the Whitney and the Guggenheim on Saturday.2023/5/28Ex.2.1.Steve lee:4 times2.Wang Pei:7 times3.Xiao Wei:7 times2023/5/281.Xiao Wei.2.It wao too expensive.3.Mrs Hang would probably have known what to get Mr Hang.4.At first he liked the book but later he thought the wall hanging would be best.2023/5/28