2023小学清明假前国旗下安全教育讲话稿() 2023小学清明放假前国旗下安全教育讲话稿(2篇) 语:清明节期间,许多同学都要为逝去的亲人扫墓,且清明放假三天,人流较大,要特殊留意安全。以下是关于2023小学清明放假前国旗下安全教育讲话稿范文,供大家参考! 教师们、同学们:大家好! 又是一个清明节,又是一个缅怀和拜祭先人的日子。今年清明节放假,是依据上级部门的工作安排,自4月4日止4月6日,共三天。近一段时间以来,各处修路的、施工的、烧纸祭祀的人许多,特别简单导致意外损害或火灾等事故发生。因此,安全问题要引起大家的高度重视。为了让大家过一个平安、祥和、开心的清明节,在放假前,学校再一次对全体同学进展清明节假前的法制安全教育,详细要求同学们做好以下几点: 1、留意交通安全。清明节外出扫墓行走当心,遵守交通规章靠右行。不随便在公路上追赶,不并排行走,不坐“三无”危急车,更不准骑自行车。 、留意用火安全,自觉爱护环境。同学们回去告知家人,不要在街道小区、大路等场所烧纸,严禁在树林、草坪或建筑物下烧纸。到坟前墓地扫墓烧钱的更要留意,扫墓扫墓,顾名思义先要清扫墓地,把墓地及墓地四周清扫得干洁净净之后再进展祭祀活动,一个鞠躬一束鲜花就能表达我们对逝去亲人的思念,假如实行烧纸钱方式的肯定要等到香烛纸钱等燃尽之前方可离开墓地、以防止发生火灾。去公墓或陵园扫墓的还要留意爱惜公墓和陵园的花草树木。 、留意人身安全。不和生疏人打交道,防止被坏人拐骗,现在的社会比拟简单,我们要提高警觉性,凡事不贪、不馋、不轻信,多动脑筋学会自我爱护。随家长外出春游游玩时,千万不要攀爬树枝和登上危急建筑物。不成群结队外出游玩,不到河边、铁路边玩耍,杜绝危急事故的发生。 、预防春季传染病。春季是多种传染病流行的季节,同学们要留意个人卫生,饭前便后要洗手,家里勤通风。坚决不去购置路边小吃,流淌摊贩的食品,不暴饮暴食,以免发生食物中毒和诱发肠道传染病。同学在家期间要留意保暖,要坚持体温检测,尽量不到人员密集的地方。一旦发觉有发烧、流感、腮腺炎、手足口病、风疹等传染病发生,要马上向班主任报告,班主任做好记录并准时通报给学校分管领导,家长要马上送孩子去医院治疗,避开传染病扩散。 、安排好作息时间,既要学习好,完成好假期作业,做好复习,又要休息好,适当地进展一些安康有益的体育活动,在活动前要做好预备工作,防备意外损害事故的发生。 让我们共同携起手来,从我做起,从现在做起,从点滴做起,用文明祭祀的实际行动,爱惜环境,提倡祭祀新风 敬重的教师们、同学们: 一年一度的清明节快降临了,今年的清明节放假时间为4月2日至4日。 清明节是我们中华民族缅怀先人、祭祀祖先的传统节日,但这段时间也是安全事故的高发期。安全问题不容无视,需要大家一同关注,高度重视,为此,我们结合实际向全校师生提出以下留意要点: 一、要留意交通安全:留意遵守相关交通法规。乘车留意乘车安全,不要乘坐三无车辆,特殊要提示家长不能酒后驾车;步行要牢记“一停、二看、三通过”,留意行路文明,牢记“人让车,让出一份文明。” 二、要留意发生紧急状况时自护自救工作:如遇交通事故时、火灾等紧急状况时,要准时报警,如遇歹徒时,牢记拨打110或家长的电话,并利用自己的才智奇妙地与歹徒周旋,找时机向大人求救,确保自己尽快脱离险境。 三、要留意做好传染疾病的预防工作,如流感、麻疹、流脑、肝炎,如发觉自己发热、咳嗽、咽痛、出红疹等病症,体温超过38度,要请家长尽快带往医院就医,就医后充分休息,等康复后再返校学习。若被确诊为传染病病例,要准时告之班主任教师。 四、加强室内通风,做好居室消毒(如拨洒消毒液或食醋等);要养成良好的个人卫生习惯,勤洗手、勤洗澡、勤剪指甲等,做好保暖预防工作,加强体育熬炼,配备必要预防药物。 ? 五、关于清明节祭祀活动及森林防火的几点要求: 1.请广阔学生尽可能同家长一道参与清明节祭祀祖先活动。清明节祭祀不是一种迷信活动,而是家人对已经逝去祖先的思念,缅怀他们对后人、家庭及社会所做的奉献,鼓励后代向他们学习,努力去做好更多有意义的事。它是中国的传统文化活动,值得我们提倡、参加、弘扬! .同学们可利用这次清明节祭祀活动,走进宽阔大自然,亲切拥抱大自然,去认真观看、专心思索、不耻下问、勇于探究,肯定会学到课堂上学不到的学问,同时去专心感受阳光的暖和、清风拂面、溪水的唱歌、花草的芳香,陶冶自己的情操,激发喜爱大自然、喜爱家乡的情感。 .请同学们参与野外活动时不要擅自带火种(打火机、火柴等),同家长一道祭祀用火时千万不烧纸、放炮,假如不当心引燃了四周的易燃物就很简单失火烧山,酿成大错。 .请全部同学回家告知家长,森林防火,人人有责,假如有谁不当心引燃了森林,谁将会负法律责任和经济赔偿责任。 .假如有森林失火,请同学们不要参与救火行动,由于你们小,无自救力量,很简单消失伤亡事故,这样就造成了更大的损失,所以不允许小学生救火。发觉失火要尽快在大人指引下远离火场,并准时报警。火警电话是119。 .假如条件允许,请同学们在家长的伴随下参与“网上祭祀英烈”祭祀活动,祭祀那些为了我们幸福而付出毕生精力的先烈们,缅怀他们为我们后世所做的巨大奉献。 ? 六、关于学习:三天时间要仔细完成各科作业,并做好相应的预习和复习工作。特殊是开学以来你认为学习状况还不够好的同学,更应抽出肯定的时间,给自己补补课。同时,在家中要讲文明,讲礼貌,孝敬父母和长辈,能帮忙家里做些力所能及的家务活。外出时自觉遵守公共秩序,爱惜一切公共设施,增加环境爱护意识,做文明小市民。 愿每位同学都能合理地安排自己的时间,做到学习休息两不误,共祝教师、同学们过一个有意义的清明节!请记住“安全无小事,防范保平安!”只有安全了,才能更欢乐! 我的发言完毕,感谢大家! In the party to carry out thought people honest and pragmatic as the main content of the partys mass line of educational practice, the partys eighteen to make a major deployment. The Central Committee issued in the party carry out the partys mass line of educational practice views .6 month on the 18th, the Central Committee held the partys mass line of educational practice working conference on, Xi general secretary at the meeting made an important speech, Comrade Comrade attended the meeting and on how to carry out the mass line is good education practice of the arrangement of deployment of 6 April 22 to 25, Central Political Bureau held special meeting, control implement the central The eight prescribed ideological reality and the actual work, to carry out criticism and self-criticism, further study on strengthening and improving the style construction of specific measures, for the whole party to carry out educational practice made an example. Group Party attaches great importance to educational practice, respectively on June 23, July 3, held special meeting, the documents of the Central Committee General Secretary Xi and a series of important speech to convey the spirit of learning, study and formulate the Corporation of party work plan for the mass line of educational practice and on the activities of the arrangements for the deployment of. Now, I talk about the four aspects of the problem. A full understanding of the significance of the partys mass line of educational practice The mass line is the lifeline and the basic line of work of the party. To carry out the partys mass line of educational practice is party in the new situation must insist on the party manage the party, strictly is great and decision-making, conform to the expectations of the masses, to strengthen the learning type, service and innovation of Marxist ruling partys construction of a major deployment, is the important measure to promote the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Education practice activities, to keep the partys advanced nature and purity, consolidating the partys ruling foundation and ruling position, to effectively change the style of work, to further promote the spirit of Three Gorges, the strategic goal of building a world-class clean energy group, has significant and the profound Significance. First, to carry out the partys mass line of educational practice, is implementing the spirit of the partys eighteen and realize the dream of China, is the inevitable requirement of the Three Gorges dream. Party 18 put forward the struggle goal of two hundred years, namely in the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party in China to completed a comprehensive well-off society, in New China was founded 100 years built a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country. Party after eighteen, General Secretary Xi proposed the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The Chinese dream is the dream nation, peoples dream and dream of every Chinese enterprise. The full realization of the goals of the Twelfth Five Year Plan , in 2023 to basically completed a world-class clean energy group is in the hearts of the Three Gorges new Three Gorges dream, is an integral part of the Chinese dream. To realize the partys eighteen identified goals and realize the Chinese dream, dream of the Three Gorges, we must develop in close contact with the masses of the fine style of work, bearing in mind the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, and resolutely oppose formalism, bureaucracy, and hedonism and extravagant wind; must adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, all from a practical point of view, follow the rules of market economy and the development of enterprises, promote enterprise of scientific development; must fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all the cadres and workers, initiative, creativity, Boost Qi God, twisted into a vigor, unite as one to tackle tough, in order to realize the dream of China, the Three Gorges dream and struggle. The second, to carry out the partys mass line of educational practice, is to strengthen the state-owned enterprise party construction, keep the partys advanced nature and purity, consolidating the partys ruling foundation and ruling status of inevitable requirement. The partys advanced nature and the partys ruling status is not a once and for all, immutable. Past advanced does not equal the present advanced, now advanced is not equal to advanced forever. In the past have not equal to now have, now have is not equal to always have. Keep the partys advanced nature and purity, consolidating the partys ruling foundation and ruling position, is the partys Facing the construction of the fundamental problem and the subject of the times. Central enterprises is completed a comprehensive well-off society in an important force, is an important pillar of socialism with Chinese characteristics, is an important basis for the Communist Party of China. To carry out the partys mass line of educational practice, is to further strengthen and improve the partys leadership, play the exemplary vanguard role of Party members, the people honest and pragmatic value pursuit deeply rooted in the thoughts and actions of all Party members, and keep the partys advanced nature and purity. It is to hold to a party to want to manage the party, strictly, so as to promote the ideological and working style construction of the party building in all respects, Party of the body and the party ranks of self purification, self end At the beginning of the good, self innovation, self - improvement; is to further development of Zhuang country economy and enhance control of state-owned enterprises, influence and vitality to further consolidate the partys ruling foundation, to consolidate the partys ruling status. Third, to carry out the partys mass line of educational practice, is vigorously carry forward the spirit of Three Gorges, four winds in the control group of scientific development outstanding issues to solve the inevitable requirement. The central government decided to the mass line of educational practice is mainly focus on style building, efforts to solve formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagant wind four winds. In the process of long-term construction of the Three Gorges project, the company Always maintain a hard work, truth-seeking and pragmatic, scientific and democratic, solidarity and cooperation of the fine style of work, unity and lead all the Three Gorges builders tenacious struggle, the successful completion of the Three Gorges project construction tasks, to the party and the people on the a qualified answer. Second, conscientiously implement the central spirit, solidly carry out the partys mass line of educational practice central the education practice of guiding ideology, objectives, tasks, basic principles, methods, steps made specific provisions, Party accordingly formulated the on the in-depth development of the partys mass line of educational practice implementation scheme. Party organizations at all levels must conscientiously implement the spirit of the central government, do a good job of scheme To carry out the execution, guarantee the educational practice to achieve the worker masses satisfactory effect. Is the guiding ideology of the Corporation of Partys mass line of educational practice, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and comprehensively implement the partys eighteen big spirits, to Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents and the scientific development concept as a guide, closely around the keep the partys advanced nature and purity that pragmatic and honest people as the main content, the implementation of the provisions of the central eight as a starting point, strengthen the education of the Marxist view of the masses and the partys mass line, with excellent style ningxinjuli for The construction of the Three Gorges project, the development of the Yangtze River, building a world-class large-scale clean energy group to provide a strong guarantee. The theme of group company of educational practice is changing the style, ningxinjuli, for the construction of a world-class clean energy group to provide a strong guarantee. Methods: take the lead of the party, from top to bottom. The focus of education is the leading bodies at all levels, leading organs and deputy division level and above cadres. Focusing the outstanding problem is: oppose formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagant wind. By resolutely opposed to the four winds, efforts to solve outstanding problems of Party members and cadres in the party spirit party party, affecting the outstanding problems of scientific development to the group company , the outstanding problems of the workers and the masses are strongly. To achieve the goal of requirements are: enhance the ideological quality of the cadres as well as to effectively change the style of work, close party masses relationship, establish image of pragmatic and honest people of. According to the requirements of the central, group company as Wuguan enterprises to participate in the partys mass line of the first batch of educational practice. Among them, group leadership and the departments of the headquarters of educational practice, by the central leadership and sent a steering group. Group owned enterprises and units in late August started, under the leadership of the Party group carry out educational practice, by the party sent a steering group of supervision and inspection. Corporation group and subordinate units of Education Practice time staggered, stubble, in accordance with the requirements of the quality of the progress of the subject of for complete educational practice at the end of November. In accordance with the provisions of the central, education and practice activities divided into three links to. The first link is learning education, listen to their views. The focus of this part is to make a good job in the publicity and ideological education, carry out investigation and study, listen to the opinions of the masses of workers, for revealing and criticism to prepare. Consider to propaganda, focus on learning and education, held a forum, to seek the views of the tasks are relatively heavy, the first link time arranged more than a month, to the end of August. The key learning education is to improve the Ideological awareness, firmly establish the Marxist view of the masses, bearing in mind the wholeheartedly the fundamental purpose of serving the people. To me to learn the spirit of the central document, carefully read the on the mass line - an important discussion excerpts , selected documents the partys mass line of educational practice in learning, austerity against waste - an important discussion excerpts the learning materials, learning Xi Jinping and other leading comrades of the Central Committee on strengthening the construction of style of a series of important exposition, learning the glorious history of the CPC and the fine tradition of ideological reality, the transformation of the subjective world, building prison ideological line of defense. Explicitly requested by the party, the party members and cadres to participate in learning when Room shall be not less than 30 hours, on business to timely make up a missed lesson, deputy division level and above cadres to writing reading experience. In the learning stage of education, party to schedule three discussion focused on learning. Is around the stick to the mass line of the party, masses viewpoint, how close party group do group carry out study and discussion topics; the second is based on anti-corruption and maintain cadres honest invite experts to give lectures, to further enhance the ability to resist corruption and cadres; three is to implement the provisions of the central eight carry out inspections, to change the style, ningxinjuli, for the construction of a world-class clean energy group provide strong guarantee as the theme to carry out special topic for discussion.5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 刚刚,XX汇报了一季度经济运行状况;其它30多个市直单位、9个县市