Store.Please call Mr.Wang at 010-58899333.阅读上面的招聘信息,选择正确答案。()1.On Friday,the babysitter will.A.not work B.get$10 C.live there D.work three hours()2.is not a part of the job.A.Cooking for the child B.Working at the childs houseC.Taking care of the child D.Reading books to the child()3.The babysitter must .A.drive a car to work B.go to the office to workC.play with the child D.work every Saturday and Sunday()4.Which of the following is true?.A.The child is less than(不 足)ten years old.B.The babysitter must be a college student(大学生).C.The babysitter must work six days a week.D.The babysitter can get more pay on weekends.()5.The best babysitter for the job.A.get$10 every day C.cant read story-booksB.is busy on Wednesday afternoon D.likes playing with children阅读理解(二十二)A Trip to the ForestOne day Bob took two of his friends into the mountains.They put up their tents(帐篷)and then rode off to a forest to see how the trees were growing.In theafternoon when they were about ten kilometres from their camp(营地),it startedto snow.More and more snow fell.Soon Bob could hardly see his hands before hisface.He could not find the road.Bob knew there were two roads.One road went tothe camp,and the other went to his house.But all was white snow.E verything wasthe same.How could he take his friends back to the camp?Bob had an idea.The horses!Let the horses take them back!But what would happen if the horses took the roadto his house?That would be a trip of thirty-five kilometres in such cold weather!It was getting late.They rode on(一直骑)and on.At last the horses stopped.Wherewere they?None of them could tell.John looked around(环顾四周).What was thatunder the tree?It was one of their tents!()1.John and his two friends went to the forest to.A.build their camp B.find their way homeC.enjoy the mountains in the snow D.watch the trees in the forest()2.They could not find their way back because.A.there was only one road to their campB.they couldn,t decide which of the two roads led to their tentsC.there were no roads in the mountains at allD.everything was covered by the white snow()3.It is clear that they wanted the horses to take them to.A.John,s house B.the camp C.the forest D.the mountains()4.The horses stopped b e c a u s e.A.it was getting lateB.they were tired after running for a long wayC.they knew that they had got to the campD.they had seen John,s house()5.The story happened.A.on a cold winter day B.on a dark snowy eveningC.in a cold camp far from villages D.at night when nothing could be seen阅读理解(二十三)Mexico(墨 西 哥)s neighbours are the United States to the north and G uatemalaand Belize to the south.Mexico is about one quarter of the size of the UnitedStates.Mexico has more than ninety million people.The language of Mexico is Spanish.This makes Mexico the world,s largest Spanish-speaking country.Mexico City is thecapital and largest city of Mexico.The city is also very high.It is 7349 feethigh(2 2 40 metres).This makes it one of the highest capital cities in the world.The population,of Mexico City grows bigger every day.About thirty million peoplelive there.It has more people than any other city in the world,even more thanTokyo.Mexico also has its specialities.Many of the foods we eat started in Mexico.Foods like beans,maize,avocados,tomatoes,peanuts,chili peppers,vanilla,andchocolate come from Mexico.Mexico is also famous for its cactus(仙人 掌)plants.Mexico has more kinds of cactus than any other country.根据短文选择正确答案()1.Mexico is the USA.A.on the south of B.on the north ofC.a part of D.as large as D.as large as()2.Mexicans s p e a k.A.E nglish B.Spanish C.French D.Latin(拉丁语)()3.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Mexico City is the capital of Mexico.B.The population of Mexico City is 30,000,000.C.Tokyo is one of the cities with the largest population.D.Mexico City is the highest city in the world.()4.Tomatoes were originally(最初)grown in.A.America B.Spain C.Tokyo D.Mexico()5.The best title(题 目)of the passage is _.A.Mexico City B.Mexicos plants C.Mexico D.Mexicos population阅读理解(二十四)Peter was a small boy.He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills.The people there were all poor.One night it was very dry and windy.When everybodywas asleep,Peter suddenly heard some noise.It came out from the kitchen(厨房).He got up and walked to the kitchen.He found that the wood beside the stove(火炉)was burning.There was no water tap(水龙头)in the house,so he could notput out(扑灭)the fire.He shouted loudly to wake up everyone in the house.Thenhe ran out of his house and knocked on the doors of many houses to wake the peopleup.They all left their houses quickly.At last the fire was put out by the firemen(消防员).Many houses were burnt.But nobody was burnt in the fire.根据短文选择正确答案()1.Peter lived with his_.A.sisters B.brothers C.uncles D.parents()2.One night he found that beside the stove was burning.A.the table B.the wood C.the door D.the window()3._,so he could not put out the fire.A.E verybody was asleep B.He couldn,t shout loudlyC.The kitchen was very big D.there was no water tap in the house()4.Peter knocked on the doors of many houses_.A.to wake the people up B.to get some wateC.to find his classmates D.to visit them()5.hurt in the fire.A.People in other houses were B.Peter,s parents wereC.Nobody was D.Peter was阅读理解(二十五)It D oesn,t MatterMr.Baker has two children.One is a boy called Peter and the other is a daughtercalled Rose.Peter is an eleven-year-old boy.He studies at school.Rose is fourand stays at home.One evening Mr.and Mrs.Baker managed(管理)their small shopand left their children at home.Peter had some homework to do.At five to ninehe brought out his exercise-books.He began to do it in his father*s study.Abouttwenty minutes later his sister came in.she found a piece of paper and began towrite something on it.What are you doing there,Rose?”asked Peter.I m writ ing a l et t er,,z answered t he girl.0 h?To whom?”To my friend J o.H owcan you?Pet er said in su rp rise(惊讶地).You can t writ e at al l,you k now.”I t doesn,t mat t er,z z Rose said cal ml y(平静地).“J o is as ol d as me.She doesn tread,eit her(也)!选择正确答案.)1.Mr.B ak er is a,A.shop k eep er B.book sel l er C.condu ct or D.p ol iceman()2.Rose st ays at home becau se.A.she s a girl B.her p arent s are p oor C.she s il l D.she,s t oo you ng()3.The word“st u dy in t he second p aragrap h means,A.学 习B.研 究C.书 房D.学科()4.Rose,s friend J o isyears ol d.A.fou r B.five C.six D.seven()5.Pet er was su rp rised becau se.A.Rose can writ e a l et t erB.J o can read a l et t erC.Rose said she was writ ing a l et t erD.Rose said J o cou l dn,t read a l et t er阅读理解(二十六)Mr.J ohns went int o his t ea shop again one morning,and sat on one of t he seat sat t he cou nt er(柜 台).Many ot her p eop l e al so came in,bu t most of t hem did notst ay l ong.A ft er fift een minu t es,a you ng man and a you ng woman came in.There wereonl y t wo emp t y seat s at t he cou nt er;one on Mr.J ohns,l eft,and t he ot her on hisright.The you ng man sat on one,and t he you ng woman on t he ot her,bu t Mr.J ohnsimmediat el y(立亥l j)ask ed t o change p l aces wit h him so t hat t he man and t he womancou l d be t oget her.Oh,t hat isn necessary(需要),“t he you ng woman said.B u t Mr.t J ohns insist ed(坚持).When t he you ng man and t he you ng woman were sit t ing sideby side,t he you ng man said t o her,“wel l,t his k ind ol d man want ed u s t o sit t oget her,so may I int rodu ce(介 绍)mysel f?My name s jack.What s you rs?根据短文选择正确答案()1.One morning Mr.Johns came into the tea shop and.A.sat close to the counterB.found no seat for him to sit on because many people came alsoC.seemed to stay longer than a1 the other peopleD.gave his seat to the young man and the young women()2.After the young man and the young woman came in.A.Mr.Johns thought they came too earlyB.Mr.Johns thought they were friends or husband and wifeC.The young man asked Mr.Johns to change placesD.they wanted to be together()3.When the young woman said,“that isn,t necessary.,Mr.J ohns.A.didn,t understand herB.knew well what she meantC.was afraid not to change places with herD.decided to stay a little longer()4.before Mr.Johns met them in the tea shop.A.The young man got to know the young woman outsideB.The young man and the young woman didnt know each otherC.was afraid not to change places with herD.decided to stay a little longer()5.Which of the sentences is true?.A.Mr.Johns came to this tea shop for the first timeB.Most of the people didnt leave the shop until it was closedC.There were no ot her emp t y seat s at t he cou nt er excep t t he t wo beside Mr.J ohnsD.it seemed t hat t he you ng woman want ed t o change p l aces wit h Mr.J ohns.阅读理解(二十七)What is t he sk y?Where is it?H ow high is it?What l ies above?They are difficu l tt o answer,aren t t hey?I s t he sk y bl u e?The sk y has no col or.I s t he sk y fu l l ofair?We k now t hat t here is air arou nd t he worl d.When p l anes fl y,t hey need airt o l ift t heir wings.Pl anes cannot fl y very high becau se when t hey go higher,t heair get s t hinner.I f we go far enou gh from t he eart h,we find t here is no air.Perhap swe can answer some of ou r q u est ions now.What is t he sk y?Not hing.Where is it?I t is al l arou nd t he worl d.The sk y is sp ace(空间).I n t his sp ace t here is not hingbu t t he su n,t he moon and al l t he st ars.根据短文选择正确答案()1.What is t he sk y?A.I t is t he cl ou ds.B.I t is t he whol e worl d.C.I t is sp ace D.I t is air.()2.The sk y.A.is bl u e.B.has no col ou r.C.is col ou rfu lD.is different col ou r at t he different t ime of t he day()3.Pl anes cannot fl y very high becau se.A.t here wil l be l ess and l ess air t o l ift t heir wingsB.t he fl ying machine is not good enou ghC.D.t he p il ot wil l be afraid if he fl ies t oo hight here wil l not be enou gh air for t he p il ot t o breat he)4.I n t he sk y t hereA.is not hingB.is air everywhereC.is t he eart hD.is t he su n,t he moon and al l t he st ars)5.The C hinese for t he u nderl ined word Ving is.A.机 身B.机 翼C.机 头D.机尾阅读理解(二十八)I am Pet er.T can st il l remember my first day at school.I was onl y 6 years ol dat t hat t ime.I t was a very big room.I sat at t he desk beside t he window,bu t Icou l dn,t see anyt hing becau se t he window was high.There was a big map of C hinaon t he wal l and an ol d bl ack board.I don t t hink I was worried or afraid at t hatt ime.There was anot her l it t l e boy next t o me.H e sat t here and k ep t sil ent at first.Then he began t o cry,becau se he didn t want t o st ay t here.More and more st u dent scame in,bu t t he boy didn t st op crying.Mu m,I want t o go home.H e cried againand again.Lat er,t he t eacher came in.She went t o t he l it t l e boy,and said somet hingt o him.1 cou l dn,t hear what she said.Soon t he boy st op p ed crying and began t osmil e.Til l t his day,I st il l don t k now what t he t eacher said t o t he l it t l e boy.选择正确答案()1.H ow ol d was Pet er when he began t o go t o school?A.F ou r.B.F ive.C.Six.D.Seven.()2.Where did Pet er sit in t he cl assroom according t o t he p assage?A.u nder t he big mapC.at t he desk beside t he window()3.The boy who sat nextA.cried at first,and t hen becameB.in t he front of t he cl assroomD.near t he doort o Pet er.sil entB.was al ways sil entC.t al k ed wit h ot hers al l t he t imeD.was sil ent at first,and t hen began t o cry)4.The boy st op p ed crying and began t o smil e aft erA.Pet er gave him a candyB.he saw his mot herC.t he t eacher said somet hing t o himD.more st u dent s came int o t he cl assroom()5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.Peter remembers his first day at school.B.There was a big map of world on the wall of Peters classroom.C.Peter felt neither worried nor afraid at that time.D.Today Peter still doesnt know what the teacher said to the boy.阅读理解(二十九)American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday.There are two termsin a school year;the first term is from September to January,and the second isfrom February to June.Most American children begin to go to school when they arefive years old.Most children are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finishhigh school.High school students take only five or six subjects each term.Theyusually go to the same class every day,and they have homework for every class.After class,they do a lot of interesting things.After high school,many studentsgo to colleges.They usually have to pay a lot of money.So many college studentswork after class to get money for their studies.选择正:确答案()1.In America,summer holidays begin in.A.September B.July C.May D.February()2.When a boy is six years old,he.A.has to stay at home B.can go to high schoolC.is old enough to go to school D.always plays at home()3.In American high school students after class.A.do the homework B.go to workC.play basketball D.do many interesting things()4.In order to(为了),many American college studentswork after class.A.help their parents B.get money for their studiesC.help othersD.learn some useful things()5.Which is right?A.A merican st u dent s u su al l y have a t wo-mont h hol iday.B.A merican st u dent s have t hree t erms in a year.C.A t en-year-ol d chil d u su al l y has six su bject s at school.D.A merican st u dent s don t l ik e t o go t o school.阅读理解(三十)A you ng officer was at a rail way st at ion.On his way home,he want ed t o t el ep honehis mot her t o t el l her t he t ime of his t rain,so t hat she cou l d meet him at t hest at ion in her car.H e l ook ed in al l his p ock et s,bu t fou nd t hat he did not havet he right money for t he t el ep hone,so he went ou t side and l ook ed arou nd for someonet o hel p him.A t l ast an ol d sol dier came by,and t he you ng officer st op p ed him andsaid,“H ave you got change(兑换)for t en p ence?”Wait a moment,n t he ol d sol dieranswered,beginning t o p u t his hand in his p ock et,I 1 1 see whet her I can hel pyou.D on t you k now how t o sp eak t o an officer?,z t he you ng man said angril y.Nowl et s st art again.H ave you got change for t en p ence?”No,sir,t he ol d sol dieranswered q u ick l y.根据短文内容,选择正确答案()1.The you ng officer want ed t o t el ep hone his mot her t o t el l her.A.t hat he was going t o visit herB.when his t rain wou l d l eaveC.when his t rain wou l d arriveD.t hat he was now at t he rail way st at ion()2.H e l ook ed arou nd for hel p becau se he.A.didn,t have coins for he p hone cal lB.had no money t o mak e t he p hone cal lC.didn,t have t he l ocal moneyD.want ed t o change money()3.The ol d sol dier.A.was gl ad t o hel p himB.didn,t k now if he had coinsC.didn t want t o hel p himD.was angry()4.The you ng officer was angry becau se he t hou ght t he ol d sol dierA.didn,t k now how t o sp eak t o himB.didn t want t o hel p himC.didn t answer him correct l yD.was not friendl y t o him()5.The ol d sol dier in t he st ory was.A.cl ever B.st u p id C.p ol it e D.friendl y阅读理解(三十一)A J ane is onl y fou r and doesn t go t o school.B u t she is very cl ever and l earnsa l ot from her grandp a an ol d t eacher.One day,J