(精英班)小脚丫英语高级VIP教程系列-南外小升初模拟高辅练习试卷讲义二(主讲教师: Jason)- 小脚丫英语教研组南京外国语学校外语能力测试时间为90分钟,试卷含8大块,12张试卷,总分150分。40%书本内容,60%课外内容(生词会有中文解释)【生词:该词语无法使该生顺利理解题意和文章大意的词语】Tips:也就是说,其他词考生或许也不认识,试卷中也未给出中文解释,但是不影响该生正常答题。遇到这些单词小脚丫老师认为可以根据上下文,或者上下句甚至是上下段去猜测单词词意,即结合上下文意思去猜测单词。(此类练习,我们将在以后讲义中进行详解)除此之外,小脚丫英语教研组老师分析近10年的南外小升初英语试题,也发现现在试题除了增加趣味性,还在逐步回归课本,贴近生活。这就要求我们的学员们,不能把小学6年课本的知识丢掉,同时还要多关心我们身边发生的事情。关于押题! 近年来南外试题出现的是反押题出卷方式,也就是说,在市面上辅导机构中的冲刺押宝题目往往很难押中,因为南外在出卷时尽量避免出这些题目。这无疑增加了试题的神秘感。小脚丫老师给出建议,希望学员们不要轻信百分之百押中题,应该扎扎实实学习,不能投机取巧,查漏补缺!以不变应万变!本节课我们主要解析一下多元智能题所谓多元智能题,多元就是多个方面,多个角度。也就是说做此类题目大家首先要读懂英文题意,然后运用所学知识(语数外自然等等以及自己的背景知识)。思考问题时,不应该复杂!应该从简单的角度去理解。Make a monkey face puzzle for your friend's birthday. You need: scissors, cardboard, glue, wrapping paper.1.Color the monkey face puzzle. 2. Cut it cut.3.Stick it on the cardboard. 4.Cut along the dotted lines.5.Put the puzzle in the box. 6.Give it to your friend.此题考查,学员们的手工思维中的逻辑顺序。用什么材料,步骤是什么,都要考虑周全,最主要的是理解大意!练习精讲(英数结合、英语智力、语境理解):1. A basketball is 49 yuan. Li Lei has two 20-yuan notes, three 10-yuan notes, two 5-yuan notes, three 2-yuan notes and three 1-yuan notes. How many ways can Li Lei pay 49 yuan?2. I have as many brothers as sisters, but each of my brothers has twice the number of sisters as brothers. How many children in my family?3. One people has three hearts. Whos this?4. How many stars are there in the Chinese national flag? 5. Where did people signed the United States Declaration(宣言) of Independence(独立)?6. We cant eat 、 ,when we are eating breakfast.7. If we throw a red stone into the blue sea, what will happen to this red stone?8. Napoleon(拿破仑)died from which war?9. Read the statements belowThen answer the question10. None of the four Jones brothers is the same heightNo brother is taller than a brother who is olderThe brothers' names are Don,Dan,Dave, and DickDave is taller than Dan and DickDon is older than DaveDan is shorter than DickWhich brother is older than Dan but younger than Dave?_11. Jack finds a good job. He is over the moon about it. Read the sentence and guess the meaning of “over the moon”. (You may answer it in English or Chinese.) 12. The word SEASON is written in code (代码) as 135146. What's the code of word NOSE? 13. Look at the picture!Each of the Strickland brothers has a sister. All together, how many kids are there in the family? 14. The boy's mother often says her son is the best(最好的) boy under the sun. Read the sentence and guess the meaning of “under the sun”. (You may answer it in Chinese.) 15. Which number should come next in the series?1,4,9,16,25A 27 B34 C 36 D 4516.If the day before yesterday is two days after Monday then what day is it today?Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday17.Joe was both 5th highest and 5th lowest in a race. How many people took part in? 8 9 10 1118. Two fathers and two sons are going to take photos. When they see the photo, there are three men on the picture. Why?19. I have many cities but no houses. I have many forests but no trees. I have many rivers but no water. Who I am?20. Four students live on the same road. Max lives 2 miles from the school. Claire lives twice as far away as Max. Jim lives between Max and Sue. Sue lives 1 mile from the school. Who lives farthest from the school?21. You speak English and you live in LondonYou're EnglishNo,I'm notI live in London but I'm from Scotland(苏格兰)I'm ScottishOK,you're not English,you're ScottishSo you are not British(英国人),right?Yes,I am BritishPeople from England,Scotland,Wales(威尔士)and Northern Ireland(北爱尔兰)are all BritishSally is from EnglandIs she English or British?22. Ben, listen to me. It is big news, and it is a secret. So dont let the cat out the bag. OK?Read the dialogue and guess the meaning of “let the cat out the bag”. 23.What kind of table can be eaten?24.Last week at camp, I had lots of fun. Now I want to tell ( )! (1)everyone (2)hours (3)guitar (4)ends25.what animal has no wings yet will fly?26.what is the longest word in the world?第 3 页 共 3 页请各位同学下课时上交此卷 答题卷可以带走