高考英语外刊阅读训练阅读理解:通过“不困住”帮派来遏制枪支暴力【原标题】Curbing gun violence by uncornering gangs【原文】Year after year, the politics of gun violence in the United States has been stuck on what seems to be one binary choice: more gun control versus more mental health care. Meanwhile mass shootings persist at a pace of more than one per day.One American city is trying to avoid that trap.In Syracuse, a city of 425,000 people in upstate New York, the homicide rate is three times the national average. “Were ready to try something new,” proclaimed an editorial on Tuesday on the news site . The city is poised to launch a new gun violence prevention strategy that sees every citizen including those committing violence as agents of change.“I dont want to wait until a young man is behind bars to figure it out,” said pastor Lateef Johnson-Kinsey, director of a new office set up by the mayor last year to reduce gun violence, in a recent radio interview. The city conducted a granular study of gun violence. It found that between 2012 and 2021, homicides rose yearly by an average of 26.5%. It sought input from community violence experts in other cities and used crime data to identify the sources of violence down to specific gang members.The study helped officials understand that gang members believe violence is a salve for their hopelessness, a result of poverty and broken homes. It also helped them recognize why disparate violence prevention initiatives havent worked. Solving gun violence, Mayor Ben Walsh said in his State of the City Address in January, requires a coherent approach. It means fixing blight in neglected neighborhoods and caring for the mental health of police officers.Syracuses strategy centers on two ideas that have proven effective elsewhere, in cities like Boston and Chicago. One is that gang members themselves are vital resources in social healing. The other is to think of redemption as a job. Officials have identified 50 “top brass” shooters in four gangs. Their goal is to enroll these “gentlemen,” as Mr. Johnson-Kinsey calls them, in a program that includes counseling, job training, and better schooling.But with compassion comes expectations. By focusing on the instigators of gang violence, the city hopes to create new role models for their peers. It wants participants to see themselves as government employees whose job is equal parts individual reform and community renewal. The program includes a modest monthly stipend or “scholarship,” as Mr. Johnson-Kinsey calls it.A similar program in Boston describes that approach as a process of being “uncornered” a shift in mindset alike for individuals and communities caught up in gun violence. “Uncornered provides the scaffolding of resources that allow gang members to help themselves and those they love take advantage of new opportunities,” an article in Social Impact Review noted in February. It has “a more universal meaning. Most people would not think of a gang member as a solution, but rather as a problem. In this new way, we are all Uncornered in our thinking.”Syracuse will need time to see if its plans many well-researched elements can work. For a nation caught in a debate about gun violence, the city is only the latest community charting a way out of the mental impasses of division and fear.【重点词汇】1. curb kb v. 控制,抑制;勒住(马) n. 控制,抑制;路缘,马路牙子;(马的跗关节后部因扭伤韧带引起的)硬瘤;curbs;curbs;curbing;curbed;curbed2. gang gæ n. (青少年的)帮派,团伙;犯罪团伙;一群(体力劳动者);一伙(常聚会的朋友);(安装在一起的)一套开关,插座(或其他电气、机械装置) v. 成群,结伙;将(电气设备或机器)连接,编组 【名】 (gang)(英)甘,(法)冈,(罗)甘格(人名);gangs;gangs;ganging;ganged;ganged3. versus vss prep. (比赛或诉讼中)以为对手,与竞争;与相对,与相比4. persist p()sst v. 继续存在,持续;坚持,执意;坚持说,反复说;persists;persisting;persisted;persisted5. proclaim prklem v. (正式)宣告,(公开)声明;强调,声称;(标志或通知)宣传,告知;清楚表明,显示;proclaims;proclaiming;proclaimed;proclaimed6. editorial edtrl adj. 编辑的,主编的;社论的 n. 社论,社评;(报刊的)由编辑撰写的部分,非广告部分;editorials7. site sat n. (建筑的)工地,用地;(某事发生的)地点,现场;(作某种用途的)场所,场地;网站,站点(=website);(身体的某个)部位;(城镇、建筑物或纪念碑的)地基,选址;遗址,原址;(帐篷或大篷车内)歇脚的地方 v. 使坐落在,为.选址;sites;sites;siting;sited;sited8. launch lnt, lnt v. 发动,发起;上市,发行;使(船或舰)下水;发射(武器或宇宙飞船);启动(计算机程序);投出,用力扔出;使投身于(事业等);起飞,出海 n. (航天器的)发射;(产品的)上市;(事件的)发起;汽艇,游艇;(新产品,出版物)发布会,推介会;launches;launches;launching;launched;launched9. strategy strætd n. (尤指为获得某物制定长期的)策略,行动计划;战略,战略学;strategies10. commit kmt v. 犯(罪、错);调拨,投入;(使)承诺,承担义务;郑重承诺,忠于;把关进医院(监狱),监禁;传唤(某人)到法院受审;订婚,决定与(某人)保持长期感情;把托付给;commits;committing;committed;committed11. mayor me n. (英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰由议员选举产生的)镇长,市长;(美国、加拿大等国家公众选举的)市长 【名】 (mayor)(英)梅厄,(法、西、俄)马约尔(人名);mayors12. yearly jl adj. 一年一次的,每年的;年度的,一年的 adv. 一年一次地,每年地 n. 年刊,年鉴;yearlies13. input nput n. 投入,输进;输入的信息;(为帮助某人做出决定而提供的)建议,意见;讯息输入端;(输入机器供其使用的)电力 v. 输入(信息);inputs;inputs;inputting;input;inputted;input;inputted14. identify adentfa v. 认出,识别;查明,确认;发现;证明(身份),表明;认同,理解;认为和一致;和(某人)打成一片;identifies;identifying;identified;identified15. source ss n. 来源,出处;(问题的)原因,根源;消息人士,信息来源;河流源头,发源地;源(代)码;(电子)源极,电源;(技)源 v. (从某地)获得;找出的来源 【名】 (source)(法)苏尔斯(人名);sources;sources;sourcing;sourced;sourced16. poverty pvt n. 贫穷,贫困;贫乏,低劣;个人财产权的放弃(作为宗教誓约的一部分)17. initiative ntv n. 措施,倡议;主动性,积极性;主动权;(美国某些州的)公民立法提案程序;initiatives18. coherent khrnt adj. 有条理的,连贯的;说话条理清晰的,易于理解的;团结一致的,凝聚的;(波)相干的,相参的;黏着的,黏连的19. neglect nglekt v. 疏于照顾,未予看管;不予重视,忽视;漏做 n. 忽略,忽视,未被重视;neglects;neglecting;neglected;neglected20. neighborhood nebhud n. 附近;街坊;接近;街区;neighborhoods21. effective fektv adj. 产生预期结果的,有效的;实际的,事实上的;(法律、规则等)生效的,起作用的;给人深刻印象的 n. 实际可作战的士兵;effectives22. elsewhere elswe adv. 在别处,去别处 pron. 别处,别的地方23. vital vatl adj. 至关重要的,必不可少的;生机勃勃的,充满活力的;生命的,维持生命所必需的 n. 身体的重要内脏,维持生命的重要器官(vitals) 【名】 (vital)维塔尔(人名);vitals24. resource rss n. 自然资源;资源(指钱、物、人等);有助于实现目标的东西,资料;(对付困境所需的)个人素质(resources);(逆境中的)出路,应付办法;谋略,智谋 v. 向提供资金(或设备);resources;resources;resourcing;resourced;resourced25. heal hl v. 痊愈,康复;(感情创伤)愈合,(情感)恢复常态;(使)(裂痕、创伤)弥合,(使)和好;止息(争斗),调停;修复(对土地的破坏);减轻(痛苦);heals;healing;healed;healed26. brass brs n. 黄铜;铜管乐器;黄铜器,黄铜饰品;高级官员,高级军官;钱 【名】 (brass)(英、法、德)布拉斯(人名);brasses27. enroll nrl vt. 登记;使加入;把记入名册;使入伍 vi. 参加;登记;注册;记入名册;enrolls;enrolling;enrolled;enrolled28. counsel kansl n. 忠告,建议;辩护律师;咨询,磋商 v. 建议,劝告(做);为提供咨询,给提供建议;商讨,提出忠告;counsels;counsel;counsels;counselling;counseling;counselled;counseled;counselled;counseled29. compassion kmpæn n. 同情,怜悯30. expectation ekspekten n. 期待,预期;期望,指望;expectations31. peer p n. 同龄人,同等地位的人,相匹敌的人;(英国)贵族 v. 凝视,费力地看;隐现;看见;匹敌 【名】 (peer)(美、爱、英)皮尔(人名);peers;peers;peering;peered;peered32. participant ptspnt n. 参加者,参与者 adj. 参与的;participants33. employee empl, mpl n. 雇员;employees34. monthly mnl adj. 每月的,每月一次的;按月支付的,按月计算的;(票、通行证等)有效期为一个月的 n. 月刊 adv. 每个月,每月一次;monthlies35. shift ft v. (使)移动,(使)转移;(使)转换到(另一个人或另一事物);(使)改变意见(或信仰等);赶快;换(挡);(计算机)移位;按(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;摆脱,消除;(尤指大量)销售,出售;狼吞虎咽地吃;含糊其辞,拐弯抹角 n. 改变,转变;轮班工作时间;轮班工作的人;(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;(计算机)移位;(机动车的)换挡装置;宽松直筒连衣裙(=shift dress);长而宽松的内衣;(建筑)错位;(美橄)(开赛前)球员位置的变换;(天文)(光谱线的)偏移;语音演变(soun. shift 的简称);计谋,诡计;shifts;shifts;shifting;shifted;shifted36. opportunity ptjunt n. 时机,机会;opportunities37. impact mpækt n. 撞击,冲击力;巨大影响,强大作用 v. 冲击,撞击;挤入,压紧;(对)产生影响38. element elmnt n. 基本部分,要素;元素;有点,少量;一群人;恶劣天气(the elements);基本原理;适宜的环境;电热元件,电热丝;(基督教圣餐中的)面包和酒;电热元件,电热丝(基督教圣餐中的)面包和酒 【名】 (element)(英)埃利门特,(德)埃勒门特(人名);elements39. division dvn n. 分开,分配;除法;部门;分歧,不和;分界线;(军队编制中的)师;(英国议会的)分组表决;(足球等体育运动中联赛的)级;divisions【阅读理解练习题】1. What is the homicide rate in Syracuse compared to the national average? A. Two times higher.B. Three times higher. C. Four times higher. D. Five times higher. 答案:B。 中文解析见文章第二段。 2. According to the article, what was one of the reasons for gang violence in Syracuse? A. Mental illness.B. Gang members' hopelessness due to poverty and broken homes.C. Lack of gun control.D. Police brutality.答案:B。中文解析见文章第四段。3. What is the goal of Syracuse's new gun violence prevention strategy? A. Implement more gun control laws.B. Provide more mental health care services.C. Enroll gang members in a program that includes counseling, job training, and better schooling. D. Create new role models for young people in Syracuse.答案:C。中文解析见文章第六段。4. What is "Uncornered" in Boston's program mentioned in the article? A. A process of being "uncornered" - a shift in mindset alike for individuals and communities caught up in gun violence.B. A way to corner gang members to prevent them from committing crimes. C. A program that provides counseling and mental health services to gang members.D. A program that enrolls gang members in vocational schools.答案:A。中文解析见文章第七段。5. What does Syracuse's strategy expect of its participants? A. To see themselves as government employees whose job is community renewal.B. To focus on individual reform, but not community renewal.C. To take advantage of new opportunities and improve their lives.D. All of the above. 答案:D。中文解析见文章倒数第二段。【长难句分析】Uncornered provides the scaffolding of resources that allow gang members to help themselves and those they love take advantage of new opportunities.主句由and进行并列:前者是主谓宾结构(Uncornered provides the scaffolding of resources),that allow gang members to help themselves是定语从句。后者是主谓宾结构(those take advantage of new opportunities),they love是省略that的定语从句,to help themselves是不定式作宾语补足语。不困住提供了资源,让帮派成员可以帮助自己,让他们所爱的人利用新的机会。【语言点积累】学习binary的用法。这个词作形容词,表示consisting of two parts,由两部分组成的;二元的;双重的,例:a binary star system,双星系。the binary system表示a system of counting, used in computers, in which only the numbers 0 and 1 are used,计算机运算系统二进制。【全文翻译】Year after year, the politics of gun violence in the United States has been stuck on what seems to be one binary choice: more gun control versus more mental health care. Meanwhile mass shootings persist at a pace of more than one per day.年复一年,美国的枪支暴力政治似乎一直停留在一个二元选择上:更多的枪支控制和更多的心理健康护理。与此同时,大规模枪击事件以每天超过一次的速度持续发生。One American city is trying to avoid that trap.一个美国城市正试图避开这个陷阱。In Syracuse, a city of 425,000 people in upstate New York, the homicide rate is three times the national average. “Were ready to try something new,” proclaimed an editorial on Tuesday on the news site . The city is poised to launch a new gun violence prevention strategy that sees every citizen including those committing violence as agents of change.在纽约州北部拥有42.5万人口的锡拉丘兹市,谋杀率是全国平均水平的三倍。周二,新闻网站上的一篇社论宣称:“我们准备尝试一些新的东西。”该市准备推出一项新的枪支暴力预防战略,将每个公民包括那些实施暴力的人视为变革的推动者。“I dont want to wait until a young man is behind bars to figure it out,” said pastor Lateef Johnson-Kinsey, director of a new office set up by the mayor last year to reduce gun violence, in a recent radio interview.“我不想等到一个年轻人入狱后才想办法,”拉特夫·约翰逊·金赛牧师在最近的一次电台采访中说。他是市长去年为减少枪支暴力而设立的一个新办公室的主任。The city conducted a granular study of gun violence. It found that between 2012 and 2021, homicides rose yearly by an average of 26.5%. It sought input from community violence experts in other cities and used crime data to identify the sources of violence down to specific gang members.该市对枪支暴力进行了细致的研究。它发现,在2012年至2021年间,凶杀案平均每年上升26.5%。它寻求其他城市的社区暴力专家的意见,并利用犯罪数据来确定特定帮派成员的暴力来源。The study helped officials understand that gang members believe violence is a salve for their hopelessness, a result of poverty and broken homes. It also helped them recognize why disparate violence prevention initiatives havent worked. Solving gun violence, Mayor Ben Walsh said in his State of the City Address in January, requires a coherent approach. It means fixing blight in neglected neighborhoods and caring for the mental health of police officers.这项研究帮助官员们理解,帮派成员认为暴力是他们绝望的慰藉,这是贫困和破碎家庭的结果。这也帮助他们认识到为什么不同的暴力预防举措没有奏效。市长本·沃尔什在1月份的国情咨文中表示,解决枪支暴力问题需要一种连贯的方法。这意味着修复被忽视的社区的枯萎病,并照顾警察的心理健康。Syracuses strategy centers on two ideas that have proven effective elsewhere, in cities like Boston and Chicago. One is that gang members themselves are vital resources in social healing. The other is to think of redemption as a job. Officials have identified 50 “top brass” shooters in four gangs. Their goal is to enroll these “gentlemen,” as Mr. Johnson-Kinsey calls them, in a program that includes counseling, job training, and better schooling.雪城的战略以两个在波士顿和芝加哥等城市被证明有效的想法为中心。一个是帮派成员本身是社会康复的重要资源。另一种是将救赎视为一种工作。官方已经确认了四个帮派中的50名“高层”枪手。他们的目标是让这些约翰逊-金赛先生称之为“绅士”的人参加一个包括咨询、职业培训和更好的教育在内的项目。But with compassion comes expectations. By focusing on the instigators of gang violence, the city hopes to create new role models for their peers. It wants participants to see themselves as government employees whose job is equal parts individual reform and community renewal. The program includes a modest monthly stipend or “scholarship,” as Mr. Johnson-Kinsey calls it.但伴随着同情而来的是期望。通过关注帮派暴力的煽动者,该市希望为他们的同龄人创造新的榜样。它希望参与者将自己视为政府雇员,他们的工作是个人改革和社区复兴。该项目包括每月适度的津贴约翰逊-金赛先生称之为“奖学金”。A similar program in Boston describes that approach as a process of being “uncornered” a shift in mindset alike for individuals and communities caught up in gun violence. “Uncornered provides the scaffolding of resources that allow gang members to help themselves and those they love take advantage of new opportunities,” an article in Social Impact Review noted in February. It has “a more universal meaning. Most people would not think of a gang member as a solution, but rather as a problem. In this new way, we are all Uncornered in our thinking.”波士顿的一个类似项目将这种方法描述为一个“被忽视”的过程对于陷入枪支暴力的个人和社区来说,这是一种心态的转变。社会影响评论2月的一篇文章指出:“Uncorned提供了资源的脚手架,让帮派成员能够帮助自己和他们所爱的人利用新的机会。”。它具有“更普遍的意义。大多数人不会认为帮派成员是一个解决方案,而是一个问题。以这种新的方式,我们的思维都是不和谐的。”Syracuse will need time to see if its plans many well-researched elements can work. For a nation caught in a debate about gun violence, the city is only the latest community charting a way out of the mental impasses of division and fear.雪城需要时间来看看其计划中许多经过充分研究的元素是否可行。对于一个陷入枪支暴力辩论的国家来说,这座城市只是最新一个走出分裂和恐惧心理困境的社区。学科网(北京)股份有限公司