Z20读后续写个人成长类--卷发也可以自信 讲义 高考英语专题复习.docx
Z20第三次联考读后续写第二节:读后续写(满分25分)阅读下面的材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。"SAI BABA! Sai Baba! Sai Baba! Hahahaha!""Today is Shimla's big day! We have a celebrity visiting our city! Hahahaha!" Rani's cheeks burned with embarrassment and tears stung her eyes as she elbowed her way to the exit through the crowd of teasing boys in the packed school bus. It wasn't the first time she'd been called Sai Baba, after the famous Hindu holy man (印度圣人)she'd seen on TV with his trademark afro (爆炸式卷发)towering over his head.(公交车上场景描写:Rani因为爆炸头而被嘲笑成拥有相同发型的印度圣人,Rani尴尬难受cheeks burned with embarrassment and tears stung her eyes as she elbowed her way to)协同点:在第二段中“爸爸”安慰Rani的时候可以借用Sai Baba作为精神领袖的伟大力量,让Rani知道一头卷发并非会让她感到难堪。But this time had to be the worst. Rani jumped off the school bus, angry thoughts hovering inside Rani's head as she marched home in the drizzling rain. Why did her hair have to curl like a giant cotton candy balloon just when she wanted it to behave? Why, why, why, fumed(愤怒地说) Rani as she turned the back door key.(一系列的动作描写和情绪描写描述了Rani愤怒冒雨回家的场景,尤其是三个why体现了Rani当时对自己卷发的厌恶)协同点:这一段中的环境与后文可以协同,放学回家时下着毛毛雨,续写第一段中一个人藏着的时候会因为天气而有心理上的影响;续写第二段中可以对应人的情绪雨过天晴,当然,这是已经是挂满水珠的青草,使人精神振作。本段中的比喻、动作描写和重复都是后文续写时的语言协同点,"Rani, is that you?" Mama called from the family room. Suddenly Rani's cousins, Amit and Sumit, came charging toward her. "How many eggs does Rani have in that nest on her head?" screamed Amit. "Let me get that wig(假发)off Rani's head! shouted Sumit. (cousin关注Rani的卷发并开她玩笑的场景运用了直接引语的叙述方式,更加生动)Before she could think, Rani had fled out the door and went back up the road she'd walked down minutes before. Halfway up, she slid unseen behind a green curtain of bamboo. Tearing through the wild growth, she made her way down a narrow mud path into a clearing (空地)She threw her schoolbag on the ground and breathed hard. (被cousin们玩笑后Rani的愤怒场景的描写主要是通过动作来表达,如fled out, slid unseen, tear through, threw, breathed hard等)协同点:这一段中的直接引语和动作描写作为语言协同。地点和环境的协同。"I hate my hair!" she cried. Collapsing on her schoolbag, she bitterly remembered the time she'd spent trying to smooth her hair in vain. Before long, she fell into a fitful sleep.(这一头卷发给Rani带来的痛快与无奈)"RANI! RAA-AANI!”Rani woke up to Mama's calls. She sounded anxious. "I'll never go home," she promised herself darkly. Mama let Amit and Sumit make fun of me. Papa would never have done that. He would listen to me and stand by my side. The minutes wore on. Alone in her secret hideout, Rani watched the shadow of Mama get longer and begin to disappear as dusk fell.(妈妈寻找Rani以及Rani下定决心不回家的场景描写,引出了一个重要人物父亲,从这段的描写可以看出Rani对父亲是非常信任的,因为父亲从来没有让别人取笑她,也一直是她忠实的听众,支持她,所以下文要解决矛盾的关键人物肯定是父亲)协同点:续写第一段中妈妈已经回家,出现的肯定是矛盾解决者父亲。根据对父亲的描写可以作为续写第二段中父亲安慰Rani的语言协同和态度协同。注意:1续写词数应为 150 左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragraph 1:Suddenly, leaves rustling, someone or something was making its way into the clearing._Paragraph 2:The next moment Papa was sitting beside her._范文赏析:Suddenly, leaves rustling, someone or something was making its way into the clearing, Rani froze. She knew about the dangerous animals the foxes and snakes and even man-eater leopards-that lurked in the lush jungles. A shiver went down her spine. Hugging herself close, she crouched lower, not daring to move a muscle. Tiny night bugs bit into her soft flesh and hunger pangs wracked her belly. Rani was tortured by such a disastrous day! She held her breath as the rustling grew louder, her eves scanning the bushes frantically. Suddenly, the thick leaves parted, and a dark form stepped into the clearing Rani's heart leaping with fear. she opened her mouth to scream第一段将野外这一环境一一危除动物、小虫子、树叶等的描写和 Rani晚上饿着肚子独自一人在野外的紧张害怕的心理结合在一起,富画面感。在心理描写时通过对人物的动作描写如 hugging herself close,crouched lower, not daring to move a muscle, held her breath, her eyes scanning the bushes frantically, opened her mouth to scream 等都展现了她紧张与害怕。The next moment Papa was sitting beside her:. Relief and joy flooded through Rani. She flung her arms around Papa and clung to him. "Rani! What's wrong? a visibly relieved Papa asked. Rani hesitated at first. but then broke down in tears. “hate my hair!” She poured out everything about teasing.“And that's not all " Rani sobbed. “Mama even let Amit and Sumit getaway with it” Papa sighed, stroked her disheveled hair and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. “T know it's tough being teased by those kids, but you can't let it get to you. Look, you are beautiful just the way you are Papa said soothingly. Together, the sat in silence for a while. until Ranis tears dried up and she felt ready to face the world again.第二段通过直接引语和动作描写 Rani 见到父亲后的喜悦并且倾诉自己的委屈。父亲协同前文,安慰、聆听、陪伴。帮助 Rani 实现自我成长。语言素材:1. Rani's cheeks burned with embarrassment and tears stung her eves as she elbowed her way to the exit through the crowd of teasing boys in the packed school bus.拉尼在拥挤的校车里挤过一群嬉闹的男孩,挤到出口处,尴尬得脸颊发烫,泪水刺痛了她的眼睛。2.It wasn't the first time she'd been called Sai Baba after the famous Hindu holy man she'd seen on TV with his trademark Afro towering over his head.这不是她第一次被称为赛巴巴了,这是她在电视上看到的一个著名的印度圣人,他标志性的非洲式发型爆炸头上。3. Rani jumped off the school bus. angry thoughts hovering inside Rani's head as she marched home in the drizzling ran.拉尼跳下校车,在细雨中回家时,愤怒的想法在拉尼的脑海里盘旋。4. Why did her hair have to curl like a giant cotton candy balloon just when she wanted it to behave?为什么她的头发要像一个巨大的棉花糖气球一样卷起来,就在她想要它听话的时候?5. Suddenly Rani's cousins, Amit and Sumit, came charging toward her.突然,拉妮的表兄弟,阿米特和苏米特,向她冲了过来。6. Tearing through the wild growth. she made her way down a narrow mud path into a clearing, She threw her schoolbag onthe ground and breathed hard.她穿过荒地,沿着一条狭窄的泥路来到一块空地上。她把书包扔在地上,喘着粗气。7. Collapsing on her schoolbag, she bitterly remembered the time she'd spent trying to smooth her hair in vain. Before long she fell into a fitful sleep.她瘫倒在书包上,痛苦地回忆起自己花了多少时间想要抚平头发,却徒劳无功。没过多久,她就断断续续地睡着了。8. The minutes wore on Alone in her secret hideout, Rani watched the shadow of Mama get longer and begin to disappear as dusk fell.时间一分一秒地过去。独自一人在她的秘密藏身处,拉尼看着妈妈的影子越来越长,黄昏降临时开始消失.学科网(北京)股份有限公司