英 语 阅 读 理 解 方 法 精 髓 黄 金 分 割 系 列 燕 逍 遥 一.比 较(可 跳 过)市 面 上、老 师 口,所 谓 英 语 阅 读 理 解 方 法 不 外 三 种:1.先 看 文 章 后 看 问 题,先 看 问 题 后 看 文 章。前 者 相 信 是 大 多 数 人 的 选 择,即 便 认 为 没 有 后 者 效 率 高 一 一 因 为 不 能 在 看 了 问 题 后 在 看 文 章 时 把 之 记 脑。2.从 阅 读 的 题 型 考 法 介 绍 入 手。可 以,也 需 要,但 是 片 面 的。3.每 个 星 期 或 每 个 单 元 Keep做 一 定 量 的 题。一 般 都 可 受 到 不 差 的 成 效,勤 奋 嘛,一 般 都 可 补 拙,精 神 可 嘉,但 可 以 节 省 的。二、中 心 1.阅 读 法:先 看 问 题,只 看 一 问(必 需 认 清 乃 细 节 类,全 文 理 解 类 跳 开,最 后 才 做),随 即 进 入 正 文 阅 读(戴 问 人 文),0K后,从 文 章 阅 读 转 回 问 题 阅 读,同 样 只 看 一 个 细 节 类(一 般 占 不 少 于 60%,且 费 时 最 多)问 题,中 心 阅 读 法”的 解 释(可 跳):1.出 题 者 的 出 细 节 题 顺 序 绝 大 多 数 是 行 文 顺 序 2.题 目 如 果 要 出 难,上 文 的 细 节 题 要 联 系 下 文,甚 至 推 理,于 是 搁 者 的 细 节 题 会 一 直 到 全 文 看 完,没 关 系,反 正 这 类 题 只 会 是 最 后 1或 2题 的 细 节,前 面 都 干 掉 不 少,而 且 反 正 这 类 题 都 得 看 完 全 文。2.题 型:起 标 题 一 一 抓 主 要 内 容,慎 防 主 题 或 倡 导 的 诱 惑 释 字 意 一 一(你 认 识 这 单 词,恭 喜 你 的 博 学,但)只 能 用 文 章 中 的 意 思(比 喻 义 或 引 申 义 或 原 义)推 断(in f e r)只 可 推 出,不 能 在 中 找 出 数 字 计 算 文 章 中 英 文 数 字 和 阿 拉 伯 数 字 的 混 合,选 项 的 1945 和 1954选 对 错 一 一 提 醒 一 下,文 中 似 乎(或“似 乎”)没 提 到 的,用 排 除 法(答 案 可 能 认 为 对、或 不 对,虽 多 为 后 者,小 心 为 妙)所 出 文 章 一 一 很 长 者 一 般 不 需 要 思 考,可 速 决;很 短 者 一 般 要 想 死 人,十 分 精 读 三、练 习(为 保 证 质 量 和 满 足 练 习 的 读 者 广 泛 性,采 用 江 苏 名 校 的 高 二 上 学 期 期 末 试 卷 和 97年 高 考 阅 读 理 解 试 题)平 均 每 篇 应 自 少 少 于 6 分 钟,4 5 分 钟 为 佳,正 确 率 应 达 到 80%100%。忠 告:1.方 法 应 变 成 习 惯(否 则 考 场 之 上 到 处 方 法 堆 砌,那 记 得 起!),标 志 是 自 感 流 畅,巅 峰 是 感 觉 如 此 做 是 理 所 当 然,2.但 习 惯 也 会 生 疏,必 要 时 要 加 强 3.事 物 是 不 断 运 动,变 化 发 展 的,我 们 要 用 发 展 的 眼 光 看 问 题,应 如 实 地 把 方 法 向 习 惯 过 渡 看 成 一 个 过 程,明 确 我 们 练 习 在 发 展 过 程 中 所 处 阶 段 和 地 位 四、阅 读 理 解:(25%)(A)HONG KONG-The Walt Disney Company might build a second themepark in China.But top executives have argued a report that Disney wants to buildanother one in Beijing in time for the 2008 Olympics.Disney has plans to build a Hong Kong park that is scheduled to open in 2005or 2006.“Our job is to make the Hong Kong Disneyland work and be successful.,9Disney chairman and chief executive Michael Eisner said.He said the company mightlater build a second park in China,though he would not say where.Tm suresomeday there will be a possibility to build another Disney theme park that would begeographically so distant from Hong Kong that they will not compete.When Disney was in talks with Hong Kong about building the park here,officials in Shanghai made it clear they would rather have the park.Disney executivessaid they were concerned about border controls that could slow visitors from theChinese mainland who want to come to the Hong Kong theme park.They also saidthey had raised the issue with Hong Kong and Beijing.Although Hong Kong wasreturned from Britain to China four years ago,strict border controls remain in placebetween the capitalist territory and the mainland.56)This passage is a.a.newspaper report b.magazine advertisementc.short story d.talk57)From the first paragraph,we can get the following information e x c e p t.a.The Walt Disney Company has decided to build a theme park in Chinab.It is possible that they will build a second one in Chinac.The second theme park will be built in Beijingd.The 2008 Olympics will be held in Beijing58)The Hong Kong Disneyland i s.a.not open yet b.successfulc.working well d.distant59)The underlined word“the issue”in paragraph 3 probably refers t o.a.Disney was in talk with Hong Kong about building the park thereb.Disney might later build a second park in Chinac.Border controls that could slow down visitors from the Chinese mainland whowant to come to the Hong Kong theme parkd.Shanghai made it clear they would have a theme park60)Which of the following Disney parks is being built?a.Disney World b.Beijing Disneyc.Disneyland Paris d.Hong Kong Disney theme park(B)How do American babies get their names when they are bom?Wed better know the formation of American names before we answer thisquestion.A native American may have his name in two or three parts.Ronald Reagan,the 40lh President of the United States,had his name in two parts.Franklin DelanoRoosevelt,the 32nd President,had his name in three parts.The first part is the givenname,or the first name.The second part is the middle name or middle names,asDelano in Franklin Delano Roosevelt.The last part is the family name,surname or thelast name,as Reagan in Ronald Reagan.How does an American baby get his given name?Generally,when anAmerican baby is born,the parents may pick up a name from a name book,or think ofa name they like,and give it to the baby as the given name.Sometimes,the givenname means something.If a girl babys given name is Alice,then she is hoped to benoble or cheerful,because Alice means noble and of good cheer.If the parents givetheir daughter Linda as the first name,then the parents hope their daughter to bepretty or beautiful,because it means that.If a boys given name is David,then hecould be his parents9 beloved one,because David means a beloved person.Butsometimes,the given name is just a given name,and it doesnt mean anything.Inanother case、parents can give their baby the given name according to their hobby ordesire.Then how do American babies get their middle names?We must take peoplesrelationship into consideration when we answer this question.If the parents respect orhope to remember the grandparent,then they give their baby a middle name after thegrandmother or grandfather.If the parents have a very close friend,they may picktheir baby a middle name after their friend.Some parents name their baby afterthemselves.Some even give the baby a middle name according to a famous person.So ababy may have one or two or even more middle names if the parents wish.A baby gets his family name after his father family name.If the fathersfamily name is Smith,then the babys family name will be Smith,too.61)The underlined phrase“in another case”m e a n s.a.for another example b.on the contrary c.in addition d.in case62)From the name“Linda Sm ith we know t h a t.a.Its a girlb.Her parents9 names are Smith.c.Her parents want her to be pretty or beautifuld.All the above63)Which of the following sentences shows the main idea of this passage?a.How do American babies get their names when they are bom?b.Wed better know the formation of American names.c.Sometimes the given name doesnt mean anything.d.Parents give their baby the given name according to their hobby or desire.64)In the American name“Franklin Delano Roosevelt”,Roosevelt“is t h e.Which is wrong?a.family name b.surname c.last name d.given name65)Which of the following is true about American names?a.Each American name has 3 parts:the first name,the middle name and the lastname.b.A babys given name is usually the same as his/her grandparent.c.Parents may pick up a name for the baby after their friend has found one.d.A baby may have 2 or 3 middle names.(C)Jimmy Carter the politician is known around the world.Only recently has Jimmy Carter thepoet gone public.The former president has written a book of poems.Its called“Always areckoning.Carter has written poetry since high school.About five years ago,he began towrite seriously.went public in a very cautious way,“he says.He began by sending poemsto magazines.The poems were accepted.Then he decided to put together a book.His poemsmainly deal with everyday subjects.Many are set in his hometown,Plains,Georgia.Carterwrites about selling peanuts,trout fishing,and neighbors.One poem talks about his feelingsfor his father.Carter says he learns more about himself through writing poems than throughother writing.He also finds poetry to be a mind expander.66)The story is a b o u t.a.one person called Jimmy Carterb.2 people:Jimmy Carter the politician and a poet also called Jimmy Carterc.3 people:Jimmy Carter,a politician,and a poetd.4 people:Jimmy Carter,the former president,a politician and a poet67)The word“trout“in line 7 m e a n s.a.fishing b.fish c.happy d.river68)The last sentence“He also finds poetry to be a mind expander,m e a n s.a.He thinks more widely since he started to write poemsb.Poetry is good for the health of ones brainc.Writing poems is a good way to thinkd.He learns more about himself through writing poems69)Which of the following is not true about Jimmy Carter?a.politician b.poet c.homesick d.well-known70)What is true about Jimmy Carters poems?a.They expand his mind.b.They are about everyday subjects.c.They are mostly set in Georgia.d.All the above.(D)You can use your Business Telecard International at any card phone in the UK.Here is someinformation about making international phone calls.You can now phone almost any country in the world,although in some casesyou can only call major cities.When you cannot make direct dialing calls,you canask the international operator to help you.This is more expensive and takes more time,but it may be helpful if you want to speak to a particular person and no one else;inthis case you should ask for a“person-to-person call.Even more expensive is areverse charge call where the person who receives the call pays.If the international line is busy,you can reserve a call;explain the number you want and theoperator will call you back when the line is free.You can save money by calling outside office hours,e.g.early in the morning,late at night,and on Sundays.Remember that the time may be different in the country you are calling.International time is based on GMT(Greenwich Mean Time);London is on GMT andMoscow,for example,is 3 hours ahead.There is one problem:change to DST(Daylight Saving Time)fbr the Summer.In the UK,clocks are put forward one hour in Spring and put back in Autumn,and soLondon is actually one hour ahead of GMT in the Summer.You can use your Business Telecard International fbr domestic calls as well,but there will be an additional charge over the standard rate.71)What is a reverse charge call”?a.An international call.b.A very expensive call.c.A call fbr which the person who receives the call pays.d.A call to major cities.72)What is the most expensive type of call?a.direct dial.b.through the operator.c.reverse charge call.d.calling outside office hours.73)According to the passage,what can you do if the international line is busy?a.book a call.b.make a“person-to-person call.c.call back outside office hours.d.give up.74)When is it cheaper to make an international call?a.10 a.m.b.4 p.m.c.1 1 p.m.d.3 hours ahead of GMT.75)How many hours is Moscow ahead of London during the summer?a.1 b.2 c.3 d.4(E)Ali put the 10 bags in a row and took out one stone from the first bag,twostones from the second bag,three stones from the third,etc.He therefore had 55stones altogether.If all stones weighed 1 gram,the total weight would be 55 grams.But he knew the real diamonds only weighed 0.8 grams each,0.2 grams lighter thanall other stones.So if the total weight was 54.8 grams,he could easily tell that thestone from the first bag was the real diamond.If the total weight was 54.6 grams,thestones from the second bag were the real diamonds.And if the total weight was 54grams,no doubt the stones from the fifth bag were real diamonds.In this way hecould find the bag containing real diamonds with no trouble at all.Ali the thief had managed to break into the Sultans treasure room.He waslooking fbr a bag containing 1250 diamonds,each weighing 0.8 grams.Unfortunately,the Sultan had filled nine other bags with imitation diamonds.There were 1000imitation diamonds in each bag,each one weighing 1 gram.So all 10 bags weighedexactly 1000 grams and all the bags looked exactly alike.Just as Ali was wondering,the Sultan came into the room with his guards.The Sultan arrested Ali but did not killhim immediately.He gave Ali a chance to save his life.This is what the Sultan said toAli:If you can find the bag containing the real diamonds by using these scales(秤)just once,you may keep the diamonds.If not,you will be killed.You can take thestones from any of the bags and put them in other bags if you wish.But you can onlyweigh once on the scales.76)Who was Ali?a.A servant of Sultan.b.A thief.c.A weigher.d.A diamond-lover.77)The Sultan was A l i s.a.friend b.king c.neighbor d.master78)What arc“imitation diamonds”?a.Rocks.b.Precious stones.c.Stones which look like diamonds.d.Diamonds.79)Now suppose the total weight of the 55 stones was 53 grams,which bag containsthe real diamonds?a.The fourth.b.The sixth.c.The eighth.d.The tenth.80)What happened to Ali in the end?a.He was killed.b.He left alive with all the diamonds.c.He was kept in the treasure room.d.He shared the diamonds with the Sultan.答 案:56 6061 65AC B76 80AC AC DAD A D DB B C D B66 70 AB A C D 71 75 CC9 7年 高 考 阅 读 理 解 试 题 三、阅 读 理 解(共 2 5小 题。A 节 每 小 题 2 分,B 节 每 小 题 1分;满 分 4 5分)A)阅 读 下 列 短 文,从 每 题 所 给 的 四 个 选 项 中,选 出 最 佳 答 案。AJINTAN,JIANGSU:The 20 students _ 18 boys and 2 girls-had a thousand reasons to beproud of themselves.They had just climbed their way to the top rung(阶 梯)out of 4 millionstudents taking part in the Fifth National Hua Luogeng Gold Cup Mathematics Contest(竞 赛)onTuesday evening.The 20 gold medal winners are all primary and middle school students under the age of 14.Many of the problems are of college level and these pupils can figure them out.It is justunbelievable!9 said a teacher from Guangdong province.Named after Chinas most famous mathematician,Hua Luogeng,the contest started in 1986,one year after his death.In less than 10 years,it has been recognised by the State EducationCommission(国 家 教 委)as the countrys biggest and best contest of its kind.51、This news story is mainly a b o u t.A.when the contest startedB.how the contest got its nameC.the 20 pupils who have won gold medals in the contestD.the 5th National Hua Luogeng Gold Cup Mathematics Contest52 This news story most probably appeared in a newspaper i n.A.1986 B.1987 C.1995 D.199753、It can be inferred from the text that the teacher from Guangdong p r o v i n c e.A.felt proud of the gold medal winnersB,wondered if the students were honestC.thought that the problems were too difficult for the studentsD believed that the twenty winners could go to study at university54、The underlined phrase figure ouf in the text m e a n s.A.work out B.add up C.guess D.studyBIn the 1930s,a lot of people in the USA were out of work.Among these people was a mannamed Alfred Butts.He always had an interest in word games and so,to fill his time,he planned agame which he called 4Lexico However,he was not completely satisfied with the game,so hemade a number of changes to it and,in time,changed its name from Lexicon to Alph and thento Criss Cross.He wanted to make some money from his new game but he didnt have any realcommercial(商 业 性 的)success.In 1939,Butts happened to meet a man called Jim Brunot who showed an interest in the newgame.The two men worked together on developing the game and in 1948 it was offered for sale inthe United States under its new n am e-Scrabble.At first,it didnt sell very well.In the first year it sold just 2,250 sets and by 1951 it had onlyreached 8,500 sets a year.Then,in 1952 the manager of Macys department store in New York,Jack Strauss,happenedto play Scrabble while he was on holiday.He thought it was a wonderful g