知识点,阅读理解(一)(2009甘肃兰州)Are you looking for something fun and would you like to help others in your spare time?Then join us to be a volunteer!Were a non-profit(赢利的)organization.We have volunteer jobsof all ages.Anyone,from twelve-year-old children to people in their seventies can become avolunteer.You can help people in many ways.Schools need help with taking care of children whileparents are working.Hospitals need volunteers to look after children while their parents are seeinga doctor.Animal lovers can help take care of those dogs and cats without homes.There issomething for everyone.“As a volunteer,I dont want to get anything.Seeing the childrens happy faces,Tm happy,too.Said Carlos Domingo,an old woman of 62.“I often played computer games in my sparetime before.Now I help older people learn how to use computers.said another volunteer at theage of 18.If everyone helps out a bit,well have a better world to live in.Interested?Call us1-800-555-5756 or visit our website:.1 .When do the volunteers help others?A.In their spare time.B.At weekends C.On weekdays.D.In theevenings.2.can be a volunteer.A.Children B.Old women C.Anyone aged 12-70 D.Young people3.Volunteers want to get when they help others.A.money B.computers C.every thing D.nothing4.Carlos Domingo does volunteer work wi t h.A.animals B.children C.computers D.older people5.We can read such a p a s s a g e.A.in a newspaper B.in a storybook【答案】1-5 ACDBAC.in a picture bookD.in a textbook(二)(2009 广州)On 26th January,the biggest earthquake(地震)in India took the lives of 25,000 people.Inthe morning,when everybody was enjoying holiday,earthquake began.It was about 7.5 on theRitcher scale.There is nothing left between the sky and the earth any more.Everything has beenpulled down,said one of the villagers alive.There is no water,no food and no one has come tohelp.*Nobody died in Pakistan,a country next to India.The City of Lahore was lucky.In LahoreAmerican School,where I was studying,all of the students were safe.They were on the field,somost children didnt feel anything.The earthquake was felt by the teachers that were on the secondfloor.However,though Mrs Young was also on the second floor,she didnt feel anything.Shedidnt know what happened until a teacher told her about it.Those teachers who were on the otherfloors had different feelings.Mr Emond,the maths teacher from Australia,said that when theearthquake started he thought there was something wrong with him,but then another teacher saidthat it was an earthquake.After those words Mr Emond felt better.Mrs Davis and Mr Frost didntfeel anything either.My mother didnt feel anything.She didnt even know that it was an earthquake till she saw ashaking(moving from side to side)light.My dad saw the computer shaking and then he lookedout of the window and saw many people going out.1.People use Ritcher scale to t el l.A.where the earthquake takes placeB.when the earthquake takes placeC.how serious the earthquake isD.how long the earthquake lasts2.We learn t hat from the sentence There is nothing left between the sky and the earthany more.nA.India is a large countryB.the Indian people had nothing after the earthquakeC.there is no tall building in IndiaD.the earthquake in India was serious3.The City of Lahore is.A.in India B.in America C.in Pakistan D.in Australia4.Which is true?A.I was with my parents when the earthquake happened.B.The earthquake in the city of Lahore wasnt serious.C.People in the City of Lahore were frightened when they knew it was an earthquake.D.The teachers in Lahore American School were afraid of the earthquake.【答案】l.C 2.B 3.C 4.B(三)(2009山东威海)on his mobile phone.One morning k was shining brightly when I wokeup.I locked at the alarm clock.Il said 3:45!It hadstopped!What time was it?I climbed out of bed andwent downstairs to the kitchci.The kitchen clock said8:3(hT w缚 laid My parents were away.My aunt hadg o n ew o rk without checking if I was up.The schllcrblades and set off for school.It took half an hour to gut to the school.Ilook all the short cuts I knew.I went across the park-even through some backyards!When 1 gotto school,I was very hot and my legs ached.I had inissecl malh,our first lesson of the morning.But I made it just in time for history,our second lesson.I was very happy because history is myfavourite subject4 1.The buy woke up at_that morning.A,3:45 B.7:30 C.8:00 D.8:3042.The boy gut up late mainly because-.A.his alarm clock bad stopped B.his parents were awayC,his aunt had gone to work D.he had missed the school bus43.The boy got to school that morning.A.by bux B.hy skating C.by running D.by bike44.The boy took all the shortcuts in order u.A.have breakfast on the way B.meet his friendC.get to MChoal as soon as he could D.have his favourite lesson45.Which of the following is NOT true?A.The boys bedroom is upstairs and the kitchen is downstairs.B.Totiy told the boy(o go to school on his rollci-blades.C.The boy had nothing for breakfast that mnniing.D.The boy didnt miss his favorite lesson.【答案】4145 DABCC(四)(2009山东威海)-j_ a -JI VSome people walk in their sleep,but 14-yeir-old Bianca Ryansings in her sleep!I something she began doing as a baby.Shewas just bom to sing!金:Bianca was bom on September 1,)994.She,her(wo brothersand sister had a very normal childhood in Philadelphia.For Bianca,though,her love of music began early.Dancing became her first 1interest at the age of 3.The liccle gir Jatcr entered and won national gdance contests.But by the age of 7、Bianca discovered that she|really enjoyed singing.She sang her first solos(独唱)in churvb.At 8,Bianca entered a national talent show called Slar Se4irch(amazed by her wonderful voice.Even her father said he had never hcantock second place and began looking for more contests to enter.!n 2006,Bianca,the 1 l-yeai-old girl,wan the TV taient show ca(美国达人).The performance of her first song irn mediately becamevideos and she became popular.Since winning(he contest.Bianca,s life has changed 四 的 Her firw CD.Bianca Ryan,came out in November,2006.Since then,she has made TV appearances(萧 丽,gone on Americanand European Cours and performed at Disney World.Once when she was asked about advice forother kids,Bianca said.You have to.believe in yourlf.Get youryour drcam come tine.If you can see K,you can read)it J5 L How many children arc there in her family?52 What was the first comesi(hat she won?53.In which contest did she win second place?54.When did her first CD coinc out?5s.What does refer to()in the last sentence?【答 案】52.National dance contest./Dancing,51.4./Four.54.In November,2006.7 2006/When she was 12.55.Dream.(五)(2009江 西)Two months ago,I went to Australia for a meeting with my workmate,Chris.Wedecided to drive across country to Brisbane after the meeting ended.The drive was goingto take four days and most of it was across the desert(沙漠).The first day was a lot of firn as we wereexcited and laughing at each other*s jokes.By the third day of driving in the desert,webegan to get bored.We had been quiet for a fewhours when Chris saw some kangaroos(袋 飙).We were both excited and decided to get acloser look.Chris drove very quickly to catch upwith the kangaroos.We got closer and closer-too close when we heard a loud BANG!Chris stopped the car and we got out.Behindthe car was a large kangaroo lying completelystill(不 动的)on the ground.Chris went over to the kangaroo and put his baseball capon its head.He took off his sunglasses and put them on the kangaroo and did the same withhis jacket Then,he put his arm around the kangaroo and told me to take a photo of themtogether.I took out my camera.While I was focusing(调整焦距)the camera,I saw thekangaroo move.It suddenly woke up,and ran away before we could do anything.I started laughing but Chris looked very serious.He said his wallet was in the jacketI started laughing even harder.I stopped laughing,however,when he said that our carkeyJ s were also in th-e j一a cket!t A69:H o w long w as t he dr iv e going t o t ake accor ding t o t heir plan?A.O n e day.B.Fou r day s.C.Half a mont h.D.T w o mont hs.70.W h y did t hey hear a lou d B A N G?A.Becau s e s omet hing fell off t he car.B.Becau s e t he car knocked d o w n a t r ee.C.Becau s e t he car br oke d o w n on t he w ay.D.Becau s e t he car knocked d o w n a kangar oo.71.W h a t can w e get fr om t his pas s age?A.Chr is s av ed t he kangar oo s life.B.T h e meet ing w as held in Br is bane.C.Chr is t hou ght t he kangar oo w as dead.D.TTie w r it er t ook a phot o of Chr is and t he kangar oo.72.W h i c h w ou ld be t he bes t t it le for t his pas s age?A.A n u nu s u al ex per ience.B.M y Au s t r alian meet ing.C.O n t he w ay t o Au s t r alia.D.A clev er kangar oo.【答案】6972 BDCA(六)(2009江西)It t s t he w eek befor e s chool s t ar t s.Alice is s hoppping for clot hes w it h t w o fr iends,Ninaand Vicki.Alice pu t s on a black jacket,t u r ns t o her fr iends,and s ay s,“Hey,w hat doy ou t hink?.”T h e gir ls look at her and bot h s t ar t lau ghing.aN o w ay,Alice!Nina lau ghs.That s a m a n s jacket.MAlice feels a lit t le angr y.Yeah,w ell /like it.”“Yeah,s ay s Vicki,bu t w hat w ill people at s chool s ay?”Alice t hinks for a moment.ITien s he t akes off t he jacket.Yeah,y ou r e r ight.”Peer p r es s u r e.W e all k n o w abou t iL You r fr iends w ear cer t ain clot hes or lis t en t ocer t ain mu s ic.You don t w ant t o be differ ent.So y ou do t hos e t hings t oo.Fift een minu t es lat er,Alice is s t ill t hinking abou t t he black jacket.MYeah,t her e*spr es s u r e t o follow ot her s/s he ex plains.If y ou r clot hes hair ar e differ ent peoplema k e fu n of y ou.Y o u know,t hey lau gh and point.*Vicki agr ees.It s t r u e.Y o u ev en hav e t o hav e a cer t ain kind of boy fr iend or gir i-fr iend!I t hink t hes e 4 r u les *ar e childis h(幼稚的).Bu t w h en y ou*r e differ ent,y ou feellike an ou t s ider.A n d t hat s har d.”Alice w alks aw ay.44H e y Alice/calls Nina.aW h er e ar e y ou going?4T o get t he black jacket I don t car e w hat ot her s t hinL I like it,and I m bu y ing it 73.W h y does Alice t ake ofif t he jacket?A.It s t oo ex pens iv e.B.She does n t t ake enou gh money w it h her.C.She does n t like t he color.D.She s w or r ied abou t her fr iends ,opinions.74.Wha t is t he meaning of peer pressure in t his pas s age?A.Y o u w ant t o be like y ou r fr iends,s o y ou do w hat t hey do.B.You w ant t o be differ ent fr om y ou r fr iends and clas s mat es.C.You w ant t o giv e y ou r clot hes t o y ou r fr iends t o w ear.D.You w ant t o bu y as m a n y clot hes as y ou r clas s mat es do.75.W h a t happens in t he end?A.Alice goes t o bu y t he jacket.B.Alice get s angr y and goes h o m e alone.C.Alice does n t bu y t he jacket.D.Alice does n t go s hopping w it h her fnends.76.What is t he main idea of t his pas s age?A.Yo u ng people s hou ld follow ot her s.B.Gir ls hav e differ ent ideas abou t t he jacket.C.Gir ls like w ear ing differ ent kinds of clot hes.D.Y ou ng people car e m u c h abou t w hat ot her s t hink.【答案】7376 DAAD(七)(2009南京)Las!July,my 12 yen r-old car died on Californias Sinti a b rev way.h was an hour hclc 门 sunset and 1 was 25 miles from home.I couldn,i reach anyone s pick me up so 1 civcidvdco take n bus.NCH knowing I he ruuteb.1 ihounln Id jtisi-asl.A bus slopped.I got on and askc dearly w;is goinji ic hr lonnihi 比;而 n nr r-H-Q iff 1 got off at the end of the route and she told me which bus to look for.After wailing 30minutes*I began io think about a very expensive taxi ride home.Then a bus came up.Therewas no ligh(tl ntnnber above its windshield,h wa out of service buc the door opened.Itwas lhe same driver.“I jus)can,t leave you here.she said.This i$n,1 I he nicest place.1 will give you Aride hem匕*You will drive me home on the bus?*I Asked astonished.MNo,I will txke you in my e r.h e$4tid.h s a long w”I insisted.*Come onw she said.*1 have nothing else to do.HAs we drove from the station in the car.she beKAn telling me a story.A few daysearlier*her brother had rtin om of HAS.A good rnn picked him up took him to a servicestation and then back to his car.7 m jusi passing ihe fever(善意的行为)along,M she said.When I offered her money as a ihnnk-you*she w cnklnl accept.Just do something nicefor somebody.Pas ii nlong.*she said.31.Tht,re WAhe wanted to do something good for others34.The underlined word astonished in the probably means.A.surprised B.grateful C.hAppy D.ungry35.The bur driver hoped that the writer.A.would drive someone hnmc B.would help someone in needC.would keep her in niFmnry I),would give the money io others31.C 32.A 33.I)34.A 35.B(八)(2009河南)A jobless man wanted very much to have the position of“office boy“at Microsoft.The HRmanager interviewed him and then watched him cleaning the floor as a test.i4You have passed thetest J he said.4Give me your e-mail address and Ill send you the form to fill in and the date whenyou may start.The man replied,But I dont have a computer,neither an e-mail.”Tm sorry,“said the HR manager.4If you dont have an e-mail,that means you are not living.And anyonewho isnt living cannot have the job.”The man left with no hope at all.He didnt know what to do with only$10 in his pocket.Hethought and thought.Then he went to the supermarket and bought 10 kilos of tomatoes.He soldthe tomatoes from door to door.In less than two hours,he had 20 dollars.He repeated theoperation three times,and started to go early every day,and returned home late.Shortly,hebought a cart,then a truck,then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles(运货车队).Five yearslater,the man was one of the biggest food retailers(零售商)in the US.One day,one of his friends asked him for his e-mail.He said,“I havent got one.,His friendcouldnt believe his ears.Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an e-mail?”Theman thought for a while and replied,“Yes,Id be an office boy at Microsoft!根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。()1.What did the man do for the test?A.He sent e-mails.C.He sold computers.2.The man didnt get the job because he.A.disliked such a jobC.didnt have an e-mail()3.The manafter he left Microsoft.B.He did the cleaningD.He filled in forms.B.didnt pass the testD.knew nothing about computersA.went to look for another jobC.thought of an idea to make monkeyB.asked for food from door to doorD.bought a computer and got an e-mail()4.Why could the man become one of the biggest food retailers in the US?A.Because he had many friends to help him.B.Because he was smart and worked very hard.C.Because he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.D.Because he wanted to show Microsoft he was living.5.What does the story want to tell us?A.Computers are very important in our daily life.B.Everyone can make a lot of money with only$10.C.The HR manager didnt find the ability of the man.D.Nothing in the world is impossible if we work hard.【答案】BCCBD(九)(2(X)9 湖北宜昌)Whenhewas 16,hisfatherseriouslysaidtohim,nrigiveyouw hateveryouw antbeforeyouare 1 S.ButafterthatJw oncarem uchaboutyou,andyoushouldgi vemewhateverlwant.When his 18thbirthday wascomi