大客户销售谋略2003.10-11-10-12Objective of Workshop Understand Characteristics of Major Account Selling Strategies in Whole Lifecycle,thus to+Shorten bid-to-win ratio+Shorten selling cycles+Minimize discounts and negotiated concessions+Establish clear,unique business value with the customers+Reduce selling costs through more effective sales strategies+Increase sales per employee-Develop expected relationship with the customers.Eg.Strategic Partnership etc.Agenda Day 1+How the Customer Make Decisions+SPIN Question Strategy+Account Entry Strategy+Understand Your Customer&Their Business+How to Make Your Customers Need You Day 2+Influence the customers choice+Differentiation&Vulnerability+Overcoming Final Fears+Sales Negotiation+How to Ensure Continued Success客户是如何做决策的How Customer Make Decisions The Research Base The Customer Decision Process Account Strategy in the Recognition of Needs Phase Account Strategy in the Evaluation of Options Phase Account Strategy in the Resolution of Concerns Phase Account Strategy in the Implementation Phase Summary Overview of Major Account Sales Strategy Sales Strategy should be about customers and how to influence them.+Understanding and Well Prepared are mandatory to form a effective sales strategy Customer Behavior goes through three distinct phases in making a major purchasing decisions+Recognition of Needs+Evaluation of Options+Resolution of Concerns A fourth phase,follow-up in implementation phases,if it is well handled,can generate significant additional sales opportunities.Each of four phases required a different set of strategies and skills.What is Sales Strategy&What is Major Account Sales Strategy+A way of thinking and directing your actions to effectively influence customer purchasing decisions.Focus on Understanding Customer Behavior Not Procedure or technique Major Accounts+20/80 rules+New Customers+Potential CustomersExercise:A Typical ERP Deal Lifecycles What is typical ERP Deal Selling Cycles+Customer Decision Process Who is Major Account of ERP S/W+Traditional Mfg+Others