我的幸福生活英语作文【优秀7篇】在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。一秘为朋友们整理了7篇我的幸福生活英语作文,希望能对您的写作有一定的参考作用。我的幸福初中英语作文 篇一【参考译文】【参考译文】 "啪啦啦-"随着一声声清脆的鞭炮声,我们迎来了新的一年。新年到来之际,我们家热闹开了,人人都忙着为新年作准备。你瞧!妈妈,姑姑,奶奶们正准备着美味的菜肴,让人看着都眼馋;你看!爸爸,舅舅们跑东跑西摆桌子,放椅子就是他们的活;你瞅!可爱的孩子们蹦来跑去,一起玩耍,嬉戏。这时,谁都放开了繁重的工作,新年的喜悦带走了大家心中所有的烦恼和不快,我们欢快的脸颊上都挂着会心的笑,笑得自然,笑得舒心。 晚上吃团圆饭是过年最热闹的时候了!我们都围聚一堂,享受着难有的团聚的味道。此刻,大家都一边享受着菜桌上丰富,美味,最可口的"饭菜,一边纷纷诉说一年生活中的喜怒哀乐。时而从桌子边飘出阵阵善意的笑声,时而却又听见爱护的"指责",真是热闹非凡,大家都为即将过去的一年作总结,边笑边谈着自己的新年的新愿望。真是新年新气象哦! 我最喜欢的就是吃完饭放烟花了。每一簇火苗带着我们新年的新愿望和祝福从烟花筒里窜出,伸向和我们心胸一样广阔无垠的天空,在空中绽放出美丽的烟花。虽然它在瞬间消失,但是给我留下的印象是永恒的,五彩的烟花酒向我们五彩的心境,有红的激情,蓝的遐想,紫的浪漫让我情不自禁地久久沉浸在他给我们带来的快乐之中。 美好的一天总是短暂的,在鞭炮声中开始的新年,又在烟花中慢慢的结束了,留给我们的是和烟花一样美好的,永恒的记忆。 我仰望天空,感受着飘来的丝丝风,在心里默默地为大家祝愿:我们所有人都能在新的一年里快快乐乐,健健康康,更希望我家新年的幸福,喜悦能伴随着我们度过每一个美好的日子! 我的.幸福初中英语作文 篇六 today is friday. i get up at six thirty in the morning. then i make my bed, wash my face and brush my teeth. at six forty, my father prepares the breakfast. i have breakfast at six forty-five. i have congee, noodles for breakfast. at seven oclock, i go to school by my fathers motor bike. we have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. at twelve oclock, im very hungry. i have lunch at school. in the afternoon, i go home at six oclock. i do my homework after school. my father, my mother and i have supper at seven oclock. my mother and i watch tv at eight oclock. then i wash my face and brush my teeth in the evening. i go to bed at ten twenty. i think, tomorrow will be my happy day , too ! 我的幸福英语作文 篇七 I am a happy child I am a happy child because I have a warm and happy family. Both of my parents are teachers. They are very kind and friendly. They often take me to the park near my home to play after study. Id like to talk about anything with my parents. My parents love me very much. I am a happy child because my school life is also interesting. I have many good friends. We study and play together. And my teachers are like our big friends. I like my school and my class. In my free time, I like reading, listening to music and doing some sports. So, I think my life is very interesting and colorful. I am a happy child.3