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    10Module 3 Things we doUnit 8Reading signs 课件2Talk and shareSignspictures?symbols?meanings?What are these signs?dos and donts?Where can you see these signs?at the underground stationTalk and sharein the museumWhere can you see these signs?Talk and sharein the hospitalWhere can you see these signs?Talk and sharein the streetWhere can you see these signs?Talk and shareWhere can you see these signs?in the parkTalk and sharein the libraryWhere can you see these signs?Talk and shareat schoolWhere can you these signs?Talk and sharein the zooWhere can you see this sign?Talk and shareat the gas stationWhere can you see this sign?Talk and shareI can see this sign near a school.It says:Look out for children.It means there are children nearby and we must drive slowly.We shouldnt drive fast.Where can you see this sign?What does it say?Do not swim.Where can you see this sign?What does it say?I can see this sign near the pond/in the park/.It says It means we should/shouldnt/must Watch the animals!Where can you see this sign?What does it say?I can see this sign in the zoo/on the farm/.It says It means we should/shouldnt/must Do not talk.Where can you see this sign?What does it say?I can see this sign in the hospital/library/.It says It means we should/shouldnt/must Where can you see this sign?What does it say?I can see this sign in the park/at school/.It says It means we should/shouldnt/must You can have a candy.Say a chant.You can have a pencil.Lucky number1234 5 67 8 9More signs to learnI can see this sign in It says It means Watch/Mind your hands.No fireworks.No eating or drinking.Do you know these signs?Where can you see them?Do you know these signs?Where can you see them?I can see this sign in It says It means Dont feed the animals.No parking.No spitting.More signs to learnI can see this sign in It says It means No litter.No photos.No pets.More signs to learnDo you know these signs?Where can you see them?I can see this sign in It says It means No leaning.No climbing.More signs to learnDo you know these signs?Where can you see them?I can see this sign in It says It means More signs to learnWatch your step!Caution!Electricity!Do you know these signs?Where can you see them?More signs to learnI see this sign in It says It means Do you know these signs?Where can you see them?Look and matchin the cinemain the libraryin the parkin the zooat the underground station 1234 5Think and choose1 Which sign can you see in the cinema?2 Which sign can you see on the train?3 Which sign can you see in the library?keep quietWe should not smoke.We should not eat or drink.Homework1 Listen to and read Students Book pages 49 and 52.2 Finish the writing about signs.3 Finish Workbook pages 44 and 46.


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