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    高一英语必修一 unit1 练习基础(word 版可编辑修改)高一英语必修一unit1 练习基础(word版可编辑修改)编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(高一英语必修一 unit1 练习基础(word版可编辑修改))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为高一英语必修一 unit1 练习基础(word版可编辑修改)的全部内容。高一英语必修一 unit1 练习基础(word 版可编辑修改)Section Using Language 基础夯实 。单词拼写 1It is _(正好是)four oclock,not one minute more nor one minute less.2The old man was _(感激的)to me for my carrying the luggage for him。3She strongly _(不喜欢)being spoken to like that.4 It is the custom to give a _(小费)after you are served in western countries.5They _(交换)books with each other。6There is an unfair _(条款)in this contract。7He has _(收到)a letter from his family.8Please _(解释)why you are late。9This song is popular with _(青少年)10I often ask for _(建议)when in trouble。答案 1exactly 2。grateful 3.disliked 4。tip 5.swapped 6item 7。received 8.explain 9。teenagers 10.advice.完成句子 1The cost _ _ _(总计达)100 million yuan。(add)2It is the first time I_ _ _ _ 难免会有疏漏的地方但是任然希望高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利同时藏以便随时查阅最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步以下为高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的全部内容高一英语必修一计达高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改面对面与她交谈担忧平静下来故意隐藏了嘲笑经历给我一些建议关于加入高一英语必修一 unit1 练习基础(word 版可编辑修改)_ _ _(面对面与她交谈)(talk)3I _ _ _(担忧)her safety。(concern)4Sometimes we quarrel,but soon we _ _(平静下来)and have a heart。to.heart talk.(calm)5He doesnt say that _ _(故意)(purpose)6He _ _(隐藏了)my book somewhere。(hide)7Its no pleasure _(嘲笑)the disabled。(laugh)8You have no idea what I have _ _(经历)in the last few years to get over the disease.(go)9Could you _ _ _ _ _(给我一些建议关于)how to learn English?(give)10They all _ _(加入)singing the Christmas carols.(join)答案 1added up to 2。have talked with her face to face 3am concerned about 4.calm down 5.on purpose 6hid away 7.laughing 8。gone through 9give me some advice on 10.joined in.单项填空 1Mike _ with Janet for over one year before they got married。Ahad fallen in love Bhad been in love Chas fallen in love Dhas been in love 难免会有疏漏的地方但是任然希望高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利同时藏以便随时查阅最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步以下为高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的全部内容高一英语必修一计达高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改面对面与她交谈担忧平静下来故意隐藏了嘲笑经历给我一些建议关于加入高一英语必修一 unit1 练习基础(word 版可编辑修改)解析 句意:迈克与珍妮特在结婚前已相爱一年多了.由从句中 got 的时态可知主句的时态应用过去完成时。fall in love with 表瞬间动作;be in love with 表示状态。答案 B 2Readers can _ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.Aget over Bget in Cget along Dget through 解析 考查动词词组辨析。句意:不知道每个词的确切意思,读者也能理解得很好(进展顺利)。四个选项中只有 get along 意为“进行,进展”。答案 C 3You are saying that he is honest,and this is _ I disagree。Awhen Bwhere Cwhat Dhow 解析 disagree 是一个不及物动词,不可直接接宾语,排除 C项;再由句意知选 B项。答案 B 4Were going to play basketball。Would you like to _?Ajoin Bjoin in Cattend Dtake part in 解析 join in“参加”,join in 中的 in 既可以是介词又可难免会有疏漏的地方但是任然希望高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利同时藏以便随时查阅最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步以下为高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的全部内容高一英语必修一计达高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改面对面与她交谈担忧平静下来故意隐藏了嘲笑经历给我一些建议关于加入高一英语必修一 unit1 练习基础(word 版可编辑修改)以是副词;而 take part in 中的 in 是介词,其后需加宾语。根据句意A、C、D三项均不合适。答案 B 5We can communicate _ people in every part of the world _ the Internet.Awith;with Bwith;through Cthrough;through Dthrough;with 解析 本题表达与联系,根据 communicate 的用法,第一空应填 with;表示通过因特网的方式,应用介词 through。答案 B 6_ is a good form of exercise for both the young and the old。AThe walk BWalking CTo walk DWalk 解析 考查动名词作主语的用法.此处用动名词 walking 表示“散步”,着重强调动作特征。A、D两项不符合语法规律,故排除。to walk 也可做主语,但表示具体的某一次行动,不符合此处的语境。句意:散步无论对年轻人还是老年人来说都是一种好的锻炼形式。故选 B。答案 B 7Could you give me some tips_how to improve my spoken English?Aof Bon Cwith Din 难免会有疏漏的地方但是任然希望高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利同时藏以便随时查阅最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步以下为高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的全部内容高一英语必修一计达高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改面对面与她交谈担忧平静下来故意隐藏了嘲笑经历给我一些建议关于加入高一英语必修一 unit1 练习基础(word 版可编辑修改)解析 some tips on “一些关于的建议”.答案 B 8I am _ to you for the chance to express my feelings.Ahelpful Bhopeful Cgrateful Duseful 解析 grateful 意为“感激的”,常用于 be grateful to sb。for sth。结构,意为“因某事对某人充满感激。helpful“有用的;有帮助的”;hopeful“有希望的”;useful“有用的。答案 C 9I often _ him for advice on my work and he is always willing to _ me some。Agive;ask Bask;give Cask;take Dgive;give 解析 ask sb。for advice“向某人征求建议”;give advice“提供建议;take ones advice“接受某人的建议”.句意:在工作中,我经常向他征求建议,他总是乐于给我提一些建议。由此可知,正确答案为 B。答案 B 10He has some trouble _ his classmates,but he has no trouble _ doing his lessons。Awith;with Bin;in Cwith;in Din;with 解析 have trouble with sb。/sth。“在某人/某事方面有难免会有疏漏的地方但是任然希望高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利同时藏以便随时查阅最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步以下为高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的全部内容高一英语必修一计达高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改面对面与她交谈担忧平静下来故意隐藏了嘲笑经历给我一些建议关于加入高一英语必修一 unit1 练习基础(word 版可编辑修改)困难,后加名词或代词;have trouble in doing sth。“做有困难”,后常加动名词,in 有时可省略.答案 C 11This is _what I want.Agratefully Bexactly Cloosely Dusefully 解析 exactly“正是,就是.句意:这正是我想要的.答案 B 12He _ his head to one side,pretending not to recognize her.Atipped Bleft Cadvised Dhid 解析 句意:他把头歪向一边,假装不认识她。tip 意为“倾斜”。答案 A 13I want to make friends _her.Ato Bof Cwith Din 解析 make friends with sb。“与某人交朋友”.答案 C 14The mountain climber was _ in the high mountains,but he didnt feel _ at all。Alonely;alone Balone;lonely Calone;alone Dlonely;lonely 难免会有疏漏的地方但是任然希望高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利同时藏以便随时查阅最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步以下为高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的全部内容高一英语必修一计达高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改面对面与她交谈担忧平静下来故意隐藏了嘲笑经历给我一些建议关于加入高一英语必修一 unit1 练习基础(word 版可编辑修改)解析 alone“单独的,独自的”;lonely“孤独的”.句意:那个登山者一个人在高山上,但他一点儿也不感到孤独。答案 B 15Shall we go to the bar and have a cup of coffee?_.AThanks BIts a pleasure CMy pleasure DWith pleasure 解析 With pleasure.“很乐意”.常用于应答对方的建议或请求。B、C两项常用于应答对方对自己的感谢。如:Thanks for your help.Its a pleasure./My pleasure。答案 D 能力提升 阅读理解 A George is in his bedroom.He is playing on his computer again!George plays on his computer every day,but George feels sad.He plays on his computer because he doesnt have any friends。Sometimes he dreams he is playing football with lots of friends,but it never happens.Today George is playing a computer football game.He is playing against the computer and he is winning。Suddenly the computer speaks to George。难免会有疏漏的地方但是任然希望高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利同时藏以便随时查阅最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步以下为高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的全部内容高一英语必修一计达高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改面对面与她交谈担忧平静下来故意隐藏了嘲笑经历给我一些建议关于加入高一英语必修一 unit1 练习基础(word 版可编辑修改)“Hello,George!What game can we play now?”George is surprised and jumps up from his chair。He cant believe it。Maybe he is dreaming.George looks at the computer with big eyes.“You can speak!“Yes。I can do many amazing things!Two arms shoot out of the sides of the computer.And then two legs。Suddenly the computer is walking!“Lets go for a walk to find a friend。”says the computer.The computer runs along the road。It goes into the library,where there are lots of computers。There is a boy,Tommy,sitting there,doing his homework.Tommy looks at the crazy computer.“Whats this?”he cries,“A computer with arms and legs?”Georges com puter is in the middle of the room。It is getting bigger and bigger.“I will be the only computer on Earth。I can destroy(摧毁)all the other computers.I am the supercomputer of the world.says Georges computer.It is out of control.The lights in the library are flashing on and off。People are running out of the library.“Quick!”says George.He grabs a stick and hits his computer。There is a loud bang and it explodes(爆炸)into the air and falls 难免会有疏漏的地方但是任然希望高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利同时藏以便随时查阅最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步以下为高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的全部内容高一英语必修一计达高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改面对面与她交谈担忧平静下来故意隐藏了嘲笑经历给我一些建议关于加入高一英语必修一 unit1 练习基础(word 版可编辑修改)to the ground in small pieces.“Hes gone。says Tommy。Tommy and George leave the library together。Tommy lives in the next street to George.“Thats my house。”says Tommy.“Do you want to play football in the garden?”“Yes.”says George,smiling and smiling。“Who needs computers?”1When George and the computer entered the library,what was Tommy doing?AHe was chatting with a net friend。BHe was doing his homework.CHe was playing football on a computer。DHe was repairing a computer.2What does the underlined word“it”in Paragraph 12 refer to?AThe library。BThe stick.CTommys homework。DGeorges computer。3The passage may be a(n)_。Aad for a supercomputer Bfootball match report Cscience story Ddiary 4The passage implies that _。Acomputers make people communicate with each other less Bchildren prefer playing football on the computer 难免会有疏漏的地方但是任然希望高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利同时藏以便随时查阅最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步以下为高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的全部内容高一英语必修一计达高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改面对面与她交谈担忧平静下来故意隐藏了嘲笑经历给我一些建议关于加入高一英语必修一 unit1 练习基础(word 版可编辑修改)Conline games replace some traditional ways of playing Dcomputers will drive people mad in the future 答案与解析 1B 细节理解题。从文中第七段“There is a boy,Tommy,sitting there,doing his homework。”可知 B项正确。2D 词义理解题.由本句后半部分可知选 D。3C 推理判断题。从电脑会行走、会说话、有思想等角度来看,这是一篇科幻小说,而不是广告、日记或足球比赛的报道。4 A 推理判断题.文章反映了当今社会的一个严重问题:电脑使得人们(面对面)交往和交流的机会越来越少了.B Most friendships die a nature death:people move,change jobs,or start different stages of life.Other friendships,however,end unexpectedly。When a friendship is over and you dont understand why,it can be especially painful.Sometimes a friend ends your relationship without telling you why.The loss of friendship might be worth reflecting_on。Knowing when a friendship is over and why it ends may help you build stronger friendships in the future。See if you can find a problem。When a friendship is over,examine your relationship。Perhaps you remember your friend complaining that youre always late。Maybe you seldom return your friends phone calls.When a friend ends your 难免会有疏漏的地方但是任然希望高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利同时藏以便随时查阅最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步以下为高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的全部内容高一英语必修一计达高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改面对面与她交谈担忧平静下来故意隐藏了嘲笑经历给我一些建议关于加入高一英语必修一 unit1 练习基础(word 版可编辑修改)relationship,try to find out the reasons why the friendship is over.Write a letter to your friend。Express your feelings about the friendship。Do you miss seeing them?Do you have any regrets?Would you act differently if you were still friends?Make it an honest communication。Express your feelings of being hurt or anger.Write or talk about how you feel in a letter.When a friendship is over,its important to communicate exactly how hurt you feel,and why。Write until you have nothing left to say.When a friend ends your relationship,you do have the right to express yourself。Communicate that you are open to picking up the friendship。When a friendship is over and you want to reconnect some day,send Christmas or birthday cards.Say hi and send greetings through mutual(共有的)friends。When a friendship is over,dont give up until youre ready.Decide to make your present friendships better。An adviser once told me that simply talking about your relationship strengthens your relationship。Talk to your present friends。Are they happy with your friendship?If a friend ends your relationship,learn something from it.5The underlined phrase“reflecting on”in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to“_”Athinking about Bgiving up 难免会有疏漏的地方但是任然希望高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利同时藏以便随时查阅最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步以下为高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的全部内容高一英语必修一计达高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改面对面与她交谈担忧平静下来故意隐藏了嘲笑经历给我一些建议关于加入高一英语必修一 unit1 练习基础(word 版可编辑修改)Ckeeping on Dgetting angry 6What can we know from“See if you can find a problem.”?AYou are always late when you and your friend plan to go out。BYou often refuse to answer your friends phone calls。CYour friend is fond of complaining all the time.DPerhaps your friendship is over because of your problem.7When a friendship is over,you may do all the following EXCEPT _。Awrite a letter to your friend to tell your regrets Btalk about how you feel about your friendship Cask your friend whose fault on earth it is Dsend your greetings to your friend before giving up 8The purpose of this passage is to _.Aexplain why you lose a friendship Bsuggest what to do when a friendship is over Ctell you when a friendship is over Dadvise how to end a friendship 答案与解析 5A 词义猜测题。由下文可知,失去友谊值得“仔细考虑”,即与A项相符.6D 推理判断题。由第三段提到的问题推知你应思考,友谊破裂是否是因为你的原因.7C 细节理解题.由文章所提建议可知 C项正确.难免会有疏漏的地方但是任然希望高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利同时藏以便随时查阅最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步以下为高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的全部内容高一英语必修一计达高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改面对面与她交谈担忧平静下来故意隐藏了嘲笑经历给我一些建议关于加入高一英语必修一 unit1 练习基础(word 版可编辑修改)8B 主旨大意题。文章主要是针对友谊破裂后如何做提出了几条建议.难免会有疏漏的地方但是任然希望高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利同时藏以便随时查阅最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步以下为高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改的全部内容高一英语必修一计达高一英语必修一练习基础版可编辑修改面对面与她交谈担忧平静下来故意隐藏了嘲笑经历给我一些建议关于加入


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