2023年市场经理公司岗位职责3篇 书目 第1篇外资医药器械公司招区域市场经理岗位职责职位要求 第2篇市场经理(能源分公司)岗位职责职位要求 第3篇zx物业公司市场经理的岗位职责 市场经理(能源分公司)岗位职责职位要求 职责描述: 岗位职责 1、对负责区域/行业的能环市场实施调研,收集、整理市场信息情报(包括用户、项目及竞争对手等);跟踪负责区域/行业内能环市场信息、有关能环政策以及地方特别实惠政策,刚好提出市场开发应对方案; 2、开发和利用各种关系与资源,挖掘和识别潜在客户和项目,并作出初步项目投资分析,并在分析的基础上制定营销策略,为公司管理层及相关部门员工供应信息和决策支持; 3、协调公司内外部资源,组织实施能环项目的接洽、谈判,确保市场开发过程中与政府机构、合作方的有效沟通,并确保公司利益; 4、负责商务活动,落实公司的各类宣扬工作 5、协调协作项目建设等相关工作,确保商务合同的执行; 6、负责所辖工作文档的整理、备案和管理; 7、负责招投标工作的流程及标书的制作。 职位要求 1、有大型工程公司工作、设计院等工作阅历者优先; 2、3年以上市场开发及管理工作阅历(特殊优秀者可适当放宽),熟识epc/emc项目建设相关政策以及行业发展趋势,具有良好的政府人脉关系和社会资源,有相关行业工作阅历及客户资源优先; 3、反应灵敏,有刚好应变突发状况并解决的实力,熟识招投标流程,较强的沟通协调实力、亲和力,形象气质佳 3、有较强的谈判实力和公关实力,富有开拓精神,并能承受工作压力; 4、有团队协作精神。依据工作要求,能够适应常常性出差; 5、有c1或以上驾照,具备娴熟驾驶技能。 6、工商管理、市场营销、电力、水利、热力、燃气、暖风、能源环保及相关行业本科及以上学历(特殊优秀者可适当放宽) 岗位要求: 学历要求:本科 语言要求:不限 年龄要求:不限 工作年限:3-5年 外资医药器械公司招区域市场经理岗位职责职位要求 职责描述: øwork closely with regional sales managers to provide assistance, gather customer needs, market trends and competitive information. øassist to create and develop national marketing programs and tools that are targeted and make sure the implementation in local to the achievement of local sales and margin goals. øsupport the development of regional marketing planning including program and materials, evaluate its effectiveness øsupport the preparation realistic & achievable objectives, strategies and tactics for local business development øregional activity management øassistant with central product manager to implement and develop regional activities in terms of the brand strategies based on market size, opportunities and competition shares in the industry øsupport the regional implementation of the product promotion and growth initiative activities øprovide support to submit reimbursement information and positioning based on strategic goals of the products for respective region øcoordinate with local sales team for any update to align product strategies øprovide training support to regional sales force on product knowledge and market intelligence professional relationship øidentify the opinion leaders in the respective region øestablish and keep professional relationship with local kols øprovide the sufficient support to local kols for regional marketing activities øcost control & monitoring øinput to regional financial planning related to product launch, customer satisfaction, scientific leadership and new business in respective region ømanage quarterly / annual expense within budget in respective region requirements: industry experiences: minimum 3 years working experience in pharmaceutical industry position experiences: minimum 2 years working experience on central or local marketing minimum 1 year sales working background is preferred language skills: fluent in english both oral and written would be better computer skills: working knowledge, especially good at excel and powerpoint mobility: willing to travel frequently other special requirements: thorough understanding on the healthcare industry (pharmaceutical and medical device markets) is a plus good understanding of business and product knowledge with marketing sense strong communication, interpersonal and presentation skill strong analytical skills including business and financial management autonomy/independence, assertiveness; a polished professional presence is essential should be self-motivated, creative and well organized 岗位要求: 学历要求:本科 语言要求:不限 年龄要求:不限 工作年限:1-3年 zx物业公司市场经理的岗位职责 物业公司市场经理的岗位职责 报告上级:发展策划总监 联系部门:公司行政与人力资源部、品质管理部、工程事务部、财务稽核部 1).应部门总监或部门内其它人员的要求,投入突发事务的处理工作当中。 2).与相关的政府部门或单位保持良好的联系。 3).负责了解周遍市场的状况,各类项目的状况。 4).了解竞争对手的状况,并分类汇总。 5).负责建立与更新项目数据库、竞争对手数据库。 6).帮助总监及部门其它人员完成各类工作。