2023年临床应用岗位职责(篇) 书目 第1篇检验临床应用专员岗位职责 第2篇临床应用医生岗位职责 第3篇临床应用经理岗位职责 第4篇临床应用专员岗位职责 第5篇临床应用工程师岗位职责 第6篇临床应用培训岗位职责 第7篇产品临床应用岗位职责 第8篇临床应用管理岗位职责 第9篇产品临床应用医生岗位职责 第10篇临床应用岗位职责 第11篇超声临床应用经理岗位职责 第12篇临床应用支持岗位职责 第13篇超声临床应用岗位职责 第14篇临床应用专家岗位职责 检验临床应用专员岗位职责 检验临床应用专员 理邦仪器 深圳市理邦精密仪器股份有限公司,深圳市理邦仪器,理邦仪器,理邦 职责描述: 1、负责体外诊断产品,poct的销售支持工作; 2、维护窗口医院与专家关系; 3、开展市场推广、产品调研工作; 4、担当体外诊断产品培训工作。 任职要求: 1、本科以上学历,医学检验专业; 2、医院至少两年临床工作或检验科工作经验,有同岗位工作阅历优先; 3、具备良好的服务精神,良好的团队协作精神,良好的沟通及表达实力; 4、能适应常常性出差。 临床应用医生岗位职责 临床超声应用医生 * 负责临床技术指导和支持,图像调整、演示,解答用户提出的专业技术性问题; * 收集客户反馈,主动参加科研合作,帮助完成设计、撰写产品资料、操作手册等,保证和产品研发团队的有效沟通; * 负责产品演示,和相关培训任务。 * 本科和本科以上学历, 医疗影像或医学专业; * 2年以上的彩超临床医生工作经验; * 具有彩超图像优化阅历者优先; * 具有肯定的现场演示实力; * 良好的合作与沟通实力,具有乐观的思维方式。 * 负责临床技术指导和支持,图像调整、演示,解答用户提出的专业技术性问题; * 收集客户反馈,主动参加科研合作,帮助完成设计、撰写产品资料、操作手册等,保证和产品研发团队的有效沟通; * 负责产品演示,和相关培训任务。 * 本科和本科以上学历, 医疗影像或医学专业; * 2年以上的彩超临床医生工作经验; * 具有彩超图像优化阅历者优先; * 具有肯定的现场演示实力; * 良好的合作与沟通实力,具有乐观的思维方式。 临床应用经理岗位职责 临床应用经理 北京永新医疗设备有限公司 北京永新医疗设备有限公司,永新医疗,永新 职责概述: 负责影像诊断产品的临床探讨和应用; 1、支持临床试验方案的设计、探讨和实施; 2、医疗器械注册报批材料中临床相关的描述、编写; 3、与kol(key opinion leader)建立和保持关系,制定维护流程和策略; 4、与临床医院建立和保持关系,制定维护流程和策略; 5、搜集竞争对手临床资料,客观评价各厂家设备临床价值并整理成文档; 6、帮助建立show site,收集整理临床资料,用于客户考察和市场宣扬; 7、帮助产品宣扬,创建和供应有关临床价值的宣扬材料; 8、带领临床团队,制定产品的临床培训标准,开展临床培训; 9、对研发过程中与临床相关问题赐予支持和指导。 教化背景: 医学影像专业硕士及以上学历。 工作阅历: 年龄30周岁以上,具有在二甲及以上医院从事医疗影像设备诊断工作阅历,或有第三类医疗器械产品开发和临床试验阅历。 实力及素养: 具有优秀的书面和口头表达实力,以及与多方沟通协调的实力。 临床应用专员岗位职责 临床应用主管/专员 collect and provide machine usage information. monitor the install base and report disposable utility in target blood centers. collect competitive information to improve our in-house clinical training program to maintain competitiveness. draft monthly training schedules, responsible for the coordination and communication of the training programs with the target customers. manage competency testing and certification processes. work closely with sales team to plan and prioritize. implement a training curriculum for china designed to optimize operators' skills in device application. the incumbent will be responsible to localize training materials, aiming to provide the world-class trainings on products, clinical application and handle day-to-day application issues related to our technology. in the first six months, the incumbent will focus the efforts in the selected blood centers. conduct training classes for operators, nurses and distributors' representatives. the incumbent will be the key trainer at the regional users' meetings. provide coaching to field sales force, enhance field implementation to apply best practices. provide feedback to sales and point out specific training needs. provide support to therapy business. work closely with hospital customers to support therapeutic protocols like tpe and pbsc. standardize the training process and certify the participants that will include new sales and application specialists from direct sales organization and distribution network. the incumbent will help to perform daily application consultation works. 医学或生物学背景,本科及以上学历 能娴熟阅读,翻译英文医学文献 吃苦耐劳,接受较高频次出差 有培训经验的优先 collect and provide machine usage information. monitor the install base and report disposable utility in target blood centers. collect competitive information to improve our in-house clinical training program to maintain competitiveness. draft monthly training schedules, responsible for the coordination and communication of the training programs with the target customers. manage competency testing and certification processes. work closely with sales team to plan and prioritize. implement a training curriculum for china designed to optimize operators' skills in device application. the incumbent will be responsible to localize training materials, aiming to provide the world-class trainings on products, clinical application and handle day-to-day application issues related to our technology. in the first six months, the incumbent will focus the efforts in the selected blood centers. conduct training classes for operators, nurses and distributors' representatives. the incumbent will be the key trainer at the regional users' meetings. provide coaching to field sales force, enhance field implementation to apply best practices. provide feedback to sales and point out specific training needs. provide support to therapy business. work closely with hospital customers to support therapeutic protocols like tpe and pbsc. standardize the training process and certify the participants that will include new sales and application specialists from direct sales organization and distribution network. the incumbent will help to perform daily application consultation works. 临床应用工程师岗位职责 临床应用工程师 理邦仪器 深圳市理邦精密仪器股份有限公司,深圳市理邦仪器,理邦仪器,理邦 任职资格: 临床医学、生物医学工程及相关专业本科及以上学历; 娴熟驾驭office办公软件; 英语四级及以上,读写实力较好; 思维灵敏,沟通实力较好; 有holter售前工作阅历者或临床工作阅历者优先。 工作职责: 负责心电产品的临床测试工作,holter产品的售前支持工作。 临床应用培训岗位职责 临床应用培训专员(产科) 上海柯渡医学科技股份有限公司 上海柯渡医学科技股份有限公司,柯渡医疗,柯渡 职责描述: 1、对客户,代理商和销售代表供应产品和临床应用的培训; 2、协作销售和市场团队进行产品市场推广和演示工作; 3、解决客户运用中的临床问题,收集客户的运用反馈,提高客户的满足度。 4、负责通过供应售前/售后的产品演示和临床应用的支持,帮助销售团队业务良性增长; 任职要求: 1、高校专科或以上学历,临床医学/护理学专业,有产科工作阅历优先考虑; 2、良好的对内对外沟通技能及问题解决实力; 3、良好的演讲技能; 4、娴熟电脑操作; 5、能够适应常常出差。 产品临床应用岗位职责 产品销售/临床应用 负责血管机或者超声或者核磁 1、地区影像产品销售业务目标的实现; 2、 地区影像产品销售业务的支持与督促; 3、 地区影像终端客户的运用及操作培训; 4、 区域市场策略的贯彻与实施; 5、 地区影像产品市场信息的收集与反馈; 6、 总体市场活动的支持与协作; 任职资格: 1、本科以上学历,医学影像专业 2、有相关产品相关工作阅历 3、具有较强的沟通及人际关系实力 4、团队合作和抗压实力 产品经理/产品专家/应用专员均有职位,投递会跟您具体沟通,感谢 负责血管机或者超声或者核磁 1、地区影像产品销售业务目标的实现; 2、 地区影像产品销售业务的支持与督促; 3、 地区影像终端客户的运用及操作培训; 4、 区域市场策略的贯彻与实施; 5、 地区影像产品市场信息的收集与反馈; 6、 总体市场活动的支持与协作; 任职资格: 1、本科以上学历,医学影像专业 2、有相关产品相关工作阅历 3、具有较强的沟通及人际关系实力 4、团队合作和抗压实力 临床应用管理岗位职责 (资深)应用科学家临床项目管理 职位 / title: (资深)应用科学家临床项目管理 岗位职责 / job responsibilities: 1.深化理解精准医疗领域相关学问及分子靶向和免疫治疗相关学问; 2.参加kol/vip的临床科研项目,负责临床科研项目的规划统筹和流程管理; 3.对内培训驻地应用支持团队,并参加必要的客户端流程管理解析; 4.对外开展临床科研项目沟通和第三方服务沟通,制定临床科研项目的流程管理安排; 5.基于临床科研项目开发和维护kol客户关系,深化参加客户端的案例转化。 任职要求 / requirements: 1.生物学或生物医学专业(含生命科学、分子生物学、细胞生物学、免疫生物学、基础医学等)硕士及以上学历,癌症机制探讨或肿瘤临床探讨方向优先; 2.2年以上工作阅历,于基因检测服务行业、第三方检验所、cro等从业者优先,3年以上对应领域工作阅历的可匹配高级职称; 3.具备较强的自我学习、逻辑分析、文字描述、语言表达、人际沟通实力; 4.具备良好的自我管理实力和团队协作精神,具备良好的责任心和职业道德; 5.具备良好的抗压实力和变通实力。 职位 / title: (资深)应用科学家临床项目管理 岗位职责 / job responsibilities: 1.深化理解精准医疗领域相关学问及分子靶向和免疫治疗相关学问; 2.参加kol/vip的临床科研项目,负责临床科研项目的规划统筹和流程管理; 3.对内培训驻地应用支持团队,并参加必要的客户端流程管理解析; 4.对外开展临床科研项目沟通和第三方服务沟通,制定临床科研项目的流程管理安排; 5.基于临床科研项目开发和维护kol客户关系,深化参加客户端的案例转化。 任职要求 / requirements: 1.生物学或生物医学专业(含生命科学、分子生物学、细胞生物学、免疫生物学、基础医学等)硕士及以上学历,癌症机制探讨或肿瘤临床探讨方向优先; 2.2年以上工作阅历,于基因检测服务行业、第三方检验所、cro等从业者优先,3年以上对应领域工作阅历的可匹配高级职称; 3.具备较强的自我学习、逻辑分析、文字描述、语言表达、人际沟通实力; 4.具备良好的自我管理实力和团队协作精神,具备良好的责任心和职业道德; 5.具备良好的抗压实力和变通实力。 产品临床应用医生岗位职责 医疗产品临床应用医生 富士胶片 富士胶片(中国)投资有限公司,fujifilm,富士中国,富士胶片,富士胶片fujifilm,富士胶片中国,富士胶片 1.产品售前演示,技术指导; 2.负责售后产品的培训与客户的维护; 3. 学习了解竞争对手产品,熟识产品与竞争产品各自的特点; 4. 帮助销售及代理商完成项目申请、招投标过程中产品介绍说明等制作; 5. 支持销售团队的临床产品推广活动。 6. 帮助市场人员推动学术会议及展会的临床相关工作支持。 1. 学历与专业: 本科以上学历;医学相关专业 2. 工作阅历:3年以上临床应用相关阅历 3. 外语水平:英语/商务水平或日语/日常对话水平 4. 计算机应用水平:娴熟运用各类办公软件,能独立进行文档制作 5. 性格特征:擅长分析,缜密细致,追求细微环节,逻辑性强 6. 实力要求:擅长沟通,有团队意识;优秀的演讲水平,较强的学习实力,驾驭医学学问及设备学问。 临床应用岗位职责 临床应用主管/专员 collect and provide machine usage information. monitor the install base and report disposable utility in target blood centers. collect competitive information to improve our in-house clinical training program to maintain competitiveness. draft monthly training schedules, responsible for the coordination and communication of the training programs with the target customers. manage competency testing and certification processes. work closely with sales team to plan and prioritize. implement a training curriculum for china designed to optimize operators' skills in device application. the incumbent will be responsible to localize training materials, aiming to provide the world-class trainings on products, clinical application and handle day-to-day application issues related to our technology. in the first six months, the incumbent will focus the efforts in the selected blood centers. conduct training classes for operators, nurses and distributors' representatives. the incumbent will be the key trainer at the regional users' meetings. provide coaching to field sales force, enhance field implementation to apply best practices. provide feedback to sales and point out specific training needs. provide support to therapy business. work closely with hospital customers to support therapeutic protocols like tpe and pbsc. standardize the training process and certify the participants that will include new sales and application specialists from direct sales organization and distribution network. the incumbent will help to perform daily application consultation works. 医学或生物学背景,本科及以上学历 能娴熟阅读,翻译英文医学文献 吃苦耐劳,接受较高频次出差 有培训经验的优先 collect and provide machine usage information. monitor the install base and report disposable utility in target blood centers. collect competitive information to improve our in-house clinical training program to maintain competitiveness. draft monthly training schedules, responsible for the coordination and communication of the training programs with the target customers. manage competency testing and certification processes. work closely with sales team to plan and prioritize. implement a training curriculum for china designed to optimize operators' skills in device application. the incumbent will be responsible to localize training materials, aiming to provide the world-class trainings on products, clinical application and handle day-to-day application issues related to our technology. in the first six months, the incumbent will focus the efforts in the selected blood centers. conduct training classes for operators, nurses and distributors' representatives. the incumbent will be the key trainer at the regional users' meetings. provide coaching to field sales force, enhance field implementation to apply best practices. provide feedback to sales and point out specific training needs. provide support to therapy business. work closely with hospital customers to support therapeutic protocols like tpe and pbsc. standardize the training process and certify the participants that will include new sales and application specialists from direct sales organization and distribution network. the incumbent will help to perform daily application consultation works. 超声临床应用经理岗位职责 上游临床应用经理 (超声影像) 工作职责: 1.负责超声产品对外临床学术探讨与合作相关工作; 2.负责产品品牌建设及基于学术临床的市场推广工作; 3.负责针对营销系统市场和销售人员进行临床市场相关培训。 岗位要求: 1、本科及以上临床医学相关专业(临床医学/医学影像等); 2、超声影像相关产品的市场工作阅历5年以上,具备临床学术推广相关工作阅历; 3、工作主动主动性强; 4、具备良好的组织协调实力、沟通实力和团队帮助实力。 工作职责: 1.负责超声产品对外临床学术探讨与合作相关工作; 2.负责产品品牌建设及基于学术临床的市场推广工作; 3.负责针对营销系统市场和销售人员进行临床市场相关培训。 岗位要求: 1、本科及以上临床医学相关专业(临床医学/医学影像等); 2、超声影像相关产品的市场工作阅历5年以上,具备临床学术推广相关工作阅历; 3、工作主动主动性强; 4、具备良好的组织协调实力、沟通实力和团队帮助实力。 临床应用支持岗位职责 临床应用技术支持专员 application specialist 梅里埃诊断 梅里埃诊断产品(上海)有限公司,上海梅里埃诊断,梅里埃,梅里埃诊断,梅里埃诊断上海,梅里埃 1. 岗位设立的目的及目标 / primary purpose and overall objective of the job deliver the technical service directly to end user for main products, manage and support distributors to deliver technical service for other systems, be responsible for product complaint handling implementation, work as a technical consultant in communication with customers. promote and grow the reagents consumption of biomerieux products, manual(ppm, api, etest) and automated (vitek, bta, ms, dvl, vidas/minividas, hain) products. assist sales technically in pre-sales part. 2. 主要职责 / main accountabilities 1 provide excellent technical support to the end users to make sure the proper and smooth usages of biomerieux products as well as do pre-sales to support kam effort; 2 work collaboratively with the team to achieve the revenue, win customer satisfaction; 3 lead by ka manager/rbms/area sales manager to implement and achieve the goals the kam projects; 4 drive reagents consumption of biomerieux products under the scope of kam, both manual and automated systems through 1st level and 2nd level technical supports including customers trainings, trouble shooting, workshops, total solutions and clinical promotions; 5 work as level one support for the direct service instrument, for example, vitek ms, previ-isola, hain system, and application training, troubleshooting etc.; work as level two support for other systems, including but not limited to answer telephone inquiries per established guidelines and document in local database, consult with national as etc.; 6 to deliver training course to internal and external customers; 7 be involved in customer complaint handling process, including but not limited to direct and drive investigative process, review test results, request further investigations; implement corporate fa action, like acknowledge the fa event, deliver the information and get back the feedback as request etc.; 8 document all customer interactions in crm/impact system; 9 perform laboratory testing (e.g. surveys, complaint investigations, training material protocol preparations); 9 answer telephone inquiries per established guidelines and document in local database. 3. 学问、语言和阅历要求 / knowledge, language and experience 1. bachelor degree or above major in medical examination 2. at least 0.5 year of hospital experience 3. good practice experience in biological/medical laboratory and good knowledge in laboratory 4. good command of english in both written and oral 5. good command of computer skill 6. good interpersonal and communication skill 超声临床应用岗位职责 超声临床应用专家 浙江深博医疗技术有限公司 浙江深博医疗技术有限公司,浙江深博医疗,深博 职责描述: 1、负责产品售前、售中、售后临床用户的临床超声产品临床运用、培训等 2、依据公司对临床超声产品研发及临床产品试用的要求,负责跟踪临床试用,限制试用进度,收集用户反馈信息。 3、依据公司临床超声产品临床试验及营销的的须要,维护临床产品试用、培训单位及专家,维护与医院、探讨所的良好合作关系 4、建立临床超声产品临床运用信息库