2023年中英文串词(精选3篇) 书目 第1篇大型幼儿歌舞晚会主持中英文串词 第2篇儿童歌舞晚会主持中英文串词 第3篇六一节文艺汇演中英文串词 大型幼儿歌舞晚会主持中英文串词 大型幼儿歌舞晚会主持中英文串词 good evening dear grandpa, grandma, father, mother and children, welcome to watch our show. 秦爱的爷爷奶奶、爸爸妈妈、老师、小挚友们大家晚上好: 一、 中班组合 晶晶珍宝爱唱歌,晶晶珍宝更爱跳舞,在艺术的殿堂里自由翱翔,请观赏中班组合 lets appreciate the dance welcome 二、 舞蹈光明的心 花儿放芳香,鸟儿把歌颂,光明的心情,奔向大自然。请观赏舞蹈光明的心 lets appreciate the dance; welcome 四、童话剧司马光砸缸 小挚友们,信任你们肯定知道司马光砸缸这个成语故事吧,我们要像司马光一样聪慧、能干。请观赏童话剧司马光砸缸 lets appreciate the dance;welcome 七、 舞蹈百家姓 “赵钱孙李、周吴郑王、冯陈诸卫、蒋沈韩杨”聪慧的小挚友们快看看这百家姓里,你们知道多少呢?请观赏舞蹈百家姓 lets appreciate the dance; welcome 八、 舞蹈越来越好 我们的祖国越来越强大,越来越旺盛昌盛,我们的日子越过越红火,请观赏舞蹈越来越好 lets appreciate the dance; welcome 九、 舞蹈:铜鼓声声 新年的钟声即将响起,我们又将迎来万象更新的春天,让我们敲起锣,打起鼓,欢欣鼓舞除旧岁,请观赏舞蹈铜鼓声声 lets appreciate the dance > welcome 十二、舞蹈大树一地根 动感的音乐,美丽的舞蹈,让我们沉醉在这片快乐的海洋里,请观赏舞蹈大树一地根 lets appreciate the dance; welcome 十三、双簧争功晶晶珍宝能歌善舞,晶晶珍宝说弹唱奏样样精通,请观赏双簧争功 lets appreciate the dance; welcome 十二、舞蹈大树一地根 动感的音乐,美丽的舞蹈,让我们沉醉在这片快乐的海洋里,请观赏舞蹈大树一地根 lets appreciate the dancewelcome 十三、双簧争功晶晶珍宝能歌善舞,晶晶珍宝说弹唱奏样样精通,请观赏双簧争功 lets appreciate the dance< 十五、中班组合景东 晶晶是快乐的'源泉,晶晶是梦想的天堂,请欣赏中班组合 lets appreciate the dance from chenjian jingdong kindergarten. 十六、舞蹈天上的梦 童年是梦幻的,童年时七彩的,梦想着有一天能飞上天空,请欣赏舞蹈天上的梦 lets appreciate the dancewelcome 六一节文艺汇演中英文串词 六一节文艺汇演中英文串词 六一节文艺汇演中英文串词 女1:尊敬的各位领导、各位老师 男1:亲爱的同学们 合: 上午好 女2:今天我们小常中学全体师生欢聚一堂,庆祝少年儿童们自己的节日“六一”儿童节。 男2:同时今年也是我党建党90周年纪念日。 女3:在此我谨代表学校祝全体同学节日愉快!祝辛勤培育我们健康成长的老师们身体健康,工作顺利! 男3:并借此:机会向关心、支持我校工作的学校领导以及学生家长表示衷心的感谢!同时祝愿我们祖国更加繁荣昌盛! 女4:最后,再次祝愿各位领导、各位来宾、全体师生万事如意。 男4:现在,我荣幸的宣布,小常中学首届校园艺术节文艺汇演现在开始! 将中文译成英语 dear leaders, teachers dear students: good morning today, we are a small school staff and students often gathered together to celebrate their own festival of children - 'june' children's day, but this is what i's party 90 anniversary. here i wish all the students on behalf of the school holiday! i wish the healthy growth of our hard training teachers health and smooth work! and to opportunity to show concern and support our school work school leaders and parents to express my sincere thanks! also wish our country more prosperous! finally, i once again wish all the leaders, distinguished guests, staff and students all the best. now, i am pleased to announce that the first small-regular secondary school art festival art show now! 结束语: 男1:让我们用心灵的琴弦 女1:用童年的祝愿 男2:用稚嫩的小手 女2:用五彩的画笔 合:去歌唱美好的未来,去描绘灿烂的明天。 男1:看,雏鹰正在展翅飞翔 女1:听,中国少年跨世纪的进行曲正在奏响 男2:我们是明天的雄鹰 女2:我们是祖国的未来 男1:我们和时代的脉搏一起跳动 女1我们与祖国同呼吸、共命运,我们将用行动,向母校、向祖国妈妈,交上一份出色的答案卷。 男1:小常中学文艺汇演到此结束 女1:再见! 将中文译成英语 let the strings of our souls with childhood wishes with a young hand brush with colorful to sing a better future, to depict the bright future. look, kitty hawk is fly listen, the march of china's young century is played we are tomorrow's eagle we are the future we beat together the pulse of the times we breathe the same air with the motherland, a common destiny, we will use actions tohis alma mater, to her mother, turn in a good answer sheet. small regular high school variety show ends goodbye!