2023年展示活动主持稿(2篇) 书目 第1篇大班期末展示活动策划主持稿范文 第2篇英文展示活动主持稿 大班期末展示活动策划主持稿范文 谢:敬爱的爸爸妈妈 符:敬爱的爷爷奶奶 夏:敬爱的叔叔阿姨 郑:敬爱的小挚友 合:大家好! 谢:我们是一群欢乐的小天使,就象朵朵鲜花,绽放漂亮。 符:我们是一群欢乐的小天使,就象可爱的小鸟,欢乐翱翔。 夏:我们是一群欢乐的小天使,就象五彩的蝴蝶,翩翩起舞。 郑:我们是一群欢乐的小天使,就象活泼的小鱼,自由玩耍。 合:现在,我们已经长大。我们会唱歌,我们会跳舞,我们爱学习,我们爱表演,我们的本事可多了。 合:20xx活力无限展示活动现在起先! 谢:我们的手儿巧,心儿巧,小嘴巴儿巧,请观赏声情并茂的儿歌朗诵。 符:阳光多么火辣,洗个澡确定很舒适!请观赏舞蹈珍宝爱洗澡 夏:我们的小挚友真的很能干,严雨琳会讲灰姑娘、符立超会讲西游记、高玉杰会讲豌豆公主、我们可喜爱听啦,我们不仅爱听,还会表演呢,请观赏童话剧金鸡冠 的公鸡 郑:我们像一只只可爱的小百灵,听,我们的歌声是多么的美丽呀,请观赏歌曲小合唱。 谢:有一只鸭妈妈可糊涂了,她呀做了一件丢三落四的事情,让我们一起来看看吧,请观赏故事表演鸭妈妈找蛋 符:我们虽然年龄小,可交通法规记得清,请观赏三句半交通法规记得清。 夏:瞧,一群漂亮的小孔雀她们也来了,请观赏舞蹈孔雀舞。 郑:20xx年8月8日北京奥运会立刻就要开幕啦,我运动、我健康、我欢乐,我是奥运小健将,让我们一起来看看吧,请观赏快板奥运童谣。小挚友,让我们一起来为奥运健将加油、鼓尽吧,齐唱加油干 谢:小挚友,你们知道什么叫吹牛吗?让我们一起来看看小演员是怎样吹牛的,请观赏相声吹牛 符:我们的歌声最甜蜜,我们的动作很美丽。请观赏歌表演有只小燕子、我是草原小牧民等。 夏:看,神气的黑猫警长今日又来了,他来干什么呢?请观赏情景剧交通平安牢记心 郑:鲜花曾告知我,你怎样走过,大地知道你,心中的每一个角落,请观赏大合唱同一首歌等 谢、符:匆忙,太匆忙,快乐的时间总是太短暂,希望与美妙就在不远处等待 夏、郑:手拉手,心连心,让我们共同创建和谐美妙的明天! 合:20xx活力无限展示活动到此结束!感谢大家! 英文展示活动主持稿 英文展示活动主持稿 英文展示活动主持稿 good morning ladies and gentlemen! im kate , and im very happy to host todays closing ceremony for “international culture exchange month” and “2023 ctbu study and culture tour” . today we get together to celebrate, to celebrate the success holding of the program, to celebrate the deep friendship developed between you and me, and, to celebrate the further understanding we got of our different culture. all of the achievements should be attributed to everyone here. so, thanks for coming! now please allow me to introduce todays guests. they re professors and students from our partner universities, from ctbu and volunteers from vaice. welcome! during the passed one month, theres one person who has always offered his great help to support us . he is our dear , lets welcome him/her to give us a speech! thank you , mr/miss we can never forget those interesting activities we took part in, we can never forget the friendly smile when we need help, and we can never forget the volunteers from vaice, because it is their sacrifice that make the program more colorful. so lets welcome the representative of them, huang xiaoqin, from ctbu, to share her feelings. thank you for your words. once i communicated with my volunteer friends. they said that the exchange professors and students were very friendly and curious about china and chongqing. since the unforgettable tour has come to an end, i guess, probably, they have something to say. lets welcome from to give us a speech! my dear friends, during the significant one month , we have gained a lot. and its time to harvest. lets welcome our dear friends from partner universities to go on stage to receive certificate and souvenir from ctbu, welcome! well, what a exciting moment! i believe all of you are much appreciating the presents you received, right? theres a chinese old saying, “happy times flies faster”. and we are almost at the end of both todays ceremony and the whole program. but i think it is not a finish but a perfect beginning of our friendly relationship and close cooperation. and we will cherish the good memories in ctbu, in chongqing forever! now id like to invite all of you to join us in a commemorative photo taking outside the bozhi teaching building . volunteers, please lead the way!