2023年媒体助理岗位职责篇 书目 新媒体编辑助理岗位职责任职要求 新媒体编辑助理岗位职责 新媒体编辑助理 北京德莫森医药信息询问有限公司 北京糖友文化传媒股份有限公司,糖友 1.能够独立完成微信订阅号的内容选题遴选、包装、整合,按时、保质保量发布。 2.按实际需求独立完成专题策划、撰写原创文章。 3.参加视频及音频内容的策划和录制。 4.协作其他部门完成活动的策划和执行。 5.负责维护、拓展作者队伍。 6.完成领导支配的其他工作。 任职要求: 1.新闻学或医学或中文等相关专业专科以上学历; 2.对新媒体有热忱,精确把握微信公众号文章传播特点,文笔好,有自己的风格; 3.具备良好的审美实力,会简洁应用图片、视频类工具软件; 4.有微信公众平台编辑、今日头条平台编辑、运营工作阅历者优先考虑。 5.有上进心,擅长学习。 新媒体编辑助理岗位 新媒体运营助理岗位职责 新媒体运营助理 两者时尚 两者时尚商业(上海)有限公司,两者时尚 岗位描述: 1.淘内、京东、微博等多平台的运营工作; 2.达人粉丝群维护,帮助策划增粉安排并执行; 3.熟识并学习淘宝平台的内容要求,熟识运营规则; 4.各平台账号数据整理类工作,在过程中能够举一反三; 5.公司内部运营沟通,对接产品、数据等相关工作; 6.帮助项目实施,搜集并整理外部媒介资源; 7.文案工作:协作公司文案等其他临时支配的文案撰写工作 8.完成上级交付的其他工作任务。 岗位要求: 1.学历要求:大专及以上。 2.专业要求:中文、广告、策划、营销等相关专业。踏实勤奋,钻研实力强,能够举一反三。 3.阅历要求:有过自媒体运营阅历为佳。 4.具有良好敬业的团队合作精神,擅长沟通,反应敏捷,能够适应项目性的加班。 新媒体策划助理岗位职责 工作职责: 1、负责微信公众号的日常运营,新闻软文撰写等; 2、即时了解网络热点,协作新媒体平台传播; 3、参加构思策划线上活动,提高平台的影响力; 4、帮助提升粉丝活跃度,增加与粉丝的互动性; 5、跟进广告项目,包括媒介策划与投放、网络推广等。 任职要求 1、有肯定的文字功底,能卖萌能恶搞能文艺; 2、有肯定策划实力,具备广告人思维; 3、有清楚的逻辑思维,能够构思策划线上活动; 4、喜爱网络簇新事物,跟得上热点; 5、熟识微信、微博、贴吧、论坛等新媒体渠道; 多媒体运营助理+朝九晚六岗位职责职位要求 职责描述: 岗位要求: 1.有客服阅历,电子商务、广告学、市场营销等相关专业毕业优先; 2.酷爱互联网行业,对电商运营有深厚的爱好; 3.有良好的工作和学习方法,擅长对工作进行统筹与规划; 4.思维灵敏,想象力丰富,视野开阔,有较强的执行力。 薪酬待遇: 1、5天7小时工作制; 2、购买五险一金:包括基本医疗保险、养老保险、工伤保险、失业保险、生育保险、住房公积金; 3、每年两次的年度旅游:一次长途旅游,一次短途旅游; 4、每年一度的年度体检等员工关怀项目; 5、公司供应完善、公允、公证的晋升机会; 岗位要求: 学历要求:中专 语言要求:不限 年龄要求:不限 工作年限:无工作阅历 媒体助理岗位职责 新媒体助理 南京粉黛化妆品有限公司 南京听雪电子商务有限公司,南京粉黛化妆品有限公司 岗位职责: 1、对接新媒体渠道,开拓流量 2、微博、微信、各视频网站、竟店、竞品的数据统计 3、公司新媒体内容的日常编辑、排版、发送 4、公司服务客户的新媒体内容的策略及规划和执行工作 5、帮助编辑做好相关的文案整理工作 任职要求: 1、大专及以上学历,专业不限,有半年相关阅历优先 2、酷爱新媒体工作,对互联网、微博、微信等平台较为熟识 3、具有良好的沟通协调实力和团队合作实力 多媒体助理岗位职责 助理设计师 (多媒体方向) 毕马威中国 kpmg china 毕马威华振会计师事务所(特别一般合伙)上海分所,上海毕马威华振,毕马威中国 kpmg china,毕马威华振,毕马威华振会计师 responsibility - build and consolidate the kpmg brand through designing internal and external electronic marketing and communications collateral task list - design e-communications materials such as e-vite, e-announcement, e-newsletter, e-alert, presentation, website and animated banners, video wall - design user interfaces for different types of multimedia projects - check the brand central website regularly to be up to date on guidelines and raise any question to the senior designer - provide e-templates and simple user tool kits on our intranet website - produce graphics, animation, audio, tactile, video contents - creating prototypes, simulations or virtual environments with various multimedia technologies - solve the technical problems on e-communication related materials across the firm. work closely with the it department for testing and training support to the firm. co-ordinate users acceptance tests - work closely with the internet and intranet team to support that electronic materials are brand compliant - assist design team members with brand and design projects experience required to perform the role - fresh graduates in multimedia design or related qualification is good, but 1-2 years experience in web design or multimedia design within a corporate environment or within an advertising agency is a plus professional qualifications preferred - degree in multimedia design, or equivalent qualifications from recognised institutions are required technical skills & know-how - strong experience with html, css is required - proficiency in using software including dreamweaver, flash, photoshop, freehand / illustrator, adobe acrobat professional - well versed in pc and macintosh - familiarity with both pc and mac environment is essential - proficient in pc skills & chinese word processing would be an advantage - basic knowledge on the print production and graphic software, such as in-design - good command of written and spoken english & chinese - knowledge of industry standards for human interface designs - knowledge of printing production processes will be an absolute advantage critical competencies - quality focus and professionalism: to be able to deliver high quality services - time management: to be able to manage own time personal attributes - ability to communicate with internal clients through understanding their requirements and proposing creative web solutions - able to work independently - excellent organisation and communication skills - creative mind - team player - imaginative flair - integrating the ideas into visual design layout - efficient, multi-tasking, hard-working and responsible 多媒体设计助理岗位职责 助理设计师 (多媒体方向) 毕马威中国 kpmg china 毕马威华振会计师事务所(特别一般合伙)上海分所,上海毕马威华振,毕马威中国 kpmg china,毕马威华振,毕马威华振会计师 responsibility - build and consolidate the kpmg brand through designing internal and external electronic marketing and communications collateral task list - design e-communications materials such as e-vite, e-announcement, e-newsletter, e-alert, presentation, website and animated banners, video wall - design user interfaces for different types of multimedia projects - check the brand central website regularly to be up to date on guidelines and raise any question to the senior designer - provide e-templates and simple user tool kits on our intranet website - produce graphics, animation, audio, tactile, video contents - creating prototypes, simulations or virtual environments with various multimedia technologies - solve the technical problems on e-communication related materials across the firm. work closely with the it department for testing and training support to the firm. co-ordinate users acceptance tests - work closely with the internet and intranet team to support that electronic materials are brand compliant - assist design team members with brand and design projects experience required to perform the role - fresh graduates in multimedia design or related qualification is good, but 1-2 years experience in web design or multimedia design within a corporate environment or within an advertising agency is a plus professional qualifications preferred - degree in multimedia design, or equivalent qualifications from recognised institutions are required technical skills & know-how - strong experience with html, css is required - proficiency in using software including dreamweaver, flash, photoshop, freehand / illustrator, adobe acrobat professional - well versed in pc and macintosh - familiarity with both pc and mac environment is essential - proficient in pc skills & chinese word processing would be an advantage - basic knowledge on the print production and graphic software, such as in-design - good command of written and spoken english & chinese - knowledge of industry standards for human interface designs - knowledge of printing production processes will be an absolute advantage critical competencies - quality focus and professionalism: to be able to deliver high quality services - time management: to be able to manage own time personal attributes - ability to communicate with internal clients through understanding their requirements and proposing creative web solutions - able to work independently - excellent organisation and communication skills - creative mind - team player - imaginative flair - integrating the ideas into visual design layout - efficient, multi-tasking, hard-working and responsible 媒体公关助理岗位职责 性别:不限|驾照:不要求 岗位职责: 任职要求 1、专科及上学历,传播、新闻、市场营销、公关、广告、商业、计算机等相关专业毕业; 2、具有相关岗位2年工作阅历; 3、具有较强的文字功底; 4、具备优秀的公关实力和较强的执行力; 5、熟识品牌推广、公关活动的工作流程 6、有精彩的人际沟通技巧和商务谈判实力 7、具有优秀的资源整合实力和业务推动实力; 岗位职责: 1、帮助部门负责人处理对外媒体公关工作,拓展和维护媒体资源; 2、帮助部门完成品牌推广工作;建立品牌推广台账; 3、帮助部门挖掘和拓展自有品牌; 4、建立媒体档案库,刚好反馈媒体合作意向; 5、负责公司自媒体运营,撰写媒体稿件。 媒体公关助理岗位职责任职要求 媒体公关助理岗位职责 性别:不限|驾照:不要求 岗位职责: 任职要求 1、专科及上学历,传播、新闻、市场营销、公关、广告、商业、计算机等相关专业毕业; 2、具有相关岗位2年工作阅历; 3、具有较强的文字功底; 4、具备优秀的公关实力和较强的执行力; 5、熟识品牌推广、公关活动的工作流程 6、有精彩的人际沟通技巧和商务谈判实力 7、具有优秀的资源整合实力和业务推动实力; 岗位职责: 1、帮助部门负责人处理对外媒体公关工作,拓展和维护媒体资源; 2、帮助部门完成品牌推广工作;建立品牌推广台账; 3、帮助部门挖掘和拓展自有品牌; 4、建立媒体档案库,刚好反馈媒体合作意向; 5、负责公司自媒体运营,撰写媒体稿件。 媒体公关助理岗位 媒体销售助理岗位职责 销售助理(全媒体事业部) 北京迪岸双赢广告有限公司 北京迪岸双赢广告有限公司 岗位职责: 1、协作部门完成销售指标,帮助整理并对接媒体需求等对内的流程; 2、协作上级落实并监督各部门销售进度; 3、处理部门行政和人事便利的相关事宜,并对接集团部门。 任职要求: 1、20-30岁之间,大专及以上学历,文秘行政专业优先; 2、2年以上相关工作阅历,熟识办公软件; 3、工作仔细负责,严谨细心; 4、具有良好的团队合作意识,乐于奉献。 新媒体运营/策划助理岗位职责职位要求 职责描述: 1、负责微信公众号的日常运营,新闻软文撰写等; 2、即时了解网络热点,协作新媒体平台传播; 3、参加构思策划线上活动,提高平台的影响力; 4、帮助提升粉丝活跃度,增加与粉丝的互动性; 5、跟进广告项目,包括媒介策划与投放、网络推广等。 职位要求 1、有肯定的文字功底,能卖萌能恶搞能文艺; 2、有肯定策划实力,具备广告人思维; 3、有清楚的逻辑思维,能够构思策划线上活动; 4、喜爱网络簇新事物,跟得上热点; 5、熟识微信、微博、贴吧、论坛等新媒体渠道; 薪资福利 1、底薪5000+奖金+生活补贴。 2、公司购买五险一金,早九晚六,周末双休,按国家法定节假日放假,每年有15天的带薪年假。 3、集团公司、横向、纵向发展空间大,岗位晋升体系完整且透亮。 岗位要求: 学历要求:大专 语言要求:不限 年龄要求:不限 工作年限:阅历不限 新媒体编辑助理岗位职责 新媒体助理/编辑 深圳点猫科技有限公司 深圳点猫科技有限公司,编程猫,点猫 岗位职责: 1.把握导向,选题策划、并驾驭文字,优选信息,担当有关稿件的初审、复审工作。 2.根据主编的安排,按时完成主题稿件的撰写和编辑 3. 负责过公众号的长期运营和担当执行编辑任务,负责对出版、校对流程、时间支配、发布反馈等工作。 4.完成各种创意构思及文案组织编写工作。负责团队建设及管理,不断提升团队人员的业务素养及专业技能,营造主动、乐观的团队氛围,带领团队达成各项指标。 5. 负责公司随机性文案稿件的撰写工作。维护栏目稿件的撰写、组稿、编辑等。 任职要求: 1. 编辑、出版、新闻、传媒、中文等相关专业本科以上学历; 2. 熟识编辑工作流程,有丰富的编辑管理阅历;有扎实的文字功底,擅长内容策划; 3.熟识传媒行业发展及动态,有较广的业内资源;特殊是教化和家长资源集中的媒体,优先考虑。 4. 具有独特的创见和良好的策划实力,能够策划并执行大型专题方案; 5.有良好的团队精神和组织沟通协调实力,文字表达和编辑实力。 新媒体运营助理岗位职责职位要求 职责描述: 职位要求: 1.中专以上学历,18-30周岁,男女不限,欢迎应届生和转行人员前来应聘; 2.对互联网、电子商务有深厚的爱好,并有准备从事互联网起先的意向; 3.逻辑实力较强,有较强的抗压力和高度的责任感; 4.有上进心和责任心,听从上级的指导和工作支配,有团队合作精神; 5.可接收应届生、实习生、转行求职者等 一经录用,您将享有以下福利: 1、朝九晚六,弹性工作制,不提倡加班,注意工作效率,周未双休; 2、国家法定五险一金及带薪假期; 3、供应工作餐补和住宿(配备空调,热水器,无线网); 4、赐予完善的绩效考核,年终奖金及定期调薪; 5、丰富的业余集体活动(拓展,旅游,聚餐,年会,下午茶等); 6、办公环境舒适,地理位置优越,地铁口及公交站旁边。 岗位要求: 学历要求:中专 语言要求:不限 年龄要求:不限 工作年限:阅历不限 媒体项目助理岗位职责 车机多媒体软件项目经理助理 byd 比亚迪股份有限公司,byd,比亚迪,比亚迪 1、本科及以上学历; 2、做事仔细负责,主动主动,良好的安排性和责任心; 3、具有良好的沟通实力、协调实力,较强的分析、推断和概括实力,逻辑思维实力,有较好的文档编写实力,良好的团队合作精神; 4、熟识软件开发流程者优先; 5、娴熟项目管理类的相关工具者优先; 6、有车机多媒体项目管理阅历者优先; 7、有aspice项目阅历者优先。 媒体营销助理岗位职责 社交媒体及内容营销助理经理 1. develop and implement social media strategy the social media & content manager needs to work with the line manager and agency to develop jaguar social media objective and strategy. then, he/she is the person to implement the strategy with agency 2. develop and deliver social content the social media & content manager is the person to work out social content plan with social agency to reflect business request and implement to deliver the result. 3. manage social media sites the social media & content manager will ensure accounts are updated on a daily basis and that messaging is timely and relevant. the platform includes but not limited to sina weibo, wechat account, bbs, youku, iqiyi, etc. he/she should work with agencies to develop engaging dialogue and monitor customer issues 4. create and manage social media campaigns and call to actions based on brand / project objectives and hot social spots to generate fans and kmis for brand and products. 5. track and report social media performance incl. campaign performance it is vital to track and monitor the effectiveness and success of online initiatives. the social media & content manager will provide reports for executives and management on what worked and what didnt work as well as actions to be taken 6. monitor trends and adopt new social media tools if proper the social media & content manager identifies and reports on social media trends to ensure that an organization is ahead of the competition, reaching the maximum amount of customers 7. social media budget control the social media & content manager should control and track the social media campaign budget allocated to achieve objective/ result and ensure best roi. 8. support senior manager to drive agencies to deliver assign project whenever requires. the social media & content manager will work with agencies for certain social projects. 9. be the contact window with relevant internal functions such as pr, event, crm etc. to use social platform to deliver an integrated mkt campaigns and best result. 1. develop and implement social media strategy the social media & content manager needs to work with the line manager and agency to develop jaguar social media objective and strategy. then, he/she is the person to implement the strategy with agency 2. develop and deliver social content the social media & content manager is the person to work out social content plan with social agency to reflect business request and implement to deliver the result. 3. manage social media sites the social media & content manager will ensure accounts are updated on a daily basis and that messaging is timely and relevant. the platform includes but not limited to sina weibo, wechat account, bbs, youku, iqiyi, etc. he/she should work with agencies to develop engaging dialogue and monitor customer issues 4. create and manage social media campaigns and call to actions based on brand / project objectives and hot social spots to generate fans and kmis for brand and products. 5. track and report social media performance incl. campaign performance it is vital to track and monitor the effectiveness and success of online initiatives. the social media & content manager will provide reports for executives and management on what worked and what didnt work as well as actions to be taken 6. monitor trends and adopt new social media tools if proper the social media & content manager identifies and reports on social media trends to ensure that an organization is ahead of the competition, reaching the maximum amount of customers 7. social media budget control the social media & content manager should control and track the social media campaign budget allocated to achieve objective/ result and ensure best roi. 8. support senior manager to drive agencies to deliver assign project whenever requires.