2023年岗位培训岗位职责篇 书目 美容培训讲师岗位职责 美容培训讲师 克丽缇娜(中国)贸易有限公司 克丽缇娜(中国)贸易有限公司,克丽缇娜,克丽缇娜 职责描述: 1.协作培训总监的各项工作指令,做好各项的培训工作; 2.协作公司新产品上市,拟写与设计新教案,并在美容大使班课程中进行推广教学; 3.讲授哲美学院各项课程。 任职要求: 1、2年以上美容院内经营管理的工作阅历,2年以上培训讲师工作阅历; 2、精通运用word、excel、ppt等office办公软件(能娴熟运用ppt制作培训课件); 3、性格开朗,擅长与人沟通,具良好的专业形象、演讲技巧、沟通协调、应变实力及亲和力,富工作激情。 销售顾问(南京-学习培训业务)岗位职责要求 职位描述: 岗位职责: 1、通过销售探望,了解商户的业务现状与实际需求并结合消费者的消费动向,制定特性化营销方案,与商户谈判并达成合作; 2、执行公司的销售策略及政策,达成业绩目标; 3、与公司各部门协作,刚好处理用户的反馈、投诉和建议,提高用户满足度; 4、归档和更新全部目标商户探望、协议、服务条款等有关的文件和数据,确保信息在数据库中得到正确的维护; 职位要求: 1、大专及以上学历,有销售工作阅历; 2、有很强的学习实力和适应实力,适应互联网行业的快速发展,精力充足,具备在高强压力下精彩完成任务的实力; 3、具备较强的人际沟通及逻辑思维实力,思维灵敏,能够精确把握产品优势和客户心理,高效整合内外部资源促成销售业绩; 4、富有激情和创新理念,追求个人职业发展和公司利益的双赢; 5、酷爱销售,擅长挑战,主动乐观,有剧烈的胜利欲望和企图心; 6、为人正直,诚恳牢靠,以公司利益为重; 雅思培训师岗位职责 雅思培训师 北京学为贵教化科技有限公司 北京学为贵教化科技有限公司,学为贵,学为贵教化,学为贵 工作内容: 负责雅思老师的面试,评定老师实力;后期对新老师进行培训; 任职要求: 1、熟识雅思索试系统;对培训行业有肯定的理解和相识; 2、雅思总分不低于7分,口语单项不低于7分,阅读或听力不低于8分; 3、为人友善温柔,踏实负责 培训资源岗位职责任职要求 培训资源岗位职责 工作职责: 负责组织编制营销中心年度培训安排及培训预算; 负责组织营销中心级别的培训安排实施、组织内部外讲师资源、审核课程并落实培训; 负责督促营销中心各部门按年度安排完成培训工作; 负责新员工培训工作; 负责营销中心网络学院平台的维护,录制更新内部培训课程; 帮助建立优化培训体系,建立内部及外部师资库、试题库等; 负责建立维护营销中心员工培训档案; 完成领导交办的其他工作。 2、任职资格: 人力资源、劳动经济、心理学、管理学等相关专业本科以上学历, 30岁以下; 从事人力资源工作3年以上,具备培训专业学问、管理技能与技巧; 熟识企业内部培训和外部培训的工作流程,有良好的外部培训资源者优先; 熟识国家人力资源管理相关政策法规; 熟识word、excel等office软件操作; 办事沉稳、细致,仔细负责,思维活跃,有较强的沟通及表达实力,性格开朗,具有优良的服务意识和敬业精神,工作原则性强; 中共正式党员优先; 在北京有固定居所。 培训资源岗位 销售培训生岗位职责 销售培训生 北京丽兹行房地产顾问有限公司 北京丽兹行房地产顾问有限公司,丽兹行,北京丽兹行,丽兹行 职责描述: 1.熟识国内以及britain, the united states, australia, canada全部hmall高端楼盘,负责项目数据的实堪、评估、洽谈、签约、房屋验交等工作; 2.为全球高净值客群供应全流程专业顾问式不动产解决方案; 3.依据公司供应的客户资源做深度维护,了解高端顾客的潜在需求;定期反馈并为客户呈现豪宅市场的数据分析与评估报告; 4.帮助开发商楼盘快速清盘,实现资金快速回笼,帮助客户买到满足的房产,帮助业主实现资产快速变现及增值; 5.网络渠道的管理和维护,power系统信息的即时录入和更新,娴熟运用ipad、豪宅app随时随地为顾客呈现我们的高端项目 6.主动主动协作团队当中其他伙伴的工作,主动担当团队交办的其他任务。 任职要求: 1.21-35周岁,统招公办二本及以上学历; 2.具有良好的亲和力、理解实力、逻辑协调和沟通实力; 3.主动乐观开朗,为人诚恳守信,工作主动主动,注意团队合作; 4.情愿服务于高端客户,并且通过与高端客户面对面沟通有意愿提升自己的综合实力; 5.情愿参与公益活动,具有爱心和感恩之心; 财务管理培训生岗位职责任职要求 财务管理培训生岗位职责 管理培训生基金运营/财务方向 禾晖资本 禾晖投资管理(上海)有限公司,禾晖职位描述: 1、负责组织、收集各类市场情报及行业政策信息,追踪国内外金融市场政策资讯,并加以分析汇总; 2、对基金发起、设立、募集、投资、管理、退出等各环节进行支持; 3、财务管理、税务询问、税收筹划等财税日常工作; 4、领导交办的其他事项。 任职要求: 1、211/985高校金融、经济、财会、房地产等相关专业本科及以上学历,持有cfa、cpa等相关资格证书优先考虑; 2、0-2年工作阅历,有私募基金等金融机构实习或工作阅历者优先; 3、具备扎实的财务、法律、税务等基础学问,良好的社交沟通实力、清楚的逻辑思维和语言文字表达实力; 4、娴熟驾驭office等办公软件; 5、具备良好的职业操守、敬业精神、责任心、团队合作精神和较强的原则性、纪律性。 财务管理培训生岗位 培训主管经理岗位职责 培训经理/主管 北京睦合达信息技术股份有限公司 北京睦合达信息技术股份有限公司,北京睦合达信息技术,睦合达,睦合达 岗位职责: 1、负责搭建并不断完善培训体系,包括新员工培训、业务培训、领导力培训及人才梯队建设; 2、负责内部讲师队伍的开发、培育、管理; 3、负责建立内部课程体系,推动落地并不断优化完善; 4、制订、组织、落实公司年度和月度培训安排,督导安排落实与效果跟进,依据效果反馈分析持续改进培训设计,提升培训效能; 5、内部关键课程的讲授,业务类课程的转化; 6、与关键员工沟通、了解其思想动态,为其供应职业规划的专业询问; 7、建立储备人才培育机制,包括帮助建立岗位任职资格。 职位描述: 1、本科及以上学历,教化学、心理学、人力资源管理等相关专业; 2、五年以上培训及相关工作阅历,如有企业高校、企业文化建设相关阅历更佳; 3、娴熟的课程讲授,尤其是ttt课程讲授的实力,擅长培训课程研发与培训项目设计; 4、具备优秀的学习实力,能快速学习业务学问并进行课程转化; 5、具备培训策划实力、团队建设、激励沟通实力; 6、具备优秀的组织协调实力、逻辑思维和文字、口头表达实力,热衷于培训工作。 眼镜培训岗位职责 眼镜培训师 上海艾夫一眼镜有限公司 上海艾夫一眼镜有限公司,艾夫一 岗位职责 1、负责每月培训需求的调查; 2、负责终端销售人员的专业类(视光类、产品学问、实例案例分析)培训; 3、依据公司目标及终端门店的镜片销售状况,制定阶段性的镜片升级培训安排; 4、依据培训安排,每周实施培训; 5、对每次的培训结果进行考核,依据考核结果修正培训安排; 6、对门店销售人员培训内容进行跟踪了解; 7、定期与店面销售员进行沟通,了解一线状况,搜集销售员实际工作中遇到的困难和建议,给出解决方案,并上报干脆上级; 8、每月定期提交月总结、月安排; 9、收集竞争品牌产品状况,了解对手主要卖点,向干脆上级反馈,并做出重点培训方案; 10、帮助公司培训主管编制培训规划; 11、完成干脆上级交待的一切工作事宜。 任职资格 1、 大专以上学历,视光学专业毕业,有中、高级验光师、加工师资质证书优先; 2、 三年以上视光学专业领域培训工作阅历优先,组织过多场大型视光专业类培训; 3、良好的演讲表达实力,熟识office文档处理,熟识视频的录制和剪辑,能独立开发专业培训课件; 4、性特别向,有责任心、主动主动; 5、有肯定的压力实力,能适应常常出差。 技术培训顾问岗位职责任职要求 技术培训顾问岗位职责 职责描述: job purpose: provides leadership and consultant services to ensure the relevance, appropriateness, timeliness and quality of all training classes and training materials required to support the worldwide service training efforts within assigned areas of responsibility. job related statistics: job duties: service training instructor will be collaborating with global training team to create training content, delivering the training to caterpillar dealers technicians, end customers, and caterpillar technical staff, on engines principles and control system, troubleshooting, engine application & installation, disassemble & assemble, covering cat engines applied in industry/ marine/ep/oil& gas . highest-level non-supervisory job in a career development progression starting with the instructor and ending with the service training consultant. advises in the planning, development, coordination and production of all assigned service-training requirements of the service training project/product team. provides technical expertise and advice on multiple product lines to internal customers, business units, marketing organizations, dealers, and subsidiary training operations. mentors all levels of instructors and assists the service training consultants with technical and professional development of the service training staff. provides consulting services to dealer and company personnel to assist in planning and resolving critical training problems within their area of responsibility. identifies training needs, provides guidance and expertise in development of training programs, solves critical problems, develops and negotiates cost estimates for deliverables submitted to business units and marketing organizations. assists the team leader in developing the operating budget for the service training team. provides leadership and coordinates with other service support teams on the design and development of product support strategies. determines material and course content, training aids, media and plans for assigned products. develops, or works with suppliers to develop, new training material concepts and innovative materials. develops and writes service training products on two or more machine or engine product lines and edits service-training products prepared by other instructors. makes decisions on the type and quantity of training materials and instruction needed, training media and the method used to produce the material on multiple product lines. assists business units, marketing organization and subsidiaries in preparing and coordinating worldwide training plans for assigned products. serves as company representative and liaison with other company training groups and instructional designers in the development of worldwide service training concepts and strategies. requires travel to marketing organization training centers, dealerships and corporate training centers worldwide to teach specific courses and to consult on service training concepts and strategies. 任职要求: background/experience: requires a college degree or equivalent experience in progressive training assignments involving classroom instruction, design, development, and delivery of training courses and materials, should have extensive experience in staff and field product support/service related positions with technical expertise on multiple machine models. previous experience as a staff instructor and materials developer is essential. must possess good human relation skills and excellent verbal and written communication skills. normal progression to this position would be from the staff instructor position. 培训经理工作岗位职责 作为一名制度职责大全培训经理,其岗位职责是什么呢假如你想深化了解,可阅读以下这则制度职责大全培训经理岗位职责。 一、 培训经理(制度职责大全经理)应娴熟驾驭公司培训大纲内的全部科目; 二、 熟识不同工作岗位人员的详细工作方式及特点,制定相应的培训内容; 三、 运用良好的逻辑思维、精炼的语言表达方式面授技能; 四、 了解不同市场运作特点,人员学问需求点; 五、 针对不同地域、不同层次业务员(制度职责大全业务员),制定具体有效的培训方案; 六、 不断学习业内新学问新理念,亲密关注驾驭市场动态; 七、 依据公司发展的须要,制定具体、高效、敏捷的培训安排。 zx07管理培训生岗位职责要求 职位描述: 职位职责: 1.商务方向:负责与客户建立前期联系,帮助客户明确需求,帮助解答客户问题; 2.市场方向:负责媒体、行业会议、政府组织、公共机构等渠道的开发和维护;负责读书会等品牌推广活动的策划、组织和执行; 3.跨部门轮岗工作支配; 4.临时交办的其他事项。 职位要求: 1.统招本科及以上学历; 2.一般话标准,形象气质佳,性特别向; 3.具备快速学习实力及良好的人际理解力、沟通实力及语言表达实力; 4.娴熟运用 word、excel、powerpoint等办公软件。 平安培训专员岗位职责 1、帮助培训主管拟订培训安排; 2、依据公司战略开展培训需求调研,并制定年度培训安排; 3、联系各类培训机构,办理员工外部培训事宜; 4、负责内部培训师队伍的建立、管理,外部培训机构的甄选和管理; 5、组织培训材料,开发利用培训协助设施; 6、建立培训档案,依据不同的培训内容及目的设计培训效果评估方式; 7、帮助指导员工职业生涯发展规划,并创建适合其职业发展的培训课程。 技术培训师岗位职责任职要求 技术培训师岗位职责 技术培训师 summary of qualifications 2 years of technical product training or related experience required. highly motivated self-starter with the commitment to see projects to completion strong knowledge of the internet, osi model and networking technologies excellent presentation and interpersonal skills willingness to accept constructive feedback for continuous improvement strong experience in technical writing and training, course development, and resource coordination. experienced with effective with multiple methods of delivery to keep the target audience engaged be able to create training program, including outline, text, handouts, and tests designs lab exercises, using specific products and technology using multiple teaching aids ability to conduct technical assessments against products and identify gaps in technology. coordination with local operational team to schedules classes based on classroom and equipment availability. be able to administer written and practical exams and evaluate trainees' performance participates in trainings, meetings, seminars, and training sessions to obtain information useful to training facility and integrates information into training program. bilingual a must mandarin and english technical skills operating systems: windows / windows nt, linux applications: advanced skills in ms project and ms office suite (power point, word, excel) , adobe suite (photoshop, illustrator ) understanding of following programming: c, html/xml, unix hardware: switching, routing protocols, networking technologies, 3g, 4g, telecommunications and voip crm education and certification college degree in engineering, instructional training or equivalent cisco ccna / huawei hcna certifications is preferred summary of qualifications 2 years of technical product training or related experience required. highly motivated self-starter with the commitment to see projects to completion strong knowledge of the internet, osi model and networking technologies excellent presentation and interpersonal skills willingness to accept constructive feedback for continuous improvement strong experience in technical writing and training, course development, and resource coordination. experienced with effective with multiple methods of delivery to keep the target audience engaged be able to create training program, including outline, text, handouts, and tests designs lab exercises, using specific products and technology using multiple teaching aids ability to conduct technical assessments against products and identify gaps in technology. coordination with local operational team to schedules classes based on classroom and equipment availability. be able to administer written and practical exams and evaluate trainees' performance participates in trainings, meetings, seminars, and training sessions to obtain information useful to training facility and integrates information into training program. bilingual a must mandarin and english technical skills operating systems: windows / windows nt, linux applications: advanced skills in ms project and ms office suite (power point, word, excel) , adobe suite (photoshop, illustrator ) understanding of following programming: c, html/xml, unix hardware: switching, routing protocols, networking technologies, 3g, 4g, telecommunications and voip crm education and certification college degree in engineering, instructional training or equivalent cisco ccna / huawei hcna certifications is preferred 技术培训师岗位 修理培训岗位职责任职要求 修理培训岗位职责 手机修理培训 上海潜修信息科技有限公司 上海潜修信息科技有限公司 手机修理培训,专业学习手机修理拆机,硬件修理等。 图纸识别相识,点位图纸学习等。理论学习培训。 实践操作方法教程等一系列学问内容 培训主管岗位职责内容(电子公司) 1.在部长领导下,负责公司人力资源培训与教化工作。 2.负责编写公司人力资源培训教化发展规划,拟订年度工作和预算安排,在领导批准后组织实施。 3.指导各部门和下属企业制定多层次的培训教化安排,并帮助其实施。 4.负责组织公司内的新员工岗位培训、各类学问班、研讨班、讲座等活动,对参与人员进行考核。 5.负责合理支配培训资源,对公司培训师进行合理分工,并适时聘用外部培训讲师。检 培训拓展岗位职责任职要求 培训拓展岗位职责 拓展培训师 1.大专,20-35岁 2.具有室内外团建培训阅历 3.具有项目开发实力 4.退役军人优先,特种兵优先 5.工作踏实,为人恳切,团队意识强 6.工作相对自由 7.基本+提成,只要能做,回报更高 8.有培训师证优先 1.大专,20-35岁 2.具有室内外团建培训阅历 3.具有项目开发实力 4.退役军人优先,特种兵优先 5.工作踏实,为人恳切,团队意识强 6.工作相对自由 7.基本+提成,只要能做,回报更高 8.有培训师证优先 培训拓展岗位