2()09年大学生英语竞赛C类的作文范文 初赛TaskIDear Tom,As you know ,1' m organizing a two一day debating contest which is to be held on May 1-2,1 am working on a schedule for it now and I will have to send it by E-mail tomorrow. I need some new ideas urgently. Please help me out and give me some fresh ideas by tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, would you please contact some of our teachers and invite them to be judge? Let me know their names by Friday. Thank you.Task IIReport on the Changes of Fashion for Young People in Recent Years in China IntroductionThis report sets out to present how fashions for young people have changed in recent years in China. FindingsAccording to my survey, I have found the following three points:1、Nowadays, the young are seeking for individuality instead of uniformity in the old days and they want the clothes to be unique.2、Thanks to the mass data, the young people are deeply influenced by the fashion trend throughout the word. The North Korean style in hugely popular among them in recent five or six years.3、The general trend is to be casual and simple. ConclusionTherefore, it can be concluded that the young people in China now are looking for individuality, casualness and they would like to follow the fashion abroad.决赛TaskITo: the Personnel Director and the Training Manager From: assistant to the Customer Service Director Date: 23 June 2009 Subject: decreasing salesAs requested by the Customers Service Director , I have done a survey concerning our decreasing sales. This survey shows that our staff are not interested in helping customers and they are unhappy in their jobs. Therefore, our sales have been decreasing for several months.I think we should give bonuses to the best seller every month to improve our staff's enthusiasm. What's more, we should have some special offer every day to attract more customers.Task IITake My Advice on How to Control StressAs the competition between students increases, more and more students feel stressful about their course. As far as V m concerned , we can take the initiative to reduce the stress.Firstly, make a plan for everyday study. For instance, you keep learning English for two hours every day, and within the two hours, you will learn 10 new words and read 2 articles. This way you can learn more than 1000 words three month later and your reading ability will improve as well. Therefore, you don' t have to stay up late before the English examination. As long as you keep learning every day, you will find you are well prepared for the exams already.Secondly, do something else to divert your mind before exams. For example, if you can play piano, play your favorite songs for one or two hours and you will feel relaxed.To conclude, keep learning regularly and cultivate a hobby and you will find yourself relaxed about your course2008年大学生英语初赛Task I NOTICEThe Anti-Addiction SystemNow in China, the adoption of the anti-addiction system and a u real name checking“ system in netbars has led to a heated debate among students.Some say that students' self-discipline is very limited and now at least 14 percent of the urban teenage players are addicted to the Internet and some children even repeatedly disappear from home to spend their nights at local Internet cafes, and play truant from school also. Therefore, they have failed quite a few school exams. In this sense, the new policy can prevent minors developing online addiction.Others claim that the anti-addiction system is only a means to an end and cannot remove the root of the online addiction completely and they believe the key is to guide the minors to improve their self-control and balance their work and play.In my opinion, the latter point hits home for me because it cuts to the chase. However, education is a long process and takes time, which means before education produces effects on children, some supplementary measures should also be taken to speed up the process and the anti-addiction system is one of them全国大学生英语竞赛小作文写作指导一一【报告】写作指导例1Directions:You are preparing for a field report,please write it in about lOOwords with such items as following:thecurrent situation of the equipmentsyour reason and suggestionSubject:Buying computers and videotape recorders.*,这是一份实地考察报告,要求将所看到的状况实事求是的反映出来。upon the request表示在“的要求下,以 request表示要求一般比较正式。postgraduates即研究生例22)detailed information such as dates,related persons and numbers WORK-IN-PROGRESS REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH,2002From:Anny lee, Head ,Academic DepartmentTo:Mr Ng sik-hung,Chairman Shang Hai Evergreen Association Ref:0091963 Date:2 April 2002I .Shang Hai Secondary SchoolII .Academic exchange*.这是一份工作报告,这类报告应注意言之有序,无论是说一件事的始未,或多项事的情况,都必须有条不紊,思 路清晰,并且言之有据,引用的数据要准确,事实的真相要客观地陈述。例3l)the cause of the accident 2)the results 3)the response of authorityTo Li Ming From Liu HuaFortunately,there were no casualties among the crews or passengers,but both ships suffered badly damages.A spokesman for the port authorities said that a committee would be set up to determine the cause of the collision.*这是一份非正式报告,有几点必须注意:开头就交待清楚写报告书的目的。详细阐述调查经过,尽量做到客观公 正。全国大学生英语竞赛小作文写作指导一一【海报】写作指导 二、海报海报是人们日常生活中极为常见的一种招贴形式,多用于电影、戏曲、比赛、文艺演出等活动。海报中通常要写 清楚活动的性质,活动的主办单位、时间、地点等内容。海报的语言要求简明扼要,形式要做到机关报颖美观。海报的格式,通常有三部分组成,即标题、正文与落款。海报的标题对于海报的宣传极为重要。因此标题的撰写昼做到简洁明快,新颖醒目,抓住读者的注意力,海报的 标题形式通常有两种:一是直接使用“海报”(Poster) 一词;另一种则是根据海报的内容,撰写标题。海报正文是海报的核心部分,它是对海报标题的具体描述。语言要求形象生动,简明扼要。做到既有鼓动性,又 不夸大其辞。正文的常见表现形式有:简介说明式,文学描述式, 美术设计式。例1Directions:You are preparing for a friendly Basketball Match. Write a poster which asks for:1) the right form of a standard poster 2) write the place and time clearly You should write about 100 words.POSTERFriendly Basketball GameThere is going to be a friendly and wonderful basketball match between Beijing Forestry University Basketball Team and ours under the auspices of the Recreational and Physical Culture Department of the students' union of the college. It has been decided that this basketball match will be held at the students? activity center which could contain at least 200 people on Saturday, Aug. 23rd, 2004, at 5:00 p. m. It is expected that the competition between the two teams will be keen and severe. All of you are cordially welcome to present the match. The Recreational and Physical Culture Department of the Students? Union of the college. Thursday. Aug. 21st. 2004*.“由,举办”可以用词组“under the auspices of,”,另外,注意中英文通知中落款时间书写位置的差别,中文一 般写在右下角,英文写在左下角。例2Directions:You are going to write an notice for an English-speaking contest. 1) the right form of a standard notice2) tell the purpose and content of this contest clearly You should write no less than 100 wordsEnglish-Speaking ContestIn order to carry out some after-class oral English practice activities and improve the students' ability of speaking English, the StudentsJ Union of the English department has decided to hold a department wide English speaking contest at the students, activity center on Saturday next week, i. e Aug. 23rd. 2004. Everyone who is willing to join in may tell your name and your topic of the speech to your monitor. We will invite five English teachers to work as judges. The first six winners will get the awards as an encouragement. Warmly wish everyone to attend and your presence will certainly encourage and cheer the contestants. The Students? Union of English Department*课外活动在英语里可表达为after-class activities, “in order to»”是表达“为了,的一种常用句型。另外,书写 通知的语言应注意做到言简意赅。例3Directions: You are preparing for a poster to introduce a great place of interestGold Coast of Australia. Please write it in about 100 words. WELCOME to GOLD COAST of AUSTRALIAThe Gold Coast is the undisputed tourist capital of Australia. Each year about three million people visit the holiday city that rivals the most famous world resorts. And we can almost promise sunshine, three hundred sun drenched days a year.A yearly average of 25 degrees Velsius and a winter average of 21 degrees Celsius are nature? s guarantee for a fabulous holiday. There is nothing we cannot do on the Gold Coast. World class attractions include Sea World, Dream world, Wildlife Sanctuary, and the surfing beaches.HOTLINE: (075) 921 655 MOBLIE: (018) 754211 FAX: (075) 921472*这是一张澳大利亚“黄金海岸”张贴的公告,供大家参考使用。请着重注意一下有关联系方式的书写格式 全国大学生英语竞赛小作文写作指导一一【通知】写作指导全国大学生英语竞赛小作文写作指导一一通知写作指导一、通知通知是上级对下级、团体对个人部署工作、传达事情或召开会议时所用的一种文体。同级单位有事情要进行讨论 或协商,也可以互发通知。通知分两种:一种是以布告形式,把事情通知有关人员;另一种是以书信形式,把相关事 情传达给有关人员。一般说来,通知正文上面正中的地方往往有Notice或NOTICE 一词作为题目,正文的下面是发 出通知的单位名称。有时,发出通知单位的名称也可写在正文之前。发出通知的日期一般写在左下角;发出通知的人 或单位的名称,可以写在右下角。这两项有时也可以省略。发出通知的单位和通知对象一般都用第三人称,但若正文 前用了称呼语,则应用第二人称表示被通知的对象。例1Directions:If you are the organizer of a tour and you should give a notice to tell the tourists something about it. It should include: 1 )Where is the destination of the tour. 2)What should the tourists pay attention to. You should write no less than 100 words.NOTICE TO TOURISTSAccording to the schedule, the touring party will visit the Summer Palace and Tian Anmen Square today. You can leave your baggage in the Left Baggage Office and pick it up later this afternoon if it is too heavy to carry with you. The receipt of the baggage should be kept carefully because you will need it. We will come to the Summer Palace first and finish the tour at 2 pm. Then we are going to the destination of Tian Anmen Square without parking. So please don' t get off the sightseeing bus during the journey until the driver says that it is time for food and drinks or toilets. Please be on time!*这是一张旅行团张贴的布告,告知游客当天的活动以及注意事项。“行李寄存处”叫Left Baggage Office,这 是美国英语。英国人管行李叫luggage,与此相对的,行李寄存处便是Left Luggage Office。领取行李,美语to claim baggage, 英国人说 to reclaim luggageo旅游车是 sightseeing bus 或 coach.例2Directions:There are something important to tell the passengers of the plane. Write notice about:1) Reconfirmation the reservation2) What' s the validity of a normal fare ticket. 3) About the refund.You should write about 100 wordsImportant NoticeRECONFIRMATION If you break your journey for more than 35 hours at any point and hold a continuing or return reservation, please reconfirm your intention of using the reservation.VALIDITY A normal fare ticket is valid for one and a half years from the date of issue if none of any portion of it has been used, or from the date of commencement if the carriage is commenced. When in doubt, please check with the carrier? s office concerned.REFUND The refund should be made not later than 19 days after expiry date of the ticket and only refunded in the same country.*以上是乘坐飞机的注意事项,包括来回票机座的确认问题(reconfirmation)、机票的有效期问题(validity) 以及退票事项(refund)。在飞行前应着重注意这些琐碎的问题。You should write about 100 wordsNOTICEJontly sponsored by the Students' Union and the Youth League Committee, a professional lecture naming “How the Tariffs changed after China entered into WTO s union and The Youth League Committee*在表示联合发起时,用Jointly sponsors加合作单位名称例4Directions:You are a secretary of the Dean, s Office. Professor Wang Ting is absent for health reasons. Write a bulletin to tell the students. A few of details should be clear:1) why professor Wang Ting can' t come to work. 2) who will substitute for her 3) how long the situation will be kept It should be no less than 100 words.BULLETINProfessor Wang Ting, English teacher of Grade Three, is temporarily prevented from coming to class for health reasons. Professor Xu Zhiyuan will substitute for her to instruct Listening English for two weeks. The first week, a movie will be given to practise the listening English, and the second week, there will be a classdiscussion. Professor Li Chaoshan will substitute for her to instructConversational English for three weeks. The last week is for the final examination. The topic of this week will be “The Society and The Humanrights” . You should collect some materials and prepare enough before the class. Please tell each other about the message and go to the class on time. Dean' s Office* “代课”用substitute表示。substitute可用做名词,例如his or her substitute。Substitute也可用做动词,有两 种表示法:to substitute B with A 或 to substitute A for B.“上课”,大学里一般用 instructo例5Directions:The Residents' Committee needs to hold a meeting to discuss the security in the residential area, write a notice to tell the residents that: 1) why the meeting is necessary.2) The time and place of this security meetingYou should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2NOTICEIt is reported by several inhabitants from this residential area that some strangers with dirty clothes (one of them has a scar on the face) have lately haunted this area. Some stealings have happened from time to time. So theResidents'' t forget to take the notebooks with you. The Residents' Committee*“居民区”用 residential area 或 residential quarters 来表示,“居委会”有两种译法,一是 the Residents?Committee, 另一个是 the Neighborhood Committee,两者皆可。例6Directions:You are the leader of the new Public Security Team, you should tell the residents about the security situation of the residential area. The details including:1) the purpose of this new Public Security Team. 2) How to contact with the team. You should write about 100 words BULLETIN.Recently, there have been several burglaries in our residential quarters. A few of muggings have been reported by the inhabitants too. A public security team has been set up in order to maintain the order and security of this residential area. Everyone and each house*城市尤其是大城市人员流动频繁,犯罪率比较高,“撬门”是burglary,“偷盗”是theft拦路抢劫”是mugging, “掏包”是 pickpocket,警卫或保安人员,是 security “万一”的含义。例如 Should you be in trouble, please call 110.例7Directions:You are a guard of the Guardroom Residential Area. You want to notice something to the inhabitants of this area. The followings should be clear: 1) What' s the purpose of this notice?You should write about 100 words2) What should the inhabitants do if the situation mentioned happens?NOTICEIt is reported from the inhabitants and residents in our residential area that a few persons came to house holds to sell gas from time to time. They pretended to be the workers of the Gas Company and entered into the inhabitants, home on the pretext of examination of the gasline. This kind of situations have happened several times. This activity is illegitimate and should be forbidden. The Gas Company didn, t send anyone to check the gas or gasline lately. Should such people come again, please immediately contact the security guards. We will come over and interfere. The emergency number is 64492889. You can call at any time you need. Guardroom. Plesidential Area*小区居民,是 residents 或 inhabitants o to pretend 冒充,on the pretext of。例8Directions:Suppose you are one of the organizers of English evening. Write a notice about it, which should include sponsor ,time, place and the program.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2NOTICEThe after class Activities Group takes pleasure in announcing that under the auspices of the s