14:Arguments for or against a ban on genetic engineeringA:forB:againstA:A:OurOur worldworld hashas enteredentered intointo a a newnew biologicalbiological andand socialsocial existenceexistence thatthatisis shapedshaped byby computers,computers,massmass media,media,andand biotechnologybiotechnology.for.for exampleexample,GeneticGenetic engineeringengineering helphelp peoplepeople solvesolve manymany thingsthings,in,int t it?it?B B:well,butwell,but humanshumans shouldshould notnot bebe modifyingmodifying thethe geneticgenetic makeupmakeup ofof otherotherorganismsorganisms。W We e shouldshould keepkeep themthem inin naturenature.A:A:GeneticGenetic engineeringengineering reducesreduces costscosts ofof production.production.ThisThis meansmeans thatthat thethepoorpoor cancan affordafford moremore food,food,andand bebe moremore selfself sufficient.sufficient.TheyreTheyre tastytastyandand nutritiousnutritious SomeSome areare easyeasy toto raiseraise specificallyspecifically forfor food,food,oror areare easyeasytoto catch.catch.itits s pecfctpecfctB B:HumanHuman beingsbeings areare themselvesthemselves partpart ofof nature,nature,creaturescreatures withinwithin creation.creation.HumanHuman discoverydiscovery andand inventioninvention cancan bebe thoughtthought ofof asas resultingresulting fromfrom thetheexerciseexercise ofof God-givenGod-given powers of mind and reason.A:A:thoughthough itit,we,we cancan DesignDesign whatwhat peoplepeople wantwant oror needneed,ImproveImprove oror addadddesirabledesirable characteristicscharacteristics,even,even RemoveRemove undesirableundesirablecharacteristicscharacteristics.it.its s thethe bigbig dealdeal.B:ok,B:ok,I I likelike thingsthingsthosethose areare naturalnatural,but,but GeneticGenetic EngineeringEngineering isisunnaturalunnatural,I I cancan withwith youyou.15:Arguments for or against the view that women face unequal treatmentin getting promoted:AagainstB:forA;A;InIn a a modernmodern society,society,oneone wouldwould thinkthink thatthat sexualsexual discriminationdiscrimination hadhadlonglong disappeared.disappeared.B Butut MyMy mommom didntdidnt getget thethe positionposition sheshe wantedwanted again,again,theythey promotedpromoted somesomenewnew guyguy toto thethe job.job.I I thinkthink itits s notnot fairfair forfor women.women.B:B:However,However,thisthis isis notnot thethe case.case.AlthoughAlthough womenwomen areare givengiven moremore chanceschancesthanthan theythey hadhad beforebefore.ifif a a couplecouple waswas divorcedivorce womenwomen cancan getget 70%70%ofof herhermansmans money!money!ININ UK,SOUK,SOi i thinkthink everyevery countryscountrys CultureCulture areare diffenentdiffenent.OR.ORotherother reasons.reasons.A;wow,noA;wow,no.dodo youyou knowknow thatthat westernwestern womenwomen diddid notnot havehave thethe samesame rightsrightslikelike MuslimMuslim womenwomen,for,for example:example:MuslimMuslim womenwomen havehave rightright toto keepkeep herher familyfamilynamename afterafter marriagemarriage.MuslimMuslim womenwomen havehave rightright toto havehave independentindependent budgetbudgetwithwith outout inquiringinquiring ofof herher husbandhusband.资料下载来源:四六级考试交流群:230206513,英语口语交流群:168570356,大学全科资料群:642838907,更多1万个群、5000G网课群在QQ:763491846的空间日志查看(全部学科的资料群、教师群、学生群、竞赛群、名校群、网课区、口语群等)B B:soso thisthis isis whywhy somesome countrycountry manman areare kingking butbut somesome countrycountry womenwomen areareking.king.becuasebecuase ththeireir cultureculture arearedifferent.different.A A:but:but inin countrycountry especiallyespecially inin a a traditionaltraditional countrycountry likelike ChinaChina SomeSome womenwomenareare stillstill expectedexpected toto staystay atat homehome whenwhen theythey married.married.whywhy man?man?B:B:well,well,theythey areare equalequal butbut theythey dontdont havehave thethe samesame rightsrights asas menmen justjustasas menmen dontdont havehave thethe samesame rightsrights asas women.women.eacheach ofof themthem hashas a a rolerole andandthethe rightsrights areare givengiven accordingly.accordingly.16:Arguments for or against divorce as the solution to a loveless marriageSupporter for divorce=A:if marriage has no love,marriage just is an afflict flikt 折磨折磨 for the person need love.so I think divorce is a bettersolution to aloveless marriage.Against divorce=B:Divorce do manyharms to a family.whats more,The loveless marriage will freepeople from some obligation bligein 义务义务.so I think divorce is the worst rsolution to a loveless marriage.A:if marriage has no love,marriage just is an afflict flikt 折磨折磨 for the personneed love.There is no care for each other and comfortable communication to makelife significant.whats more,the neglect between them buries bomb which willbreak out somedayB:divorce is not a reasonable solution.Everything has two sides.The lovelessmarriage will free people from some obligation bligein 义务义务.Besides,theless you pay,the less emotional demands you have,which reduce disputeA:we marry not for the lifeless life.This also has harm to mental health of thecoming generation.B:if one has no economic capability,divorce will destroy his life,so do theirchildren and their old parents.Divorce hurt more people.A:the essential issue is loveless marriage having no happiness.Why not look forconfident and wonderful life elsewhere?资料下载来源:四六级考试交流群:230206513,英语口语交流群:168570356,大学全科资料群:642838907,更多1万个群、5000G网课群在QQ:763491846的空间日志查看(全部学科的资料群、教师群、学生群、竞赛群、名校群、网课区、口语群等)B:this is just personal interests,how can we dont assume the responsibility for themarriage?Divorce will lead to more social problem.A;well,I still think the emotion is more important.but I accept you too.资料下载来源:四六级考试交流群:230206513,英语口语交流群:168570356,大学全科资料群:642838907,更多1万个群、5000G网课群在QQ:763491846的空间日志查看(全部学科的资料群、教师群、学生群、竞赛群、名校群、网课区、口语群等)