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    试题呈现:True GenerosityWhen a tornado touched down in a small town nearby, many families were left completely destroyed. Afterward all the local newspapers carriedmany human-interest stories featuringsome ofthe familieswho suffered the hardest.One Sunday, a particular picture especially touched me. A young woman stood in front of an entirely shattered mobile home, a depressed expression twisting her face. A young boy, seven or eight years old, stood at her side, eyes downcast ( =depressed). Clutching (紧握)at her skirt was a tiny girl who stared into the camera, eyes wide with confusion and fear.The article that went with the picture gave the clothing sizes of each family member. With growing interest, I noticed that their sizes closely matched ours. This would be a good opportunity toteach my childrento help those less fortunate than themselves. I taped the picture of the young family to our fridge, explaining their difficulty to my seven-year-old twins, Brad and Brett, and to three- year-oldMeghan.“We have so much. And these poor people now have nothing/ I said. "Well share what we have with them.” I brought three large boxes down from the room upstairs and placed them on the living room floor. Meghan watched seriously, as the boys and I filled one of the boxes with canned goods and foods.While I sorted through our clothes, I encouraged the boys to go through their toys anddonatesome of theirless favoritethings. Meghan watched quietly as the boys piled up discarded toys and games.nril help you find something forthe little girlwhen I'm done with this," I said.The boys placedthe toysthey had chosen to donate into one of the boxes while I filled the third box withclothes. Meghan walked up with Lucy, her worn faded much -loved rag doll hugged tightly to her chest. She paused in front of the box that held the toys, pressed her round little face into Lucy's flat, painted-on-face, gave her a final kiss, then laid her gently on top of the other toys.“Oh, Honey/* I said. HYou donft have to give Lucy. Youloveher so much.”Meghan nodded seriously, eyes glistening with held-back tears. ,nLucy makes mehappy, Mommy. Maybe she'll make that other little girl happy, too . H Paragraph 1The boys had watched, open-mouthed, as their baby sister placed her favorite doll in the box.Paragraph 2Astonished, I realized that the boys had also recognized what little Meghan's gesture meant.精彩片段:After a while, Brad closed his eyes, grittinghis teeth, then turned around and made abeeline for his bedroom. Looking at Brad.without thinking twice, Brett followed his stepclosely. A moment later, the twins returnedwith their favorite toys in their hand. Instead ofunwillingness, they delightedly put them in thebox as if they were the persons who receivedthe gift. nl do hope it could work like a charmand cheer them up." Brad said with a smile(82 words) 精彩片段:1, who had wanted to teach my children.had been taught. Taking the cue from my littleones, I removed my old jacket from the box ofclothes and replaced it with the new greenhoped the young woman in the picture wouldlove it as much as I did. It's easy to give whatwe don't want any more, but harder to let go ofthings we cherish, isn't it? However, the truespirit of giving is to give with your heart. (91 words) 精彩片段:just couldn't believe what had happened. Aftera while, I kissed each of them on their faceand said to them JOK, let's choose theclothes together0. I smiled at them with pridethinking to myself,nHow kindhearted mychildren are!” It really surprised me a lot that Ihad been taught by my children as I hadintended to teach them. Sometimes whatreally inspires people is not the cold things butthe warm heart like my children's.(87 words)精彩片段:After a while, I stroked their heads gentlyand nodded with appreciation. Then I took outmy old clothes and put a new in it. 1 asked mykids/Have you made up your mind to donatethese things?HHYes, definitely!n They repliedwithout a second thought, casting adetermined look at me. We all smiled heartily .At this time, we all knew the genuinededication is to donate our true love.(87words) 参考范文:The boys had watched, open-mouthed, as their baby sisterplaced her favorite doll in the box Without a word, Brad rose andwent to his room. He came back carrying one of his favorite actionfigures. He hesitated briefly, clutching the toy, then looked over atMeghan and placed it in the box next to Lucy. A slow smilespread across Bretts face. Then he jumped up, eyes twinkling ashe ran to fetch some of his prized Matchbox cars. Then, the boysturned over to look at me and the box with our less favorite clothes .Astonished, I realized that the boys had also recognized whatlittle Meghan's gesture meant. 1, who had wanted to teach mychildren, had been taught. Taking the cue from my little ones, Iremoved my old jacket from the box of clothes, I replaced it withthe new hunter green jacket that I had found on sale last week. Lhoped the young woman in the picture would love it as much as Idid. It's easy to give what we don't want any more, but harder tolet go of things we cherish, isn*t it? However, the true spirit ofgiving is to give with your heart.下水文1:The boys had watched, open-mouthed, as their baby sisterplaced her favorite doll in the box. Recalling how muchMeghan cherished Lucy and fell asleep with Lucyfs companyevery night, they could hardy believe what came into theirsight, astonishment written on their faces. Meghan was a littlesad, thinking of her departure with Lucy, but her determinedlook suggested that she would never forget what she had done.After a moment of reflection, Brad and Brett tenderlygathered their baby sister into their arms and kissed hergently. Having given each other a knowing look, the two boysrose to their feet and made a dash for their bedroom. Soon.they returned with their favorite toys hugged to their chest,excitement and pride shining in their eyes. (Ill)Astonished,! realized that the boys had also recognized whatlittle Meghan's gesture meant. Deeply touched, I suddenlyrealized that the lesson I wanted to teach my kids was actuallyalso meant for me. On our way to the Donation Centre, thethree almost couldn't wait to share their donations with thefamilies, picturing their surprised look when offered the toysand clothes. In fact, your small kindness not only brought theless fortunate warmth and happiness, but also made your dayencouraging you to carry this act/gesture of kindness forwardinto the far, far future. (81) 下水作文2:The bovs had watched, open-mouthed, as their baby sister placedher favorite doll in the box. Time seemed to stop. But suddenly, theyrose to their feet nearly at the same time, then exchanged a knowingsmile, and turned around, racing back to their room hurriedly. Within amoment or two. Brad, sad but determined, walked out with a modelplane, his most cherished birthday present from his grandpa. Thenfollowed Brett, who held a brand-new basketball in his arms, eyesglistening with tears. Before I could utter a word, both of them hadknelt down to put their beloved toys in the proper place.Astonished,! realized that the boys had also recognized what littleMeghan 's gesture meant. Swallowing back my tears, I lovinglygathered all of them into my arms and said tenderly, ,f I'm proud ofyou, my babies!nThis was the first time that I had thought they weremore like grown-ups who knew what others really needed. Inspiredby them, I soon replaced the old clothes with new ones which I hadjust bought recently. I imagining the woman delightedly put on them , Ifelt nothing was more important than it. This is true generosity, which.unexpectedly was taught by my children.


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