Unit 1Words to note:abound9 2;acre玲 10;b la ste d 6;b ro ch u re13;c a v e rn 3;deluxe-4;drought-7;exotic-17;handcrafted16;independent-8;nestled-14;paddling pool玲 1;paradise-5;perched-12;scuba diver玲 11;shark-9;situated 18;typhoon玲 15Understanding the text:Part A1.A major purpose of advertising is to inform us of new products or goodbargains/help producers sell their products.It is possible that advertising is becoming less effective because we areexposed to too much advertising now and so much of it is misleadinn.2.The more adventurous members of the family can visit some of theattractions of the island,including a trip to an ancient cavern/study thefascinating sea creatures of that area.The less adventurous members can use the hotel swimming pool/paddlingpool or play on the mini golf course or visit the less adventurous places ofinterest.Ghosts are often seen around Lake Tali.Wood has been used to make the accommodation units.The holiday is cheap because the resort is new and the owners claim to bemore interested in making the guests happy than making money.3.Bantu island is really only a small,bear,exposed rock iv the middle of theocean.Swimming around the island would be dangerous because of the manysharks.The swimming pool isnt in use because there is no water in it.The author doesnt believe the stories because it is too small and too shallowfor the stories to be true.The only reason your money“goes further“is that Bantu Island is a long wayaway so the money will be traveling further.4.The advice the author gives in the last two paragraphs is to be very carefulwhen reading advertisements and always try to check the information froman independent source before you buy whatever is advertised.Part BThe BrochureThe Newspaper Article1resortbuilding site2a shallow bay/island paradisebeachless bay/bare rack3fascinating sea creatureshungry sharks4deluxe air-conditioned transportopen-backed jeep5individual,handcrafted unitswooden huts6ancient and mysterious lakedirty pondPartC1.Advertising is often misleading and in some cases,legalized lying”.Theadvertising brochure for Bantu is obvious very misleading-although nothingit says is actually a lie,it does not present the truth.2.Once they got to the island and saw what it was like,they would not want togo on any tours.lay3.No,it was very carefully worded so that it would be difficult to prove it toldany lies-simply did not tell the whole truth or misled the reader in differentways.4.We should look carefully at things that seem attractive and cheap.There isoften a problem that is not obvious.Developing your skills:Which of the following could be used to describe the tone of the newspaperarticle?Humorous,aggressive,sarcasticBrochureNewspaperLayoutA Once in a Lifetime HolidayA Holiday for All the familyA Never-To-Be-Repeated”HolidayA Holiday for NobodyChoice ofInformationsea creaturesbrand-newcooledraresharkshalf-builtblastedthey dont existPunctuationexclamation markquotation marksExpending your vocabulary:Antonyms:brand-newancientnestledperchedshallowdeepparadisenightmaregive-away priceexpensiverefreshingbitterScales of meaning:FrequencyDegreeQuantity constantly/always regularly/repeatedly often/frequently sometimes/occasionally,not always rarely/seldom/intermittently hardly evernever perfectly/absolutely/totally extremely/enormously/particularly/exceedingly/exceptionally very slightly/a little/tosome extent in no way not in the slightest/notat all all/every a vast number most/the majority of/generally many/a lot of/numerous much/a great deal a couple/a few noneUnit 2Understanding the textPart A:1.F2.F3.T 4.T5.T 6.T7.F8.FPart B:1.These exams“decide their futures and the penalties for failure are“final”.Alsolook at speech paragraph 6 the“threat of being a failure for life“is perhaps evenworse than a death sentence.2.The labor market does not urgently need“newly qualified people”.There is no“huiry”;the situation is not critical.3.To compare the large number of lessons with the tiny result and also to say that“40-minute pieces of learning and little pieces of geography or history or biology”do not really add up to any substantial body of knowledge.Perhaps,too,the writerwants to show that mere statistics do not really prove that the results are good.4.The word suggests an unpleasant experience.The writer was,when a child,thesubject and the education system was the boss”.The results of the childssubjection were not good.Also look at speech paragraph 8 again:the system”cannever be called efficient;it simply helps the administrators and the bureaucrats.Developing your skillsPart A l.c)2.b)3.c)4.a)Extending your vocabularyPart A.l.carefree 2.intolerable 3.receptive pulsory 5.severe 6.motivated7.applied 8.franticallyPart B.1 .regardless of 2.how much 3.certainly 4.must 5.help or win 6.frequently7.resultUnit 3Words to note:Bullets一7compensate-11contentedly14disaster-9drifted-6glowing-10instantly-5insured-15pounds-12retire-16shadows-1streaming4tempt-13terrified-3wafted17wandered18wardrobe-2wearily-8Understanding the textPart Anotes 1:they were sitting round a coffee table.Thomas was wearing his police uniformSnow was blowing against burning.notes2:only the man and his wife were in the kitchenthere was a garden and a garden gate outside.The man at the garden gate was wearing police uniformThe man at the garden gate was very tall.note3:The man was sitting next to the fireThomas had a blood stain on his chestThe grandmother was also standing behind ThomasPart B1.the curse was that the bag and its“evil contents gave the grandfather power.Thepower enabled him to get anything he wanted in life.The price was the life of hisown wife.2.he bought the house with the help of the power he had been given by the bag.Buthe forgot the warning-there was a price to pay for his power.3.his first wish was for 100,000 pounds.He would have received this moneybecause of the Life insurance-his son Thomas was insured.When Thomas waskilled,the Insurance Company paid him this money.4.Arthurs second wish was“I want all my family to be together again.This wishcame true but not in the way he had intended.Developing your skillsPart A1.similarly on the night that Arthur asked for 100,000 pounds,his son Thomas died.2.both Arthur and his father paid the price for the help they asked for.They bothknew the bag was evil-but they both used it to get what they thought theywanted.3.Arthur has already learned why his father thought so.But he tries to put thewarning from his father out of his mind.And his son later pays the price-the firstprice.4.his wife definitely is right.Very soon the son Thomas is killed.5.this is because he was a premonition.He knows what has happened and heprobably feels,as his father had left,that he is responsible.He feels guilty.Extending your vocabularyPart A1.terror 2.temptation 3.retirement pensation 5.weary 6.drifter7.insurance 8.disasterPart B1.stream 2.retiring 3.terrific 4.pounded 5.contents 6.shadowingUnit 4For each of the following,dec ide which option best completes the statementaccording to the text.Circle your answer.l.b)2.d)3.b)4.c)5.d)Part B:Summarizing the information in a textSituationActions takenreasons for ActionsSit as far a way fromthe other person aspossibleclose,nervousness,faraway,insulting1.Pretend the otherpeople arent there2.Ignore them3.Avert your eyesfrom them4.Keep your face asexpressionless aspossible5.Create physicalbarrierse.g.clasp handsPretend you are concentratingoo something important-eg.thnpanel indicating the floornumber,Send out signals thatyou do not want your personalspace to be invaded.1.One might moveforward;the othermight back away2.Finally one mighttry to“escape”bymoving away1.standing very close makessome people veryuncomfortable.2.standing where you haveenough personal spacemakes people comfortable1.build“barriers”2.screen ones eyesfrom neighbors3.avoid/prevent any“contact”1.to help concentration2.to keep other people“outside“of their space3.to pretend they are aloneSpread out yourbelongingsTry to give the impression thatthe seats next to you are takenPart C:interpreting the text1.Its the area where people feel safe,secure,comfortable,unthreatened.This areasurrounds us,like a protective blanket.2.In order to“protect“ourselves and to discourage any strangers from“invading”ourpersonal space by attempting to make contact with us.3.Because we need to feel that this area is our own;it belongs to us;its part of ourown self.4.When people from different cultural or geographical backgrounds are together.(because the size of the“space“needed within different cultures differs;somecultures can easily accept closer“contact”and therefore less personal space-thanothers.)5.If attempts to preserve our personal space are ignored by others,and if wetherefore feel a heightened sense of discomfort,threat of even danger,we mightuse force-e.g.a loud voice,or actual physical force,to make it very clear that weare defending our territory”.Developing your skillsPart AWord/expression frompassageHelp found in passagetype of helpValuable(para 1)expensivesynonymdefinitionas far away as possiblefrom the first personpacked(para 4)synonymous expressionbarriers(para 6)examplesstrategiespersonal makers(para 7)territory(para 7)exampleelbows(para 6)Part B:Deducing meaningbarren;nothing would grow or the island;attempts;in vain;never caught a singlefish;crustaceans;crabs,shrimps and,on one occasion,a lobster;almost starved;look like a skeleton;bones were sticking through his skin;emaciated;sadness andanxiety;immediately changed;elationbarrenempty,unproductive,sterile,nothing can growin vainunsuccessful,without results,wasted and producing no benefitcrustaceanscrabs,shrimps and lobstersemaciatedvery,very thin,having almost no flesh on the bodyelationextreme happiness,the opposite of“sadness and anxiety5 9Extending your vocabularyPart A:synonyms and antonymsSynonymsWords to noteAntonymsoffendcomplimentslowlysuddenlyspreadclusteredguardedharmedgripreleaseshowshidesundemonstrativeexpressivePart B:Cloze sentences1.expressive2.indicates/pliment5.gradually/slowly6.releaseUnit 5Words to noteApplicant2Benefits7Cater8Contributors10Dismay-3Encouragement-12Facilities-11Hop-5Impose-6Kerb 1Pretend 13Significantly-4Statistics 14Wheelchair-9Understanding the textPart A:Letter 1Letter 2Letter 3Letter 4Backgroundof writerSeriously injured in atraffic accident.Overcame despairwith the help offamily and friends.Also disabled;but lives in amuch morecaringenvironmentAlso disabled;chairman of“Disabled TaxiDriversAssociation.Not specified.Purpose(s)ofWritingTo highlightdifficulties faced ineveryday life byparaplegics.To encourage Mr.Thomas-because timesand attitudes arechanging.1.To giveinformationabout hisorganization.2.To stress thesafety recordof disableddrivers in hisorganization.3.to stress thatTo emphasizethe range ofopportunitiesavailable todisabledpeople-evenin sports.disabledpeople canfulfill almostall duties.ParticularExperience(s)of WriterFrustration caused bythoughtlessness.Facilities in herhometown helpher to live morefreely and fully.Close and frequentcontact with otherdisabled people.Not specified.MainMessage(s)Its good to beoptimistic andcheerful-butdisabled people needhelp.1.Dontdespair2.If yourhometowndoes notimprove itsfacilities andits attitudes,come to livein mine!To encouragedisabled people tomake contact.1.Regardyourdisabilityin a newlight”.2.Try to beasindependent aspossible.Part B:Interpreting the textExamples of optimismLetter now look forward to.wanting to live life to the full.Letter 2:.your own environment is sure to change soon.perhaps we could share the benefits.Letter 3:.give hope(and a possible future).There are.no reasons why disabled people cannot fulfill.Letter 4:.there are ever increasing social and professional opportunities.he says he may even had an advantage.Examples of objectivityLetter 1:.paraplegics still have to plan each trip.kerbs at the edges of the roads.Letter 2:.extra-wide elevators.not a single step in the whole centre.Letter 3:.suitably converted vehicles.not one single member has ever had an accident of any kind!Letter 4:.sports facilities designed for disabled persons.World Summer Olympic Games for disabled athletes since 1960.Unit 6Understanding the textPart A:comprehending the textRobert Burns ProfileNationalityScottishChildhoodOne of seven children;lived and worked on farmMarital StatusMarriedNumber of childrentwelveFamous worksAuld Lang Syne;Jean;My Love Is Like a Red,Red Rose;JohnAnderson,My JoInterestsReading,drinking,singing,telling stories,womenPoemsThemesAuld Lang SynePleasant memories of friendship and of time past.JeanLove-especially for“the girl I love the best,Jean.Everything beautifulreminds him of Jean.My love is like ared,red roseAgain,loveand the eternal and compelling and all-embracing force of love.John Anderson,My JoLife-long friendship and loyalty;sharing things and trusting somebody;theenduring quality of friendship-the friend John is now old and frail,but stillthe friendship is strong and unchanged.Part B:Interpreting the text1.PoemsMetaphorsActual MeaningsAuld Lang SyneDrink a cup of kindnessShare kindness between good friendsJeanI see her in the morningflowers.I hear her in the tunefulbirds.Everything beautiful reminds him ofJeanMy love is like a red,red roseAnd I will love you.When all the seas go dry.And I will love you.While the sands of life stillrun.He means he will love her for ever(since the seas will never go dry).He will love her while time continuesto pass by(i.e.,again,for ever).John Anderson,My Jo.blessing on your frostyhead,.We climbed the hillHe wants his white-haired old friend tobe always blessed.We have been friends for a life time:2.together.we have accompanied each other onthe journey”and the“hill of life.What is love?Love is beautiful.It?s like themelody.Thats sweetlyplayed in tune.Its likebeautiful flower-a red,redrose”.Its constant and eternalWhat is friendship?Friendship means sharing-both lovely“and wearing,experiences.It means pleasant memories,the trust.(叮heres my hand,my trusted friend.”)It meansconstancywhen they can no longer climb“the hilltogether,they will totter down.hand in hand.”.It is“one of the finest things life can bring”.Developing your skillsPart A:Familiarizing yourself with the features of poetry1.He believed that love is a fundamental blessing in life.There are many varied aspects to love:Bums loved his country(Scotland),women,humanity and honest,simple goodness”,friendship,trust,sharing,etc.Further he believed in morality,and fairness-he wrote aboutpoverty and weakness and sadness.He had such a philosophy because his own childhoodhis family was poor and he had towork hard even as a child,but he was given love and encouragementperhaps influenced hisfeelings about life,and about the value and importance of the“common people(i e ordinarypeople).2.PoemsAdjectivesAuld Lang SyneOld,lovely,weary,wide,trustedJeanBeautiful,wild,constant,sweet,fairMy love is like a red,red roseRed,lovely,dryJohn An