(外研版)高考英语全套ppt课件:必修2 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits.ppt
必修必修2Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits【诵读诵读积积累累】(2011江江西西高高考考)假假设设你你是是星星光光中中学学的的李李华华,将将参参加加主主题题为为“Lets Ride Bicycles”的的英英语语演演讲讲比比赛赛。请请撰撰写写一一份份演演讲讲稿稿,主要内容包括:主要内容包括:1目前汽目前汽车带车带来的空气来的空气污污染和交通堵塞等染和交通堵塞等问题问题;2骑骑自行自行车车的益的益处处,如,如节节能能环环保、有利健康等。保、有利健康等。Good morning,everyone,I am Li Hua from Xingguang Middle School.The topic of my speech is“Lets Ride Bicycles”.As is known to us all,air pollution and heavy urban traffic are becoming increasingly severe mainly due to the overuse of cars.Therefore,its high time we chose another better means of transport,that is,cycling.There are many good reasons to ride bicycles.First of all,compared to cars,bicycles are much cheaper to buy and maintain,and you dont have all the added costs of fuel,and parking.Whats more,bicycles are more environmentally friendly than cars,because they hardly make noises and exhaust.Cycling has become a new trend around the world,a good way of energy saving and low-carbon life.Last but not least,cycling is an excellent way to keep fit and live longer.By riding bicycles,you can cut down on your risk of heart attacks,high blood pressure and other illnesses.So I think riding bicycles actually has great effects on us.Lets ride bicycles from today on!Thank you for listening!【尝试尝试运用运用】词汇词汇翻翻译译由于由于 _空气空气污污染染 _与与相比相比 _而且而且 _制造噪音制造噪音 _保持健康保持健康 _减少减少 _对对有影响有影响 _due toair pollutioncompared towhats moremake noiseskeep fitcut down onhave an effect on一句多一句多译译我我们们早早该该采取措施防止采取措施防止污污染了。染了。_Its high time we took measures to prevent pollution.Its high time we took action to prevent pollution.Its high time we should take measures to prevent pollution.Its high time for us to take measures to prevent pollution.Something should be done to prevent pollution.核心速核心速记记1._(n.)饮饮食;日常食物食;日常食物 (vi.)照医生的照医生的规规定定饮饮食食2._(adj.)健康的;健康的;强强健的健的3._(vi.)朝朝方向前方向前进进4._(vt.)注注视视;观观看看5._(n.)症状症状6._(adj.)可怕的;吓人的可怕的;吓人的dietfitheadeyesymptomawful联联想串想串记记7._(adj.)稀少的;罕有的稀少的;罕有的_(adv.)稀少地;极少地稀少地;极少地8._(adj.)不健康的;有碍健康的不健康的;有碍健康的_(adj.)健健康的康的_(n.)健康健康9._(adj.)富裕的;有富裕的;有钱钱的的_(n.)财财富富10._(adj.)焦焦虑虑的;不安的;渴望的的;不安的;渴望的_(adv.)焦焦虑虑地地_(n.)焦焦虑虑;不安;不安11._(vt.)伤伤害害_(n.)伤伤害;害;损伤损伤;受;受伤处伤处_(adj.)受受伤伤的的rarerarelyunhealthyhealthyhealthwealthywealthanxiousanxiouslyanxietyinjureinjuryinjured12._(n.)疼痛疼痛_(n.)辛苦;辛辛苦;辛劳劳_(adj.)疼痛的疼痛的13._(adj.)正常的;一般的正常的;一般的_(adj.)不正常的不正常的14._(vi.)呼吸呼吸_(n.)呼吸呼吸15._(n.)保保险险_(v.)给给投保投保painpainspainfulnormalabnormalbreathebreathinsuranceinsure短短语语互互译译1.与与有有联联系系 _2.迷恋迷恋 _3.拾起;接拾起;接(人人);取;取(物物);接收;接收 _4.以以开始开始 _5.担心某事担心某事 _6.take exercise _7.lie down _8.put.into._be connected withbe crazy aboutpick upbegin withbe anxious about sth.锻炼锻炼躺下躺下将将投入投入.句型透句型透视视1.感官感官动词动词+宾语宾语+宾语补宾语补足足语语When Zhou Kais mother _(看到他直奔看到他直奔)towards the front door without a jacket on,she eyed him anxiously.2.would rather do sth.宁愿做某事宁愿做某事_(我宁愿吃我宁愿吃)a nice piece of fruit.3.Thats because./.adj./adv.+enough to do sth.But_(那是因那是因为为)I was _ _(很愚蠢在雨中踢足球很愚蠢在雨中踢足球).saw him headingId rather eatthats becausestupid enough to playfootball in the rain4.祈使句祈使句+and/or+陈陈述句述句_(现现在去睡在去睡觉觉否否则则)youll be really tired tomorrow.5.序数序数词词(+名名词词)+to do sth.不定式作后置定不定式作后置定语语Britain was the first country in the world _(拥拥有免有免费费医医疗疗保健体系的保健体系的)paid for by the government.Go to bed now orto have a free healthcare system.语语篇完形篇完形 Zhou Kai is very proud that he is 1._ and hasnt got things like flu.There are two 2._ for that.For one thing,his mother looks after him very 3._,for example,when Zhou Kai was going to the park 4._ football without a jacket on,she told him to 5._ it on and Zhou Kai had to do as she told him to.In addition,his mother tries everymeans to make sure that he has a very 6._ diet.Andfitreasonsattentivelyto playputhealthyZhou Kai said he 7._ eat a nice piece of fruit thansweets.And the second reason is that Zhou Kai takes a lot of 8._,he is 9._ about football,and he is even 10._ of the class team at school.wouldexercisecrazycaptainrather1.填写介、副填写介、副词词(1)He wants to lose weight,in other words,he is _ a diet.(2)The police are looking for people who are connected _ the accident.(3)We saw a boy heading _ the classroom in a hurry.(4)The child is crazy _ computer games.(5)Air in the morning is fresh to breathe _.onwithtowardsaboutin2.选选用句型透用句型透视视中的句式中的句式进进行句式行句式转换转换(1)If you eat too many sweets,youll get fat._(2)He is so tall that he can reach the map on the wall.He is tall _ the map on the wall.(3)He is always the first person that helps me when I am in trouble.He is always the first person _ me when Im in trouble.Dont eat too many sweets or you will get fat.enough to reachto help核核心心考考点点pick up3年年2考考.enough to do sth.3年年2考考1.fit adj.健康的;健康的;强强健的健的;适合的适合的 v.合某人的身;合身;合某人的身;合身;(使使)适合;安装适合;安装 n.适合;合身适合;合身keep fit 保持健康保持健康be fit for sth./to do sth.适合适合(做做)某事某事fit.for.使使适合适合fit in with 与与相适相适应应(2012安安徽徽高高考考)In Asia,there are special competitions where kites have complex designs and are fitted with instruments that make musical sounds as the wind blows through them.在在亚亚洲洲一一些些特特别别的的比比赛赛中中,风风筝筝设设计计复复杂杂,风风吹吹过过时时,所所安安装装的的仪仪器会器会发发出音出音乐乐声。声。It is very important that childrens shoes fit correctly.孩子的鞋子要合脚,孩子的鞋子要合脚,这这是很重要的。是很重要的。Every morning he runs on the sands to _ _.每天早晨他在沙每天早晨他在沙滩滩上跑步,上跑步,锻炼锻炼身体。身体。keep fit【辨析辨析】理解下列区理解下列区别别并并选词选词填空填空suit常用作及物常用作及物动词动词,意意为为“适合适合;适宜适宜”,主要指主要指颜颜色、衣色、衣着、着、发发型、型、时间时间、事情、口味、气候、条件、地位等、事情、口味、气候、条件、地位等适合某人。如果衣着使某人看上去有吸引力适合某人。如果衣着使某人看上去有吸引力,不能用不能用fit,而要用而要用suit。用于比。用于比喻喻意意义时义时也多用也多用suitfit作作动词动词用用时时,其基本含其基本含义为义为“适合适合;合身合身”,多用于衣服、多用于衣服、鞋、帽等鞋、帽等,指大小、尺寸、形状等的指大小、尺寸、形状等的“适合适合”。既可用。既可用作及物作及物动词动词,也可用作不及物也可用作不及物动词动词。fit还还可作形容可作形容词词,意意为为“健康的健康的”match着重指着重指颜颜色、式色、式样样的搭配的搭配,也可指也可指“相一致;比得上相一致;比得上”填空填空:I want to take this jacket because it _ me well and _ my trousers,though the style doesnt _ me.fitsmatchessuit2.anxious adj.焦焦虑虑的;不安的;渴望的的;不安的;渴望的(1)be anxious+that从句从句 渴望渴望/担心担心be anxious for sth./to do sth.渴望得到某物渴望得到某物/做某事做某事be anxious about 担心担心(2)anxiety n.焦焦虑虑,担,担忧忧,担心,担心(2011山山东东高高考考)Are you anxious and restless if you are separated from your mobile phone?如果将你和手机分开,你会感到担心或不安如果将你和手机分开,你会感到担心或不安吗吗?We were all anxious for peace.我我们们都渴望和平。都渴望和平。Im anxious that I can get there on time.(句型句型转换转换)=Im _ _ _ _ on time.我希望按我希望按时时到达那里。到达那里。The foreign minister admitted he _ _ _ _ the situation in the country.外交部外交部长长声称他仍然担心声称他仍然担心这这个国家的局个国家的局势势。anxious to get therewas still anxious about3.injure vt.伤伤害害(2011安徽高考安徽高考)He knew that was how I got injured.他知道那就是我如何受的他知道那就是我如何受的伤伤。The total of the injured in the accident has come up to 200.这这次事故中受次事故中受伤伤的人的人总总数已达到数已达到200。She was awarded 3,500 for injury to her feelings.她得到她得到 3,500 英英镑镑的精神的精神损损失失赔偿赔偿。【归纳归纳】the injured _injury n._受受伤伤的人的人伤伤害,害,损损害害【辨析辨析】理解下列区理解下列区别别并并选词选词填空填空 wound指指枪伤枪伤、刀、刀伤伤、刺、刺伤伤等皮肉之等皮肉之伤伤,特指,特指战场战场上或打上或打斗中的受斗中的受伤伤harm及物及物动词时动词时,表示,表示“对对有害有害/损损害害”,特指,特指伤伤及一及一作个人或其心情、健康、作个人或其心情、健康、权权利、事利、事业业等。另外它也等。另外它也是不可数名是不可数名词词,意,意为为“损损害,害,伤伤害害”,常构成固定短常构成固定短语语“do/cause harm to”hurt为为一般用一般用语语,既可以指肉体上的,既可以指肉体上的伤伤害,也可以指精害,也可以指精神上的神上的伤伤害,害,还还可表示在事故中受可表示在事故中受伤伤。其名。其名词为词为hurt,尤指感情上或肉体上的,尤指感情上或肉体上的伤伤痛痛injure主要指在事故中受主要指在事故中受伤伤。其名。其名词词是是injury,可指平,可指平时时的大小的大小创伤创伤或或伤伤害。害。injured不不仅仅是是injure的的过过去式去式和和过过去分去分词词,也是形容,也是形容词词,表示,表示“受受伤伤的的”Two soldiers died and three others were _ in the attack.The government insists that the dam will not _ the environment.It really _ that youd believe her instead of me.He was _ so seriously that he was sent to hospital at once.woundedharmhurtsinjured4.be connected with与与有有联联系系(1)connect A with/to B 把把A和和B联联系起来系起来connect(with/to)连连接接;联联系系(2)have(no)connection with 与与有有(无无)关系关系in connection with 与与有关有关(2011天津高考天津高考)You can see changes in their life that are connected with their alternative break experiences.你会看到他你会看到他们们生活中生活中发发生的生的变变化化,这这些些变变化与他化与他们们的假期的假期经历经历有关。有关。Connect the fridge to/with the electricity supply.接通冰箱的接通冰箱的电电源。源。The police said he had no connection with the robbery.=The police said he _ _ _ _ the robbery.警察警察说说他与他与这这起起抢抢劫案没关系。劫案没关系。was not connected with【想一想想一想】有很多短有很多短语语都可以表示都可以表示“与与有有联联系系”,请请列列举举。【参考答案参考答案】be related tohave something to do withbe associated withbe concerned with5.pick up拾起拾起,捡捡起起;(通通过实过实践践)学会学会,获获得得;(用用车车)接接载载;接收接收(节节目目);(跌倒后跌倒后)站起来站起来;改善改善,好好转转;取取(物物);收拾收拾,整理整理观观察句子察句子,写出黑体部分的含写出黑体部分的含义义He picked the phone up as soon as it rang.()I need to pick up my luggage before leaving.()Pick yourself up and brush yourself down.()They wont let him out of the hospital until his health has picked up.()He picked up Spanish when he was trading with the local people.()The bus picks up the passengers at the bus stops.()拿起拿起收拾好收拾好自己站起来自己站起来好好转转学会学会,获获得得搭搭载载【高考高考链链接接】(2012四四川川高高考考)Its surprising that your brother _ Russian so quicklyhe hasnt lived there very long.A.picked up B.looked upC.put up D.made up【解解析析】选选A。考考查查动动词词短短语语辨辨析析。句句意意:真真令令人人惊惊讶讶,你你哥哥哥哥这这么么快快就就学学会会了了俄俄语语他他在在那那儿儿没没住住多多长长时时间间。pick up 拾拾起起,捡捡起起,学学会会;look up 仰仰望望,查查阅阅,尊尊敬敬,拜拜访访;put up 举举起起,张张贴贴,提提供供,建建造造,推推举举,提提名名,供供给给住住宿宿;make up组成,化妆,整理,弥补。组成,化妆,整理,弥补。6.But thats because I was stupid enough to play football in the rain.那是因那是因为为我很愚蠢在雨中踢足球。我很愚蠢在雨中踢足球。(1)Thats because.那是因那是因为为(表原因表原因),是常,是常见见句式,句式,because引引导导表表语语从句。与其相从句。与其相对应对应的句式的句式为为:Thats why.(表表结结果果)。(2).adj./adv.+enough to do sth.足足够够能能够够做某事。做某事。他遇到了交通堵塞,那就是他他遇到了交通堵塞,那就是他迟迟到的原因。到的原因。(一句多一句多译译)He was caught in the traffic jam.Thats _.=He was late.Thats _.他到了上学的年他到了上学的年龄龄。(翻翻译译)_.why he was latebecause he was caught in the traffic jamHe is old enough to go to school【高考高考链链接接】(2010辽辽宁宁高高考考)We only had$100 and that was _ to buy a new computer.A.nowhere near enough B.near enough nowhereC.enough near nowhere D.near nowhere enough【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:我我们们只只有有100美美元元,怎怎么么也也不不够够买买一一台台新新电电脑脑的的。nowhere near是是固固定定短短语语,意意思思是是“差差得得远远;远远不不及及”,相相当当于于一一个个形形容容词词,enough作作副副词词用用,修修饰饰形形容容词词或或副词时,应放在被修饰词的后面。副词时,应放在被修饰词的后面。1.normal adj.正常的;一般的;正常的;一般的;标标准的;正准的;正规规的的 n.常常态态;正常;正常;标标准准have a normal temperature 体温正常体温正常above/below normal 高于高于/低于正常低于正常标标准准be back/return to normal 恢复正常恢复正常People who commit crimes like that arent normal.犯那种罪的人心理都不正常。犯那种罪的人心理都不正常。Her temperature is above normal.她的体温高于正常她的体温高于正常标标准。准。It could take two weeks for your health to _ _ _.需要两周的需要两周的时间时间你的身体才能恢复正常。你的身体才能恢复正常。return to normal2.When Zhou Kais mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on,she eyed him anxiously.当周当周凯凯的的妈妈妈妈看到他没穿看到他没穿夹夹克衫就朝着前克衫就朝着前门门走去,她担心地走去,她担心地看着他。看着他。本句使用了本句使用了“感官感官动词动词+宾语宾语+宾语补宾语补足足语语”的用法。常的用法。常见见的的宾宾语补语补足足语语有:有:现现在分在分词词/过过去分去分词词/(省略省略to)不定式。若不定式。若宾语宾语与与宾语补宾语补足足语语之之间为间为主主动动关系,关系,则则使用使用动词动词-ing形式形式(表表动动作正作正在在进进行行)或省略或省略to的不定式的不定式(表完整的表完整的动动作作);若;若为为被被动动关系,关系,则则使用使用过过去分去分词词。用所用所给词给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空We saw the blind man _(cross)the road with the help of a child.我我们们看到那位盲人在一个小孩的帮助下看到那位盲人在一个小孩的帮助下过过了了马马路。路。I felt my hair _(pull)by someone from behind.我感我感觉头发觉头发被后面的人拉了一下。被后面的人拉了一下。I heard him _(play)with his puppy.我听到他正在跟小狗玩耍。我听到他正在跟小狗玩耍。crosspulledplaying.单单句改句改错错1.Following your teachers advice and I think everything will be OK.()2.There is a friend of mine in the injure people.()3.The girl is crazy about a birthday present from her boyfriend.()4.People generally think global warming has connected with the human activities.()5.His telephone went wrong.Thats because you couldnt contact him.()6.Take more exercise and you become really fit.()答案:答案:1.FollowingFollow 2.injureinjured3.aboutfor 4.hasis或或connectedconnection5.becausewhy 6.becomewill become.句型句型转换转换1.The child is so young that he cant take part in the game.=The child is _ young _ take part in the game.=The child is not _ take part in the game.2.Tom always comes to work earlier than any other colleague.=Tom is always the first _.3.If you dont eat more healthy food,you will break down sooner or later.=_,or you will break down sooner or later.=_ or you will break down sooner or later.tootoold enough toto come to workEat more healthy foodMore healthy food4.Can you think of some proverbs related to health?=Can you think of some proverbs _ health?=Can you think of some proverbs _ health?5.He didnt finish his work.Thats why he lost his job.=He lost his job.Thats _.connected within connection withbecause he didnt finish his work.话话题题写写作作先先将将下下面面几几个个句句子子翻翻译译成成英英语语,然然后后连连成成一一段段小小短文。短文。1.放学后,老放学后,老师师告告诉诉他他“打打扫扫完教室再回家完教室再回家”。2.他是最后一个离开教室的。他是最后一个离开教室的。这时这时天天渐渐渐渐黑了。黑了。3.妈妈妈妈担心他的安全。担心他的安全。4.妈妈妈妈要来接他。他拒要来接他。他拒绝绝了。了。5.最后他自己非常勇敢地回到了家。最后他自己非常勇敢地回到了家。_【参考范文参考范文】After school,his teacher told him“Clean the classroom and you will go home.”So he was the last to leave the classroom.It was getting dark.His mother was anxious about his safety.And she offered to pick him up,but he refused.At last he was brave enough to return home alone.