高考英语天津专版二轮复习课件:专题三 阅读理解 第三节 题组7.ppt
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高考英语天津专版二轮复习课件:专题三 阅读理解 第三节 题组7.ppt
题组7逸闻趣事专题三阅读理解第三节题组训练A(2017河东区一模河东区一模)My husband and I sat outside.A small child about three came up the street,accompanied by her mother.As she saw another girl a few feet away,she gave her admiring comment,“Mommy,I like her dress.”Her mom replied,“Well,why dont you go and tell her?”The little girl walked shyly toward the girl wearing the pretty dress.The other one,likely the same age,was standing with her back turned,alongside her parents.They had not heard the compliment.Receiving no response,this little girl hesitated.My husband said to the other girl,“Someone wants to tell you something.”As she turned around,connection was made.Once again,the little one announced“I like your dress,”and upon hearing those words,the other one gave her a big smile and excitedly shared“Look,its a spinning(旋旋转转的的)dress!”at which moment she began to spin in circles.Both of them smiled widely.Now,the one stopped spinning and said,“Its my favorite dress and I have shoes that match!”She took off running toward a stroller(婴儿车婴儿车)parked nearby.The mom and daughter started to head down the street,thinking the encounter(邂邂逅逅)had ended.Moments later,the“spinning dress girl”reappeared,shoes in hand,looking for her new friend who had seemingly disappeared.Now,an elderly couple,seated on a bench,had obviously been watchful of all this.The man stopped the child,saying,“Theres someone coming behind you.”Then we saw one showed and the other admired the beautiful shoes.If you can make a moment better,do it.I have no idea how many others that evening might have observed this act,hoping to help good things to happen.But such brief moments,strung together,make up what might be the significant times in our lives.语语篇篇解解读读本本篇篇文文章章通通过过向向我我们们讲讲述述一一个个生生活活中中的的美美妙妙故故事事,鼓鼓励励人人们们行动起来,尽可能地促使更多美好的事情发生。行动起来,尽可能地促使更多美好的事情发生。1.After she saw another girl in pretty dress,the little girl .A.walked away shylyB.expressed her praiseC.decided to buy oneD.wanted to feel it解解析析细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第一一段段中中“A small child about three came up the street,accompanied by her mother.As she saw another girl a few feet away,she gave her admiring comment,Mommy,I like her dress.”可知,她对另一个女孩的漂亮裙子表达了赞赏之情。故选可知,她对另一个女孩的漂亮裙子表达了赞赏之情。故选B。答案解析231452.Why did the girl in the spinning dress run toward a stroller?A.She wanted to change her shoes there.B.She was attracted by another child in the stroller.C.To make sure that her stroller was safely parked.D.To get her shoes and show them to her new friend.解解析析推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第三三段段以以及及第第四四段段第第二二句句可可推推知知,身身穿穿旋旋转转裙裙子子的的女女孩孩朝朝婴婴儿儿车车跑跑去去,是是为为了了去去取取她她的的鞋鞋并并把把它它们们展展示示给给新新朋朋友友看看。故选故选D。答案解析231453.The old man stopped the mother and daughter to .A.show the girl something interestingB.let the two little girls meet againC.give the girl some praiseD.ask the mother for help答案解析231454.We can infer that the story took place .A.in the morningB.at noonC.in the afternoonD.in the evening解解析析细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据最最后后一一段段中中“I have no idea how many others that evening might have observed this act.”可可知知,这这个个故故事事是是发发生生在在傍傍晚晚的,故选的,故选D。答案解析231455.The authors purpose in writing the passage is to .A.express her love for the wonderful times in lifeB.advise people to be patient with little childrenC.encourage people to help good things to happenD.show the importance of taking opportunities解解析析写写作作意意图图题题。根根据据最最后后一一段段中中“If you can make a moment better,do it.,hoping to help good things to happen.”可可知知,作作者者鼓鼓励励人人们们行行动起来,尽可能地促使美好的事情发生。故选动起来,尽可能地促使美好的事情发生。故选C。答案解析23145B(2017天津一中天津一中3月考月考)A thief who dropped a winning lottery ticket at the scene of his crime has been given a lesson in honesty.His victim,who picked up the ticket,then claimed the 25,000 prize,managed to trace him,and handed over the cash.The robbery happened when maths professor Vinicio Sabbatucci,58,was changing a tire on an Italian motorway.Another motorist,who stopped“to help”,stole a suitcase from his car and drove off.The professor found the dropped ticket and put it in his pocket before driving home to Ascoli in eastern Italy.Next day,he saw the lottery results on TV and,taking out the ticket,realized it was a winner.He claimed the 60 million lire(里里拉拉)prize.Then he began a battle with his conscience.Finally,he decided he could not keep the money despite having been robbed.He advertised in newspapers and on the radio,saying,“Im trying to find the man who robbed me.I have 60 million lire for hima lottery win.Please meet me.Anonymity(匿名匿名)guaranteed.”Professor Sabbatucci received hundreds of calls from people hoping to trick him into handing them the cash.But there was one voice he recognizedand he arranged to meet the man in a park.The robber,a 35-year-old unemployed father of two,gave back the suitcase and burst into tears.He could not believe what was happening.“Why didnt you keep the money?”he asked.The professor replied,“I couldnt,because its not mine.”Then he walked off,spurning the thiefs offer of a reward.语语篇篇解解读读这这篇篇文文章章写写了了一一名名小小偷偷在在偷偷东东西西的的时时候候遗遗失失了了一一张张中中奖奖的的彩彩票票,被被偷偷窃窃的的教教授授捡捡到到了了这这张张彩彩票票并并将将奖奖金金还还给给了了小小偷偷,给给小小偷上了一堂关于诚实的课。偷上了一堂关于诚实的课。解解析析推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据后后边边的的句句子子“Finally,he decided he could not keep the money despite having been robbed.”最最后后,尽尽管管被被偷偷但但是是他他决决定定不不能能拥拥有有这这笔笔钱钱,可可以以推推断断出出教教授授看看到到彩彩票票中中奖奖并并不不是是立立刻刻知知道道该该怎怎么么办办,所以才会所以才会 began a battle with his conscience,然后做出决定,故选,然后做出决定,故选A。6.The sentence“Then he began a battle with his conscience.”in Paragraph 2 implies all of the following except that .A.he knew what he should do as soon as he saw the lottery resultsB.he hesitated about keeping the money for some timeC.he thought for a moment of avenging himself on the robberD.he came to realize that honesty is more important than money答案解析7869107.Hundreds of people phoned Professor Sabbatucci because they .A.wanted to make fun of himB.hoped to get the moneyC.knew who the robber wasD.lost the lottery ticket解解析析细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第三三段段第第一一句句“Professor Sabbatucci received hundreds of calls from people hoping to trick him into handing them the cash.”可知,这些人的目的很简单,就是想得到钱,故选可知,这些人的目的很简单,就是想得到钱,故选B。答案解析786910解解析析细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第三三段段第第四四、五五句句“He could not believe what was happening.Why didnt you keep the money?he asked.”他他不不能能相相信信发发生生的的这这一一切切,并并问问道道“你你为为什什么么不不要要这这些些钱钱?”可可以以看看出出对对于于这这件件事事他感到难以置信,故选他感到难以置信,故选D。8.How did the robber feel when the victim wanted to find him?A.Excited.B.Frightened.C.Ashamed.D.Incredible.答案解析7869109.The word“spurning”in the last sentence can be replaced by“”.A.accepting B.claimingC.cancelling D.rejecting解解析析词词义义猜猜测测题题。通通过过上上下下文文我我们们可可以以判判断断教教授授拒拒绝绝了了小小偷偷的的回回报报,这这里是里是“拒绝拒绝”,故选,故选D。答案解析78691010.If the story appears in a newspaper,the best title might be .A.A Thiefs Lucky DayB.A Popular Maths ProfessorC.A Magic LotteryD.A Reward of Honesty 解解析析标标题题归归纳纳题题。这这篇篇文文章章写写了了一一名名小小偷偷在在偷偷东东西西的的时时候候遗遗失失了了一一张张中中奖奖的的彩彩票票,被被偷偷窃窃的的教教授授捡捡到到了了这这张张彩彩票票并并将将奖奖金金还还给给了了小小偷偷,给给小小偷偷上上了了一一堂堂关关于于诚诚实实的的课课。文文章章主主题题不不是是教教授授、不不是是彩彩票票,是是关关于于小小偷偷的的事事件件,所以只有所以只有A适合作文章的标题。适合作文章的标题。答案解析786910C(2017南开区二模南开区二模)After a terrible electrical accident,which caused him to become both blind and deaf,the whole world became completely dark and quiet for Robert Edwards for almost ten years.The loss of sight and hearing threw him into such sorrow that he tried a few times to put an end to his life.His family,especially his wife,did their best to tend and comfort him and finally he regained the will to live.One hot summer afternoon,he was taking a walk with a stick near his house when a thunderstorm started all at once.He stood under a large tree to avoid getting wet,but he was struck by the lightning.Witnesses thought he was dead but he woke up some 20 minutes later lying face down in muddy water at the base of the tree.He was trembling badly,but when he opened his eyes,he could hardly believe what he saw:a plough and a wall.When Mrs Edwards came running up to him,shouting to their neighbors to call for help,he could see her and hear her voice for the first time in nearly ten years.The news of Robert regaining his sight and hearing quickly spread,and many doctors came to examine him.Most of them said that he regained his sight and hearing from the shock he got from the lightning.However,none of them could give a convincing answer as to why this should have happened.The only reasonable explanation given by one doctor was that,since Robert lost his sight and hearing as a result of a sudden shock,perhaps,the only way for him to regain them was by another sudden shock.语语篇篇解解读读Robert在在一一场场严严重重的的电电击击事事故故中中失失明明失失聪聪。后后来来在在树树下下躲躲雨雨时时他他被被闪闪电电击击中中后后意意外外地地恢恢复复了了视视力力和和听听力力。对对此此医医生生也也给给不不出出合合理的解释。理的解释。解解析析细细节节理理解解题题。由由第第一一段段第第二二句句“The loss of sight and hearing threw him into such sorrow that he tried a few times to put an end to his life.”可可知答案为知答案为A。11.The reason for Roberts attempts to kill himself was that .A.he had to live in a dark and silent worldB.a terrible traffic accident happened to himC.he was struck by the lightning once moreD.nobody in the world cared about him答案解析121311141512.What was Robert doing when he was struck by the lightning?A.Taking a walk with a stick.B.Driving a car.C.Sheltering from the rain under a tree.D.Lying on the ground.解解析析细细节节理理解解题题。由由第第二二段段第第二二句句“He stood under a large tree to avoid getting wet,but he was struck by the lightning.”可知答案为可知答案为C。答案解析1213111415解解析析细细节节理理解解题题。由由第第二二段段中中的的“.but when he opened his eyes,he could hardly believe what he saw:a plough and a wall.”可可知知答答案案为为A。13.What did Robert see first when he regained his sight after the shock?A.A plough and a wall.B.His neighbors.C.His wife who was shouting for help.D.Many doctors who were surrounding him.答案解析1213111415解解析析细细节节理理解解题题。由由第第二二段段第第三三句句“Witnesses thought he was dead but he woke up some 20 minutes later lying face down in muddy water at the base of the tree.”可知可知B项偷换了概念,故项偷换了概念,故B为答案。为答案。14.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A.Robert had been deaf and blind for nearly ten years.B.Robert hid under the tree for 20 minutes.C.Robert could hear his wifes shouting for help when he woke up.D.The familys love helped Robert regain the confidence to live.答案解析121311141515.We can infer from the text that .A.many doctors came because Robert was badly injuredB.a sudden shock led to Roberts recoveryC.Roberts wife sent for doctors immediately after the shockD.there was no accurate explanation for Roberts recovery解解析析推推理理判判断断题题。由由最最后后一一段段中中的的“However,none of them could give a convincing answer as to why this should have happened.”可可知知答答案案为为D。答案解析1213111415D(2017天津一中天津一中5月考月考)The best mistake I ever made was when I was 24 years old and a senior at New York University(NYU).At the time,I was planning to get a law and business degree after graduation and wasnt even job hunting.One day,I walked into the student center looking to get a soda,but instead found a roomful of students wearing suits and ties and holding a stack of resumes(简简历历).Clearly,I had accidentally walked into a job fair.I was casually dressed and had a scarf on my head because I hadnt washed my hair that morning.I tried to walk across the hallwhen a man stopped me with his hand reached out.“Hi,my name is Donny McKenthan.Would you like to work for IBM?”I replied,“Uh,no,thank you,Im just getting something to drink from that machine over there.”I ended up having a wonderful conversation with him,but I told him there was no way he could convince me.My course was set.I went out for dinner that night with some friends.When I mentioned my story,they couldnt believe I was foolish enough to turn down interviewing with this amazing company!I went home that night,dug out his card from the garbage bin and called him back.After a series of successful interviews,an IBM manager called me to extend an offer,which would be followed up in a few days in writing.When I asked what the salary was,he cryptically(含含糊糊其其辞辞)said 18,000.In my mind,I thought 18,000 a year was low,given what I had been earning for part-time work paying my way through NYU.So I told him I thought I should earn more,and started to negotiate.He was surprised and explained that the starting salary for all trainees was set in store.The next day,I received the offer in the mail.As it turned out,I misunderstood the offerI would earn 18,000 a month.That was a great salary,so of course,I took the job.I never did tell my manager about my mistake,but a few months later he placed me in sales because I was the only trainee who had tried to negotiate a starting!That comedy of errors ended up being a wonderful 22-year career at IBM.语语篇篇解解读读文文章章主主要要讲讲述述了了作作者者在在无无意意间间得得到到了了工工作作面面试试机机会会,面面试试时时因因对对工工资资有有误误解解而而进进行行讨讨价价还还价价,从从而而给给面面试试官官留留下下深深刻刻印印象象,并并最最终终因此进入公司销售部门的有趣故事。因此进入公司销售部门的有趣故事。16.Why did the author go to the student center?A.To look for a job.B.To meet a friend.C.To wash his hair.D.To get a drink.答案解析解解析析细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据文文章章第第二二段段首首句句“One day,I walked into the student center looking to get a soda.”作作者者走走进进学学生生活活动动中中心心想想要要找找一一瓶苏打水喝。故选瓶苏打水喝。故选D。171816192017.For what reason did the author refuse the proposal to work for IBM?A.His course of life was not set yet.B.He was not qualified for it.C.The job had nothing to do with his major.D.He already had a clear picture for his future.解解析析推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据文文章章第第一一段段中中的的“At the time,I was planning to get a law and business degree after graduation and wasnt even job hunting.”可可知知作作者者之之所所以以拒拒绝绝别别人人的的工工作作邀邀请请,是是因因为为他他已已经经为为自自己己设设定了一个目标,故选定了一个目标,故选D。答案解析171816192018.How did the authors friends feel about his refusal of the interview?A.Satisfied.B.Jealous.C.Encouraged.D.Astonished.答案解析解解析析细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据文文章章第第三三段段第第四四句句“When I mentioned my story,they couldnt believe I was foolish enough to turn down interviewing with this amazing company!”可可知知作作者者向向朋朋友友们们提提到到招招聘聘会会上上的的故故事事时时,他他们们简简直直不不敢敢相相信信。他他们们认认为为作作者者是是非非常常愚愚蠢蠢地地拒拒绝绝了了那那么么好好一一家家公公司司的工作邀请。故选的工作邀请。故选D。171816192019.Why was the author placed in sales a few months later?A.He did very well in the training.B.He had a law and business degree.C.He was brave enough to negotiate.D.He was a person full of curiosity.答案解析171816192020.What does the author intend to do by writing the passage?A.To inform us of the key to impressing employers in a job fair.B.To share with us his life experience of fun errors.C.To convince us that life is full of uncertainty.D.To interpret the great significance of negotiation.答案解析解解析析写写作作目目的的题题。文文章章主主要要讲讲述述了了作作者者在在无无意意间间得得到到了了工工作作面面试试机机会会,面面试试时时因因对对工工资资有有误误解解而而进进行行讨讨价价还还价价,从从而而最最后后进进入入公公司司销销售售部部门门的的有有趣趣故故事事。作作者者意意在在告告诉诉我我们们这这个个由由犯犯错错而而得得到到好好结结果果的的故故事事,故选故选B。1718161920本课结束