批 次:产品目录:产品信息:规 格:贮藏与有效期:复 溶:使用说明:国家参考品:抗体效价:布鲁氏菌病阳性血清国家标准品201401无布鲁氏菌病阳性血清(牛源),1000IU/安甑1ml/瓶T5C以下保存,有效期20年。用1ml的无菌蒸偏水复溶,并确保每瓶冻干血清完全溶解。用作标定补体结合试验抗原效价、试管凝集试验抗原及虎红平板凝集试验抗原的参照血清。本血清是校准其他所有布病阳性血清效价的主要参照血清。中国兽 医药品监察所是本血清唯一指定提供单位。补体结合试验、试管凝集试验和虎红平板凝集试验均为lOOOIU/mlo注:本品仅限外用,仅用于动物诊断联系人:朱良全中国兽医药品监察所北京市海淀区中关村南大街8号电子邮箱:zhuliangquan电话:+ (86) 010 6210 3675BRUCELLA ABORTUS POSITIVE NATIONAL STANDARDANTISERUMBatch no:201401Catalogue no:N/ADescription:Bovine antiserum against Brucella abortus adjusted to lOOOiu perPresentation:Storage:Expiry Date:ampoule1 ml bovine lyophilizes in glass ampoulesBelow-1501/2034Reconstitution:The ampoule should be reconstituted with lml of sterile distilledwater. Care should be taken to ensure that the entire contents ofthe ampoule are completely resuspended.Directions for use:The reconstituted serum is a National Standard Antiserum for use instandardizing the Rose Bengal Tests (RBT), Serum Agglutination Tests (SAT) and Complement Fixation Tests (CFT) and production of a national standard.National ReferenceThis is a primary reference standard which represents the nationalstandard:standard by which all manufactures are composed and calibrated. Itis only available to China Institute of Veterinary Drug Control (IVDC).Expected titre:1/1000 by CFT; 2/500 by SAT; 1/45 RBTSafety Precautions:For in vitro, animal diagnostic useContact for further information:China Institute of Veterinary Drug ControlZhongguancun South Street No.8,100081, Beijing,P.R. ChinaE-mail: zhuliangquanPhone:+(86) 010 6210 3675