高考英语观点对比型书面表达题导写全面归纳了高考已经考过或者可能要考的作文类型,每一类都有精当解读,科 学引导,恰当练习。只要大家扎扎实实地训练,从此书面表达不再害怕!高考英语观点对比型书面表达题导写一、文体概述观点对比型的文章属于议论文,其特点是以社会热议的话题为背景,发表议 论,并要求考生对此发表自己的观点。一般内容要点为提出问题、分析问题原因、 发表自己的观点。写作中要注意观点明确,理由充分,多用一般现在时。 二、必备短语.have a Ideated八 about对进行一场激烈的讨论2aroused wide concern 引起人们的广泛关注3.a p。阿m topic一个热门话题hal/ opinion /M hal/ view在我看来,我认为ms far as侬 c。八ccr八cd 对我而言according to sb,根据某人的看法。八,s poMt of view/froiv one's perspective在某人看来7.vary /differ from person to pedon-因人而异8.be in favoixr of/agree with同意Q- M contrast/ow the contrary与止匕相反S.bc opposed to /be against/disapprove of 反对三、套用句式sb. believe/ think/ claii that某人认为2. People have takei/adopted different attitudes towards . 人们对有不同的态度。3. For 14Ag part, the for hack is siak叫 a wise choice .依我之见,前者是 一个明智的选择。4. Every coii has two sides, so does .凡事都有两面性,也是如此。5. The reason whg I agree with the second idea is that 我同意第二 种观点的理由是.四、习作修改(下列范文中共有工。处错误,每句最多两处,请改正)Nowadays, 14A八g people tike to use We。Language in writing aid cowwiAvcatov. Somc speak ChMesc Mixed with souac English word, so our class Md a discussion about if we should use it.Some students hold the view which it is ndicixloiAS and to lAAdekSta八4 it. Using web laigiAage vot o八(g has bad effects。八 learning English biAt also Make the ChMcsc彷八guagc (css standard and pare. Besidesothers in favour of ixsiig it for the reason that it is sinAp/ecoiveiieit aid Mpfu(l M expressMg /cmsc/mcs. VJhats想。俎 it Makes the language &ore interested.。八 Mg opi八,。八)it's wot a good habit to use the Web Laiguage. It wacj kvake。匕sc/mcs iisiAiderstood.五、课堂练习网上聊天成了人们关注的话题。请就此话题写一篇英语短文,投给某英语报,介 绍人们的不同观点,并表达自己的看法。L赞成:广交朋友,与不同人交流,增长见识。2 .反对:易沉迷网络,易被骗。3 你的看法。注意:工词数为工左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。六、课外作业诚信是一种美德。你的一位同学说"HomsW is the best policy,引起了同学 们的讨论,请用英语将讨论写成一篇短文,投给某英文报。内容要点:L有的同学认为有时不能老实,不然吃亏;2.有的同学不同意这个观点,认为是我们的传统美德。2.谈谈你的看法及说明理由。注意:工词数为工OO左右。2 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考答案与范文:习作修改本文讨论的是使用网络语言是否可行。作者阐述了班级正反双方的意见,同时表 达了自己的观点。工"夹杂着英语单词”,单词是可数的,要用复数形式2.1 ff whether在介词后接从句,表示"是否"用wketker不用if3 whichfthat同位语从句,当从句完整时,用以nt引导4 .删去第二丞 不定式充当真正主语,不加it5 .句子主语是 UsMg web(八guagc, n/mke 需要力口 sG. BesidesHowever下文是表达相反的观点,需要用However表示转折7.others和/'八之间加are句子缺少谓语,主语为others复数,添加are2. MtcrestcdeReresting它使得语言更加有趣,不是指人的感受,应该用i interestingq.。八一以iki opiiioi是固定搭配n/u'sa八WcHShmd f mis认八dckstood作者认为用网络语言不是好习惯,因 此它可能带来的后果是使得自己"误解",用misunderstood.课堂练习Chatting。八(Mc> a pop(A(* topic, kas aromsed wide public concern recently.Some agree to ckxat。八八c for the reason that it helps tkcM ixake fHchds c。八 mc八也八 t/g. What's had re, students cav coww(Avicate with different people so that theg cav wide八 their koriz。八s. Others, kowcMC匕 disagree with it. They think students are easily addicted to the/八 ter 八etj wasting theik precious aid distracting them fro ha theik study. Besides, souac students get cheated。八八c.Fro ha 14Ag perspective, stixdc 心 should place their study, health aid safety before other things. As for McAclship)we cav readily find it M our daiates aid other people 4ro"八d as 4八d we should focas HAore enwgg。八。匕 st认dg.课外作业。八c of hal/ classmates cowe ap with a wisdom which goes like this: “Honcstg is the best policyy It brings about a Ideated discixssi。八.So以c stmdeints prefer to be dishonest soietiiies for theg thMk being hohcst is a kMd of foolishness to some certain. Ii addition, theg will suffer from (oss if theg are iot clever e八。gk,。八 the contrary, others are ih favoixir of the wisdom. They are coiviiced that hohcstg is a traditional virtixe of ChMcsc poop忆.Co八scqc八t/夕 everyone sk。"" regard it a ru/e aid voliAitanly observe it.As for ha67I cavCt agree iore with the wisdoi/八.I have bee八 keeping it as hal/ iotto, as I firmly believe that it will。力八g hac fortune aid 人叫平Mess M kvy life.