现在Now我们要进入集体梦境we are entering a collective dream.你这样好像魔术师You sound like a magician.我本来就是魔术师I am a magician!现在学我把纸折成这样Now fold the paper like me.然后And再传一次pass it again.就这样That's it.打开Open them.好耶All right!“一个浪荡子叹息她的喷嚏”“A wanton son sighs her sneezes."“古海吃掉她的年轻”"The ancient ocean eats her young."“我的酒醉便犬痛恨月亮”"My drunken terrier hates the moon."“每颗忘掉的弹丸都爱蜡笔"Every forgotten slug loves a crayon."“疲倦的坏人舞在浪中”"A tired villain dances the waves/' Oh!“傻树渴望正义"The silly tree longs for justice/“华丽尸体需要更多葡萄酒”“The exquisite corpse needs more wine/啦!Yes!爸爸Papa!出来啦Get out of there!桌子底下有奇怪的东西因为船长是朋友'cause the captain is a friend.但每个乘客还是需要海外入境签证But each passenger still needs some kind of off-continent entry visa, 我已经没空了,我们到处碰壁and I'm running out of time here. We've been everywhere.宾汉,拜你,我们需要帮忙Bingham, please.Please. We need help.你有名单吗?Do you have a list of names?这是我们找到明天就能走的难民名单This is everyone that we could find who is ready to go tomorrow.我得找阿尔伯特赫绪曼,该送他走了And I need to talk to Albert. Hirschman. I think it's time to get him out.-赫绪曼?他叫奥托阿尔伯特吗?-对Hirschman? First name's Otto Albert? - Mm-hmm.他的签证早就来了A visa came in for him already.他只是还没领He just hasn't picked it up yet.我会跟他说Fil speak to him.你知道夏卡尔夫妇也是The same is true for the Chagalls, as you know.签证下来好几个月,为什麽不用?That visa's been there for months. Why don't they use it?我一直劝他们,但是他们不肯走I keep trying and trying. They just. They won*t leave.-维多瑟日不行也是共♥产♥党-我知道Not Victor Serge. He's a Communist. -1 know.维多布豪纳也不行我说过美国还不收罗马尼亚人Victor Brauner is impossible. I told you the US isn't taking Romanians yet. 至于其他人,我再想办法111 see what I can do about all the others.明天早上船边见?Meet you tomorrow morning at the boat?-好吗?-好Okay. - Good.-谢谢-嗯Thank you. - Mm-hmm.宾汉♥人 ♥呢?Where's Bingham?吃饭?Lunch?他开始入境随俗了 什麽?He's gone native. Sorry?法国人把午休当休假他把那个留给我吗?The French treat lunch like a vacation. He leave that for me?是的Uh, actually, yes.他看起来不够凶狠He doesn't look very threatening.(签证)不然要长怎样?How should he look?我说外国人,这像伙连犹太人都不是Well, I said foreign. This guy*s not even Jewish.他是社♥会♥主♥义♥者-看照片就看得出来?He's a socialist. - You can see that from the photo?哥德小姐把他救出莱米勒集中营Miss Gold broke Hans Fittko out of Des Milles!女尔怎麽知道?How do you know that?我打去问集中营他们会告诉姊?I called the camp. - And they told you that?用法语比较好讲话It helps to speak French.他是狸面的首脑人物He was the mastermind on the inside.我要怎麽找这个汉斯菲特柯?So, how do I find this Hans Fittko?他当然跟其他人在一起With the rest of them, of course.艾贝别♥墅 ♥La Villa Air-BeL我在等娇告诉我物;要什麽I'm waiting for you to tell me what you want.莉莎Lisa.我要加入保罗的组织I want to join Paul.保罗?Paul?对Yes.女尔应该多了解他/也想改变这个世界You should get to know him. He's going to change the world.我今晚要去他的聚会I'm going to his meeting tonight.跟我来吧Come with me.也许我们应该跟其他人Or maybe we just go to America一起去美国with the rest of them.重新来过We'll start over.我们一年前就申请签证了We applied for visas a year ago.也许瓦里安能想办法,然后上船Maybe Varian can do something and then werIl get on that boat.莉莎Lisa.为什麽不去?Why not?我们现在不能去美国We can't go to America now.好想赶快去美国,如果罗马尼亚画家America. I canft wait. What is surrealism不能在德州学牛仔骑马这样还叫超现实主义吗?if not a Romanian painter on a cowboy horse in Texas?好,维多Okay, Victor. - Hm?等我们进去时When we get in there,麻烦你少开金口,好吗?just please try to keep your mouth shut, yeah?这是为了你好Just for your own sake.控制签证的小资产阶级才不在乎什麽人类文明The petite bourgeoisie who control the visas don't care about civilization. 别提政♥治 ♥No politics.政♥治♥是我的生命 Politics are my life.控制签证的小资产阶级The petite bourgeoisie who control the visas 用不着知道这些吧?don't have to know that. Do they?你想搭火车到纳粹集中营吗?Do you want to end up on a train to a Nazi prison camp?阿尔伯特Albert!这不叫屈服,这叫生存It's not about submission. It's about survival.他懂啦He understands that.谁在乎我能不能生存? 我在乎Who cares about my survival? -1 care.对,我们在乎Right. We care.我们在乎We care.谢谢Thank you.我想到了Do you know what? - Hm?你们可以结婚You could marry him.维多?Victor?如果拿不到签证If this doesn't work out.我说真的Seriously.败老是说You always say that you're prepared to use all the tools at your disposal. 任何可行的工具妫;都愿意用 所以Well, 美国签证a US visa, 正好是未婚美国妇女that's just about the most powerful thing能给欧洲难民最有力的工具an unmarried American woman has to offer a refugee in Europe. 领事可以见各位了The consul will see you now.我的确会是个好丈夫I do make an excellent husband.包斯克先生Senor Bosques.哥德小姐Senorita Gold.我们请您重新考量We're back to implore you我朋友维多瑟日吃过多少苦to reconsider the plight of our friend Victor Serge.他最关心人♥权♥议题He concerns himself with the rights of man.不是每个外国领事的政♥治♥敏感度Now, not every foreign consulate has the political sensitivity 都能把这个当成优点to understand that as an advantage,但是您的革命情怀一定能看出他的非凡价值but we think your revolutionary mind will see his enormous value.骚扰、拘留、挨饿Harassment, detention, starvation,流放、关押手段exile, internment.逼疯他的第一任妻子It drove his first wife mad.-娇是他的续系玄吗?-不是Are you his second wife? - No.你是我们最后的希望You are our last hope.-好,我来处理-谢谢Okay, I will take care of it. - Thank you.维多瑟日先生,没错Oui, Senor Serge.-革命万岁.革命万岁!Long live the revolution!-午餐怎麽样? 长官How was lunch? - Sir.有报纸提到汤玛斯曼的儿子戈洛曼There's an article in the paper about a writer named Golo Mann. 耳熟吗?Ring a bell?没听过No.只是一个在纳粹黑名单上的犹太作家Just another Jewish writer on the Nazi reject list.重点是Here's the thing.他在报导中说马赛的外交官助他逃亡In the article, it says diplomats in Marseille helped get him out. 怎麽会这样?How does that work?如果你想救这些溷帐知识分子If you had to play Good Samaritan to some goddamn intellectual, 好歹也用用大脑好歹也用用大脑couldn't you have had the good sense挑个不会大嘴巴的人吧?to pick someone who would keep his mouth shut?芮斯说办公室桂有位小姐Meanwhile, Reese says there's a young lady in the office,一直在帮瓦里安处理那档子事someone mixed up in that racket Fry is running,而且老是跟你通电♥话♥who's always talking to you on the phone.-我不知道-是吗?I don't know about that. No?-是-我盯上你了,宾汉No. - I'm watching you, Bingham.适可而止Get it together.很得意吗?Proud of yourself?等大家都上船前往马丁尼克,也许吧Once everyone's on a boat and halfway to Martinique, maybe.你让我与有荣焉I'm proud of you.喂Hey.可以借步说话吗? 当然好Can I have a word? - Yeah, of course.一下子就好Just a second.他们应该开始遣返犯人了I believe they*ve started deporting prisoners.他们利用货车走乡下道路They're using convoys of trucks on backcountry roads.天啊Oh my God.我跟保罗讨论过And I've been talking with Paul.我要准备展开武力抵抗I want to prepare for violent resistance.你也可以乾脆离开欧洲Or you could just leave Europe altogether.你干嘛这样讲?Why would you even say that?宾汉说美国领♥事♥馆♥有你的美国签证Bingham said there's a US visa with your name on it at the US consulate.我姊姊乌苏拉办的你明天应该上那艘船My sister Ursula arranged it. - You should be on that boat tomorrow. 免得你也被遣返德国Before you're the one getting deported back to the Reich.我不知道港口能开放多久I don't know how long the port's gonna be open.你想过也许没有下次机会了吗?This might be your last chance. Have you thought about that?This might be your last chance. Have you thought about that?我不会走的I'm not going anywhere.还不行Not now.天啊God.你怎麽样?How are you doing?玛莉珍知道你有签证吗?Does Mary Jayne know about your visa?赛巴斯汀,你在做什麽?What are you doing, Sebastian?我的摄影机坏了My camera is broken.反正没底片,乾脆把电影拍到脑袋狸And anyway, I have no film, so I'm making a film in my head.这招不错Thats a wonderful idea.大家注意到这边!Pay attention, everybody!赛巴斯汀要在这狸拍电影Sebastian here is making a film拍我们在天堂的最后一晚about our last night in paradise.啦!Yes!保罗已经招募超过20人Paufs already recruited more than 20 people.我很抱歉,我没能让丽莎来。I'm so sorry that I couldn't get Lisa to come.这太不像她了。That's so unlike her.(签证马赛而美国领♥事♥馆♥)跟着那辆货车Follow that truck.等一下,停车Wait, stop!达狗伯Dagobert!天啊,Oh my goodn你怎麽找到我的?How did you find me?你看看你Look at you.你好乖喔Oh, you're such a good boy.好聪明Oh, you*re so smart.谁能告诉我这是什麽?-贝多芬第五号♥交响曲开头?Who can tell me what that is? - The opening bars of Beethoven*s Fifth?还有呢?What else?仔细听好Listen carefully.? Ba, ba, ba, bam )谁懂摩斯密♥码♥的?Do any of you know Morse code?短、短、短、长Short, short, short, long.代表字母VThat's the letter V.代表胜利V for victory.我们从现在起用这首曲子当暗号♥From now on, we will use this music as a signal透过公共广播频道联络同志to communicate with our comrades over public radio channels.有这段音乐开头就是暗号♥Listen for these opening bars as a signal.贝多芬第五号♥交响曲之后的诗和音乐The poems and music that follow Beethoven's Fifth就是密语will be secret messages.反抗军万岁!Long live the Resistance!你是谁?Who are you?三更半夜的It's the middle of the night.你来干嘛?What do you want?妈妈Mother!怎麽了?What's wrong?谁来了?Who is here?妈,回去睡觉这倒火是谁?Go back to bed, Mother. - Who is this guy?去睡觉To bed!大姊晚安Good night, Madame.我有大好消息Had news that couldn't wait.结果莱米勒集中营越狱极真正的首脑It turns out the real masterminds behind the break-in at Camp des Milles是社♥会♥主♥义&hearts渚汉斯菲特柯和豪华大饭店的门房♥were a socialist named Hans Fittko and the concierge at the Hotel Splendide.-谁?-柜台那个非洲人Who? - The African fella at the front desk.他在市区教堂主导Mind you, he's running a whole Resistance operation所有反抗军行动out of some church downtown.你确定? 亲眼所见You sure about this? - Saw it with my own eyes.不过欢迎你亲自调查But by all means, feel free to look into it for yourself.好Yeah.我正有此意I will do exactly that.不客气You're welcome.谢谢你帮这麽多忙Thank you for everything.大家呢? 在购票处等候Where is everyone? - Waiting at the ticket office.所以Well,200张美国入境签证盖有马赛的美国领♥事♥馆♥官防200 visas for entry to the United States. Stamped at the US consulate in Marseille而且用葛拉汉派特森的笔正式签名and signed, officially, with Graham Patterson's pen.快点!Go, go, hurry up!一动起来! 快走!Don*t stop moving! - Go, go, go!弗莱先生Monsieur Fry.可以发下去吗?谢谢Will you hand these out? Thank you.萨拉-这里。Sara. - Here.And there is something strange under the table.-什麽?-什麽?What? What? What?原来有间谍So we have a spy.-有人装麦克风-要怎麽偷听?Well, we have a microphone. - How does it work?无线电讯号♥,电池Radio signal, battery.有人从远端录音是谁?Someone's recording us remotely. But who?谁都买♥ ♥得到麦克风Anyone could buy a microphone.问题不是谁在偷听,而是听到什麽?Surely the question isn't who*s listening, but what did they hear? 我们在那张桌子旁边计画劫囚We planned that break-in at Camp des Milles at that table. 连细节都说了In detail.我得把大家送走I have to get everyone out of here.我最多能载300人I can take up to 300.明天吗?Tomorrow?有旅行文件就行With paperwork, yes.好,那我得下功夫了Okay. Then I need to get to work.越洋救援再过去一点点.A little bit more. A little bit more.停,太过去了Stop. That's too far.往右,好,停To the right. Okay, stop, uh.停!Uh, stop!就在这桂,刚刚好Right there. Perfect.篮子要放那SI阿♥拉♥巴马州? 在这儿。Staus Arabar? - Here.亚历山大莱文布鲁诺莱夫科维茨?Alexander Levine? - Bruno Levkowitz?娇的Here you go.墨西哥万岁Long live Mexico.过来Come here.到后面小房♥间什麽?Get in back. - What?到后面小房♥间,快Get in back! Get in back! Now!保罗Mr. Paul.康丘先生?Kandjo?有什麽事吗?At your service.不准跑!Stop! Stop!跪下On your knees. You're under arrest!你被捕了!站起来Stand up.好了That's fine.走Move.我叫你走I said move.给我走Move.吕托赫Letoret!纽津先生到了,他在会议室架设备Mr. Nugent has arrived. He's setting up in the conference room.-有人坐过我的椅子-有人Someone's been sitting at my desk. - Someone.宾汉未经我允许擅自核发签证Bingham's been issuing visas without my approval.一定是宾汉,可恶It has to be Bingham. Damn it!-有船离港吗?-维琪政♥府♥今天早上开放港口Are boats leaving the harbor? - Vichy opened the port this morning. 那麽使用美国签证登船的人Then anyone using an American visa to get on a ship 一定是用伪造签证,可恶!is using a forgery. Damn it!我要通知港口、警方,我该打给福侯Uh, I need to alert the docks, the police. I should call Frot.可是道格纽津在等你But Doug Nugent is waiting for you.女尔说得对You're right. Uh.那娇打打给警♥察♥、港务局You do it, then. Uh, call the police, the docks.全都打! 没问题Call everyone! - Of course.用美国签证离开的人一定是用假证件Everyone leaving with an American visa is traveling on a fake!这是什麽啊?打孔卡What have we here? Punch cards.你拿的是美国去年的人口普查资料What you're holding is data from last year's US census,但是我们可以按照需求客裂化but we can customize it to any clients needs.资料Data.年龄、种族、收入、婚姻状态Age, race, income, marital status.“美国计算机提供这种技术ACM provides the technology.不必告诉他们怎麽用We don't tell them how to use it.资料可以把人分成好几类The data serves to organize people into groups.追踪移♥民♥状态Track migration.预测行为Predict behavior.宾汉Bingham?派特森,纽津先生Patterson. Mr. Nugent.请等一下-没问题Excuse me for a moment. - Sure.宾汉,你被开除了You're fired, Bingham.什麽?What?你在等什麽?收拾东西啊What are you waiting for? Pack your bags.宾汉Oh, Bingham?把门带上Shut the door.你有把这东西卖♥♥到法国吗?Have you sold any of this stuff to the French?法国、瑞典The French, the Swedish.不过我们认为真正还没开♥发♥的市场but the real untapped market, as we see it,在德国are the Germans.美国文化是比任何炸&hearts3单♥都强的武器Look, American culture is a stronger weapon than any bomb. 连我们的敌人都想开福特车去电影院Even our enemies wanna drive to the movies in a Ford, 喝可乐,看乱世佳人狸的郝思嘉drink a Coke, and watch Scarlett O'Hara save the South. 我们到世界各地卖♥♥ “美国计算机'产品We're out here in the world selling ACM products, sure, 但我们真正卖♥♥给他们的but what we're really selling them是美国is America.所以重点是让英国&hearts库♥人It comes down to getting the British soldiers抓准时机、去对地方to the right place at the right the right place at the right time.娇让前门警卫分心,我燔进去找人You distract the guards at the front. I will find the men.然后在铁丝网这狸会合Then we meet you around here at the barbed wire.怎麽回事?What's going on?桂面有人叫汉斯菲特柯跟英国犯人关在一起There's a man named Hans Fittko with the British prisoners. 是我先生,我以为他死了My husband. I thought he was dead.喂Yes?没问题,我马上来Of course, I am coming.小姐Mademoiselle.中将Gruppenfuhrer.德意志帝国感谢娇的忠诚服务The German Reich appreciates your faithful service.非常好Good job.我很乐意帮忙I'm happy to help.我们今天早上除掉几个.堕落分子We got rid of quite a few. degenerates this morning.算了Never mind.257人Two hundred and fifty-seven people.实在I mean,真的很不得了that is really something.今天成果不错It was a good day.什麽不错?今天成果太丰硕了No. It was a great day.那明天呢?And tomorrow?还有多少?There are what?欧洲有900万个犹太人Nine million Jews in Europe,更别提其他也得逃的人let alone everyone else who needs to get out?257人是不错啦Two hundred and fifty-seven, yeah.但其他人怎麽办?What are we gonna do about the others?你是说像你吗?You mean like you?不行,阿尔伯特,你也该上船的No, Albert, you should have been on that boat.女尔要我丢下好?Do you want me to leave you here?我不是这意思No, that's not wha