什夬取云怎麽样?And?若果不是你想的那样呢?What if it's not what you want?你想我就想I want what you want.艾斯华Ezra.那是否怀孕了?So, is she or isn't she?你猜猜Guess.告诉我嘛Just tell me.你猜猜.快说吧Guess. - Please.(是真的吗?Really? Oh.太好了Great.太好了?-是Great? - Yeah.是吗?Yeah?是Yes.-我们要We*re having-我们要生孩子了 太好了We're having a baby. - That's great.再次播放Play again.怎麽样?And?若果不是你想的那样呢?What if it's not what you want?你想我就想I want what you want.艾斯华Lifeline.但是二氧化碳水平急剧上升However, C02 levels increased at the fastest rate.你的生命线Your lifeline.怎麽了? 这个缺口What? - This break.代表你的人生会迎来巨变It means you will face a momentous change.重新播放连续播放Continuous.你的生命线Your lifeline.怎麽了?-这个缺口What? - This break.(阿尔法)时间在眼前流逝,同时为我们留下回忆Time slips away from us, but leaves its imprint behind.麻烦要香槟Champagne, please.你喜欢吗?You like it?就如你初次送给我那时As much as I did the first time you gave it to me.我还以为在鹿特丹疏散时不见了I thought I lost it in the Rotterdam evacuation.那麽So.你的旅途如何?Tell me, how was your trip?我不知道该怎麽说.Derek I don't know what to say-25 年前,我们以为加密货币25 years ago, we thought crypto就是我们的救赎was going to be our salvation;但它留下的碳足迹却会害死我们now it is killing us with the carbon footprint.午安你好Good afternoon. - Hello.有拍拖吗?Dariya, in Arabic Is there anyone special?一定有,对吧?There is, isnft there?我们还是交往了不久It's early days still.你喜欢她,比想像中更喜欢她You like her. More than you think.我看得出来I can tell.她想在斋戒月中裂作你拿手的黄金饺She wants to make your qatayef recipe for Ramadan.我跟她提过我们以前怎麽做I told her how we used to.你还记得You remember-当然记得Of course, I do.以前你没有在看的时候I used to take another helping when you weren't looking我会偷吃and hide and eat it.我想把这个送给你You should have this不,不行的No. I can't-不要等太久Don't wait too long.你永远不会知道世界以后会怎样You never know what could happen in this world.你下次可以转送给她吗?Do you think you could bring her next time?我希望能见她一面fd love to meet her.天啊God.我喜欢这些花的香味I love the smell of the flowers.这是甚麽花?What are they?薰衣草Lavender.对吧?Right?薰衣草Lavender.我喜欢薰衣草的香气I love the smell of lavender.你今天出去走走吧,很安全的You should go outside today. Its safe.我想留在这里I wanna be here.你怕会错过甚麽吗?You're afraid you're gonna miss something?我会错过所有事Ezra sighs I'm gonna miss everything.我喜欢薰衣草的香气I love the smell of lavender.打开快取云,打开露娜Launch Cache. Open Lola.我喜欢薰衣草的香气I love the smell of lavender.你今天出去走走吧,很安全的You should go outside today. Itfs safe.我想留在这里I wanna be here.你怕会错过甚麽吗?You're afraid you're gonna miss something?我会错过所有事I'm gonna miss everything.本遇第二次了前一刻我还能忆起,下一刻It happened twice this week. I could see it in my mind, and then.忽然就再想不起了.it was gone.我要用快取云才能忆起它I had to use Cache Cloud to bring it back.这是最近一次的脑扫描doctor This is your most recent scan.健康的人脑蕴含八百六十亿个活跃神经元A healthy human brain contains over 86 billion active neurons.这里可以看到树突结构正在恶化What we're seeing here is evidence the dendrite structures are breaking down. 活跃突触下降11%,代表神经元逐渐死去An 11% decline of active synapses, signifying death of neurons. 艾斯华,你的大脑长年受到心热症的压力影响Ezra, your brain has been stressed by a lifetime of summer heart.由于流向脑部的血液减少Due to the historical reduction of blood flow to your brain,及血管损害和持续发炎the damage to vessels, the ongoing inflammation, 血管性认知障碍症是不可避免的vascular dementia was inevitable.人类身体不宜在高温下生存Our bodies weren't built for these temperatures.我们不断发明新科技We keep developing new technologies尝试改善一切,却没打算从根源着手to try and address everything but the root problem, 同一时间,气温不断上升and all the while, the temperatures keep going up.好,我要怎麽阻止病情恶化?All right, so how do we stop it?很遗感你的认知能力在往后只会不断下降Sadly, this is the beginning of the accelerated cognitive decline这是早就提及过的结果we*ve been preparing for.脑细胞死亡是无法复原的There's no way to reverse the loss of brain cells.心灵之窗不是可以解决吗?But I thought Mincfs Eye could fix it.没错,心灵之窗为脑部提供视觉及听觉刺♥激♥Yes. The visual and auditory stimuli from Mindrs Eye is the best way 是减慢认知障碍症的最佳方法to slow down onset of the dementia.透过重温最纯粹的回忆By revisiting memories in their purest form, 令大脑以为那些是新的记忆it tricks the brain into thinking that they're new again.但那也没办法阻止脑细胞死亡But that won't stop the decay.所以只能等死?There*s nothing else we can do?我有些病人会透过代理人做实验性治疗Some of my patients experiment with surrogates.其他则会尝试忆旧疗法Others have been trying nostalgia-based therapy.那是甚麽?What's that?创造文字上的估位符The way it works, you create a verbal placeholder透过关键记忆中四个感官去创造based on four sensory signifiers of a cornerstone memory.四个字词,像咒语一样Four words, like a mantra.只限文字,没有影像?The words, not visuals?理论上,病人可以透过重覆文字The theory is that this practice will strengthen neural pathways加强神经通路through repetition of the words.真的有用?That's really gonna work?自言自语?By mumbling words to myself?如我所讲,理论上有用Like I said, just a theory.谢谢医生Thank you, Doctor.这是六个月前的进度Well, this is where we were at six months ago.放置家庭的位置显示出哈丽安全感不足The placement of the family indicated that Harlyn was feeling insecure.乌云暗示她感到焦虑The dark clouds suggested her anxiety.现在,情况有明显改善And now, well, clearly things have changed.在家庭方面的安全感大幅提升There's an increased security with the family unit.从阳光和蓝云可以看得出来We see it in the blue clouds and now the sun being out.我知道这对你来说只是一份工作I know this is just a job for you,但我想向你说句多谢but I just wanted to say thank you.我很高兴这是值得的,她很独特I'm glad it's been worthwhile. She really is amazing.下遇见?We'll see you next week?娜塔莎,服务还剩下一个小时Natasha, you still have about an hour.你不必用到尽,但想用也可以I mean, you don*t have to use it, but it's yours if you want.要饮杯吗?Wanna get a drink?时下许多人认为A lot of people now, they just-生孩子太大负担了The idea of even having children in this world is too much for them, 所以有你真好so it feels lucky to have you.谢谢Thanks.我只是没想到要自己养活孩子I just didn't think I'd be doing it alone.虽然不能完全这样说I guess I'm not.抱歉Sorry.我要记得,我请你来不是要服务我的I need to remember, I didn't hire you for me.谢谢Thank you.你会请其他人扮演大卫?Are there other Davids?偶尔会Occasionally.毕竟你没有提供感官体验I mean, it's not like you offer the sensory experience.对,我没有提供不希望玷污双手?No, I don't. - Don't wanna get your hands dirty?这是我设下的底线That's just a boundary I set.我不只会利用他的细节还会加入自身要素I don't only use details of him, I put some of myself into the role too. 我知道自己在接受服务,我没有妄想甚麽I'm aware I'm being serviced. Tm not delusional.有时,我颇想念认识对方的过程Sometimes, I do miss the discovery of another person. 真实的联槃An authentic connection.但买♥♥少见少.不值得去But that's so rare. it*s not worth.也许一场交易已经是最美好的结果了Maybe transactional is the best we can hope for. 虽然这个想法很糟糕但我有时会希望他命丧黄泉You know, it's terrible, but sometimes I wish he was dead, 而不是一走了之 instead of just gone.他未死?He's alive?或者吧Maybe.反正我不知道I wouldn't know.他当年到美国出差He was on a work trip in the States.俄勒冈州Oregon.突然打给我说他不会再回家He called and told me he wasn't coming home.说在治疲大地的群体中有了心上人He'd met someone at a Heal the Land colony.诸如此类吧.something like that.他开展了新生活He became someone else.对不起,娜娜I'm sorry, Nat.我没有陪在你们身边that I haven't been there for the two of you.我也不知道自己在想甚麽I don't know what I was thinking.我一时害怕I was scared.害怕这个世界 scared of the world. 对不起I'm sorry.你真犀利Oh, you're good.无得弹You're very good.甚至比大卫更胜一筹You*re a better David than David,陌生人whoever you are.够钟Time*s up. - Ezra sighs提醒事项,下场预约前变更瞳孔颜色Reminder: Change eye color before next appointment.你的下一位客户是达域雅Your next appointment is with client Dariya.你需要戴上伊&hearts撕♥兰♥帽和眼镜脸上要有伤疤并说阿♥拉 ♥伯语You will be required to wear a kufi, glasses, a scar and speak Arabic.好,戴眼镜Okay, glasses.眼镜Glasses.顶Oh, shit!嗨,找人吗?Hi, can I help you?是Yes.我妈妈达域雅苏利马呢?Where is my mother, Dariya Sulaiman?实在很遗憾I'm so sorry.为何没有人联络我吗?Why didnrt anyone contact me?如果有甚麽搞错的地方,真的很抱歉I apologize if there's been some kind of mistake.档校里说她没有任何亲故There was no next of kin listed on her file.请问你是谁?Who exactly are you?是我错Ifs- It's my mistake.救治大地protesters Heal the land. Heal the land.救治大地Heal the land. Heal the land.救治大地Heal the land.包裹送出一开启快取云Delivery sent. - Launch Cache.开始记忆同步Initiate memory sync.哈达先生Mr. Haddad,很遗威周下估用的容量比方核超出4.08%I regret to inform you that you have exceeded your storage plan by 4.08%. 若你想继续使用本服务If you want to keep using our services;阁下必须马上升级心灵之窗的快取云方椽you must upgrade your Mind's Eye Cache Cloud storage plan now.我不能升级为方便阁下操作I can't fucking upgrade. - For your convenience,以下是阁下最不常存取的记忆档these are your least accessed memory assets.请回覆Please advise.你会否选择删除?Will you be deleting?不删除Uh-uh. No.不,我不要删除自己的人生No, I'm I'm not deleting my life.那是否怀孕了?So, is she or isn't she?你猜猜Guess.打给索娜医生Call Doctor Zollner.索娜医生目前无法接听Doctor Zollner is not available.若有紧急事故,请联络收线If this is an emergency, please contact- - Disconnect.好Okay, okay.四个字词Four words.啡眼Brown eyes,猜猜guess,薰衣草lavender,露娜Lola.啡眼、猜猜、薰衣草、露娜Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola.啡眼、猜猜、薰衣草、露娜Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola.啡眼、猜猜、薰衣草、露娜Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola.啡眼、猜猜、薰衣草、露娜Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola.啡眼.Brown eyes啡眼、猜猜、薰衣草薰衣草Brown eyes, guess, lavender. - Lavender.啡眼、猜猜、薰衣草Brown eyes, guess, lavender.啡眼、猜猜、薰衣草、露娜Brown eyes, guess, lavender, L-Lola.啡眼、猜猜Brown eyes, guess-啡眼、猜猜、薰衣草、露娜Brown eyes, guess, lavender, Lola.我好挂住你I miss you.打开替代公♥司♥Open Pack.艾斯华Ezra?找到你了There you are.我从你的档核得知这是你第一次使用替代服务Ezra.那是否怀孕了?So, is she or isn't she?你猜猜Guess.告诉我嘛Just tell me.你猜猜Guess.-关闭记忆资料,露娜Close memory asset: Lola.升高床铺Raise bed.(伦敦)大卫,你好Hello, David.(全球气温变化,升温摄氏2.32度)(气候变化使全球损失合共(一百七十六兆美元)无奇不有(2066 年)凶劫可怕的美洲豹妈妈为幼崽祖儿猎食The fierce and formidable mama jaguar hunts for her cub, Joey. 但这次她低估了猎物But this time, she underestimates her prey.爹D地Daddy.妈妈说美洲豹会在我有生之年回归Mom said that jaguars will come back in my lifetime.科学家们在研究了They*re working on it.你有见过吗?Did you ever meet one before?美洲豹?没有Jaguar? No.但我曾经见过鲸鱼But I met a whale once.世上最后一条鲸鱼The last whale.你都没有跟我提过You never told me that story.I understand from your Pack profile that this is your first time. 开始前,你有甚麽想讨论的事情吗?Is there anything you'd like to discuss before we begin?我有心热症I have summer heart.太惨了Oh, Tm sorry.心热症虽然有救治方法了,但我的大脑Well, they cured it, but my brain-我正在逐渐失忆I'm losing my memories.我应该能帮得上忙I bet I can help.我的评分非常高I get very high ratings.我知道I'm sure.我通常是负责提供服务的Usually, Tm in your shoes.我是替代公♥司♥一员Actually, I'm part of the Pack.你的资料不多但我喜欢你Well, you didn't have a lot of assets, but I liked what I saw.我在更少资料的情况下都试过And I've worked with less.你的生命线Your lifeline.甚麽?What?这个缺口Pack employee This break.代表你的人生会迎来巨变It means you will face a momentous change.怎麽了?Pack employee pants What?抱歉,只是你的纹身Sorry, it's just. your tattoo.她没有纹身的She didn*t have one. breathing heavily我从档楼里看不出来,没关你I couldn't tell from the assets. Don't worry about it.这样行不通Uh" don't think this is gonna work.艾斯华,你有一个愉快的生日吗?Did you have a happy birthday, Ezra?艾斯华,你有一个愉快的生日吗?Did you have a happy birthday, Ezra?还没完的还没完的It*s not over yet. - Its not over yet.还没完的It's not over yet.还没完的It's not over.你叫我露娜都可以You can call me Lola if you want.搞乜? 对不起What? - I'm sorry.艾斯华,搞乜?Ezra, what?只是你不是她.I just- I mean, you*re not her.那行不通的,根本不一样It's- Itrs not gonna work. Itfs- It's not the same.这是虚假的Its- Its not real.唏,我们来谈谈吧Hey, hey, let's talk about this.我可以改I can adjust. - sighing够了,对不起,我实在Stop it. Sorry, I'm just-麻烦你离开Just go, please.抱歉,但你还是要付钱Pack employee, in French Sorry, you'll still have to pay.三千元3,000 units.打开快取云door closes - Open Cache.露娜Lola.阁下帐号&hearts4占用的容量依然爆满Your account remains over capacity.所有档校、联络人、通讯装置资料将会被冻结.All assets, contacts, correspondence and device data will remain frozen- 死开,郑妮丝,不要阻头阻势Fuck off, Janice. Listen, just fuck off!阁下要删除以下的记忆档吗?Would you like to delete these memory assets?删除Delete.阁下现在估用的容量仍超出1.47%You are now 1.47% over capacity.删除Delete.删除所有档校Delete all assets除了关键字为“露娜的except for those with key word "Lola."(已估用容量,26%)Congratulations. Your account is now in good standing.恭喜,你的帐号&hearts7f灰复正常了谢谢你愿意把记忆交托给快取云,哈达先生Thank you for entrusting your memories to Cache Cloud, Mr. Haddad.连续播放Play on continuous.你的生命线甚麽?Your lifeline. - What?这个缺口This break.请小心空隙必嘉老及中♥央♥线Mind the gap. - Due to flooding受洪水影响on the Bakerloo and Central lines,以下车站已被关闭the following stations are currently closed.打开替代公♥司♥Launch Pack.开启娜塔莎的记忆档Open Natasha memory assets.没有找到甚麽?Not detected. - What-打开娜塔莎的档核Open Natasha assets.没有找到Not detected.下一站,查令十字路Next stop: Charing Cross Road.再试也是徒劳的It's not going to work, I'm afraid.甚麽?What?一切都荡然无存了Everything's gone.你们在说甚麽?What are you talking about?地震把所有伺服器破坏了Earthquake crashed all the servers.甚麽你说地震?What- An earthquake, you said?海平面上升,海水越多板块就要承受更大的重量Sea level change, more water, more weight on the tectonic plates.听说诺华斯高沙省的海啸会波及这边They said it was coming. Tsunami in Nova Scotia.大家都用区块链,但它需要用能量维持People use blockchain. Blockchain uses power.能量令海平面上升导致区块链被洗得一乾二浮Power makes the sea level rise which; in turn, wipes blockchain clean.互联网重新上线了可是快取云上的东西都没了The Internet is back up. But the Cloud, it's all blown away.正好可以重新开展新的人生A good day to start your entire life over.开启快取云,打开露娜Launch Cache. Open Lola.很遗憾,阁下的记忆档We regret to inform you that your memory assets由于电力故障are not accessible at this time.不-目前无法存取No, no, no. - .due to power outages.如有需要请向本地的快取云预约Please make an appointment at your local Cache Cloud for assistance.查令十字路Charing Cross Road.没有人告知状况No one is telling us anything.太夸张了It's insane.喂-不好意思Hey! - Excuse me.喂Hey!我要知道我的记忆档在哪里I wanna know where my memory assets are.本公♥司♥的合约+有提到不可抗力因素You may recall the force majeure clause in your contract.如阁下所知,自然灾害As you can imagine, a natural disaster qualifies属于不可抗力的因素as an extraordinary occurrence beyond our control.我的树突组织每天在退化Fucking dendrites are going dark every day.我需要心灵之窗I need Mind's Eye.在场的人都有损失Everyone here has lost something.包括金钱、医疗纪录和工作纪录,好吗?Their money, their medical histories, their job records. Okay?我们已经在尽力抢修但很难担♥保♥能恢复阁下的快取资料 We're doing what we can, but your data could be anywhere by now.我要跟他谈谈I need to talk to him.喂,2753室的,请进来吧,老友Yo, 2753. Come on- Come on in, man.麦丝堤,让他进来,快点Misty, let him in. Come on.我要你帮手I need your help.都没了,所有快取都没了They're gone. Everything's go