Grey's Anatomy《实习医生格蕾》第十九季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
不行你要去哪儿?Oh, no, you don't! Where are you going, boy? 好吧Wh- Aah! Fine. Oh!好吧如果你不想在那里刷牙Okay. If you don't wanna brush your teeth, in there, 你可以在这里刷 you can do it right here.好快刷There. Brush.外科医生不喜欢被拒绝Surgeons don't like to take "no" for an answer. 尤其是在救病人的时候Especially when it comes to saving our patients. 要走了赶紧刷掉那些脏东西Come on. Let's go. Let*s go. Time to brush the yucky away. 宝贝女儿跟我配合一下Oh, baby girl, work with me.今天妈妈有重要的事Mama's got a big day.我们15分钟前就该在车里了We needed to be in the car 15 minutes ago. 如果你的心脏在手术台上停止跳动If your heart stops on our table, 我们会竭尽全力让它重新跳动 well fight to start it again.我们会开始进行胸部按压以恢复血流We'B begin chest compressions to resume blood flow. 我知道你说要简单但听我说完Okay. I know you said simple, but hear me out.-好吧-洛克山农场Okay. Rock Hills Farm.我们可以俯瞰海湾举♥行♥仪式We could do the ceremony overlooking the bay, 然后在豪&hearts厂宅♥里举♥行♥招待会 we can do the reception in the mansion.你讨厌它你讨厌海湾You hate it. You hate the bay. 你讨厌我不带你去看婚礼场地You hate me looking at wedding venues without you. 其实我喜欢所有这些东西他们通常是和平的解释一下和平They're usually peaceful. -Define peaceful.(堕胎会杀死孩子!)(保护我们未出生的孩子)堕胎不是方案祈祷结束堕胎实习医生米林Millin.-你呼纳吉了吗? 我以为你回创伤科了-Did you page Ndugu? -I thought you were back running trauma. 是到胸部的钝性外伤It's a blunt trauma to the chest.-那我应该?-5分钟前就该呼心脏科-So I should.? -Page cardio five minutes ago.拍个胸片待命Get a chest-ray on standby.通知CT我们可能需要插队Let CT know that we may need to jump the line,告诉手术室可能有个新患者and let the O.R. floor know that we may have a new patient.-好谢谢-Right. -Thank you.好啦Okay.-什么情况?-瑞安詹金斯24岁车祸-What do we got? -Ryan Jenkins, 24, MVC.胸部和腹部有钝性创伤多处肋骨骨折Blunt trauma to the chest and abdomen, multiple rib fractures.对他进行了夹板固定The patient is splinting他的血氧饱和度在90左右and his oxygen saturation's in the low 90s.我只要Just. I just.我.只要I. just.没关系保存体力把他送进去走吧It's okay. Save your strength. Okay? Let's get him inside. Let's go. 好Okay. Marni Young?玛尼杨?Okay. Marni Young?你放对地方了You're in the right place.你来这里是要做And you're here for a.药物流产?medical abortion.你第几周了?How many weeks are you?Oh, 34.已经很不舒服了And already very uncomfortable.我不愿去想40周的感觉I don't want to think about how 40 weeks feels.好吧药物流产通常要在前10周做Okay, uh, well, you know medical abortions are done in the first ten weeks.你也不可能进行手术流产And even a surgical abortion is not gonna happen for you.不是的是我要做No. No, no, no. Okay, it's for me.我需要做流产6个星期I need the abortion. Six weeks.谢天谢地-Oh, thank God. -Oh.安德拉是我的后盾Andra's my support system.我们是最好的朋友相隔两天出生We're best friends. Born two days apart.我们的妈妈是在分娩教育课上认识的Our moms met in Lamaze class.现在我们都怀孕了但我不想怀孕And now we're both pregnant. Except I don't want to be.所以我们来这里So here we are.我带来了零食电影和纸牌游戏所以我们准备好了I brought snacks and movies and card games.我带来了零食电影和纸牌游戏所以我们准备好了So, we're ready.好我们只需要做个快速的身体♥检♥查Great. Alright, we're just gonna do a quick physical exam.然后我们会给你药And then we41 get your medication.有问题吗?Any questions?这家诊所杀人!This clinic kills!这家诊所杀人!This clinic kills.这要持续一天吗?Is that gonna go on all day?这家诊所杀人!This clinic kills. This clinic kills.嘿贝莉Hey, Bailey.嘿当我连续给你打了 8次电♥话♥那就是说要接电♥话♥Hey, when I call you eight times in a row, it means pick up.对不起我和理查想要解决一个预算问题Sorry. Richard and I are trying to fix a budget situation.那先帮我解决我的问题Well, help me with my situation first.这里有纠察员Here. We have picketers.多少?How many?很多是我的错A lot. And it's my fault.他们来这里是因为我They're here for me.我不知道他们是怎么找到我的I don't know how they figured out where I am.我确实转了两次机我没有开紧急医疗服务车And I did change planes, twice. I didn't take the PRT.我关上了My. my locations are off-手♥机♥的定位不是你的问题艾迪-on my phone. -It is not on you, Addy.听着保安希望我们关闭诊所Look, um, security wants us to close the clinic.多久?How long?我们建议一整天We recommend the day.不那是几十人那是几十个病人No. That is dozens- That's dozens of patients.外面有一百个人There*s a hundred people out there.那就叫增援部队来控制人群Well then, call in reinforcements for crowd control!你要我们做什么?What do you want us to do, Altman?危机应对方案在第二层Crisis protocol is on the second shelf.继续开放找后援随时向我报告Stay open. Call for back-up and keep me posted.继续开放找后援随时向我报告Got it. Hey, keep your ringer on! -Yeah.-别静音! 好Got it. Hey, keep your ringer on! -Yeah.好你听到她说的了去找后援Okay, you heard her. Call for back-up.亚当斯还没上传扫描结果?Adams still hasn't uploaded the scans?是的稍等一下也许系统比较慢Yeah, well, give it a minute. Maybe the system's being sluggish.还是他太慢Or he is.对不起我累了I'm sorry, fm tired.没事It's okay.-你怎么样?How are you?我挺好很忙去取了器官Yeah, I'm good. Good. Busy. Yeah.我挺好很忙去取了器官Went to pick up organs in San Francisco, Santa Antonio, and Santa Fe last week. 上周在旧金山圣菲和圣安东尼奥Went to pick up organs in San Francisco, Santa Antonio, and Santa Fe last week. 所以很忙So, busy.没有去波士顿的计划?No plans for a trip to Boston?你并不会计划去拿器官Well, you donrt really plan to pick up organs.你知道我的意思是的-You know what I mean. -Yes, I do.你们有说过话吗?Have you spoken at all?我收到一条短♥信♥说她Um, I get a text message about her getting lost大约每周一次在波士顿的街道上迷路in the streets of Boston about, uh. about once a week.那些街道非常复杂Those are very complicated streets.对Yes.她不知所措She*s overwhelmed.没错Yeah.如果有帮助的话我所有的消息都来自佐拉If it helps at all, I get all my updates from Zola.我跟她说我爱她她假装没听到I told her I loved her and she pretended not to hear me.她让人捉摸不透She's complicated.对Yeah.你让她快乐You make her happy.别放弃Don't give up.我送了杰西卡的实验结果并完成了她的入院单Okay, so I dropped off, uh, Jessica's lab work我送了杰西卡的实验结果并完成了她的入院单and finished her admission orders.她的扫描呢?And the scans?我刚刚上传I. I just uploaded them.对不起我也要同时处理家里的事Sorry. I was. I was dealing with a house thing.再过几个小时In a few hours,杰西卡将会躺在手术台上Jessicars gonna be open on an operating table我们要对她的重要器官负责with her vital organs in our hands.你不能因为家里的事而分心You cannot get distracted with house things.不管是什么事-我明白对不起-Or anything. -I know. Tm sorry.收到扫描了Ah, scans are in.我们来看一下好吗?Let's, uh. let's take a look, shall we?我看到多处错位的肋骨骨折I'm seeing multiple displaced rib fractures,右侧有个巨大的血气胸and a massive hemothorax on the right side.一旦我插上胸管我们就马上把他送到CT室Once I place the chest tube, we'll rush him up to CT.对同意Right, agree.然后去手术室根据他的胸管输出量And then to the O.R., depending on his chest tube output.肺部挫伤严重不确定他能保持稳定状态多久It's a bad lung contusion, I'm not sure how long he'll remain stable.这个病人已经在系统中了Ryan Jenkins. Our patients already in the system.就是说他曾来过这里?Like he*s been here before?就是说他今天应该来这里是个定向的肺捐献者Like he's supposed to be here today. Directed lung donor,3号♥手术室接受者是杰西卡霍尔OR 3, recipient's Jessica Hall.那是玛姬的病人Thats Maggie's patient.她等待移植手术差不多有两年了She's been waiting on a transplant for almost two years.拿走Just. just. just take.拿走我的肺拿走Take. my lung. Take it.-拿走他在大出血!He's hemorrhaging!血氧饱和度降到70左右02's dropped to 70s.该死的给我一个插管盘Damn it/et's get an intubation tray.挂两个单位的血液Hang two units of blood.他一插完管子我们就直接去手术室As soon as he's tubed, we're headed straight to the O.R. 这是血液Here's the blood.你肯定是他吗?Are you sure it's him?我可以看看他吗?Can I. can I see him?瑞安有带他的驾照Ryan had his driver's license on.反正都是他杭特医生我们的创伤外科医生Either way, it's him. Dr. Hunt, our trauma surgeon, 正在准备给他做手术is prepping him for surgery now.他需要做手术?什么样的手术?He needs surgery? What kind of surgery?他流了很多血He's lost a significant amount of blood.天哪!Oh, my God.他的胸部是他的心脏吗?His chest Is it his heart?他的肺Itrs his lungs.他开得有多快?How fast was he driving?-你当真?-不-Are you serious? -No.你现在真的在问这个问题?Are you really asking that question right now?杰西卡Jessica, Jessica.好啦Okay.我知道这很难接受I know this is a lot to take in.但由于RJ的伤势很严重But due to the severity of RJrs injuries,他今天不可能给你一个肺he's not going to be able to donate the lung today.也许永远不可能Or possibly ever.我不在乎I don't care about that.杰西卡-请你出去-Jessica- -Please get out.我不能.,我现在不能听你的请出去妈妈I can't一 I can't listen to you right now, please get out, Mom.请救救他不惜一切代价And please, please save him. Do whatever it takes.我将尽我所能ril do everything I can.给她一点时间Let's, um. let*s give her a minute.阴♥道♥超声检查有助于确定怀孕周数A vaginal ultrasound helps to determine how far along the pregnancy is. 你给病人提供建议不要去劝说You are counselling the patient, not persuading.讲明情况回答问题Okay? Offer the facts, answer questions.提供选择Give options. Okay?这是米非司酮That's the mifepristone.它会阻止你自身的孕激素It will block your body's own progesterone让怀孕中断to stop the pregnancy from growing.用完这个你再服用米索前列醇After you take that, we'll start you with the misoprostol.如果不确定你还是可以花些时间来考虑If you're not sure, you can take some time to think about it.我确定I'm sure.我只是不喜欢吃药I just don't like pills.明白Okay.我比我妈生我时大两岁I'm two years older than my mom was when she had me.她当时结婚了She was married,他们住在一个排屋当我看那时的照片时they lived in a townhome, and when I look back at pictures, 她看起来像个成年人she seems like a grown-up.但我还没有到那一步But I'm not there yet.我仍在努力克服她对我造成的持久伤害I'm still working through the lasting damage she did to me.也许有一天我在精神上准备好来承担这个责任So maybe one day I will be mentally ready to take that on,但现在我不能but right now. I can't.我不能当母亲I can*t be a mother.但我可以当阿姨But I can be an aunt.我可以并将成为你的宝宝最棒的阿姨I can and will be the most incredible aunt to your baby.你想让我放点音乐吗?Do you want me to play you some music?我给你做了 一份歌♥单I made you a playlist.为我的流产?For my abortion?你给我做了一份等我生孩子时用!You made me one for when I gave birth!太不一样了!So different!好喝完继续打牌Okay. Cards it is.不我是想付钱而不是停服务No. No, no, no. Tm trying to. I'm trying to pay, not stop service. 喂?Hello?我可以给你帐户号♥码或地址吗?Yeah. Can I. can I just give you my account number or亚当斯Adams.你在那里站多久了 ?How long have you been standing there?有一会儿了你早该挂断电♥话♥Long enough that you should have hung up the phone.想出一个计划如何调整杰西卡的治疗和用药Come up with a plan for how you would adjust Jessica's treatment以便预防心脏衰竭and meds in order to prevent heart failure.她需要办出院手续She'll need discharge paperwork因为她今天不能做移植手术since she's not getting a transplant today.你有需要把这个写下来吗?Do you need to be writing this down?当然Uh, sure. Uh.她将继续留在UNOS名单上She will remain on the UNOS list,但我们需要向他们发送她所有的术前化验和扫描结果but we'll have to send over her pre-op labs and scans以确保她的情况没有改变in order to make sure that her status hasn*t changed.好明白Yeah, got it.你没事吧?Everything alright?没事Uh, fine. Fine.我今天和马什和皮尔斯一起工作她一直在给我施压I'm working with Marsh and Pierce today, and she's on my case.密 ♥码♥Oh, passcode.你知道房♥子的煤气公♥司♥账户的密♥码♥吗?Do you. do you know the passcode for the gas company account for the house? 梅莉迪丝和玛姬负责水电费Oh, uh, Meredith and Maggie handled the utilities.I actually love all those things.那里不是要提前几年预订吗?But isnrt that place booked years in advance?我表弟说他可以帮我们联♥系♥My cousin said he can hook us up.六月的第二个周末但我们必须尽快决定Second weekend in June, but we have to decide fast.尽管我知道你想做所有的攻略even though I know you want to do your research以确保这就是你想要的to make sure this one's the one.的确是I really, really do!-我给你发个链接下周一之前告诉他ril send you a link. We have 'til next Monday to tell him. 天哪开什么玩笑!Oh, my God! Are you kidding me? -Wh- What happened? 怎么了?Oh, my God! Are you kidding me? -Wh- What happened? 没有热水了!There's no hot water!我去跑步出了一身汗居然没有热水了!I went for a run and I smell and there's no hot water!那是特雷吗?Is that Trey?嗨安田.稍后打给你Hey, Yasuda. -SIMONE: Til call you later.我爱你All right. I love you. -Bye.如果还不行我们会对你进行电击If that's not enough, we'll shock you.如果需要我们会一遍又一遍地做If we need to, we'll do it again. And again.(救护车)如果这不起作用我们会注射肾上腺素If that doesn't work, we'll inject epinephrine并重新开始这个过程and start the process all over.利奥的艺术课改成周五5点Okay. Leo's art class switched to Fridays at 5:00.但这个时候各部门提交他们的资金申请你问过玛姬吗?Did you ask Maggie?你可以吗?她已经有点烦我了Could you? 'Cause she's already kind of annoyed with me.不行因为我也会被你搞烦的No, because then I'd have to be annoyed with you, too.无所谓Okay, fine.这些擦洗让我的手很干All this scrubbing is drying out my hands.至少水是温暖的At least the water's warm.我住的地方离房♥子不远You know, my isn*t too far from the house.你可以来用我们的热水You can come and use all the hot water you want.我的室友很不错你不会想和她做♥爱♥的My roommate's pretty cool, and you won't want to have sex with her. 什么?What?亚当斯Adams.他是这么跟大家说的?我们并没有上♥床♥Is that what he's telling people? We didn't sleep together.我们只是吻了一下也许两次We just kissed. Maybe twice.哇我只是虚张声势既然我们说到了感觉不错?Wow. I was bluffing, but now that we're here, was it good?-亲吻? 我订婚了-The kissing? "I'm engaged.对-是的-Right. -Right.特雷是个好人他很稳定Trey's a good guy. He's stable.他是个成年人按时支付账单He's a grown-up who pays his bills on time.他让我快乐And he makes me happy.这个吻有那么好吗?The kiss was that good, huh?5号♥床需要一个宫内节育器Bed five is asking for a birth control implant.我给安田示范怎么做I'm gonna show Yasuda how to do that.关医生在3号♥床做一个性病检测And Kwan is finishing an STD test床位很快就可以空出来in bed three, so that will be opened up soon.如果需要帮助就跟我说-Okay. Let me know if you need help. -Okay.我想跟你说I want to let you know这些学员非常优秀how excellent these trainees are.对应该是的Yeah, they should be.他们是从100多名申请人中挑选出来的They were picked from more than a hundred applicants.其中一个人这样写道You know, one of them wrote that无法在本地接受这种培训the one silver lining of not being able to get this training at home 但所幸能够跟了不起的艾蒂森蒙哥马利学习is being able to learn from the great Addison Montgomery.太贴心了Well, ifs very kind.不这是真的没错No, it's true. You know it is.我们可以每个月进行培训You know, we could run trainings every month如果你想回来的话if you want to come back.我不确定I don't know.好吧我知道诊所让你很忙No. Okay, I know that you're busy with the clinic从伊利诺伊州到洛杉矶也并不容易and the travel from Illinois to L.A. must be just, you know, hard,当然看望你的家人是最重要的事但是and of course, um, visiting your family takes pre- Or the. But- 非常希望你能给我们挤出点时间You know, we would love to have you. If you could squeeze us in.我的天哪!Oh, my God.全都蹲下来!蹲下来Everybody, down! Down, down, down.你在流血他在流血?Okay. You're bleeding. -Hers bleeding?天哪!Oh, my God.(应急管理程序)谁都不可以进出诊所No one goes in or out of the clinic.直到我们有足够的安全保障安全撤离Not until we have enough security to safely evacuate.好谢谢贝莉Okay. Thanks, Bailey.一块砖头扔进了诊所的窗户?A brick was thrown through the window of the clinic?上面写着“蒙哥马利谋杀”With "Montgomery murders" written on it.-它击中了关的头部-严重吗?-It hit Kwan in the head. -How bad is it?你读过这些手册吗? 从头到尾-Have you read these manuals? -Cover to cover.听我说如果我在伊♥拉♥克♥每次危机时都要读厚厚的手册You know what? If I had to read giant manuals for every crisis in Iraq, 我就无法离开伊♥拉♥克♥ 了I would