Chicago Med《芝加哥急救》第八季第十二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
手术室2.0"O.R." 2.0是我们开♥发♥多年的成果is the fruit of years of development.迪恩不会被戴顿的新玩具给动摇的Dean won't be swayed by Dayton's new shiny toys.我不知道我们会复合,还是会离婚I don't know if we're on a path to getting back together or divorce. 我人在这里,如果你需要聊聊的话I'm here. If you ever need to talk.我知道I know.我已经去莉莉安娜家吃过两次晚餐了Liliana, Tve been over to her house twice for dinner now.还约好了第三次A third one's on the books.太棒了,我真替你开心Thats wonderful. So happy for you.你刚才在手术室里很不舒服In the "O.R." you were in pain.我没事,艾莎医生I'm fine, Doctor Asher.但你必须去检查一下But you have to let somebody check you out.会恶心想吐吗?Any nausea? Vomiting?不会Uh, nope.有失眠问题吗?会头痛吗?Trouble sleeping? Headaches?话说,你见过我的实习生吧?I mean, you've met my interns, right?说吧,马克,X光片上有肺水肿Come on, Mark. I see the pulmonary edema on my x-ray.这是怎么回事?What's going on?血清尿素氮、肌酸酎跟钾都升高了二 creatinine, potassium, all elevated.心率和血压也变高了Heart rate and "B.P." are up too.让各位的工作变得更容易to make your jobs easier.更有效率More efficient.这样你们就能继续进行出色的工作So that you can keep doing your incredible work.所以请各位随时与她讨论So please, feel free to discuss with her any areas任何你觉得可以多加优化的事项that you feel can be better optimized.非常感谢各位,希望这样能帮上忙Thank you so much. Hope that helps.并没有,这样没有帮上忙Actually, no. That doesn't help.这就是你的计划吗?用机器人取代我们?So, is that your plan? Replace us with robots?艾卓亚医生Doctor Archer.你知道吗?如果你有准时的话你就会听到更多笑话You know, you*d get more jokes in if you were actually on time. 又或者我们可以让机器人变得有趣Or we can program the robots to be funny.没有人喜欢改变我知道科技会让人不知所措,但我No one likes change and I know tech can feel overwhelming, but 我不是什么反对使用新机器的人I'm not some luddite.我只是认为我们不需要为不存在的问题I.I just don't think we need to invent high tech solutions发明高科技解决方案,所以for problems that don't exist, so.说得没错,这就是让人兴奋的部分原因Totally. That's part of what's exciting right now.我们正在决定如何使用科技We're deciding how to use tech这样科技就能赋予我们力量so that it's empowering without it而不会让我们心烦意乱making us want to pull our hair out.科技要替我们效劳而不是我们去臣服于科技 for us, not the other way around.我没办法解释得比你更好Well, couldn't have said it better myself.晚点见See you in a bit.你的看法很好,宋医生That's a fine sentiment, Doctor Song.很想看看你会如何付诸行动Curious to see how you put it into action.好吧,那就拿那边的红发帅哥举例Okay, well take "Ginger Spice" over there.他可以直接用说的把病历导入我们新的电子病历系统He could be verbally charting directly into our new "E.M.R,"而不是浪费时间在打字、复♥制♥跟粘贴上instead of wasting time, typing or copy or pasting.看完病人后打字是我一贯的做法Typing after I see a patient is how I've always done it.你在给自己增加更多工作You're creating more work for yourself.你还是需要手动输入你的笔记You still have to manually input your notes,在此期间and in the interim,希望与护理人员的沟通没有问题hope that there's no gap in communication with Nursing.以前都没有问题Hasn't been a problem before.而且,这也让我有时间好好想想病人的病史Besides, it allows me a time to "wrap my head around" patient history, 化验结果,你懂的,在动手之前lab results, you know, before hand off.或者你可以花时间照顾更多病人Or you could be spending that time with more patients.把脸埋在屏幕里就是With my nose buried in a screen.这场小辩论很有启发性,但是This little debate is stimulating but,我相信你会发现这么做效率很低as I'm sure you'll find it's also very inefficient.红发帅哥,四号♥治疗室有病人在等你Case waiting for you in Four, "Ginger Spice.',总而言之,谢谢你的建议Thanks anyways for the suggestion.乐意至极Here to help.劳斯先生和劳斯小姐?Mister and Misses Rouse?叫我康妮就好Please, Connie.我是大卫,这是我们儿子,积臣Uh, David. Our son, Jason.嘿,积臣Hey Jason.嘿,听说你不舒服Hey, heard you're not feeling well.什么?这里是哪?What? Where am I?我们在医院,亲爰的We're at the hospital, honey.我要听听看你的胸部,好吗?I'm gonna listen to your chest, all right?不要烦我Leave me alone.抱歉,小朋友,就快好了Sorry buddy. Almost done.他最近脾气很暴躁,经常感到混乱He's been irritable. Confused.我们以为他只是累了We thought he was just tired.他最近加入了足球队He recently joined the soccer team.他很喜欢足球,踢个不停He's crazy about it, wouldn't stop playing.但后来,他都不怎么吃东西But then, uh, he stopped eating as much,也没力气踢球and he didn't have the energy to play.拜托你,你要知道Please, you gotta understand.12年前,我们的儿子阿克塞尔还没满周岁就去世了Twelve years ago, we lost our son Axel before his first birthday. 刚开始,他哭个不停At first, he wouldn't stop crying.后来他变得虚弱,最后癫痫发作Then he got weak and then, finally seizures.我们眼睁睁地看着儿子在我们眼前消失We had to watch our son disappear right in front of our eyes. 医生们替他安排了成千上万的检查The doctors poked and prodded him with thousands of tests. 他们甚至到我们家来检查铅和霉菌They even came out to our house to check for lead and mold. 你知道的,他们什么都做了却没有帮上忙You know, all that and they never figured out how to help.我很遗憾I'm so sorry.从那以后,我们一直都战战兢兢甚至到有点偏执We've been vigilant, probably paranoid ever since.每次流鼻涕、刮伤,他都会去看医生Every sniffle, every scrape, he goes to the doctor.但是现在却这样But now this.如果没有诊断结果Well, without a diagnosis,我不想随便推测可能的关联I don't want to speculate about a possible connection, 我觉得积臣可能是感染了I think Jason is likely dealing with an infection.但我保证我们会扩大范围调查,好吗?But PH make sure we're casting a wide net. Okay?拜托你了,请你们尽力调查Yes, please. Anything.请耐心等待,我们会想办法解决的Hang tight. We'll figure this out.艾莎医生,有病人来了,产后出血Doctor Asher, incoming, postpartum and bleeding.-知道了 积奇,去三号♥治疗室-Got it. -Jackie, going to Three.罗奥戚尔逊,26岁Laurel Wilson, twenty-six years old.孕产次数皆为一,产后第九天被发现的时候没有反应 nG,'-one-',PH-one, postpartum day nine. Found unresponsive. 她流了好多血There was so much blood!昏迷指数11,触诊血压eleven, nB.P.K刚开始是90,心率120initially ninety over palp with heart rate of one-twenty. 注射一升生理食盐水把血压提高到110跟60,心率110Liter of saline improved her to one-ten over sixty, rate one-ten. 好,她流了多少血?Okay, how much has she been bleeding?我不知道,我们怎么会知道呢?这就是问题啊I don't know! could we? That's the problem! 好,我数到三,准备好了吗?Okay. On my count, ready? * ' , 、 、 One, two, three.她有排出血块了吗?Has she passed any clots?有Uh, yes.什么尺寸?哥尔夫球还是苹果?What size? Golfball, apple?应该是哥尔夫球吧?Uh, uh, golfball I think?我我跟她说打电♥话♥叫救护车I.I told her to call nine-one-one 但等我到家时,她已经昏倒了 but, uh, she was uh, passed out when I got home. 全套血液检查,血型跟交叉试验"C.B.C.' type and crossmatch,综合代谢检查,凝血挂两单位的0型阴性"C.M.P.", coags, and hang two units of nOn-neg. 知道了On it.我太太怎么了?What's wrong with my wife?我认为她有一块胎盘残留I believe she has a piece of retained placenta, 这就是她一直无法止血的原因which is why she hasn't been able to stop bleeding.好Okay.没错,就在那里Yeah, there it is.我会让她撑过去的,但我得进行手术I can bring her through this but I need to perform a procedure 取出组织,好吗?to remove the tissue, okay?好Yeah.好,打开复合手术室进行紧急子♥宫♥扩刮术All right, open the hybrid H0.R." for an emergency "D-and-C.H 知道了You got it.去创伤部,什么情况?We're going to Baghdad. What do we got?萝丝何华德,32岁,女性,车祸Rose Howard. Thirty-two-year-old female HM.V.C.n我在路上给了她500毫升生理食盐水I gave her five hundred normal salines on the ride.她的血压仍然徘徊在88跟56Her "B.PJs" still hovering at eighty-eight over fifty-six.心率140Rate's one-forties.好,请给我两单位全血Okay, uh, two units of whole blood, please.骨盆骨折?Pelvic fracture?葛云小姐和玛姬觉得她身体不稳定Yeah, Miss Goodwin and Maggie thought they felt instability所以在现场把她固定了so they wrapped her in the field.好,这里需要拍X光All right, uh, we need x-ray in here.好,把她搬上来All right. Let's get her transferred.我数到三,大家小心Nice and easy on my count.好,一、二、三There we go. One. Two. Three.很好,凯萨、塔尼亚,谢谢你们All right, thanks, Cesar. Tania.好了,胸部和骨盆拍X光All right, x-ray, chest and pelvis.给她做快速输血,好吗?And let's get her on the rapid transfuser, please?嗨,萝丝,我是马素医生我们会照顾你,好吗?Hey, Rose. I'm Doctor Marcel. We've got you, okay?我还是好痛It still hurts.好,我们检查看看,进行急症超音波Okay. Well, let's have a look. Fastscan.她的腹部有大量积液Yeah, good amount of fluid in her belly.她需要进行腹腔镜手术Yeah, she'll needs a lap.好,我们来看看X光的结果All right, letfs see what the x-ray shows.好,谢谢你,卡利Okay. Thank you, Kaleigh.X光片拍好了X-Ray up.骨盆粉碎性骨折至骼翼Comminuted pelvic fracture to the iliac wing.纵隔偏高The mediastinum's high.好吧,这我们之后再处理All right, we'll deal with those later.腹部出血是我们的首要任务The abdominal bleeding's our priority.好了,萝丝,我们要带你去动手术了All right, Rose, we're gonna take you up to surgery now.基西?打电♥话♥给楼上我们需要一间手术室Uh, Kisie? Yeah, call upstairs. We need an "O.R."手术室2.0是空的2.0's open.那里的成像更清楚Better imaging's available而且我们仍然不知道她受伤的全部程度and we still don't know the full extent of her injuries.最好是,紧急创伤不是用来玩你那花哨玩具的时候Yeah, an emergent trauma is not the time to play with your fancy toy. 不了,我们要像治疗其他病人一样处理这个腹部病例No. We're gonna treat this abdominal case like all the others.好,走吧All right, let's go.都是我的错It's all my fault.我们在吵架We were arguing.她想要走开She started to walk away,我追上她,想抓住她I ran after her and tried to grab her.就在这个时候,那辆车不知道从哪跑了出来And that's when the car came out of nowhere.要是我让她走If I just let her go不是也许她就不会-No. -maybe she wouldVe.不是,这是司机的错No, it was the driver's fault.保拉,你没事吧?Paola, you okay?跟我说话Talk to me.我无法呼吸,我不知道怎么了Can't. Breathe. Donrt know.玛姬,后面的急救箱里有听诊器Maggie, there's a stethoscope in the first-aid kit in the back.保拉,听我说Paola, listen to me,注意你的呼吸focus on your breathing.慢慢地深呼吸,好吗?Take long, slow breaths. Okay?左侧的呼吸音减弱Diminished breath sounds are on the left.颈部静脉扩张Distended neck veins.张力性气胸Tension pneumothorax.那是什么意思?What's. That. Mean?保拉,你有被车撞到吗?Paola, did the car hit you too?我觉得没那么严重Didn*t think it was bad.你可能断了一根肋骨刺穿了你的肺You probably have a broken rib thafs punctured your lung.这就是你呼吸困难的原因Thats why you're having problems breathing.没时间了We canrt wait.我们得减轻她胸部的压力We have to relieve this pressure in her chest.好,里面的口袋里有一根静脉内置管Okay. There's an "I.V.U catheter in the inner pocket.保拉,我们会帮你的Paola, we're gonna help you.我要脱下你的衬衫I'm gonna pull down your shirt.数到三,你会觉得有点痛,好吗?In the count to three, you're gonna feel a pinch, okay?、 、 *One, two, three.遗憾的是,我还没办法提供任何解决方案Unfortunately, I can't offer any solutions yet.积臣没有电解质失衡的迹象Jason has no signs of electrolyte imbalance,也没有感染,或其他异常的迹象no markers for infection or any other abnormalities.从数字上来看,他的症状无法解释By the numbers, there's nothing to explain his symptoms.你在开玩笑吧,看看他You're kidding me. Look at him!我知道这很不好受I know this is frustrating.所以我想再多做几项检查Which is why I'd like to order a few more tests.总是要做更多检查There's always more tests.至少能告诉我们你在找什么吧?Can you at least tell us what you're looking for?当然Of course.积臣的症状在我看来还是感染Jason's symptoms still strike me as an infection,但也有可能是看不到的感染,好吗?but it could be hiding, okay?感染了他的脊髓或大脑In his spinal cord or his brain,这就能解释他的昏睡跟神志不清which would explain the lethargy, his confusion,以及那种在标准测试中and the kind of infection不会出现的感染that wouldn't show up on standard tests.所以我想帮他拍头部电脑断层扫描还有腰椎穿刺So I'd like to do a "C.T.” of his head and a lumbar puncture.基本上,我会插入一根针Basically, Fd insert a needle.癫痫发作he's seizing.积臣!Jason!南茜,这里需要帮忙Nancy! Need a hand in here.注射1.5毫克安定文One-point-five of Ativan.好了,安定文注射完毕Okay, Ativan's in.嘿,小朋友Hey, buddy.积臣,你听得到我说话吗?Jason, can you hear me?好,你能看着我吗?Okay, can you look at me?看我的手指Look at my finger.很棒Thats good.很好Good.妈妈?Mom?爸爸?Dad?又来了,对不对?It's happening again, isn't it?水肿,该死Fluid retention. Crap.你没有在吃非类固醇抗发炎药了吧?You been staying off the NSAIDs?当然Of course.有坚持肾脏饮食?Sticking to the renal diet?我觉得我一天内吃的卷心菜I mean, I think I've maxed out the amount of cabbage.已经吃到最多了I can eat in one day.那现在怎么办?利尿剂吗?So what now? Diuretics?我会开给你小剂量的来适泄锭看看能不能消肿Well start you on low dosage Lasix, see if that reduces swelling. 每半小时就要上一次厕所Well, it's gonna be hard to run an "E.D."还要管理急症室可真不容易when I'm in the "johnu every half hour.你也可以让自己肾脏衰竭而死啊Could always let your kidneys fail and kill you.要是你的实习生没先搞死你的话If your interns don't get you first.是啊,让我松了一 口气Yeah. Sweet release.好了,马克,谢谢你All right, Mark, thanks.不客气Sure.今晚是开放咪高峰之夜所以人会比之前更多It's open-mic night so there'll be more people there than before.我我会很早到的-And, uh. -I'm gonna get there very early.我的座位会在-对-Irll get a seat right down. -Yes.最前面一排.front, right there.你不用我每次唱歌♥的时候都来听You don't have to come to every silly time I sing.我当然不用去,我只是很喜欢听你唱歌♥就跟阿克塞尔一样Itfs just like Axel.查理斯医生,你能帮我一个忙吗?Doctor Charles, could I get your help?怎么了?What's up?七号♥治疗室的病人,李察怀亚特Patient in Treatment Seven, Richard Wyatt.那个要竞选市议员的人Oh, the guy that's, uh.that's running for City Council?是的Yeah.他今天早上本来应该接受采访He was supposed to do some interview this morning 但他的竞选经理发现他神志不清but his campaign manager found him disoriented讲话含糊不清,头上有一处小擦伤and slurring his speech with a small bruise on his head. 就带他来医院了Brought him in.他的病历上有什么特别之处吗?Anything interesting in his charts?体♥检♥结果是阴性Yeah, workup was negative.他没事,除了体内有酒精和苯二氮草类He's fine except for the combo of alcohol and benzos.不知道这是意外,还是蓄意的Don't know if it was an accident or intentional.好我去跟他聊聊Oh, I will, um. I'll go chat with him.好,谢谢Yeah, thank you.你好吗?我是查理斯医生How you doing? I'm Doctor Charles.希望你有带出院资料来I hope you come bearing discharge papers. 我不确定资料是否准备好了Uh, not sure that those are quite ready yet. 有办法快一点吗?Any chance we could expedite them?我们越快离开The sooner we leave,我就能尽快重新安排马修斯的采访the sooner I can reschedule the interview with Mathews.他不知道我们为什么要改期吧?He doesn't know why we*re rescheduling, right?你处理好了吧?You handled it?当然Of course.你介意我跟怀亚特先生说几句话吗?Do you mind if I just get a quick moment with Mister Wyatt?好吧Fine, okay.我去候诊室等Be in the waiting room.谢谢Thank you.就好像在校长办公室一样Feels like I'm in the principafs office.出了什么事吗?Is something wrong?没有,完全没有No, Not at all.我只是想和你聊几句I just wanted to have a quick chat.我真的该走了,好吗?有很多事要忙You know, I really need to get going, all right? Uh, lots to do.我完全明白Completely understand.不过你体内有酒精You did have a mixture of alcohol和苯二氮草类药物的混合物and benzodiazepines in your system, though.好,我知道你在想什么All right, I know what you're thinking,也知道这看起来像什么但这只是个愚蠢的意外what this might look like; but it was just a stupid accident.很高兴听你这么说Well, look, that's good to hear.我只是想确认一下给你开药的医生Um, just want to make sure your prescribing doctor 有没有说清楚这两种一起服用可能会致命?did make it clear that itrs a potentially lethal combination? 我知道我不该把药物和酒精一起服用I mean, I know you shouldn't mix medication and alcohol 但你知道,我不相信有人可以不喝威士忌but you know, I defy anyone to get through a fundraiser 就撑过募款活动without at least one scotch.我是说,要是我知道这么危险I mean, if I'd known it was that dangerous.天啊Wow.募款活动听起来压力很大I mean, fundraisers sound pretty stressful to me.你认为这就是你服药的原因吗?You think that might be why you took medication?什么?不是What? No.当然不是,我只是想在马修斯的采访前No, look, I just needed to take the edge off放松一下,好吗?for the Mathews interview, all right?他这个人很难搞He's tough.你介意我问一下Do you you mind me asking, 为什么医生会开给你苯二氮草类药物吗? why you were prescribed benzodiazepines in the fir