【国旗下演讲】 缅怀革命先烈弘扬爱国精神.docx
【国旗下演讲】缅怀革命先烈,弘扬爰国精神敬爰的老师,亲爱的同学们:大家好!今天我们演讲的主题是缅怀革命先烈,弘扬爱国精神。总有一个时间节点,能够唤醒久远的记忆和沉睡的感情,让人们在历史的坐 标里,仰望崇高、砥砺精神!近代以来,一批又一批英烈挺身而出。他们,用英勇、用热血为后世迎来 新生,用生命、用无畏捍卫了民族尊严!南京保卫战,牺牲英烈4304名;抗美援 朝,183108名志愿军战士牺牲在朝鲜据不完全统计,约有2000万名烈士为民 族独立、国家富强、人民幸福英勇牺牲。岁月可以抹去伤痕,却永远挡不住情感的共鸣。赵一曼在临刑前写给儿子 的信中这样殷殷嘱托:"母亲对于你没有尽到教育的责任,实在是遗憾的事情。母 亲因为坚决地做了反满抗日的斗争,今天已经到了牺牲的前夕了。母亲和你在生前 永远没有再见的机会了。希望你,宁儿啊!赶快成人,来安慰你地下的母亲!我最 亲爱的孩子啊!母亲不用千言万语来教育你,就用实行来教育你。在你长大成人之 后,希望不要忘记你的母亲是为国而牺牲的!"在牺牲前最后的日子里,张自忠给 将士们写下了鼓舞士气的抗战书信:"看最近之情况,敌人或要再来碰一下钉子。 只要敌来犯,兄即到河东与弟等共同去牺牲。国家到了如此地步,除我等为其死, 毫无其他办法。更相信,只要我等能本此决心,我们国家及我五千年历史之民族, 决不至亡于区区三岛倭奴之手。为国家民族死之决心,海不清,石不烂,决不半点 改变。"和平年代,不再有隆隆炮火,但同样有血与火的考验,生与死的抉择。你 所谓的岁月静好,不过是有人在替你负重前行。这是一段让人泪奔的对话。问:"你 知道爸爸怎么了吗?"答:"死了 !"问:"你知道死是什么意思吗?"答:"就 是牺牲了!"几秒钟后,又补充:"没关系,反正他几个月之后就回来了"这 是维和英雄杨树朋年幼的儿子杨一鸣,曾与记者的对话。去年在南苏丹执行难民营 警戒任务时,杨树朋不幸被炮弹击中牺牲。我国首位歼10女飞行员余旭和队友驾 驶表演飞机训练时,突发事故坠落。余旭跳伞时因故失败,不幸牺牲。很少有人知 道,余旭最后的梦想是成为一位女航天员。而现在,她这个梦想,伴随着她的名字, 永远留在了蓝天里。一个有希望的民族不能没有英雄,一个有前途的国家不能没有先锋。认同 英雄,就是认同正确的价值观;追随英雄,就是追随真善美;颂扬英雄,就是颂扬 正能量。无论时代怎样变化,英雄始终是我们内心的坚守、追随的真理、讴歌的对 象!Since modern times, batches of heroes have come forward one afteranother. They ushered in a new life with bravery and blood for future generations, and defended national dignity with life and fearlessness.In the Nanjing Defense War, 4304 martyrs were sacrificed, 183108 volunteer soldiers were sacrificed in the DPRK. According to incomplete statistics, about 20 million martyrs died bravely for national independence, national prosperity and people's happiness.Years can erase the scars, but never stop the emotional resonance.In his letter to his son before his death, Zhao Yiman entrusted him with such earnest advice:"It's a pity that your mother didn't do her duty to educate you. Because of her resolute struggle against Manchu and Japan, her mother is now on the eve of her sacrifice. Mother and you will never have a chance to see each other again before you die.Hope you, Ninger! Come to adulthood and comfort your underground mother! My dearest child! Mother doesn't need thousands of words to educate you, she uses practice to educate you. When you grow upz I hope you don't forget that your mother died for your country!"In the last days before the sacrifice, Zhang Zizhong wrote letters to the generals and soldiers inspiring their morale in the War of Resistance.Looking at the recent situation, the enemy may have to touch the nailagain. As long as the enemy invades, his brother will go to Hedong to sacrifice with his brother and so on. The country has reached such a point that there is no alternative but to die for it.More convinced, as long as I can make this determination, our country and our nation with a history of 5,000 years will never perish in the hands of the Japanese slaves on the three islands. The determination to die for the nation is not clear, the stone is not rotten, and it will never change at all."In the era of peace, there will be no more rumbling artillery fire, but there will also be the test of blood and fire, the choice of life and death. Your so-called years are quiet, but someone is carrying your weight.This is a tearful dialogue.Question: "Do you know what happened to Dad?"Answer: "Dead!11Question: "Do you know what death means?"Answer: "Sacrifice!A few seconds later, he added, "Never mind, hell be back in a few months anyway."This is Yang Yiming, the young son of peacekeeping hero Yang Shupeng, who had a dialogue with reporters. Yang Shupeng was tragically killed by artillery shells during a camp vigilance mission in South Sudan last year.Yu Xu, the first female fighter pilot in China, and her teammates crashed in a sudden accident while they were driving a performance plane. Yu Xu failed in parachuting and died unfortunately.Few people know that Yu Xu's last dream is to become a female astronaut. Now, her dream, along with her name, remains in the blue sky forever.A hopeful nation can't live without heroes, and a promising country can't live without pioneers.To identify with heroes is to identify with correct values; to follow heroes is to follow truth, goodness and beauty; to praise heroes is to praise positive energy.No matter how the times change, heroes are always the objects of truth and eulogy that our hearts adhere to and follow.