【国旗下演讲】 学会管理做时间的主人.docx
【国旗下演讲】学会管理,做时间的主人尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的老师和同学们:大家早上好!今天我们演讲的题目是学会管理,做时间的主人。被誉为民 族魂的鲁迅说:时间像海绵里的水,挤一挤总会有的。地球自转一周的24小时,你 是否完全将每一秒紧握手心呢?当你在抱怨每天午晚自习的三个小时不够写作业 时,你是否能问心无愧地说:我能用的时间都充分利用了 ?当你向同学倾诉英语学习 遇到困难时,你是否能保证每一个课间你都能抽出一分钟时间再扫一下刚记的语法 知识呢?无论历经多少沧海桑田的变迁,我们终究不过是时间的一个匆匆过客。惜时自 古以来就是人们所铭刻于心的道理,也是文人墨客挥洒笔墨的对象,古人云:明日复 明日,明日何其多,我们没有所谓的“明天去当理由挥霍,今天,我们也不可能在 生命的道路上走回头路,把握今天是我们唯一能做的事。管理时间,就要将其价值 发挥到极限,才能成为时间的主人。我们可以将事情合理地安排,让它有一定秩序 的进行,显得不急不缓,不慌不忙,既完成了该做的事,又不会耗费大量不必要的 时间和精力,兼顾好每一方面,又不会出现太多差池,这自然是极好的,那么这就 要求我们有一定的管理时间的能力。那么,我们该如何管理时间,成为时间的主人呢?不妨来听名人管理时间的方 法吧。中华民族伟大领袖毛主席几十年来一直很忙,尽管如此,他依旧利用一切零 碎时间来看书,在游泳下水之前活动的几分钟里会看上几句名人的诗词,游泳上来 后顾不上休息,又捧起书本读起来,就连外出开会和视察工作也全然不顾车震颠簸, 阅读不辍,一部重刻宋淳熙本昭明文选及其它的一些书籍都是利用这些琐碎的 时间一点一点读完的。短时间内达到一个高效率,往往也能有事半功倍的效果, Facebook的创始人扎克伯格使用番茄工作法来登记时间,每一个番茄时间为25 分钟,在此期间不做与工作无关的任何事情,直到番茄时钟响起,再休息5分钟, 每4个番茄时段多休息一会儿。扎克伯格认为番茄工作法提高了自己的工作效率, 还带来了很多意想不到的成就感。当然,作为中学生,我们更应该学会很多管理时间的好方法。现代的衣服大多 设计有口袋,尝试随身携带一个小笔记本和一支铅笔,以便于随时记录下需要做的 事,在早餐时构思一下当天要做的事,把不需要完成的事和可以暂时放一放事情 计划好,列一张计划表,每完成一项就划去一栏,这不仅能让一切井井有条,又常 常能带来一种成就感。学会管理时间,让青春的路出行无悔,让成长之花常开,善 于管理时间,让我们一起做时间的主人。Learning to manage your time and being the master of it!Lu Xun, known as the soul of the nation, said: time is like the water in the sponge , as long as you are willing to squeeze , there are always some .It takes 24 hours for the earth to move around the sun once, do you make full use of every second?When you complain that you can't finish your homework during the threehours for self-study , can you say it boldly (大胆地)and rightly , "I've made the bestuse of all the time I can use?"When you spoke to your classmates about the difficulty in English, can you guarantee that you spend a minute reading the grammar you just learned during each class break?Time past one after another dynasty, leading the crowded people. No matter how many changes happen, time is always young, pure and light, clear as ever, we are only a hasty passenger of it.Defending time has been the truth that people impressed on their hearts since ancient time, and it is also the object of the literati's(文人学士)works.The ancients said : Tomorrow upon tomorrow,So manytomorrows have gone! We don't have so much tomorrow for we to squander and we can not go back on the road of life,therefor, grasping today is the only thing we can do.Managing time means becoming the master of time only by grasping the time and maximizing its value. We should arrange things reasonably so that it can proceed in a certain order and things can get on not urgently or slowly. In this way not only makes the work done and does not consume a lot of unnecessary time and energy, but also there will not be too many bad pools.Thafs an excellent situation which requires us to have a certain ability to manage time.So how do we manage time and become the master of time? Let's listen to how celebrities managed their time.Chairman Mao, the great leader of the Chinese nation, had been very busy for decades.However, he still uses all the fragmented time to read books. He would read a few famous poems in the few minutes before swimming, and he would not rest but read after swimming.Even he went out to attend the meeting and inspected the work, he didn't give up reading on the way. The songs of "Zhao Ming Wen Xuan" and other books were read by making use of these trivial time.Achieving a high efficiency in a short period of time can often achieve twice the result with half the effort.Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, uses the Tomato working method to register the time. Each tomato period lasts 25 minutes, during which he does nothing unrelated to his work until the clock ring, thentakes five minutes off and and takes a little more rest every four tomato periods. Zuckerberg believes that the Tomato working method has improved his work efficiency and brought a lot of unexpected accomplishments.As a middle school student, we should learn a lot of good ways to manage time. There are pockets on most of clothes,try to put a small notebook and a pencil in it so that you can record what you need to do at any time.Think about what you need to do on the day when you have breakfast, then make a schedule and mark out a column for each item you complete. This w川 not only keep everything in order, but also often bring a sense of accomplishment.Learn to manage time, let the road of youth go without regret, let the flower of growth blossom. Be good at managing time, let us be the master of time together.