203 年全国医学博士外语统入学考试英语试题1 请考生首先将自己旳姓名、所在考点、准考证号在试卷一答题纸和试卷二原则答题卡上认真填写清晰,并按"考场指令"规定,将准考证号在原则答题卡上划好。2. 试卷一(aper ne)答案和试卷二(Paperwo)答案都作答在原则答题卡上,不要做在试卷上。3 试卷一答题时必须使用8铅笔,将所选答案按规定在对应位置涂黑:如要改正,先用橡皮擦洁净。书面体现一定要用黑色签字笔或钢笔写在原则答题卡上指定区域。4. 原则答题卡不可折叠,同步答题卡须保持平整洁净,以利评分。5. 听力考试只放一遍录音,每道题后有15 秒左右旳答题时间。国家医学考试中心PARNPart 1: Listenig comprehesion (0%)Secio Dretons: n thi setin you ill her fiftee hrt onverstons beten twosaker, At te end f each convesation, uwill ha uso bot what s sai,The questionwll b reaonly once,Aftr yo hearhe quesion, read theour ossiblewe marked A, , C, an Chooseheest nsesand mark teltterof urcoice on te NWE SHEELsten to t followg eampl.You will harman: 1 fell fat.Ma: No oner ou ave' ada bte al dayQuso: What'the matt with tewomn?You ill raA Se s sik. She isbt by n antC. Shei huryD. She spilled her painHereC is th rght anserw leteginwth qestin Nber 1.1 . How to ea with i sleing problm. The ase of hisslepn probe.C t follow hs nsomia.The sver hs medil rolem2. ATo take the medcne for a oger timeTdiscontnt edicton.C. To cme to see her agan. To swtch to othemicaton.3. A.o tl it eas an continue o wrkB.To take a ck leave. o keep awy fomwork.D. To hefllo-u.4.A Flless in e stomac.Occasonasomchach.C.Stoma ditento.D.Freqebelh.5. A. xtemely sere. No eysvereC.Mor severe ha exeted.D.' hrd sy.6. A. a los some eght. B. He hs gaind ot.Ce eeds to xrc oe. eis stillovweight.7. A he isivingte m anictionB. She slisening tohen'shetC.S feeling t ans pulse.D.Sh elpin te man st shiverig8. Integ. B. In he offe. In hclinic D. I the bt.9 .A.Dirha. B. Vomiing.C. Nausea. . cold10 A. She ha developed allergies. Sh dos·t kw wha l|ergie re-C Sheesn'tave nyllergiesD Sh hallergie treated alad.1 A. ten t m. . Remagazns. G pla eis. D. Sty th ouse12 Sh isn eelig wel . Sh i under ressue.C She does'like the ear D Shes eling relieved13 A. Mael'sife as il B Mihaeldaughter was llC.ihel'sdaught gveirth to twins. ichel as osptaizefo check-up.14. AShe is aent-mine B.he s in high pirit. he is indiffere. .S ispssionate15 A T yea ago B. Five yeas agoC Fifteen yer ag. D. Sevrlso.Section BDictns: In this sectn will ea e convrsaton ad two pasaes, after eac of whic, yo will er ivequesions.After each uetion, adthe ou ossibleanwers marked, B, C an D.Choos he best answeranmark teletter of .ourhoce on the ASWR SHETDialue16. .A blood tesBA gatoscoC.A es X-ay exam. D. A brim -ra tet.17. T ose e weht. . Ttake a few mor tes. o sleep on hreilos.D. To eatsmllelihte meals18. A. Poo chips. BChcen. CCeeal. D. fsh.19.A Ulcer B. Cner C. Depeson D. Hrnia20 A. H will ry e diet tectorrecommended.B. He wll sk fas lee andelax at hmeC He wil tke th medcie h docto prescrid.DHe illtakea few mre tess trul oucancerPsage ne21 A. Anewccept of dabtesBTefinitionofTpe1 and Type dibets.C. The newmgemnt of dibeticsin e hospitl.D. hne delpment of operishable suinplls.22.A. Bcase it vorzes ealBBcauseit becos overte . Bcauset i uua iecion form. ausit isno stableabove 40 degreesFhenheit.3. . Tedietcs canb cued withotakinsyntheti inuiay lnrB.T dins rovid night int howisulinwrksC.Iul c be mor table tha it s owDnsulna b roducd naturally.24 A. t i sable a oomempratre for seal yas.B. It s dmnistered diretlyt heblodstremC t dliers gucoe from oo to te cels.D. I is more ceicaly comple.25 Wy insln s noale t room temratre. Ho iprtantit is onderstandhe cemialbondsofinsulin.C. h pe wi Type nTpe2 iabetes don't pce nouginli.D. Whatspe insul ke het unlk thecellotak su orm blod.PasageTwo6 . A.Vegetive pints areore awa.B. Vegetaie ptints rtain ome ontrol of their memntC. cans ma help us omuncate wit the vttvepatientsD. We usly ommunicatewith h brdead popl by brain-wae27ATheleft-ad side f te rai B.The gt-hand sde f he brn.C central art ofthebrai.D. he fron prt terin8. . 3 B.6. C.4 D.12 A. Thepatitwas bran-deadB. Th pien was't bran-deadC. Theatent hd some cotol oer hs ey moveets.D. he patin kew t ovement heor se was making A.The paten isnoehical vegeate.B The patint can communicte in some wyC.We can ta te patient f sp.Dhe fily mbe nddots can rovd bettcare.art1 oaulay (1%)ecti Arection:Inhis section, al thesenencesare incmpete Fou word-o hrsesmare A,B, C and argiven beneathech f them. ouareto choos thword orphrase tha bs comltes thesentence,ten rk yr anwer n ANSWERSHE31 Despitehs doctors nte ofcauion,he nevr _fomdrinkin a soknA. tained B. dssad C. alviated D. baind32eopl with a tor ofrcrr nfetions re wared that t s f personl strs with hsets is ke to thr hearingArealitate .jeoprie C. trnuiize .uplnt33.Imarilobseverd toacknoledge ha lc of formal eduon dinot seem to _ Lry in an wa in is succes. rfut B. ratify C. failtte D mped34. h suportin nds wer ruce,hey od ave revisd heplan . ccoding B alernativel C. considrably D. reatiely35.t s incrsinglylieed ang he xpectt parnt t prental ductio f cical usic an_ _ ture adults wit aprcato of ui.A acuaint B amilrized C. now D. ae36. If e gain fprit lely ue torisig enrgyrics, thnlatin shud e sbside wheeg ices A. eve o B stadut C f war off Ht sre isa mcl mrgncy tatdemads imediate froqualified edicl ersonelA precrtion B. palpation . interention . interositin38. Asbestos expourrelts n Mesothlioma,abestois and internal rgn cancr, and o thee disea oteecad ate th iitiaxsure.A.ffe B intak C. oulet D onset3 Ebola, wich sprad through body flid r secreions uch as rne, and emen, can killup t 0 those ined.A. aline B. saliv Csces D. scrb40. Theewl designd syse oeneti tranfein,adenabls anincbatiopiod forudg vaos gnes.Acmparble B.tanissile C. trnslatabl D. amenbli BDiectons: acho the fllowin sntnce asa ord or prase udrline.There arefouwo rhrases neatheach entece Cooseth word or phas whch cansteep the meaniof te originalntnce if it s substitutedfo e ueripart.Mrk your anwer o h NE SEET.41Eveyyer more t 1,000patints n Brtain ie otrsplat itng iss, promig siit to cosideroher wys produce orans.A.prpelin . olonging C. uzzling D.promising4 prove tretent has ch theoutloo of HIVaiens, there istl srusstiga ataed t AS.A. disgrce B. disciminaionC. harassment D. egregat43. Srvivoofthe shipwrek wee inalyrescedaterhi courgeof prsistece lowered t zero b thhyscal asitude.A. depletio deydratioC.exhustin . handcap44itits ha inveted 3 can tenolog rea te ohwis illegi wood-aved e, a ethod t may appl o other ras such as meicie.A. eaive B. consn C. loquent D isinct45. Top athltes scrutiniz both suces ad aiue wit their coch toextrc lsos from them,but the arnever distracted m long-term oalA. anicpae B carify C.xe . verf6. is impeativeone of viceveals hisarogac and abitraiss.A callengig . olen . ostil D demanding47 Thescusson theeic collaboation btwe the Uni Stats and he uopanUnion may beeipsed b the rcentroing trade frict.easd B trigred C. hadoed . supended.Faterncease i prices fote hebelief that he futur inreae wil also strer so tat hh prcesfuel demand rthrhn quench itA nurtue B. eliminateC. assmlat D. uncure9. So recent eelomentsn potogaphy allowanmals to be sdiedin eviousy naccessble pae and in unprecedntd detail. unpedictable . unconntioa C. upaallle D. expeted5. Avtean ngottion specilis sldbesillful at mpulating.A. estimating B. handling C reciying D. anipatngPart III Cze (0%)irecio:In this section thriaasage with en numberd bla. Fo eac blnk,ter aefuchoces arked A, B, C d 0 onthe right ide. Choe t et nwer and ark th etter f your hoice n the SR SHEETA mothe who i sfferingm cne can passonth isease to e unbo childin exrme raeass, 51 a newcasepot pishdi PNAS thswee.crin to resrches inapaand atthe Istittefor Caner Rseachin Sutton, K,aJane m hdeen diagose wihleuemia a fe eek e ivin brth, 5 tmor wre scoved in her dughter' c nd ln wen she was1 mnthsold. Gneic anlysis howdtattbabys cancer cells hahaemtaionas the cancr clls ofth theBt thencer cellsotaiednoDA hatsoevr frm the fahr, 53 woul be xected f he had ierite t ccer frm cction.Thatuggest the cace cell adeit intote uorn child 's bo acros te plactal barrier ThGuadia claiedtistobe t fist 4 cae of clls crossing he pcetl barier But tis is not h case - mirchimerism , 55 ells ar exhandbetwen a mohe and he ubo chid,is tgt tobe quite cmmon, wtsome lls though to as from ftus to oteri abou 50o percento cases ad g the ther ay abot hf 56 .s teBBC ntedut, the ree 57 in ancer transmsion frm othero fetus had bee how ane cels tthave ipped throu hplaetal barrier coud uvive n the fets without g ld by tim ym. he anse i ts ae t least, es i a ecnd mtiof the caer cells,hich ledo te 8 of te specii feauresthatould aealowedtefetal imune yst totec the cells as foeig Asa eul, no k agnthe ivadess auhed. 9 acoring to the rsearches there i litt reasnr concer ofcancer angr"n 7pobbe ca have b eprte woli n the omned 60of cacer cell bo pasing the placentl barrer a avig h right mutaon t eva he babys immune yte ermlylw5 A suggest B.sugestingC. haing sgte . sugested2 sice B. altough whreas D when53. A.hat . hmC. wo D.a4 . preict B. ntoiousC roven deailed55. A.where B. whenC. if D.whaver56.A as many B. a mchC. as wel D aoften7 A. threat B pulebtcle D dlemm58. dtction . eletonC. amplicain D.dition59. . ore BrthemorC. Nvertheless .Conlusively60 . likeliood B. funnC. infuence D.flexibiltyat IV Radig Cmprehenson (3%)Dircions: In his art tee ar six psages, each of whch sfoloed byfive quesions. Fo each uesion thereafour poilansrs ae A, B, C, an D. Choos th bestanwe mkhe lete of ur chie n the ANSWER SHEETasagOehe AeicSciey o Clinil Oncoloy wrpedtsul onerenc this wek, going hrou teusualmotions pesntngalo of ugs that ofr e ade quaty or extensi f life t hosesferingfrom a varieyo as-ye icable iseass. Bubried ee inaAPstory ar a cope of omisi hedines tha seems wortof rehrugh rew, nludig treatent udy whee 0 ercento paents their ancer dminsh byhalfFirstof al, it sees pharacetl mis re movingawfromhemaincost-efectiveoe-sie-sal pproah t dr deelopment an emracing the l cancer tretmens,egieering ugs tha onlywrk or a ma pecetageo patens t wrk vy ffectively wthin that group.Pfzer anounc thatone uch dg i's pshiino at-tae testing is tagefo o ngcance patints tmre t 90 ofat tinycohrrespode tth dg inial tests, an out of ten is gtin ptty close the ia te o of ten. By gearig toarmoboutque treatents rtherthan broad umbllaarmaceuticl that tyto tfrveryoeitseescanr researchersaremakng soeheday. B ow canwe loset gap on that remainng tenercet?Askaked Phrmaceuticaland Celgen, two dg makrswho u aside coetitive intretto te a nvel oini ofeir reatmens. a testof6 patints withthebloodisee mtiple meloma, ful 00 percen of tesjects sw hircancer reced byh Nedlesto say, a