2023导游证考试现场考试口试练习题及答案 答:粮食作物有:大豆、小麦、玉米、水稻、马铃薯等。 经济作物有:甜菜、亚麻、烤烟等。 1、 what are the main gain crops and industrial crops in hei longjiang ? model: the gain crops are : soybean , wheat , maize, rice and potatoes and so on . the industrial crops are : (sugar) beet , flax , tobacco , and so on . 2、介绍黑龙江省的工业状况? 答:黑龙江省工业以煤炭、石油化工、机械制造、森林工业、食品生产为重点,是门类比拟齐全的国家重工业基地。并形成了以哈尔滨为中心的机械工业,以齐齐哈尔为中心的车辆、机床和重型机械工业,以大庆市为中心的石油和石油化学工业,以鸡西、鹤岗、双鸭山、七台河市为中心的煤炭工业,以伊春市和大兴安岭地区为中心的森林工业。 2、introduce the industry development of hei long jiang ? model : hei long jiang province is one of the most important heavy industrial bases in our country . it has various major. the main industries are mining industry , petroleum industry , machine produce , forest industry , foodstuff produce and so on . harbin is famous for its machine produce .qiqihar is famous for its cars ,machine tools and heavy machine industry .daqing is famous for its petroleum and chemical industry. and the coal industry center is jixi , he gang , shuang ya shan and the big xing an mountain area. 3、目前黑龙江省主要滑雪场有哪些?(说出5个以上) 答:亚布力滑雪场、二龙山滑雪场、吉华长寿滑雪场、日月峡滑雪场、卧牛湖滑雪场、乌吉密滑雪场、平山神鹿滑雪场、卧佛山滑雪场。 3、what are the main ski yards in hei long jiang at present ? model : yabli ski yard , double-dragon ski yard , ji hua chang shou ski yard , sun-moon gorge ski yard , lying-ox lake ski yard , wujimi ski yard ,flat mountain and mysterious deer ski yard , lying buddha mountain ski yard . 4、请介绍黑龙江省少数民族的根本状况? 答:黑龙江省有少数民族自治县1个,自治乡32个,少数民族村608个。土著的少数民族有:蒙古族、满族、达斡尔族、鄂伦春族、鄂温克族、锡伯族和赫哲族,其他少数民族还有朝鲜族、回族、柯尔克孜族等。 4、introduce the ethnic groups in hei long jiang ? model : there is an ethnic group autonomous country and 32 autonomous prefectures and 608 villages of ethnic group in hei long jiang . the native ethnic groups are : mongol , manzu , daur , oroqen , ewenki , xibe , and hezhen . and the other ethnic groups are chaoxian , huizu , kirgiz and so on . 5、请介绍一下黑龙江省的国家及省级历史文化名城? 答:国家级历史文化名城是哈尔滨。 省级历史文化名城是宁安、阿城、依兰、齐齐哈尔。 5、introduce the famous historical and cultural city in hei long jiang ? model : the national famous historical and cultural city is harbin . the provincial famous historical and cultural cities are ning an , acheng , yilan, qiqihar . 【2023导游证考试现场考试口试练习题及答案】