UNIT 1Words&Expressions1.cope with2.blurt out3.inarticulate4.bestow sth.upon(on)sb.5.downright6.carry sb.away7.well off8.get possession of9.put one s mind to e up with11.brush sth.off12.on the right track13.appalled14.be inept at doing sth.15.fall flat16.fall port22.the chances are(that)Words&Expressions1.cope with be able to deal with sth.difficult;manage successfullyExamples:They lack the strength to cope with all the problems as they are not quite experienced.Even Mr.Smith,who is noted for his inexhaustible patience,could not cope with thisdifficult student.2.blurt out say(sth.)suddenly or without thinking of the effect or resultExamples:.Peter was so excited that he blurted the news out before we could stop him.Kid s are known for blurting something important out at unusual times.Words&Expressions3.inarticulate adj.unable to express oneself clearly and fluentlyExamples:My meetings with him left me inarticulate with rage.Maisie had always thought of herself as being uneducated and inarticulate,and wassurprised that anyone should ask her opinion.4.bestow sth.upon(on)sb.present sth.as a gift to sb.Examples:He doesn t deserve the praise that has been bestowed upon him.The new ruler took his enemies property and bestowed it upon his followers.Words&Expressions5.downright adj.used to emphasize that something is completely bad or untrueExamples:She had made trouble whenever she could,stealing her boyfriends by telling downrightlies.I thought my wedding was,despite its lacking the familiar trappings(饰 物,装 饰)oftradition,downright legal.SOMETHING OLD,SOMETHING NEW,SOMETHING BORROWED,SOMETHING BLUEto carry with them as they walk down the aisle.Words&Expressions6.carry sb.away(usu.passive)cause sb.to lose self-control or be very excitedExamples:He was so carried away by fear that he didn t know what he was saying.When we listen to music we should allow ourselves to be carried away into the musicalparadise.Words&Expressions7.well off in a very good position or condition,esp.financiallyExamples:You shouldn t grumble about that house;you don t realize when you re well off(你 自 己 不 知 道,你 已 经 很 幸 运 了).I think you d be better off if you just moved back to your mother s house for a while.8.get possession of become the owner or occupier(of sth.)Examples:We didn t get possession of the car until a few days after the auction.How did you get possession of the painting?Words&Expressions9.put one*s mind to sth.give all one1 s attention to(achieving)sth.Examples:I don t think you re incapable of accomplishing that task;if you put your mind to it,you can do it.The scientist put his mind to the math problem to solve e up with find or produce(an answer,a solution,etc.)Examples:Scientists will have to come up with new methods of increasing the world*s foodsupply.He receives ideas,organizes and comes up with interpretations and new ideas.Words&Expressions11.brush sth.off remove sth.with a brush;ignore sth.Examples:John brushed off Bill*s warning that he might fall from the tree.F ve tried to make contact with the neighbors but they*ve always brushed me off.12.on the right track thinking or acting in a correct wayExamples:H e solved the problem in no time because he started out on the right track.W e ve had the initial test results and it looks as though we re on the right track.Words&Expressions13.appalled adj.very shocked and upset by something very bad or unpleasantExamples:.Appalled at the state of the kitchen,she set about scrubbing away the layers of grimeand grease(煤 烟 和 油 垢).W hen I heard what had happened I was absolutely appalled.14.be inept at doing sth.be completely unskillful at doing sth.Examples:In some parts of China,a woman inept at stitching will be laughed at.Whether a student is skillful or inept at performing the task depends a great deal on theteacher*s instructions.Words&Expressions15.fall flat(of a joke,story,performance,etc.)fail completely to produce the effectintended or expectedExamples:W hat we meant to be a funny story fell completely flat.The scheme for rebuilding the city centre fell flat,owing to the refusal of the council tosanction(批 准)the expenditure of the money it would have required.16.fall apart break;fall to piecesExamples:A nn did what she could do to keep the marriage from falling apart.The only flaw of the poem is that the rhyme falls apart in the last line.Words&Expressions17.execrable adj.very bad;detestableExamples:Critics blame the students poor test performances on execrable teaching.Your handwriting is so execrable that I can hardly read it.18.adroit adj.skilfulExamples:They are highly efficient and especially adroit at persuading the employees to do morework.Employing such devices is a fine test of sheer writing skill,of careful and adroitmanipulation of language.Words&Expressions19.poise n.dignity and self-confidenceExamples:They felt that he lacked sufficient poise and confidence for the job.Nigel was ostentatiously(炫 耀 地)smoking a big cigar to give an illusion of poise.20.etiquette n.rules for correct or polite behavior between people or within certainprofessionsExamples:It was considered a breach of etiquette to refuse an invitation.Professional etiquette dictates that judges should not express their opinions about acase in public.Words&Eport vt.behave(oneself)Examples:He comported himself in a way that won him respect.The teacher tells us what things are like,how the world is,and how we should comportourselves in it.22.the chances are(that)it is likely thatExamples:The chances are that she has already known the bad news,otherwise she wouldn,tlook so desperate.The chances are that the insecticide(杀 虫 剂)is a potential threat to many species ofbirds and may even lead to their extinction.Passage analysis(line 9)It is one of the paradoxes of social intercourse that a compliment is harder torespond to than an insult.The fact that it is harder to respond to a compliment than an insult seems to be foolish orimpossible in social communication but has some truth in it.在 社 会 交 往 中,应 对 恭 维 比 对 付 辱 骂 要 艰 难 得 多,这 话 听 起 来 有 点 矛 盾,却 有 一 定 的 道 理。Passage analysis(line 21)The nearest I ever came to downright acceptance of this particular complimentwas the time I said,Well,we like it.l ever came nearest to complete acceptance of this particular compliment when I said,Well,we like it:我 在 接 受 这 种 特 定 的 恭 维 时,表 示 最 能 完 全 接 受 的 说 法 就 是 嗯,我 们 喜 欢 Passage analysis(line 43)He employs a sort of unreasonable realism.He adopts a very realist but quite unreasonable approach.他 采 取 了 一 种 不 近 情 理 的 现 实 态 度。Passage analysis(line 55)This sort of thing,the witty reply,ought to be placed under governmentregulation.The clever reply of this kind should be discouraged from being overused.这 种 俏 皮 机 智 的 应 答,应 该 置 于 政 府 的 规 定 之 中。Passage analysis(line 101)There is no point in trying to play the game back at them they II top youin the end,no matter what.it is no use trying to make a clever retort they II eventually surpass you in allsituations.要 想 回 敬 他 们 是 没 有 用 的 不 管 说 什 么,最 后 他 们 总 会 占 上 风。Passage analysis(line 103).at the bottom of all graceful social intercourse lies poise.keeping dignified and confident is the most important in all decent social intercourse 在 所 有 得 体 的 社 交 场 合,最 根 本 的 就 是 保 持 镇 定(line 109)Given the same circumstances I would have quietly asked for a coil of rope.If I were in the same situation,I would have felt so ashamed as to hang myself with acoil of rope without being noticed.要 是 我 遇 到 这 种 情 况,我 会 感 到 极 为 窘 迫,恨 不 得 悄 悄 地 找 根 绳 子 去 上 吊。Passage analysis(line 112)If we could all comport ourselves with that kind of dignity,and quit jittering,our social life would be much more enjoyable.要 是 我 们 的 行 为 举 止 都 能 保 持 这 种 风 度,摆 脱 局 促 不 安,那 我 们 的 社 交 生 活 就 会 有 趣 得 多。Key to ExercisesB.要 善 于 恭 维 他 人,重 要 的 一 步 就 是 要 懂 得 为 什 么 恭 维 会 有 助 于 你 建 立 更 好 的 人 际 关 系。An important step in becoming an effective flatterer is to understand why flattery helpsyou establish better relationships with others.恭 维 之 所 以 奏 效,最 根 本 的 原 因 是 恭 维 符 合 了 人 类 行 为 的 一 个 基 本 原 则:人 们 渴 望 得 到 赏 识。The root cause of the power of flattery gets at(达 到)a basic principle of humanbehavior:People crave being appreciated.Power of flattery lies in the fact that it fulfils a basic principle of human behavior:Key to Exercises 尽 管 文 化 背 景 各 不 相 同,但 绝 大 多 数 人 都 有 类 似 的 想 法。The vast majority of people are of the similar idea despite different cultures.Most people,though from different cultural backgrounds,share similar thoughts.Key to Exercises 在 亚 洲 文 化 中,人 们 对 群 体 赏 识 的 渴 求 一 般 要 强 于 对 个 体 赏 识 的 渴 求。但 不 管 怎 样,人 们 渴 望 赏 识 是 普 遍 存 在 的。in Asian cultures the desire for group recognition is generally stronger than the desirefor individual recognition.Nevertheless,the need for recognition is present/universal.Key to Exercises 很 多 人 认 为,工 作 本 身 带 来 的 乐 趣 要 比 外 界 赏 识 包 括 恭 维 更 为 重 要。Many people hold that the joy of work itself is more important than externalrecognition,including flattery.Key to Exercises 工 作 的 乐 趣 也 许 是 一 种 巨 大 的 动 力,但 是 即 使 是 那 些 从 工 作 中 得 到 极 大 乐 趣 的 人 如 科 学 家、艺 术 家、摄 影 师 也 渴 望 得 到 恭 维 和 认 可,否 则 他 们 就 不 会 去 竞 争 诺 贝 尔 奖 或 在 重 要 的 展 览 会 上 展 示 他 们 的 作 品 了。The joy of work may be a powerful motivator,but even those who get the biggest joyfrom their work such as scientists,artists,and photographers crave flattery andrecognition.Otherwise they wouldn t compete for Nobel Prizes or enter their work inimportant exhibitions.Key to Exercises 恭 维 之 所 以 奏 效,还 因 为 它 与 人 们 对 认 可 的 正 常 需 要 有 关。Another reason flattery is so effective relates to the normal need to be recognized(ofpeople).Key to Exercises 尽 管 有 一 些 关 于 恭 维 的 书 和 文 章 问 世,并 对 恭 维 极 力 进 行 宣 扬,但 是 大 多 数 人 还 是 没 有 得 到 应 有 的 赏 识。Although some articles and books have been written and preached zealously aboutflattery,most people receive less recognition than they deserve.Key to Exercises 很 多 人 无 论 在 工 作 上 或 在 家 里 都 很 少 收 到 赞 美,所 以 对 认 可 的 渴 求 就 更 加 强 烈 了。Many people hardly ever receive compliments either on the job or at home,thusintensifying their demand for flattery.TranslationIt is one of the paradoxes of social intercourse that a compliment is harder to respond tothan an insult.在 社 会 交 往 中,应 对 恭 维 比 对 付 辱 骂 要 艰 难 得 多,这 话 听 起 来 有 点 矛 盾,却 有 一 定 的 道 理。TranslationHere is an area of small talk that most of us act awkwardly.闲 聊 时 来 句 恭 维 话,往 往 让 我 们 大 多 数 人 不 知 所 措。Translation l think we make a mistake when we react to a compliment with denial and derogation.我 认 为,对 待 恭 维 采 取 否 定 和 贬 低 的 态 度 是 错 误 的。Translation I know a man who has put his mind to this problem and come up with a technique forbrushing off praise.我 认 识 一 个 潜 心 研 究 这 个 问 题 的 人,他 想 出 一 个 办 法 来 避 开 别 人 的 表 扬。Translation But for every genuinely clever retort there are a thousand that fall flat.在 千 百 次 的 应 对 中 才 会 有 一 句 真 正 巧 妙 地 应 答。TranslationThere is no point in trying to play the game back at them they*II top you in the end,no matter what.想 要 回 敬 他 们,没 门 儿-不 管 你 说 什 么,最 后 总 被 他 们 占 了 上 风。UNIT 2Words and Phrases(p.42)edition n.a version Examples:The boy was a smaller edition of his father.This collection of Lu Xun s works is a newly revised edition.Perspicacious adj.able to understand sb/sth quickly 聪 明 的;判 断 理 解 力 强 的 e.g.Keen,calculating,perspicacious and astuteI was all of these.敏 锐、慎 重、聪 慧、精 明-这 些 就 是 我 的 特 点。Nicety n.a minor aspect of polite social behavior;a detail of etiquette.e.g.we were brought up to observe the niceties.betoken vt.be a sign or token of;indicate:Exam pies:乌 云 预 示 着 暴 风 雨 的 来 临。Dark clouds betoken a storm.It is out of proportion to send gift that betokens an intimacy that doesn t exist.:把 象 征 亲 密 关 系 的 礼 物 送 给 与 自 己 没 那 层 关 系 的 人 是 不 合 适 的。raw adj.being in a natural condition;not processed or refined Examples:raw material:原 料 raw data:原 始 资 料 raw recruit。新 兵 raw remark。脏 话 raw edge of cloth:毛 边 a raw wound:露 出 肉 的 伤 口 ritualistic adj.of fondness for or insistence on ritual 习 惯 的,仪 式 性 的 Examples:It is purely ritualistic to send expensive gifts on wedding ceremony.Each evening,she bursts into her apartment with a ritualistic shout of Honey,I*mhome!1 proclivity n.a natural propensity or inclination;predisposition Examples:H is son has a proclivity towards laziness.。他 的 儿 子 懒 惰 成 性。:我 们 的 老 师 总 是 吹 毛 求 疵。Our teacher has a proclivity to faultfinding.penetrate v.to enter or force a way into;pierce Examples:The insistent rhythm of piano practice penetrated each room of the house.:钢 琴 曲 动 人 的 旋 律 响 彻 了 每 个 房 间。Lenovo penetrated the home computer market with an affordable new model.:联 想 的 新 机 型 价 格 适 中,占 据 了 家 用 电 脑 市 场。:西 方 观 念 逐 渐 传 入/渗 透 到 东 方。Western ideas penetrate slowly through the East.wont adj./n.accustomed to;in the habit of;habit be wont to do sth:be used(accustomed)to sth/doing sth Examples:Both have committed their indiscretions as human beings are wont to do.:两 人 都 承 认 自 己 行 为 欠 考 虑/行 为 轻 率,这 是 人 们 常 犯 的 错。Paul woke much earlier than was his wont.prone adj.liable or susceptible to sth.Examples:People with fair skin who sunburn easily are very prone to develop skin cancer.:皮 肤 白 皙、容 易 晒 黑 的 人 易 得 皮 肤 癌。His nose is prone to be allergic to roses.:他 的 鼻 子 容 易 对 玫 瑰 花 过 敏。pamper vt.treat(a person or animal)with too much kindness or indulgence;spoil Examples:Today s superstars are often pampered by mass media.:如 今 的 超 级 明 星 们 受 到 了 大 众 传 媒 的 追 捧。It s no good pampering children like that.。那 么 宠 溺 孩 子 一 点 好 处 也 没 有。dispense vt.deal out;give out Examples:dispense food and clothing:分 发 食 物 和 衣 服 dispense a prize:发 奖:这 部 自 动 化 的 机 器 是 用 来 配 售 咖 啡 的。This automatic machine dispenses coffee.cynic n.a person who believes that people do not do things for good or noblereasons,but only for their own advantage:愤 世 疾 俗 的 人;玩 世 不 恭 的 人;好 挖 苦 人 的 人 Examples:All people who know Mr.Le Plant well said that he is a typical cynic.I wonder when and how he became such a cynic.measure up reach the standard required or expected Examples:She s always comparing me to other people and somehow I never measure up.。她 总 是 拿 我 和 他 人 比 较,不 知 何 故,我 总 是 比 不 过 别 人。我 总 是 辜 负 你 的 期 望,是 不 是?I have never measured up to your expectation,have I?One-up v.&a.having a psychological advantage over someonee.g.youre always trying to be one-up on whoever youre with.Reciprocity n.the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefite.g.a reciprocity treatyReciprocity includes more than gifts and favors;it also applies to concessions thatpeople make to one another.altruism:mass noun 物 质 名 词 the belief in or practice of disinterested and selflessconcern for the well-being of otherse.g.some may choose to work with vulnerable elderly people out of altruism.Antonym:egoism I had visions of her opening the set,volume by volume,while we sat by the fireChristmas Eve sipping cognac and listening to the Brandenburg Concertos.Trans:我 想 象 着 这 样 的 情 景,圣 诞 之 夜,我 俩 围 炉 而 坐,一 边 啜 饮 着 科 涅 克 上 等 白 兰 地,一 边 欣 赏 着 勃 兰 登 堡 协 奏 曲,她 把 文 卷 一 页 页 地 打 开。In the beginning paragraph the author constructs a very romantic situation of giving gifts.It s totally out of proportion:It s very inappropriate There s a goat in all of usparaphrase:We re often too stubborn to recognize our own foolishnessTra