2020年职称英语理工类(A级)模拟试卷二,职称英语(理工类),职称英语第1题 题目分类:未按章节分类的真题、模拟试题 词汇选项Professor Taylors talk has indicated that science has a verystrong influence on the everyday life of non-scientists as wellas scientists.A.motivat ioB.perspectiveC.impressioD.impact正确答案:D,第2题 题目分类:未按章节分类的真题、模拟试题 词汇选项If no one objects,M r.Ben will be the next chairman.A.disagreesB.approvesC.rejectsD.refuses正确答案:A,第3题 题目分类:未按章节分类的真题、模拟试题 词汇选项W hen W a shington D.C.w a s b urned in 1814,Dollety M a disonrescued ma ny officia l p a p ers from the W hite H ouse.A.stole B.filed C.hid D.sa v ed正确答案:D,第4题 题目分类:未按章节分类的真题、模拟试题 词汇选项T he little girlgra sp ed her mothers ha nd a s shecrossed the street.A.understood B.ha d a hold ov er C.took hold of D.left hold of正确答案:C,第5题 题目分类:未按章节分类的真题、模拟试题 词汇选项Do not waste time on insignificant points.A.interestingB.dullC.unimportantD.boring正确答案:C,第6题 题目分类:未按章节分类的真题、模拟试题 词汇选项The travelers were ready to enjoy the spectacular tidal waves when suddenly athick fog came up and obscured the whole scene.A.blurredB.belittledC.bannedD.collapsed正确答案:A,第7题 题目分类:未按章节分类的真题、模拟试题 词汇选项Please give my best wishes to your family.A.noticesB.attentionC.regardsD.cares正确答案:C,第 8 题 题目分类:未按章节分类的真题、模拟试题 词汇选项You startled me when you shouted.A.threatenedB.frightenedC.interruptedD.troubled正确答案:B,第 9 题 题目分类:未按章节分类的真题、模拟试题 词汇选项In1816 itseemed inevitable that Southern states would break away from the Union.A.strangeB.certainC.inconsistentD.proper正确答案:B,第1 0题 题目分类:未按章节分类的真题、模拟试题 词汇选项I catch a cold now and then.A.alwayB.occasionallyC.constantlyD.regularly正确答案:B,第n题 题目分类:未按章节分类的真题、模拟试题 词汇选项Poor health and lack of money may both beto educational progress roadblocks.A.restraintsB.stainsC.scarcitiesD.barriers正确答案:D,第1 2题 题目分类:未按章节分类的真题、模拟试题词汇选项M any of Carson M cCullers characters are isolated,disappointed people.A.solita ry B.gloomy C.feeb le D.fruga l正确答案:A,第1 3题 题目分类:未按章节分类的真题、模拟试题词汇选项T here is a n a b unda nt sup p ly of sa lt in the ma rket.A.stea dy B.p lentiful C.ex tra D.sta b le正确答案:B,第1 4题 题目分类:未按章节分类的真题、模拟试题词汇选项Dump ed w a ste might conta mina te w a ter sup p lies.A.destroy B.decrea se C.p ollute D.dela y正确答案:C,第1 5题 题目分类:未按章节分类的真题、模拟试题 词 汇 选 项 The best olive oil is obtained from olives thatareharvested just after they ripen.A.preservedB.squeezedC.sortedD.gathered正确答案:D,第1 6题(单项选择题)(每 题1.70分)题目分类:未按章节分类的真 题、模拟试题 阅 读 判 断 Will We Take Vacation inSpaces?When M ike Kelly first set out to build hisown private space-ferry service,hefigured hisbread-and-butter business would be lofting satellitesinto high-Earth orbit.Now he thinks hemay have figured wrong.People were always askingme when they could go,“says Kelly,whoruns Kelly Space TechnologT out of SanBernardino,Californi a.uIrealized that real market isin space tourism.A ccording to preliminary market surveys,there are 10,000 would-be-space-tourists willingto spend$1 million each to visit the final frontier.Space Adventure in A rlington,Virginia,has taken more than 1 30deposits for a two-hour,$98,000 spacetour tentatively(and somewhat dubiously)set tooccur by 2005.Gene M eyers of the Space IslandGroup says:”Space is the next exoticvacation spot.This may all sound great,but there are a few hurdles.Putting asimple satellite into orbit with no oxygen,life support or return trip necessary already costs an astronomical$22,000/kg.A nd that doesntinclude the cost of insuring rich and possibly litigious passenger.J ohn Pike of the Federation of A merican Scientists acerbically suggests that the entiregroup of entrepreneurs tryingto corner the space tourism market have between them“just enough money to blow up onerocket.The U.S.space agency has plenty of money butzero interest in making space less expensive forthe little guys.So the little guysare racing to do what the government has failedto do:designa reusable launch system thats inexpensive,safe andreliable.Kelly Spaces prototype looks likea plane thathas sprouted rocket engines.Rotary Rocketin Redwood City,California,hasa booster withrotors make a helicopter-style return toEarth;Kistler Aerospace in Kirkland,Wash-ington,ispiecing together its versions from old Soviet engines,shuttle-style thermal protection tiles and an elaborate parachute system.The first passenger countdownsare still yearsaway,but bureaucrats at the Federal Aviation Administration in Washington arealready informally discussing flight regulations.After all,you cant betoo prepared for a tripto that galaxy far,far away.For those who are intent on joining the 100-mile high club,Hilton and Budget are plotting to build space hotels.Before theRussian spaceMir came down,some people were talking about usingit as alow-rent space hotel to reduce the cost.If aspace hotel is finally builtin space,and if yourethinking of staying in it,youmaywant to check the M ichelin ratings before booking yourself a suite.We can inferfrom the context that the M ichelin ratings can helppeople to find prices ofhotels.A.RightB.WrongC.Notmentioned正确答案:A,第 1 7 题(单项选择题)(每 题 1.70分)题目分类:未按章节分类的真 题、模拟试题 概 括 大 意 与 完 成 句 子 共用题干The Weight ExperimentNicola Walters has been takingpart in experiments in Scotland to discover why humans gain and lose weight.Being locked ina small room called a“calorimeter”(热 量测 量 室)isone way to find out.The signs above the two rooms read simply uChamber O ne and Chamber Two”.These are the calorimeters:4m by 2m white-walled roomswhere human volunteers are locked up in the name of science.Outside these rooms another sign reads”Please do not enter work inprogressv and in front of the rooms advanced machinery registers every move the volunteers make.Each day,meals measured to the last gram are passed througha hole in the wall of the calorimeterto the resident volunteer.Nicola Walters is one oftwenty volunteerswho,over the past eight months,have spent varying periods inside the calorimeter.Tall and slim,Nicola does not have a weight problem,but thoughtthe strict diet might help with her training and fitness programme.As a self-employed community dance worker,she was able to fit the experimentin around her work.She saw an advert for volun-teers ather local gym and as she is interested in the whole area of diet and exercise,she thoughtshe would helpout.The experiment on Nicola involved her spendingone day on a fixed diet at home and the next inthe room.This sequence was repeated four times oversix weeks.She arrived at the calorimeter at8:30 amon each ofthe four mornings and from then on everything sheate ordrank was carefully measured.Her every move was noted too,her daily exercise routine,timed to thelastsecond.The scientists help volunteers imposea kind of order onthe long days they face in the room.The firsttime,I only took one video and a book,but it wasO K because I watched TV the restof the time,“says Nicola.A nd twicea day she used the exercise bike.She pedaled(踩踏板)for half an hour,watched by researchers tomake sure she didn tgo too fast.It seems thatsome foods encourage you to eatmore,while others satisfy you quickly.Volun-teers are already showing that high-fat diets areless likely tomake you feel full.Believing that theymay now know what encouragespeople to overeat,the researchers are about to starttesting ahigh-protein weight-loss diet.Volunteers are requiredand Nicola has signed up for further ses-slonsParagraph1A.What does the calorimeter look like inside?B.What program was designed for the experiment?C.What is a calorimeter?D.What is the first impression?E.How do the volunteers kill the time?F.Why did Nicola join in the experiments?正确答案:C,第1 8题(单项选择题)(每 题1.70分)题目分类:未按章节分类的真 题、模拟试题 概 括 大 意 与 完 成句子 共用题干The Weight ExperimentNicola Walters has been taking part inexperiments in Scotland to discover why humans gain and loseweight.Being locked in asmall room called a calorimeter”(热 量 测 量 室)isone way to findout.The signs above the two rooms read simply“Chamber O ne and Chamber Two”.These are the calorimeters:4m by 2m white-walled rooms where human volunteersare locked up in the nameof science.Outside these rooms another sign reads”Please do not enter work in progressv and in front ofthe rooms advanced machinery registers every move the volunteers make.Each day,meals measured to the lastgram are passed through a hole in the wallof the calorimeter to the resident volunteer.NicolaWalters is one of twenty volunteers who,over thepast eight months,have spent varying periodsinside the calorimeter.Tall and siim,Nicola doesnot have a weight problem,but thought the strictdiet might help with her training andfitness programme.As a self-employed community danceworker,she was able to fit the experiment in aroundher work.She saw an advert for volun-teers at herlocal gym and as she is interested in the wholearea of diet and exercise,she thought she would helpout.The experiment onNicola involved her spending one day ona fixed diet at home and the nextin the room.This sequencewas repeated fourtimes over six weeks.She arrived atthe calorimeter at8:30 am on each ofthe four mornings and from then on everything sheate ordrank was carefully measured.Her every move was noted too,her daily exercise routine,timed to the lastsecond.A t regular intervals,after eating,she filledin forms about how hungry she felt and samples weretaken for analysis.Thescientists help volunteers impose a kind of orderon the long daysthey face in the room.The first time,I only tookone video and a book,but it was O K because Iwatched TV the rest of thetime,“says Nicola.A nd twice a day she usedthe exercise bike.She pedaled(踩 踏 板)for half anhour,watched by researchers to make sure sure didntgo too fast.It seems that some foods encourage youto eat more,while others satisfy youquickly.Volun-teers are already showing that high-fatdiets are less 1ikely to make you feel full.Believing that theymay now know whatencourages people to overeat,the researchers are about to start testing a high-protein weight-lossdiet.Volunteers are required and Nicola hassigned up for further ses-slonso Paragraph2_A.What does the calorimeter look like inside?B.What program was designed for the experiment?C.What is a calorimeter?D.What is the first impression?E.How do the volunteers kill the time?F.Why did Nicola join in the experiments?正确答案:F,第1 9题(单项选择题)(每 题1.70分)题目分类:未按章节分类的真题、模拟试题 概括大意与完成句子 共用题干The WeightExperimentNicola Walters has been taking part inexperiments in Scotland to discover why humans gainand loseweight.Being locked in a small room called a“calorimeter”(热量测量室)is one way to findout.The signs above the tworooms read simply uChamber O ne and Chamber Two”.Thesearethe calorimeters:4m by 2m white-walled rooms wherehuman volunteers are lockedupin the name ofscience.Outside these rooms another sign reads“Pleasedo not enter work in progressv and in front of therooms advanced machinery registers every move thevolunteers make.Each day,meals measured to thelast gram are passed through a hole in the wall of thecalorimeter to the resident volunteer.Nicola Walters is oneof twentyvolunteers who,over the past eightmonths,havespent varying periods inside thecalorimeter.Tai 1 andslim,Nicola does not havea weightproblem,but thought the strictdiet might help withher trainingand fitnessprogramme.As aself-employed community dance worker,she was able to fitthe experiment in around her work.She saw an advertfor volun-teers at her local gym and as she is interestedin the whole area of diet and exercise,she thoughtshe would help out.The experiment on Nicola involved herspending one day on a fixed diet at home and the next inthe room.This sequence was repeated four times over sixweeks.She arrived at the calorimeter at8:30 am on each ofthe four mornings and from then on everything she ate ordrank was carefully measured.Her every move was notedtoo,her daily exercise routine,timedtothe lastsecond.A t regular intervals,after eating,she filledin forms about how hungry she felt and samples weretaken for analysis.The scientists help volunteersimpose a kind of order on the long days they face inthe room.The first time,I only took one video and abook,but it was O K because I watched TV the rest of thetime,“says Nicola.A nd twice a day she used theexercise bike.She pedaled(踩踏板)for halfan hour,watched by researchers to make sure she didnt gotoo fast.It seems that some foods encourage you to eatmore,while others satisfy you quickly.Volun-teers arealready showing that high-fat diets are less likelyto make you feel full.Believing that they may now knowwhat encourages people to overeat,the researchers areabout to start testing a high-protein weight-lossdiet.Volunteers are required and Nicola has signed upfor further ses-slonso ParagraphsA.What does the calorimeter look like inside?B.What program was designed for the experiment?C.What is a calorimeter?D.What is the first impression?E.How do the volunteers kill the time?F.Why did Nicola join in the experiments?正确答案:B,第2 0题(单项选择题)(每 题1.70分)题目分类:未按章节分类的真 题、模拟试题 概 括 大 意 与 完 成 句 子 共 用题干TheWeightExperimentNicola Walters hasbeen taking part inexperiments in Scotland to discover why humans gain and loseweight.Being locked in a small room called a“calorimeter”(热量测量室)is one way tofind out.The signs above the tworooms read simply“ChamberO ne and ChamberTwo”.These arethe calorimeters:4m by 2m white-walled rooms where humanvolunteers are locked up in the name of science.O utside theserooms another sign reads“Please do not enter work in progressand in front of the rooms advanced machinery registers everymove the volunteers make.Eachday,meals measured to the lastgram are passed through a hole in the wall of the calorimeterto the resident volunteer.Nicola Walters is one of twentyvolunteers who,over the past eight months,havespent varying periods inside the calorimeter.Talland slim,Nicola does not have a weightproblem,but thought the strict diet might help withher training and fitness programme.A s aself-employed community dance worker,she was able tofit the experiment in around her work.She saw anadvert for volun-teers at her local gym and as she isinterested in the whole area of diet and exercise,shethought she would help out.The experiment on Nicolainvolved her spending one day on a fixed diet at home andthe next in the room.This sequence was repeated fourtimes over six weeks.She arrived at the calorimeterat8:30 am on each of the four mornings and from thenon everything she ate or drankwas carefully measured.Her everymove was noted too,her daily exercise routine,timedto the last second.The scientists helpvolunteers impose a kindof order on the long days they facein the room.The firsttime,I only took one video and a book,but it was O Kbecause I watched TV the rest ofthe time,“says Nicola.A nd twicea day she used the exercise bike.She pedaled(踩 踏板)for half an hour,watched by researchers to make sureshe didntgotoofa st.I tseems tha tsome foods encoura ge youto ea tmore,w hile others sa tisfy youquickly.V olun-teers a rea lrea dy show ing tha t high-fa tdiets a re less likely toma ke you feel full.Believ ing tha tthey ma y now know w ha t encoura ges p eop leto ov erea t,the