大学英语自学考试教程下册0015自考英语二课后习题答案unitlUnit 1(英语二)Text AExercises for the TextI.1.d 2.c 3.c 4.a 5.dII.1.alternative 2.fundamental 3.accompany4.implement 5.preccedent 6.attain7.objectives 8.vary 9.multiple10.isolateIII.l.c 2.d 3.i 4.j 5.g 6.e 7.h 8.a 9.f 10.bIV.our;helped;form;front;to;passed;it;same;V.1.Decision makers should be able to make the best guess at the future.2.Some people think that everything managers do involves decision making,(orSome people think that everything managers do has something to do with decisionmaking.)3.If there are no correct alternatives,there are no correct decisions to bemade.4.Since different people have different ideas about the same problem,so theapproaches to it vary from person to person.5.Decision makers usually hold the key to the business development of thecompany.Vocabulary ExercisesI.1.a.be organized b.organizational c.organization2.a.simple b.simplified c.simply d.simplification3.a.profit b.profitable c.profitability4.a.intentionb.intended c.unintendedII.1.precedent2.skilled 3.achievement4.implement5.optimal 6.goal7.accomplish8.accompanies 9.tendency10.ongoingIII.1.His friend accompanied him to a concert.2.He has argued her out of her decision.3.he owed his success in part to luck.4.According to his suggestion,the formalities have been much simplified.5.The broadcasting station predicts that it will turn cold tomorrow.6.Motion is defined as a change in position or place.Text BExercises for the TextI.l.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.F 10.TII.1.preparation;confidence2.idea3.unattractive indifference4.hardworking;personality;interest5.speechless6.holidays;pay7.clean;neat;conservative8.t h e f l o o r b e s i d e y o u r c h a i r9.p o l i t e l y;n a t u r a l l y10.“I b e g y o u r p a r d o n?o r C o u l d y o u p l e a s e r e p e a t i t?e t c.V o c a b u l a r y E x e r c i s e sI.1.a t a d i s a d v a n t a g e 2.c o n s e r v a t i v e 3.i n d i f f e r e n c e4.m a k e s u r e 5.v a g u e 6.c l u t c h e d7.t u r n e d d o w n 8.t o y o u r a d v a n t a g e 9.n e a t10.p r o s p e c t s 11.t a k e t h e t r o u b l e t o 12.p l a c eG r a m m a r E x e r c i s e sI.1.连词;让步状语从句。尽管约翰想记住,却没能记住一个词。2.关系代词;非限定性定语从句。和他的兄弟们一样,哈利身材奇高。3.连词;比较状语从句。这儿有块大石头,没人能搬起它。4.连词;比较状语从句。他们的观点和我的一样。5.连词;方式状语从句。像许多人从前那样,认为学习外语没有用是错误的。6.关系代词;非限定性定语从句。如从前所说,语法不是一套死规则。7.关系代词;非限定性定语从句。正如同学们所看到的,海伦有点疯疯癫癫的。8.关系代词;非限定性定语从句(带有插入语的性质)。你会发现所有的问题现在都已得到解决。9.前一个是副词,后一个是连词;比较状语从句。她和她姐姐跳得一样好。10.前一个是副词,后一个是连词;比较状语从句。他们同她一样爱她。11.连词;比较状语从句。他没有她那么老。12.介词;时间状语从句。当他还是个孩子时就参了军。13.习语;时间状语从句。趁你在这儿,咱们和不讨论一下咱们的计划?14.连词;方式状语从句。他以他独特的视角来描写中国。15.习语;方式状语从句。他总是努力工作,好像从不感到疲倦。16.连词;方式状语从句;你怎么对待我,我就怎么对待你。17.副词;状语。他是系主任,确实得他签署文件。18.介词,习语;定语。你要对整个工作负责。19.介词;宾语补语。他们把他看成是一个了不起的人。20.介词;主语补语。这怎么会被说成缺少经验呢?II.1.Can you throw a stone as far as that tree?2.As regard that matter,I have no objection.3.AS to his mother,I know nothing about her.4.As for you,I will never want to see you again.5.She does not own him as her own husband.6.He is a guest,and we should receive him as such.7.I,as well as you,dont lie.8.As is the teacher,so is the pupil.9.Badly wounded as he was,he never lost hope.10.Child as he is,he can tell right from wrong.11.As he was ill,I went there alone.12.He reached out his hand as through he were trying to catch something.13.You had better manage the business as before.14.We must study as long as we are alive.15.He has put his energy into literature-the same as his sisters have put theirsinto music.16.They dont love him so much as she.17.He spoke so loudly as to be heard by all in the classroom.18.As is often the case,the girl forgot to bring her dictionary.19.They are doing the same work as I did last year.20.We have never doubted the honesty of so good a man as you are.III.1.I have the same opinion as he does.2.He was ill,as were the other passengers.3.The man was knocked down by a car,as was reported.4.He was not such a fool as to fail to see that point.5.He is not as healthy as John.6.Spell the word as it is spelled in American English.7.As I was speaking,I saw a dog lying on the grass.8.Hard as he worked,he could not learn maths well.9.As is the father,so is the son.10.He worked as an English teacher in a high school.Unit 2(英语二)Text AExercises for the TextI.1.b 2.c 3.a 4.c 5.dII.1.inadequate 2.astronomers 3.density4.shrink 5.intense 6.boundary7.theory 8.convince 9.invisible10.speculationIII.1.density 2.observation 3.speculation4.massiveness 5.region 6.graviation7.relativity 8.basis 9.evidence10.endlessnessIV.with;his;if;so;paper;out;the;betterV.1.Astronomers have not yet fully answered the question of what black holes are.2.It is said that a black hole can swallow up everything such as stars aroundit.3.The study of black holes is just beginning.Speculations about them are endless.4.Scientists can not tell what happens inside a black hole.5.If we get to know something about them,black holes will not be that frightful.Vocabulary ExercisesI.1.a.exploded b.explosion c.explosive2.a.dense b.densely c.density3.a.measurable b.measurement c.measured4.a.basis b.basic c.based d.basicallyII.1.implication 2.gravity 3.boundary4.interchangeable 5.explode 6.galaxy7.convincing 8.speculation 9.shrinks10.suckingIII.1.A block hole exerts a strong gravitational pull.2.His company collapsed owing to mismanagement.3.Quite a few staellites were launched in the 80s in our country.4.Has the medicine begun to operate?5.He was swallowed up in darkness,(or Darkness swallowed him up.)Text BExercises for the TextI.l.T 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.F 10.TII.1.planets;orbit2.suns3.life;vegetation4.satellite;sun5.very large separate;lesser6.one part;another part7.nature;characteristics8.plateaus;deserts;plains9.religion;government;education;social behaviour10.circumstancesV o c a b u l a r y E x e r c i s e sI.1.c l o u d l e s s 2.a b o v e a l l 3.c o n c e r n e d4.l a r g e l y 5.g l i t t e r 6.A s a r u l e7.u n l i k e l y 8.t h r i l l i n g 9.w h e r e a s10.r e v o l v e sU n i t 3(英语二)T e x t AE x e r c i s e s f o r t h e T e x tI.1.b 2.d 3.b 4.d 5.cI I.1.d e l a y 2.r e c o v e r y 3.l e t h a l4.d e b a t e 5.p e r m i t 6.g u i d e l i n e7.m a j o r i t y 8.t a k e i n t o a c c o u n t 9.u n d e r m i n e10.v u l n e r a b l eI I.1.a.I t s d i f f e r e n t f r o m t h e p l a n n e d m u r d e r o f p e o p l e.b.People have the fundamental right to choose death.c.There are situations where death is a friend.2.a.What the patient is actually asking for is something else.b.They may want a health professional to open up communication for themwith their loved ones or family.3.a.The patientis experiencing extreme suffering.b.There is no chance of a cure.c.The patient has made requests for euthanasia.d.A second doctor must confirm that these criteria have been met and the deathmust be reported to the police department.IV.Cloze.spent;take;N o;camera;down;taking;free;camelV.1.Euthanasia does relieve the dying patients from their suffering.2.Do you konw that the Netherlands is the only country in Europe which permitsthe practice of euthanasia?3.It does not mean that doctors who are for this idea dont care for theirpatients.4.After a doctor makers a diagnosis,a second doctor must confirm it.5.Those who are against it believe that patients do not really want to end their1ife,but that there is something else behind the request.Vocabulary ExercisesI.1.a.considerably b.consideratec.consideration d.considerable2.a.able b.ability c.unabled.enable e.disabled f.disable3.a.traditional b.tradition c.traditionallyII.1.weaken 2.opt out 3.deteriorate4.lethal 5.request 6.debate7.is affected with 8.take;into account 9.elderly-10.vulnerable 11.sensitive 12.ensure13.legalIII.1.They requested that the prisoners be released.2.His capability will ensure his success.3.They are going to open up a nationwide debate.4.He is very sensitive to changes of weather.5.The quality of his work has been deteriorating these years.6.The contamination of water makes the residents vulnerable to diseases.Text BExercises for the TextI.l.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.F 9.T 10.FII.1.Oxford;Cambridge2.old-boy network3.two4.a bias5.public6.A level results;performance at interviews7.easily accessible8.better prepared9.Harvard;Yale;Chicago;Berkeley10.constantly replicatingVocabulary ExercisesI.1.unfair 2.leading 3.profession4.private 5.accessibleII.1.appoint 2.performance 3.profession4.amount to 5.by nature 6.prime7.merit petitive 9.Remedial10.worthGrammar ExercisesI.1.has 2.is 3.are4.seems 5.is 6.was7.are 8.were 9.is10.are 11.is 12.is10.their13.are14.am15.is16.have17.has18.is19.have20.was21.are22.has23.speak 24.is25.races 26.were 27.approve28.was29.says30.appeal31.are32.is33.are34.was35.is36.has37.are38.has39.is40.is41.are42.is43.are44.is45.is46.have47.are48.have49.has50.isII.1.he2.his 3.its4.its5.her;her 6.their7.out8.they9.hisUnit 4(英语二)Text AExercises for the TextI.a.b 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.bII.1.diplomats 2.abuse 3.remove4.quarter 5.guilt 6.hire7.breadwinner 8.introduce 9.maintenance10.immigrantIII.1.i 2.c 3.b 4.e 5.j 6.g 7.h 8.f 9.a 10.dIV.about;surprise;young;over;much;teenager;wereV.1.The government department dealing with the matter does not keep statistics.2.She accepted a job working as a domestic just because she found it difficultto provide for her family.3.She was brought over by a Saudi diplomat directly from the Philippines towork in London.4.The working conditions of the domestics have received media attention.5.The employers always threaten to send us back to our country.Vocabulary ExercisesI.1.a.exploited b.exploitation c.exploitable2.a.execution b.executed c.executive3.a.employed b.employees c.employment4.a.immigrants b.immigrated c.immigrationII.1.status 2.slavery 3.minimum4.despite 5.diplomat 6.domestic7.abroad 8.convicted 9.deports10.incidence 11.supposed 12.deservingIII.1.Resources should be exploited moderately.2.This order was well executed.3.This project deserves further study,(or This project is deserving of furtherstudy.)4.Weve already reduced the expenses to the minimum.5.I wont believe the news despite what she says.6.Can this small boat bring them over to the other side of the river?Text BExercises for the TextI.l.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.F 7.T 8.F 9.T 10.FII.1.leg irons joined;chain;groups2.the harshest;television;phone calls;day-to-day privileges3.circus;degrading;slavery4.six out of every ten5.racial;political;saving tax money;cleaning up6.inhumane;ineffective7.more angry;more hostile8.poverty;disaffection within society9.Middle Ages;shame10.Deep South;Arkansas;ArizonaVocabulary ExercisesI.1.denied 2.gang 3.prevented4.argument 5.punishmentII.1.degrading 2.convicted of 3.liberty4.in unison 5.unionU n i t 5(英语二)T e x t AE x e r c i s e s f o r t h e T e x tI.1.d 2.a 3.b 4.d 5.bI I.1.o r i g i n a l 2.t r a n s f o r m a t i o n 3.d i s t i n c t4.s p o n t a n e o u s 5.i n d i v i d u a l 6.e s s e n t i a l l y7.d i v e r s e 8.l i v e 9.i m i t a t e 10.o u t o f d o o r sI I I.1.m a i n t e n a n c e 2.s p o n t a n e i t y 3.p o p u l a r i t y4.e x p r e s s i o n 5.r h y t h m 6.d i s t i n c t i o n/d i s t i n c t n e s s7.p e n e t r a t i o n 8.i m m i g r a t i o n 9.t r a n s f o r m a t i o n10.s y n t h e s i sI V.1.a.b l u e s b.r o c k n r o l l c.f o l k m u s i c2.a.e s s e n t i a l l y a b l a c k m e d i u mb.r h y t h m i c d a n c e m u s i cc.p o p u l a r a m o n g c o l l e g e s t u d e n t s3.a.o r i g i n a t e d i n S a n F r a n c i s c o,i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e sb.l e d b y t h e B e a t l e s,i n E n g l a n d4.a.i t b r i n g s t o g e t h e r s e p a r a t e m u s i c a l t r a d i t i o n s;b.i t m a k e s u s e o f t h e f u l l r a n g e o f e l e c t r i c i n s t r u m e n t s a n d t h e t e c h n o l o g yo f e l e c t r i c a m p l i f i e r s;c.it becomes a multimedia experienceV.1.The new music was made out of the three forms of music in existence.2.Rock,nRoll is very rhythmic,so it is popular among young people.3.The Beatles was a famous Rock group in England.4.Modern music pays a great deal of attention to the participation of itsaudience.5.Electric amplifiers make music loud and penetrating.Vocabulary ExercisesI.1.a.music b.musical c.musically d.musician2.a.conscious b.Consciousness c.consciously3.a.limited b.limits c.1 imitations d.limitless4.a.original b.originated c.origianlityII.1.synthesis 2.studio 3.spontaneous4.readily 5.passive 6.multimedia7.distinct 8.sentiment 9.anti-war10.EclecticismIII.1.This chapter is on the transformation of heat energy into dynamic energy.2.A group of people gathered spontaneously on the spot of the accident.3.The quarrel originated form misunderstanding.4.The army took over the city after 1949.5.You should not take on too much work for the sake of your health.Text BExercises for the TextI.l.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.T 7.F 8.T 9.T 10.FII.1.the spontaneously inspired type;the constructive;the traditionalist pleted composition;musical theme4.the shorter;a stretch5.creative;musical theme6.notebooks7.preliminary8.pattern;theme9.for the sake of10.harmonies;sonorities;formal principlesVocabulary ExercisesI.1.a 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.aII.L不变地 常变的 多样化 多种多样的2.有创造力的 创造 创造3.作曲家 创作 作品4.特有的 特性 塑造特性 特性塑造5.各种各样的 多样化的 使不同 多样性6.传统 传统的 传统主义者7.建造 建设性的 建筑8.果实 有收益的 无收获的Grammar ExercisesI.1.Young as she was,she was quite experienced in this work.2.Hard they tried,they couldnt find a solution to this problem.3.Little did they realize that they had made an important discovery in science.4.No sooner had we put down the receiver than the telephone rang again.5.Hardly did I expect that his condition would turn for the worse.6.Not only should we work hard ourselves,we should also get other peopleinterested in the work.7.Not until you talked with him did he realize the seriousness of his mistake.8.Never did he expect that the project would be completed so soon.9.Rarely did we see anyone so devoted as she to medical science.10.Scarcely had she said the words when she began to regret it.11.Ahead of us lie many difficulties.12.Far in the distance lay ranges of mountains covered with forests.13.Next to him stood Edgar Snow.14.Standing in the doorway was a young man in blue uniform.15.Out rushed the man and his wife.II.A.1.The second point Ill explain later.2.This one I shall send by ordinary account.3.All this we shall take into full account.4.What youve just said,T 11 always keep in my mind.5.This we shal1 understand.B.1.The time has now come to put an end to this practice.2.The question will arise of how to prevent air pollution.3.The belief is commonly held that Englishmen are more reserved than Americans.4.A list will be sent to you of the major items they produce.5.The order soon came that we have to leave the small town immediately.III.1.He likes sports very much.So does his child.2.She did not like the idea.Nor did her husband.3.Only in this way can we expect to do our work well.4.Not untill 1990 did I know he was an English teacher.5.Never had any country tried so hard to develop its industry.6.Not far from the bridge i