2 0 2 1 年 3 月天津高考英语试题及答案英 语 笔 试(第一次)英 语(天津卷)笔试 第1页(共1 4页)第I卷注意事项:1 .每小题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。2 .本卷共55小题,共95分。第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满 分4 5分)第一节:单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满 分1 5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。例:S t a nd overt hereyou 1 1 be a ble t o seeit bet t er.errors.A.orB.a ndC.butD.while答案是B o1.一A re you donega ve you?wit h t he book I.r m st ill rea ding t hela st cha pt er.A.H a rd t oD.I t a llsa yB.N ot quit eC.O f coursedepends2.W e a ll need t o get involved init s a twork,a t home,orsa ving energya t school.A.unlessB.onceC.whet herD.beca usequit e enough work for t he morning;now3.W elet s t a ke abrea k.C.ha dA.ha ve doneB.will dodoneD.were doing4.W hile rock-climbing,you need t o rema in 5;o t ha t you won tveryma ke a nyda ngerousA.sa t isfied B.focused C.a mused5.S t udent s a re encoura ged t o t a ke cont rol ofD.delight edjustt heir own lea rning,dependingon t het ea cher.A.ra t hert ha n B.rega rdless of C.due t o D.in t erms of6.一H ow s t he project going?一.A ll we ha ve t o do is finish t he la st bit of work.A.E a sy come ea sy go B.F a r from itC.B y a ll D.S o fa r somea ns good7.G rea t improvement s in public hea lt h ha ve been inbrought a bout by medica lscience.A.t ra dit ions B.a dva nces C.pressures D.exa mples8.W illia m H a st ie once suggest ed t ha t hist ory informs us ofpa st mist a kes we ca nlea rn wit hout repea t ingt hem.t a ke a lifet ime t o seeeveryt hing.A.from which B.in whichC.wit h whomD.for whom9 China s N a t iona lover 5,0 0 0kilomet ers fromH ighwa y 3 1 8,S ha ngha i t oZ ha ngmu,Tibet,is known a s t heuhea venly roa d”for it sa ma zing views.D.beingA.t o ext end B.ext endedC.ext endingext ended1 0 .A s working from homecommon,people a re finding itbecomesea sier t ocombine pa rent hood wit h a full-t ime ca reer.A.increa singly B.equa llyC.nervouslyD.confusingly1 1.H enry Da vid Thorea u wa sfrom socia llife,seeking aha ppy t oha rmoniousrela t ionship wit h na t ure in t hehis life.quiet ness ofD.benefA.judge B.differC.wit hdra wit1 2.Current ly,a boutin over 3 0 0 rooms in t he L ouvre,3 5,0 0 0 worksa nd it wouldA.weredisplayingC.were being displayed13.What puzzles Lily sfriends isB.are displayingD.are being displayedshe always has so many crazyideas.D.mustartistsdemonstrate theirA.whether B.why C.what D.when14.It used to be drive for miles here without seeingthat younow there are houses and people everywhere.A.need B.should C.could15.At the Chinese art festival,there aredifferent standsskills and teach thevisitors.A.where B.which C.thatD.when第二节:完形填空(共 2 0 小题;每小题1.5 分,满 分 3 0 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从163 5 各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。For most people,having things stolen feels like an offence.Robbie Pruitt admitted thathe when he discovered the theft of his mountain bike lastgot 16 September.Butsoon enough,took a turn.After letting go of his anger andhis 17 frustration,hefound himself on a road tosympathy 18.For Pruitt,a keen bicyclist,the first his stolen bike,thing to do was 19 Butwhen he went bike shopping,he found few available,which got himthinking:What if theof bikes was Covid-19 related,and what if the person who d20 taken his bike reallyto get toneeded 21 work?With that thought in mind,a plan and posted it on thePruitt 22 communitywebsit e.t o fix bikes free of cha rge for a nyone who neededH e 2 3 it.H e a lso a skedfor unwa nt ed bikes,which he would.A nd t hen he wouldrepa ira ga in 2 4 dona t et hem t o folks who could t ruly use t hem but t o buydidn t ha ve t he 2 5 one.The da y t he post went live,P ruit t bicycles.Then ca mereceived t hirt y 2 6 moret ha n for det a iled informa t ion.B y t he end of 2 0 2 0,P ruit t5 0 0 2 7 ha d repa ired moret ha n 1 4 0 for dona t ion t o t heiror t o be 2 8 owners.P ruit t t ries t o give his dona t ions t ofa milies t ha t a re 2 9 st ruggling.3 0 simplysa t isfying a ma t eria l need,he ha s provided a n opport unit y for kidsin his neighborhood t olea rn how t o fix t heirown bikes.I n a ddit iont o3 1skills,P ruit t s lessons t ea ch t ea mwork,encoura ge self-wort h,a nd promot e feelings of,t he kids ha ve ga inedcommunit y.3 2a sense ofa ccomplishment“I t s afor kids,“sa id aneighbor in a nrea lly grea t3 3int erview wit h t he loca lnewspa per.P ruit t is cert a inly3 4,but it s not just t heproviding abikes.I t s t herela t ionships in t hehe ca n ma ke oncommunit y.I t s t he3 5people.,1 6.A.a ma zedB.ma dC.curiousD.fright ened1 7.A.emot ionsB.ca reerC.opinionsD.rout e1 8.A.everB.t oget herC.inst ea dD.yet1 9.A.rideB.lockC.repa irD.repla ce2 0.A.la ckB.va riet yC.increa seD.qua lit yB.qua lifica t i C.t ra nsport a t2 1.A.inst ruct iononionD.permission2 2.A.ca me upB.st uck t oC.ga ve upD.broke a wa yfromwit h2 3.A.rememberedB.refusedC.hesit a t edD.offered2 4.A.by a ccident B.in a dva nceC.for freeD.on credit2 5.A.profitB.budgetC.coura geD.excuse2 6.A.sha redB.usedC.expensiveD.modernB.a dvert isemeD.a nnouncemen2 7.A.enquiriesnt sC.not icest s2 8.A.export edB.soldC.lentD.ret urned2 9.A.ha rdlyB.slight lyC.t rulyD.inst a nt ly3 0.A.W it houtB.B eyondC.UponC.ma t hema t icaD.A mong3 1.A.pra ct ica lB.commercia l1D.socia l3 2.A.O t herwiseB.H oweverC.S omehowD.M ea nwhile3 3.A.promiseB.celebra t ionC.comfortD.experience3 4.A.compet it ionB.serviceC.ceremonyD.suggest ion3 5.A.compromiseB.impressionC.impa ctD.progress第二部分:阅读理解(共 2 0 小题;每小题2.5分,满 分 5 0 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AJ ob for Y ou!F a mily A llia nce M ea l DeliveryF a mily A llia nce is looking forpeople whoca n deliver hot Chinese mea ls onet o t wot imes a week for people wit hdisa bilit ies innort h suburba n F a irfield Count y.A ll a pplica nt s must ha ve adriver s licensea nd a ccess t o a ca r.G a s will becovered forL a nca st er DesignW e provide full furnishings,like dona t edkit chen equipment a nd furnit ureit ems,fort he new homes of people who wereoncehomeless.W e need people who ca n worka t ourwa rehouse(仓库)sort ing a ndpa cking it emseach delivery.Working hours:10 a.m.to 1 p.m.Tuesdaysand FridaysFor more information,contactCharles Chenat Or call 740-6668988to be delivered to families,repair donatedfurniture and more.Candidates will bematched with a task based onskill set.Interested?Submit yourapplication towww.lancasterdesign.orgOr call 740-6119735Lancaster WeeklyWould you like theopportunity to earnextra cash close to home?If sowe have avacancy in our team which wouldsuit you.Both adults and youngsters aged13+arerequired to deliver ournewspaper.You mayhave to cover some distance.Bicycles areavailable if needed.Working hours:8 a.m.to 10 a.m.SaturdaysFor more informationCall 740-6538360Parkview Nursing HomeCaregivers are wanted.We seekpeople whoare patient and caring,andwho haveexperience and interest inworking witholder adults.As part of the package,initialand follow-uptraining sessions areprovided andaccommodation is available ifrequired.For more details,visit usat Unit 3 ParkVi ew LaneOr contact Ellen White at 740-696839936.Which job requires adriverr s license?A.Delivering meals.B.Delivering newspapers.C.Working at the warehouse.D.Working at the nursinghome.37.Which of the fol 1owing is TRUE about the Lancaster Design job?A.Applicants are expected to design furniture.B Work is arranged according to one,s skill set.C.It involves collecting furniture from homes.D.It favors applicants who are homeless.38.A middle-school student is most likely to be hired by.A.Family Alliance Meal DeliveryB.Lancaster DesignC.Lancaster WeeklyD.Parkview Nursing Home39.Which number should you call if you want to workwith the elderly?A.740-66689 88.B.740-6119 735.C.740-65 38360.D.740-69 6839 9.BAbout five weeks ago,I noticed the skin of our pet lizard(蜥蜴)was growing dusty.It worried me.I reported the strangesurface on the skin of the lizard to my husband and children thenext morning.Seconds later,our lizard emerged from its tank withits old skin flowing behind it.I didn t think about it much until a morning last week when Iknocked my favorite teapot off the table.It burst into hundreds ofpieces.As I swept up the mess,I wondered why we had been breakingso many things over the months.The destruction started three months ago.It was my husband sbirthday.He had just lost his job.The uncertainty was starting towear on us,so I wanted to do something special.“Let s make a cake for Dad!”I cried.My kids screamed with joy.We baked,iced and sprinkled formost of the day.Candles on the cake!Balloons on the walls!Flowers on the table!Two hours before my husband came back home from another jobinterview,my daughter climbed up to grab a glass vase from a highshelf.It fell and crashed beside the cake.Tiny pieces of glasswere everywhere.She sobbed loudly as I threw the cake away.Myhusband had banana pudding for his birthday.Three days ago,the light in our living room suddenly went out.After several frustrating hours of unsuccessful attempts to fix it,my husband suggested watching the Michael J ordan documentary(纪录片)series The Last Dance.The poignancy(酸 楚)of J ordan retiring from his belovedbasketball to play baseball and what had pushed him to make such atough decision took me by surprise.As I watched him take off hisbasketball uniform and replace it with a baseball uniform,I sawhim leaving behind the layer that no longer served him,just as ourlizard had.Neither of them chose the moment that had transformedthem.But they had to live with who they were after everything wasdifferent.J ust like us.I realized that we have to learn to leavethe past behind.Humans do not shed skin(蜕皮)as easily as other animals.Thebeginning of change is upsetting.The process is tiring.Damagechanges us before we are ready.I see our lizard,raw and nearlynew.J ordan said that no matter how it ends,it starts with hope.With our tender,hopeful skin,that is where we begin.40.What can we learn about the pet lizard from Paragraph 1?A.Its tank grew dirty.B.Its old skin came off.C.It got a skin disease.D.It went missing.41.Why did the author?s husband have banana puddingfor his birthday?A.The birthday cake was ruined.B.The author made good puddings.C.Pudding was his favorite dessert.D.They couldn,t afford a birthday cake.42.Why does the author mention The Last Dance in the passage?A.To prove a theory.B.To define a concept.C.To develop the theme.D.To provide the background.43.The underlined part“leaving behind the layer”in Paragraph8 can be understood asA letting go of the pastB.looking for a new jobC.getting rid of a bad habitD.giving up an opportunity44.What does the author most likely want to tell us?A.Love of family helps us survive great hardships.B It s not the end of the world if we break things.C.We should move on no matter what happens.D.Past experiences should be treasured.CA trial project by the Montreal Children s Hospital suggestedthat the use of medical hypnosis(催 眠)can reduce pain andanxiety in patients.The project also resulted in a reduction inthe amount of medicines used to perform medical-imaging(医 学影像)procedures.uDuring the examination children don,t move.It worksperfectly.It s amazing,“said J ohanne L Ecuyer,a medical-imaging technologist at the hospital.The project was inspired by a French team from RouenUniversity Hospital Centre where examinations are done underhypnosis instead of general anesthesia(麻醉).A French medical-imaging technologist-also a hypnotist一wasinvited to train a few members in the medical-imaging departmentof the children,s hospital.In all,80 examinations wereconducted for the project between J anuary and September,2019,focusing on the imaging procedures that would cause anxiety.H ypnosis is not a st a t e of sleep:I t is ra t her a modified(改变的)st a t e of consciousness.The t echnologist will guide t he pa t ientt o t his modified st a t e-a n ima gina ry world t ha t will disa ssocia t eit self more a nd more from t he procedure t ha t follows.“The t echnologist must build up a st ory wit h t he pa t ient,“M s.L E cuyer sa id.The pa t ient is left wit h t he power t o choosewha t he wa nt s t o t a lk a bout.Do you pla y sport s?Do you like goingt o t he bea ch?W e est a blish a subject t ha t we will discusst hroughout t he procedure.”E veryt hing t ha t ha ppens next during t he procedure must berela t ed t o t his st orya n inject ion(注射)becomes t he bit e of a ninsect;t he hea t on t he skin becomes t he sensa t ion of t he sun a nd ama chine t ha t rings becomes a police ca r pa ssing nea rby.“The import a nt t hing is t ha t t he t echnologist a ssocia t es wha tis ha ppening out side t he pa t ient s body wit h wha t t he pa t ient seesin his hea d,M s.L E cuyer sa id.I t requires crea t ivit y on t hepa rt of t he t echnologist,ima gina t ion,a lot of pa t ience a ndkindness.”The procedure a ppea led t o t he st a ff a lot when it wa sint roduced in J a nua ry.I t sprea d like wildfire t ha t someone fromF ra nce wa s here t o t ra in t he t echnologist s,M s.L E cuyer sa id.S he a dded t ha t she ha d a line of st a ff a t her door wa nt ing t o t a ket he t ra ining.4 5.O ne of t he result s produced by t he t ria l project is _ _ _ _ _.A.a bet t er underst a nding of childrenB.less use of cert a in medicinesC.new medica l-ima ging t echnologyD.a n improved reput a t ion of t he hospit a l4 6.The F rench t echnologist ca me t o t he children,s hospit a l t oA.a ssist in t rea t ing a pa t ientB.ca rry out hypnosis t ra iningC.start up a new departmentD.learn about the procedure47.According to Paragraph 5,hypnosis works by.A.creating a perfect world for patientsB.forcing patients into a state of deep sleepC.putting patients into an unconscious stateD.leading patients consciousness away from reality48.What can we learn about the story used in the procedure?A.It should keep pace with the procedure.B.It reflects the patient s creativity.C.It is selected by the technologist.D.It tells what doctors are doing to the patient.49.The procedure was received among the staff with.A.uncertaintyB.enthusiasmC.worryD.criticism50.What is the passage mainly about?A.An easy way to communicate with patients.B.The standard method of conducting hypnosis.C.An introduction of medical-imaging technology.D.The use of hypnosis in medical-imaging procedures.DThere is something to be said for being a generalist,even ifyou are a specialist.Knowing a little about a lot of things thatinterest you can add to the richness of a whole,well-lived life.Society pushes us to specialize,to become experts.Thisrequires commitment to a particular occupation,branch of study orresearch.The drawback to being specialists is we often come toknow more and more about less and less.There is a great deal ofpressure to master one s field.You may pursue training,degrees,or increasing levels of responsibility at work.Then you discoverthe pressure of having to keep up.Some people seem willing to work around the clock in theirnarrow specialty.But such commitment can also weaken a sense offreedom.These specialists could work at the office until ten eachnight,then look back and realize the