2023年人教版初中九年级英语-中考模拟测试卷(一)打印版含答案第一部分听力(五大题,25分)一、听对话,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共5分)二、听句子,选择最佳应答语。(每小题1分,共5分)6.A.I wen t t o Can ada.B.C.No,I didn t.7.A.Seldo m.B.C.They r e bo r in g.8.A.He c an s in g.B.C.He likes r o c k.9.A.Ms.Br o wn.BC.She has lo n g hair.1 0.A.That s o un ds bad.B.C.Yo u r e welc o me.三、听小对话,选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,1 1.Ho w did t he gir l go t o s c ho o l t o day?A.By bike.B.On fo o t.1 2.What,s t he p r ic e o f t he s weat er?A.$1 5.B.$5 0.1 3.What do es Cin dy lo o k like?A.She,s t all an d heavy.B.C.She,s s ho r t an d t hin.1 4.Wher e ar e t hey t alkin g p r o bably?Yes,I have.No,he do es n,t.He is o ut go in g.She likes dan c in g.No p r o blem.共5分)C.By bus.C.$5 5.She,s t all an d t hin.A.In a s ho p.B.In a libr ar y.C.In a ho s p it al.15.When did the man arrive at the concert?A.At 6:20.B.At 6:25.C.At 6:15.四、听长对话,选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共5分)听第一段对话,完成第16、17小题。16.When did the girl go to the film museum?A.Last Saturday.B.Last Sunday.C.Two weeks ago.17.Who has never camped?A.The boy.B.The girls parents.C.The girl.听第二段对话,完成第182 0小题。18.When does Linda have to be home on weekdays?A.By 10:00 p.m.B.By 5:15 p.m.C.By 5:30 p.m.19.What does Linda usually do on Sundays?A.She usually does her homework.B.She usually plays the piano.C.She usually goes to school.20.What can Linda be allowed to do with friends on weekends?A.She can hang out after school.B.She can go out at school nights.C.She can go to the movies.五、听短文,选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共5分)2 1.What do es Mr s Whit e t eac h?A.Geo gr ap hy.B.En glis h.C.Sc ien c e.2 2.Ho w did Jen n y r ec yc le t he glas s bo t t le?A.By p ut t in g her p en c ils in it.B.By p ut t in g s o me c an dy in it.2 3.2 4.2 5.C.By p ut t in g s o me p lan t sWho has a s weet t o o t h?A.Jen n y.What do es Mike lo ve?A.Flo wer s.Wher e did Jac k p ut t heA.In t he c las s r o o m.inB.B.it.Lis a.Sn ac ks.bo t t le wit h a ho le?B.In t heC.C.Mike.Veget ables.p ar k.C.Out s ide his ho us e.第二部分笔试(七大题,9 5分)单项选择。(每小题1分,共1 0分)2 6.Co uld yo u give me s o me _ o n lear n in g En glis h?一I t hin k yo u s ho uld do mo r e r eadin g.A.advic eB.n ewsC.mes s agesD.in fo r mat io n2 7.My s is t er likes gr een ver y muc h.Then t his gr een s kir t mus t belo n g t oA.her sB.herC.yo ur s D.yo u2 8.易错题 Yo ur s weat er lo o ks ver y n ic e.What s it madeWo o l,an d it,s made Wuhan.A.fr o m;o n B.o f;inC.o f;o n D.fr o m;in2 9.一Why do man y p eo p le buy t hin gs o n lin e o n t he 1 1 t h o f No vember ever yyear?Bec aus e t her e ar e man y s ales.The p r ic es ar e.A.muc h c heap erC.mo r e exp en s ive3 0.Do yo u like c las s ic al一Yes.It always me A.help s;wit hC.r emin ds;o f3 1.一r ve go t a t o o t hac he,一Oh,yo u _ eat t o o muc hA.s ho uldn,tC.s ho uld3 2.Have yo u hear d t he 2 0 2 2A.heldB.muc h lo werD.muc h highermus ic?t he hap p y o ld days.B.t ake;t oD.c o n n ec t;wit hMo m.c an dy.B.n eedn,tD.n eedWin t er Olymp ic s _ in Beijin g?B.ar e heldC.wer e heldD.will be held3 3.易错题 Can you tell me?一Sure.You can take the K2 bus.A.where the high-speed rail station isB.where is the high-speed rail stationC.how I can get to the high-speed rail stationD.how can I get to the high-speed rail station34.一Do you like the weekly talk show The Readers on CCTV?一Sure.Its a great TV program _ can develop the habit of reading.A.who B.thatC.what D.whose35.一We should recycle paper.It can protect the trees.A.Dont mention itB.Never mindC.Its a piece of cakeD.You seem to have a point七、完形填空。(每小题1分,共15分)When I was nine years old,I wanted to keep a pet fish.After monthsof 36 ,I finally had enough money to get one.I named it Bob.I put37 beautiful toy house with windows in the tank(鱼缸)so that Bob couldswim through.Sometimes,I would draw pictures of 38 fish and sea plantsand tape them to the side of the tank,so Bob wouldn,t get lonely whileI 39 at school.However,40 a month,I noticed that the tank was getting dirty.M y dad asked me 41 it into the kitchen.He wanted to make sure I knew42 to do so that Bob wouldn,t get hurt.First,my dad told me to reach 43 into the tank and take the houseaway.44 I took m y hand out of the water,I noticed that the water wasa lot 45 than I thought.Thats smelly!v I said.Lets hurry up and 46 the fish outof the water,Dad!”“Not so fast,Ben,Dad said.We need to save some of the old water,47 Bob needs a place to stay while we clean the tank.”“Why?”I asked.“Running water from the tap can be harmful to fish,“Dad explained.“That 48 we can,t put Bob into fresh water right away.Instead,weneed to put him in a cup with 49 of the dirty water for a while.”All seemed so easy.I hoped the next time I would be able to cleanthe tank all by 50.38.A.other36.A.saveB.savesC.savedD.saving37.A.aB.anC.theD./B.othersC.the otherD.the others39.A.amB.wasC.wereD.will be40.A.beforeB.forC.afterD.during41.A.bringB.bringingC.broughtD.to bring42.A.whereB.whatC.howD.why43.A.careB.carefulC.carefullyD.caring44.A.IfB.UnlessC.WhenD.Though45.A.dirtyB.dirtierC.d irtiestD.the dirtiest46.A.getB.getsC.gotD.getting47.A.soB.orC.becauseD.but48.A.meanB.meansC.meantD.is meaning49.A.fewB.a fewC.littleD.a little50.A.me B.myC.mine D.myself八、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)A)ear Dr.Know,r m so worried these days because I get pimples(青春痘).It causesnany problems.I feel embarrassed when I enter the classroom because allny classmates look at me in surprise.Some students even laugh at me.Iion t want to communicate with anyone.I have to be the first one to getinto the classroom and the last one to leave.And I become stressed outind cant fall asleep at night.What should I do?Please write to me.ImLooking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.Sad and Fourteen)ear Sad and Fourteen,r m so sorry to hear that you are worried about pimples.Im also sorrythat I can,t stand beside you to share your stress.At first,you shouldnow that getting pimples is quite normal in your age.Congratulations!t shows that you have grown up.Secondly,you dont need to care too much,fou can tell your classmates your problem directly and I think they willjnderstand you.Thirdly,if you pay more attention to other things,likestudying or outdoor activities,maybe you will find more fun.Whats more,ou can ask the doctors for some medicine.I hope things will work out andeverything will be better for you soon.Yours sincerelyDr.Know51.What,s Sad and Fourteen,s problem?A.He cant get on well with his parents.B.He gets pimples and it causes many problems.C.He has problems in learning English.D.He is not good at sports.52.How does Sad and Fourteen feel when he enters the classroom?A.Embarrassed.B.Worried.C.Happy.D.Excited.53.How many suggestions does Dr.Know give him?A.One.C.Three.54.In Dr.Know,s opinion,what doesB.Two.D.Four.ugetting pimples mean?A.It means that he is unhealthy.B.It means that he is weak in study.C.It means that he has grown up.D.It means that he can,t sleep well.55.Where can you probably read the information above?A.In a newspaper.B.In a notice.C.In a tour guide book.D.In a novel.BLife in Out er Sp ac eChinese taikonauts Zhai Zhi gang,Wang Yap i ngand Ye Guangfu carried out the Shenzhou-13spaceflight mission(任务)that started on Oct.16,2021.This mission lasted 6 months,which was also a national record.Zhai is the commander(指令长)who performed China,s first spacewalk in theShenzhou-7 mission in 2008.Wang,who was in the Shenzhou-10 mission in2013,is the first Chinese woman astronaut to visit Chinas space station.Ye is a new comer to space.The trio had carried out two spacewalks and completed more than 20scientific tasks.Besides their tasks,they had also given two live lecturesfrom the space station,showing the students their living and working areasat the Tianhe core module and several scientific experiments under zero-gravity conditions and answering real-time questions from students.The trio also became the first Chinese to spend the nations mostimportant festival一the Chinese Lunar New Year一in outer space.They returned to Earth on April 16,2022 and made the Shenzhou-13mission a great success.56.How long was the mission that was carried out by the taikonauts?A.13 months.C.7 months.B.10 months.D.6 months.57.What does the underlined word“trio probably mean?A.A group of two.B.A group of three.C.A group of four.D.A group of five.58.Which paragraph tells us what the taikonauts had mainly done in thismission in space?A.Paragraph 1.B.Paragraph 2.C.Paragraph 3.D.Paragraph 4.59.What would be the most suitable to replace in the picture?A.Commander Zhai held a pair of couplets and wished the Chinese peoplegood health.B.Wang,with a red balloon in hand,wished children across the countryhealthy growth.C.Ye held a sticker with the Chinese character fu”,and wished theChinese people a happy Lunar New Year.D.The taikonauts have put up red lanterns,Chinese knots and paper-cutcraft to celebrate the Chinese New Year.60.Which of the following is NOT true?A.All the three taikonauts had been to space before.B.Zhai Zhigang is a commander.C.The trio gave two live lectures from the space station.D.They returned to earth in mid-April.CLeigh,s grandpa liked making birdhouses in his freetime.He always said,“A man should keep busy to stayAout of trouble.Leigh wasn,t sure how much troubleGrandpa could get into,but she tried to listen to his advice.Besides,she liked to help him when he built his birdhouses.There was a big box in Grandpas shop.It was full of well-oiled andcarefully-kept tools.Whenever he used something,he put it back exactlyin the right place.He had rules about how he treated his tools,becausehe hated buying something new if the old one still worked.He also surelycleaned up the mess each time he worked on something.It wasn,t interesting to clean up,but it was nice to watch him cutboards to exact lengths.It was nice to see the drill make holes forscrews(螺丝车丁)to go in.It was like being a doctor,but with wood.Themost exciting part was seeing all the pieces come together in the finalform.Yet,even then it wasnt done.The last step always included paint,to help protect Grandpas hardwork from the sun and rain.His birdhouses lasted for years.Even when Leighp ut r o c ks o r o t her c ut e dec o r at io n s (装饰品)o n t he bir dho us es,he wo uld as kher t o make t hem las t lo n g.When t he bir dho us es wer e do n e,Leigh always fo llo wed Gr an dp a o ut t owat c h him han g t hem up.Fo r her,t he bes t t hin g abo ut buildin g bir dho us eswas t hat s he c o uld s p en d s o me t ime wit h Gr an dp a.6 1.What did Leigh s gr an dp a do?A.A do c t o r.B.A r ep air man.C.A wo o dwo r ker.D.A s ho p keep er.6 2.Fr o m t he s ec o n d p ar agr ap h,weA.c r eat iveC.ho n es t6 3.The un der lin ed wo r d,dr ill”A.钻头C.螺丝刀c an lear n t hat Gr an dp a was .B.c ar efulD.fo r get fulmean s ”in Chin es e.B.锯D.锤子6 4.Leigh help ed Gr an dp a in .A.c ut t in g bo ar ds in t o s mall p iec esB.p ut t in g s mall p iec es t o get herC.dec o r at in g t he bir dho us esD.han gin g up t he bir dho us es6 5.What,s t he bes t t it le fo r t he p as s age?A.Advice from GrandpaB.Leighs happy timeC.Grandpas birdhousesD.How to make a birdhouse九、任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共1 0分)Fear is a normal and healthy feeling一 although it doesn,t make youfeel good.If you re scared because you re in real danger,you need to facethat fear and act on it,for example,run away from the angry tiger thatis going after you and shout for help.Anxiety is usually fear in the wrong place.You can feel anxious aboutsomething that hasnt happened or might not happen.Well,if you feelanxious,what should you do to help yourself feel better?Say it out loud.Talk to someone you trust about how you feel一 it usually helps toget things out.They may be able to help you draw up a good plan for solvingyour anxiety.Breathe.Breathe in deeply for 3-5 seconds,and out slowly for 3-5 seconds.Keep on until you feel calmer.Some people like to draw a square or a starwhile they are doing that.It,s also a great and helpful way to help calmyour mind.Practice the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding technique(着陆技术).Think of five things you can see,four you can touch or feel,threeyou can hear,two you can smell and one you can taste.This lets your brainget back in control.It,s a really good way to calm down when you feelnervous.Make a calming bottle.Put some shiny things,water or clear glue in a bottle and then putthe cap back on the bottle.Shake it and imagine that*s how your thoughtslook when you,re worried.Watch how everything goes after a few minutes一everything in the bottle stays calm.Try shaking your calming bottle whenyoure upset,and calm down as it does.Next time,try one of the ways when youre anxious.6 6题完成句子;6 7、6 8题简略回答问题;6 9题找出并写下全文的主题句;7 0题将文中画线句子译成汉语飞6 6.Practice the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding technique.This is a pretty good wayto when you feel nervous.6 7.Who should you tell about your worries?6 8.What can you do to help you feel better besides drawing a square ora star?6 9.7 0.十、根据句意及汉语或英语提示完成单词。(每小题1分,共5分)7 1.Could you get me an(介绍)to your friend?7 2.一The plan for the summer study trip may be(cancel).一Really?Im looking forward to it.7 3.Natural resources are very important for us and we should use them(明智地).7 4.Our teachers get many (明信片)on Teachers Day.7 5.Cindy,what kind of restaurant do you like?一I (更喜欢)restaurants that can provide customers with freeWi-Fi.十一、短文填空。(每小题1分,共10分)A king had two sons and he asked famous teachers to teach them.Aftera few 7 6.(year),the king fell badly ill.So he wanted to chooseone of his sons as the next king,but which one would be the right person?He thought it over7 7.a whole night.At last,he decided7 8.(test)his sons.One day,he gave a room to each of 79.(they),“You mustfill the room completely(完全地)with anything you wish.But there should80.(be)no space left and you can,t ask for advice from anyone!vThe next day the king 81.(visit)his elder sons room.Theroom was completely filled with grass.The king felt sorry about it.Thenhe went to 82.other room,but it was closed.His 83.(young)son asked him to get in and closed the door again.It was darkeverywhere,so the king shouted at him 84.(angry).But suddenlythe second son lit a candle and the room was full of light.The king feltvery excited and hugged him proudly.He realized:Wisdom(智慧)is more important than simple answers 85.are easy to get.十二、书面表达。(15分)2021年5月2 2日,“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平与世长辞。请根据提示,写一篇短文。提示:1.What do you know about Yuan Longping?2.What do you think of him?3.What can you learn from him?注意:L短文须包括提示的主要信息,可适当发挥。2.文中不得出现真实的地名,校名和人名。3,词 数80左右。(开头已给出,不计入总词数。)参考词汇:Father of Hybrid Rice杂交水稻之父;research out研究出On May 22,2021,Yuan Longping died.参考答案第一卷听力部分听力材料:一、1.M:What can I do for you?W:Yes,please.I want to buy a camera for my sister.2.M:Whats the weather like today?W:Its sunny.We can go to play outside.3.W:Is there a bookstore near here?M:Yes,there is.It,s on Xixian Road.4.M:What does Bob usually do on weekends?W:He usually plays basketball with his classmates.5.W:Where do you plan to go next summer vacation?M:I will go to Australia to visit my aunt.二、6.Have you ever been to a foreign country?7.How often does J ack play computer games?8.What kind of music does your