XXXX施工合同Construction Contract of xxxx发包方(甲方)xxxx Party A: xxxx承包方(乙方)xxxxParty B: xxxx本合同由如上列明的甲、乙双方按照中华人民共和国合同法、建筑安装工程承包合同条例 以及国家相关法律法规的规定,结合本合同具体情况,于xx年x月x日在XX签订。This contract is signed by the two Parties in xxxx on xxxx according to the “Contract Law of the People's Republic of ChinaM, the "Regulation on Building and Installation Contracting Contracf, and other relevant national laws and regulations, as well as the specific nature of this project第一条总则Article 1 General Principles1.1 合同文件Contract Documents本合同包含合同、展示、施工图纸、作法说明、招投标文件以及合同所指的其他文件,它 们均被视为合同的一部分。合同文件应该能够相互解释,互为说明。组成本合同的文件及优先 解释的顺序如下:本合同、中标通知书、投标书及其附件、标准、规范及有关技术文件、图纸、 工程量清单及工程报价单或预算书。合同履行中,发包人承包人有关工程的洽商、变更等书面 下一或文件视为本合同的组成部分。This contract includes the contract itself, exhibits, construction drawings, explanations of work procedures, tender documents, as well as other documents specified by the contract. The contract documents should be mutually explainable and mutually descriptive. The documents that constituted the contract and the priority hierarchy of explanations of the documents are as follows: this contract; the official letter of winning the tender; Letter of bidding and its annex, standards, guidelines, and relevant technical documents, drawings, Bill of Quantity (BOQ), quotation of prices, and project budget. During the implementation of the contract, any written agreements or documents between two parties such as change-orders are also regarded will be deemed as part of this contract.1.1.1 项目概况Project Introduction1.1.2 工程名称:xxxxSuspension of the construction work as a result of non-Party B's factors, such as power failure and water supply cut-off, the completion date shall be postponed by one day for every 8 hours of such conditions. Party B should inform Party A immediately in such events and make record of the condition in writing for the representative of Party A to sign off.第七条保修Article 7 Warranty7.1 乙方保证以一流精湛的工艺完成工程,并保证除其他机械或设备外,整个工程无瑕疵,但 隐性瑕疵不受此限。乙方应按相关规定对该工程在设计使用年限内提供保修。Party B shall complete the project with excellent workmanship and guarantees that, except for other machines or equipment, the project as a whole will be free of defect within eighteen months after the completion acceptance or prior to the last payment (whichever is later); warranty on hidden defects is not limited to this date. The warranty period shall be in accordance with the relative regulations and designed working life.7.2 在工程建设过程中,或上述保修期内,乙方应及时修复材料或人工的瑕疵,由此引发的损失 或损坏将有乙方完全赔付。During the whole construction period or the aforementioned warranty period, Party B shall repair any defects of material and workmanship on a timely manner; and Party B shall be fully responsible for any losses or damage caused by such defects.7.3 在保修期内,乙方指派专人负责维护。隐性的瑕疵应在发现问题后24小时内修复,影响甲 方正常运营的应在4小时内到现场修复。如果乙方未能及时修复,甲方有权利自行决定雇佣第 三方进行修复,由此发生的费用将由乙方来承担。During the warranty period, Party B shall appoint special personnel for the maintenance.Hidden defects should be fixed within 24 hours after being detected, and those that have an influence on Party A's normal operation should be fixed within 4 hours on the spot. In the event of Party B fails to fix the defects on a timely manner, Party A has the right to hire a third party to do the repair, and any cost incurred shall be burdened by Party B.第八条关于工程质量及验收的约定Article 8 Agreement on Quality and Acceptance8.1 双方同意本工程将以施工图纸、作法说明、设计变更和I建筑装饰和装修工程质量验收规范 (GB502102001),建筑工程质量验收统一标准(GB503002001)、建筑电气工程施工 质帚验收规范(GB503032002).通风与.空调工程施工质量验收规范(GB502432002)、建筑给排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范(GB50242-2002)等国家制定的施工及验收规 范为质量验收标准。The parties agrees that the construction drawings, explanations of work procedures, design change-orders and such national guidelines on construction and acceptance as the Quality Acceptance Criteria of Construction, Decoration, and Remodeling Projects (GB50210-2001), the General Quality Acceptance Standards of Construction Projects (GB50300-2001), the Quality Acceptance Guidelines of Mechanics and Engineering Projects of Construction (GB50303-2002), the Quality Acceptance Guidelines of HVAC Projects (GB50243-2002), the Quality Acceptance. Guidelines of Water Supply, Sewage, and Heating Systems in Construction (GB50242-2002) are regarded as the acceptance standards for the project.8.2 本工程质量应达到国家质量验收标准,并确保一次验收合格。This project should meet the national quality acceptance standards and should be accepted at the first inspection after completion.8.3 甲,乙双方应合力办理隐蔽工作和中间工程的检查与验收手续。乙方应提前24小时书面通 知甲方参加各类验收,甲方如果未能及时参加隐蔽工程和中间工程验收,乙方可自行验收,甲 方应予承认。若甲方要求复验时。乙方应按照要求办理复验。若复验合格,甲方应承担身验费 用,由此造成停工的,工期顺延;若复验不合格,其复验费用由乙方承担,且工期不予顺延。Two Parties shall jointly undertake the mid-term inspection and acceptance process for concealed work. Party B shall inform Party A in writing of all kinds of inspection and acceptance 24 hours in advance. In the event of Party A fails to participate in the mid-term acceptance of concealed work, Party B can do the acceptance independently; Party A should accept such acceptance. When Party A requests a re-inspection, Party B shall carry out the re-inspection accordingly. If the result of re-inspection has passed acceptance standards, Party A shall be responsible for the re-inspection cost, and the project period shall be extend by the duration of project suspension caused by such re-inspections; If the result of re-inspection has NOT passed acceptance standards, Party B shall be responsible for the re-inspection cost, and the project period shall NOT be extended.8.4 乙方应确保甲方对于因乙方所提供的劣质材料而引发的任何事件后果完全免责,其返工费用 由乙方承担,工期不予顺延。Party B should guarantee that Party A is fully exempted from liabilities for any events as a result of materials with poor quality; the cost of re-work shall be burdened by Party B, and the project period shall NOT be extended.8.5 工程竣工后,乙方应通知甲方验收,甲方自接到验收通知3个工作日内组织验收,并办理验 收、移交手续。如甲方在规定时间内未能组织验收,需及时通知乙方,另行确定验收日期。Upon completion of project, Party B should inform Party A to process completion acceptance; Party A shall arrange inspection and acceptance within 3 working days after receiving the notification, and shall handle the inspection and hand-over processes. In the event of Party A could NOT arrange the inspection and acceptance within the required period, Party A should inform Party B and reschedule the date for acceptance on a timely manner.8.6 乙方在向甲方提交竣工验收申请的同时,应提交相关的竣工资料和竣工图。Party B shall submit relevant as-built submittals and as-built drawing when submitting the request for completion acceptance to Party A.8.7 竣工验收后,乙方必须在7天内,完成场地清退工作,并向甲方做好各项交接工作包括文件、 设备和工具等。After the completion acceptance, Party B must finish the vacation of the project site within 7 days and complete all hand-over processes including documents, equipment, and utensils 8.8甲方代表可对每工作口得工程质量进行检查检验。甲方代表对工程质量提出整改或返工通 知后,乙方必须在规定时间内按要求完成。The on-site representative of Party A may carry out the inspection of the project quality on any single work day. Having received the notification of correction or re-work due to inadequate quality from the representative of Party A, Party B shall complete the work within the required time frame.第九条关于材料设备的约定Article 9 Agreement on the Supply of Materials and Equipment9.1 本工程甲方负责采购供应的材料、设备(见附表),应为全新的合格产品,并应按时供应到 现场。凡约定由乙方提货的,甲方应将提货手续移交给乙方.,由乙方承担运输费用。如果由于 甲方提供的材料设备质量低劣或规格差异,对工程造成损失,责任由甲方承担。甲方供应的材 料,经乙方验收后,由乙方负责保管。由于乙方保管不当或被盗所造成的损失,由乙方负责赔 偿。All materials and equipment (see the attached table) that Party A orders should be brand new and qualified products, and should be delivered to the construction site as scheduled. Party A shall hand over pick-up paperwork to Party B for anything that needs Party B to pick up, and Party B shall be responsible for the cost of transportation. In the event of materials and equipment provided by Party A are poor in quality or have difference in technical specifications, and have incurred losses to the project, Party A shall be responsible for the losses. Having accepted the materials provided by Party A, Party B shall be responsible for the storage and protection of the materials. Party B shall be responsible for the compensation of any loss as a result of improper protection by Party B or theft.9.2 本工程一般材料、设备原则上由乙方负责采购供应、场内运输及现场保管、就位等。对所选 用的材料和设备的品牌及产地,乙方应事先征得甲方认可方可采购。电器材料配件、设备应优 先采用名牌产品或中外合资产品。甲方有权在合同价格范围内指定部分材料采购,但不能免除 乙方对工程质量、安全、成品保护、保修等相关责任。所有材料必须是全新的。In principle Party B should be responsible for the acquisition, on-site transfer, protection, and positioning of general materials and equipment of this project. Brands and manufacturer of the materials and equipment should be confirmed by Party A prior to purchase. Famous brands or products from Joint Venture vendors are preferred for electric appliances and accessories. Party A has the right to appoint pat of the materials within the contract price range, but Party B's liabilities of project quality, safety, protection of finished goods, and warranty should NOT be exempted. All materials must be brand new.9.3 如乙方无法满足9.2条款要求时,甲方可按9.1条款办理。In the event of Party B fails to meet the requirement of clause 9.2, Party A may process the issue according to clause 凡由乙方采购的材料、设备,如不符合相关质量要求或规格有差异,应立即停止使用。若已 使用,对工程造成的损失由乙方负责。Any materials and equipment purchased by Party B that can't meet relevant quality standards or have difference in specifications must be stopped to use. If such materials or equipment have already been used, Party B shall be responsible for the loss.9.5 甲方在招标文件内指定材料品牌的,乙方必须按照甲方指定的品牌进行采购并施工,乙方没 有权利私自使用其他品牌进行替代。Party B shall purchase the materials and equipment that Party A has appointed according to the tender documents and do the construction and installation accordingly. Party B has NO right to replace these materials and equipment with other brands without the consent of Party A.第十条变更Article 10 Variations10.1 在工程进行中,甲方代表随时有权利对图纸和说明提出更改、增加、替换或缩减的要求, 但该变更须经甲方代表以书面形式确认方能有效。During the process of the project, the representative of Party A has the right to request for variation, addition, substitution, and reduction on the drawings and explanations at any time, but such variations shall only be regarded as effective with the confirmation of the representative of Party A in writing.第十一条有关安全生产和防火的约定Article 11 Agreement on Safety and Fire Control in Construction11.1 甲方提供的施工图纸或作法说明,应符合中华人民共和国消防条例和有关防火设计规 范。Construction drawings and Explanations of Work Procedures provided by Party A should meet all standards of fire control design set forth by the Fire Code of the People's Republic of China. 11.2乙方在施工期间应严格遵守建筑安装工程安全技术规程、建筑安装工人安全操作规程、 中华人民共和国消防条例和其他相关的法规、规范。Party B must strictly adhere to the Safety and Technical Standards of Construction and Infrastructure Installation, Safety Standards for Construction Workers, the Fire Code of the People's Republic of China, and other relevant regulations and standards.11.3 由于乙方在施工生产过程中违反有关安全操作规程、消防条例,导致发生安全或火灾事故, 乙方应承担由此引发的一切经济损失。发生事故后,乙方应立即上报政府有关部门并通知甲方 代表,同时按政府有关部门要求处理。乙方对事故负全责,并确保甲方完全免责,甲方不承担 任何财务或非财务的责任。In the event of accidents regarding safety or fire control occur due to Party B's violation of safety standards and fire code during construction, Party B shall be fully responsible for all financial losses. Upon accident happened Party B should promptly report the event to relevant government authorities and inform the representative of Party A, and should handle the issue according to government instructions. Party B shall be fully responsible for such accidents, and should guarantee that Party A is fully exempted from liabilities, and Party A shall NOT be responsible for any financial or non-financial liabilities.11.4 乙方在开工前应提出安全措施,甲方代表有权阻止或辞退违反安全措施的乙方雇员或乙方 分包商的雇员。乙方无条件同意替换雇员。Party B should submit safety measures prior to the beginning of the project; the representative of Party A has the right to stop or dismiss employees of Party B or its subcontractors who have violated the safety measures. Party B should agree to replace such employees unconditionally.11.5 乙方在需要动用明火作业时,应按规定向甲方审批,经批准后才可施工。In the event of Party B needs to use open fire for operation, Party B should request consent from Party A, and can ONLY proceed with the approval of Party A.11.6 乙方需与每个施工人员签订安全协议,并做好上岗前的安全教育工作。Party B should sign safety agreement with each individual construction worker, and provide proper education on safety prior to first day of work.11.7 室外施工场地和垃圾淤泥堆放场地必须限制在允许范围内,外围做实用美观的围挡防护。 Outdoor construction space and storage space for wastes should be restricted within the permitted region, and should be enclosed with decent fences for protection.11.8 施工现场不准做饭和住宿,只允许适当人员看守现场。No cooking and lodging is allowed on the construction site. Only authorized security personnel are permitted to stay at the site over night.11.9 施工人员按规定通道使用指定卫生间,不准在卫生间内洗澡等。Construction personnel should use toilets according to the approved passageway, and are NOT allowed to take showers in the restrooms.第12条转让与分包Article 12 Contract Transfer and Subcontracting12.1 没有甲方事先的书面同意,乙方不得转让本合同的全部或其部分或其任何利益。Party B shall NOT transfer the contract and any part of the contract and its corresponding to any third party without Party A's consent in writing.12.2 除非合用另有规定,乙方未经甲方代表之事先的书面的同意,不得分包工程的任何部分, 甲方代表的这种同意,并不得视为免除乙方在本合同项下的任何责任和义务。乙方应当为其分 包商及其代理人,雇员,工人的所有行为、违约和疏忽而承担责任,这种责任应等同于其自身 或其代理人,雇员,工人之行为、违约和疏忽所致责任。一般计件工作将不被视为本条款所诉 的分包。甲方代表拥有完全权利在工程开工期间向乙方随时提供为保证工程之适当、充分进行 及保养所必须的进一步的详图及指导。乙方应执行并受此约束。Unless otherwise specified, Party B shall NOT subcontract any part of the project without Party A's consent in writing. The consent of subcontract by the representative of Party A shall NOT be regarded as an exempt of Party B's any responsibilities or liabilities under this contract. Party B shall be held responsible for all behaviors, violations, and negligence of its subcontractors or their agents, employees, or workers, and such responsibility should be equivalent to that incurred by the behaviors, violations, and negligence of Party B itself or its agents, employees, and workers. Usually the piecework is not regarded as subcontracting described in this clause. The representative of Party A has full authority to provide Party B with any additional detailed drawings and instructions necessary to guarantee that the project can proceed and be maintained properly and sufficiently Party B should act accordingly and is subject to the requirement of this authority.第13条违约责任Article 13 Liabilities for Breach13.1 甲方的违约责任Party A's liabilities for breach如甲方未能按合同约定方式支付合同价款,则甲方应向乙方支付滞纳金;滞纳金自工程款到期 日的第:日起计算。每日滞纳金为到期款的0.2%。如由于甲方原因造成付款延期超过25日得, 则乙方有权解除本合同,由此造成的损失由甲方承担。In the event of Party A fails to make payment according to the payment terms, Party A should pay a late fee to Party B; the late fee shall be calculated starting from the second day of the due date for the corresponding payment. Daily rate of the late fee is 0.2% of the corresponding payment. If the delay of the payment is caused by Party A and is delayed for more than 25 days, then Party B can terminate this contract and Party A shall