The Keep《魔鬼战士堡(1983)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx
片名:战士魔鬼堡(天魔劫)斯科特格伦阿尔贝塔瓦特森尤尔根普洛斯♥诺♥导演:迈克尔曼你的新家Your new home怎麽样?How do you like it?不太好长官Not very well, sir为什麽?Why not?我们应该在苏俄We should be in Russia为什麽?For what?最后一波攻击在莫斯科The final assault on Moscow你可以调职You could transfer但等你到的时候But by the time you got there, 那里会静得像法比荷一样Russia would've gone like France,那里会静得像法比荷一样Belgium,Holland.all the rest战争结束We*re all done fighting现在我们是世界霸主Now we are the masters of the world很迷人吧奥斯特?Do you understand?是的长官Yes, sir很好Good!我们被指派守护这道口We have been assigned to guard this pass, 所以你要留在这里so here is where you'll stay凯弗指挥官Commander Kaempffer在这里你会学到一些新的东西you may learn something new这座古堡或是你都不可能教我任何事neither you nor the Keep can teach me anything长官我们找到史丹的尸体We found the rest of Steiner,凯弗指挥官well, Commander Kaempffer我们的朋友送礼物来了lets see the latest present our friend has left us Come带一个人 ♥质♥来Bring a hostage长官你解释这个情况给我听Explain this Kaempffer,长官你解释这个情况给我听this is what's happening to us这些字是什麽意思?-What do these words mean?长官我不知道Herr officer, I don't know别骗我这是罗马尼亚文Don't lie to me, those words are Romanian快说是什麽意思?What do they say, I want to know看起来像罗马尼亚文但不是They look like Romanian Herr Officer.but they're not 我真的不知道I don't know what they say!他说的是实话-He's telling the truth叫他放手Make him stop,你要我怎麽办?What do you suggest I do?逮捕他?Arrest him?牧师下一个轮到你Priest, your next教教他怎麽翻译Teach him the art of translation长官Herr Officer,这些字像罗马尼亚文但不太一样它们没有意义this writing is like Romanian but different, it*s meaningless不是拉丁字母或斯拉夫语字母not written in the Latin alphabet, nor the Cyerilic alphabet关于这座古堡还有什麽是我们不知道的?What can you tell us about the Keep we don't already know? 没有啊Me? nothing-是吗? 什麽?你刚才有话要说没有啊Yes, you were about to say more-你没什麽要告诉我们?-没有-You can tell us nothing, -No那有谁可以?-没有人-Who can? -No one不要骗我Don't lie to me不然我杀了他or I'll shoot this man dead有一个研究中古历史的教授There's a professor of medieval history在雅夕市的大学教书at the university in the city of Ayashi他研究过这个古堡He made a study of this Keep说不定他可以帮你翻译perhaps he can translate that for you他叫什麽名字? 古撒博士-His name? -Dr. Theodore Cuza他在这个村子长大的He grew up in this village长官Herr Officer古撒博士不在雅夕市Dr. Cuza is not in Ayashi那他在哪里?Then where?古撒博士是犹太人Dr. Cuza's a Jew被你们带到集中营去了He's wherever you've taken the Jews好Good.今天就把他们带来The SS will bring them today from the depot你演奏音乐吗?Do you play at night?我不在这里演奏音乐I don't play music here乔瑟夫在这里不开心we suffer enough, not happy here你们为什麽在这里?Why are you here, girl?我叫伊娃古撒I'm Eva Cuza这是我父亲古撒博士this is my father Dr.Cuza我们是犹太人吉普赛人不是唯一,We are Jews, the gypsies are not the only ones吉普赛人不是唯一的国家公敌who are enemies of the state等我们到新的落脚处When we reach that new settlement place they我再演奏给你们听say we are going to, then I play music for you guys 是田他们说是麦田There are farms, and wheat fields there他们说是麦田they said.急着上哪儿去?Where are you going in such a hurry?到隘口Into the pass下车Get down多远?How far?到古堡To the Keep退后一点Move away from the machine打开盒子Open the case别碰Don't., touch that告诉你这件事很少人知道I will tell you something if you want hope关于到集中营去的人the people who go to these settlement camps,那里只有两扇门there are only two doors,一个是入口 一个是出口One in, and one out而出口是烟囱the one out, is a chimney三天内你最好想到管用的方法You'd better find a way to be of use to me in three days 三天内你最好想到管用的方法Three days否则你和你女儿就回去集中营Or back to the camps, go you否则你和你女儿就回去集中营and your daughter这是什麽意思?What does it mean?你懂吗?Can you understand it?怎麽样?Well?是命令句The former is in the imperative意思是:It says:是命令句意思是我将自♥由♥“1 Will Be Free”果然是游击队So we do have partisans这是古斯拉夫的葛莱格尔文In zoltz navonic, but within这是古斯拉夫的葛莱格尔文the Gaelitic alphabet已经五百年没人用了Your partisans are writing to you已经五百年没人用了in a language that's been dead for 500 years 我们需要木头升火Wood, we need wood for a fire这里没那麽冷Does he get that cold?我父亲看起来.Look at my father, 我父亲看起来像68岁吗? does he look 68?他才48岁He's 48伊娃Eva!他有硬化症会死的He's dying from a variety of Schleroderma 这种温度With the temperature in this room 一小时内手指就会长出坏疽gangerine will be in his fingers in an hour 够了Alright, that's enough!他在凯弗大人手上挨不过三天He won't last Major Kaempfferrs 3 days 你会拿到木头像俱You*! get the wood, and some furniture 和灯 and lights 食物自取get your food from our mess我告诉你们Let me tell you two something凯弗会整死你们the Major will snuff you out, like that 他做事有他的理由He has his reasons for a quick solution 我有我的理由I have mine我不想再有人死I don't want any more of my men to die找出凶手find out what is killing us我也许能让你们去布加勒斯特And I may be able to get you to Bucharest那里很安全And keep you safe但你也可能办不到And then again, you may not麦海你怎麽办到的?Mihail, how did you manage this?我以为我不会成功I didn!t think I could你救了我们我不重要重要的是伊娃You rescued us, for me it doesn*t matter,but for Eva你跟他们编了什麽故事?What fairy tales did you tell him没有None故事是他们自己编的They made up their own我只说你有办法解决问题But I made them believe that you could solve their problems 好把你们从集中营救出来 just to get you brought here 现在必须把你们弄出去And now, now we must get you out怎麽出去?How今天我安排了一个簪导明天你要求到教堂Today I arrange a guide, tomorrow you ask to see去看古斯拉夫手稿the old Slavonic manuscripts in the church 簪导会带你们从山上逃走the guide will take you from the church across the mountains 再到黑海哪里都好to Nyipa, from there the black sea,.anywhere 你以为我能跑多远?我既不能打How far do you think I'll get, I can*t fight也走不动.带伊娃走就好了I can't walk, nothing You just get Eva out of here 听我说Listen to me他们已经杀了三个村民Theyfve already killed three villagers here, 包括老塞米内斯库我在伟雷肖夫including old Seminesku, I was in Breschauf they're rounding up trade unionists; journalists 天晓得他们会发生什麽事Jews, gypsies,.God knows what happens to them我们知道会怎样We found out what happens要走就一起走I'm not going without you你一定要试试You'll have to try必要时我可以背你Ill carry you on my back if I mustSo;你的病多久了 ?How long?别问了don*t ask不管是谁把灵魂放入这种臭皮囊里whoever thought of sticking the miracle of human intellegence 把灵魂放入这种臭皮囊里inside one of these decaying bodies他应该被烧死He should of been fired上帝还能把人的灵魂放哪里?so where else would God of put the human soul?桌子里吧In a desk破车里也不错maybe a street car,破车里也不错,坏了还可以换零件won't have been so bad, it breaks, you get a new partBlasphemy,太亵渎上帝了总有一天你会信上帝的one of these days your gonna believe in the divine你相信神我相信人You believe in Gods, I believe in men伊娃怎麽样?How's Eva?伊娃?Eva?Hmm她浪费青春Eva wastes her youth, 在照顾一个残废的老头chained to an old man in a wheelchair找个护士给我就好了I should have a nurse,她应该过自己的生活she should live her life她不会让别人照顾你的She won't let anyone else take care of you我还有很多事要做I have much to do还有一件事麦海什麽事?Hey sayyeah睛上的字the writing on the wall怎麽样?yeah是你写的吗?did you put it there?不是no那是谁写的?How'd it get there, Mihail你可以帮我做件事让我好过些There is something you can do for me, make me feel easier 拿着它两天就好Keep it with you, just two days你妹妹来了Hey look tres, it's your sister要我帮你吗?Can I help you别碰我get your hands off me坐下Sit down拿多一点Get a healthy helping, ma'ar别闹了alright, that*s enough伊娃Eva!伊娃.Eva离她远一点Get away from my child带我走别碰她take me and leave her你对她做了什麽?What have you done to her你到底是什麽?what are you?你为什麽来这里?Why are you, here?他们要我帮忙找出凶手They thought I could find what was killing their soldiers 就是你对不对?And I have! haven't I?我需要盟友you turned into an ally但你和他们是一伙的you collaborate!不!No!我才不跟纳粹合作Don't accuse me of collaborating with Nazis我会尽一切力量阻止他们rd do anything to stop them如果你不相信我就杀了我If you don't believe me, then kill me爸爸?Papa爸爸?Papa发生什麽事?What happenend?你的手.your hands还有你的脸.Your face!我觉得好温暖I feel warm我知道是它带你来的I know, it brought you here谁?Who?不那只是个恶梦Father, it was a dream不那只是个恶梦it was a nightmare我亲眼看见是它带你来的It carried you here, I saw it too我看见的不是真的What I saw wasn*t real看看我的手我的脸Look at my hands, look at my face!它碰过我的身体还有你It touched my body我不知道它是什麽Look at you我不知道它是什麽我也不管don't know what it is and I don*t care但它可以帮我们-He's like a hammer,它是恶魔and can now smash them你在说什麽?What are you talking about?恶魔?穿着黑制♥服♥杀人We're dealing with a golum? A devil恶魔?穿着黑制♥服♥杀人A devil! Now you listen to me自称黑杉军的那保伙才是恶魔the devil of the Keep, wears a black uniform自称黑杉军的那像伙才是恶魔and has a deathshead at his cap and calls himself a sturbein Furor 叫他们下车Tell the men to get out 下车Dismount!快点快点Hurry! Hurry!机关搬到古堡里Machine guns come across the ravine into the Keep with us 你在这里干什麽?What are you doing here?我是管♥理♥员♥长官I'm the caretaker, sir 那他们呢?And they?他们是我儿子They're my sons这里有108个镇做的十字架There's a 108 such crosses made of nickel嵌在城♥堡♥的睛里 embedded in the walls of the keep. 你亲自数过You counted them?还是用来唬观光客的?Or is it something to do with cathecism我叫亚为山卓我和我儿子都在这里工作I'm Alexandru, my sons and I work here 这里不会有观光客No one tours this place我以为这个地方没人住I thought the keep was unoccupied我们晚上回家We go home at night, 住在村里we live in the village业主在哪里?我不清楚-Where is the owner? -I have no idea业主是谁?我不知道-Who is he? -I don't know谁指示你工作?Who tells you what to do?有什麽就做什麽昨晚又死了两个人There were two more deaths last night你去住旅馆给你两分钟收拾you are going to stay at the Inn you have two minutes to pack 为什麽?Why?我最起码还能保住你的命because I can at least keep you safe from what is killing us同时不让你被那些男人骚扰And after the incidence in the mess,同时不让你被那些男人骚扰maybe from the men too不让我被男人骚扰?Maybe from the men.我不会丢下我父亲不管I'm not going to leave my father here alone你走吧.不-Yes, you should go -No你还有1分45秒You now have a minute, 45 seconds什麽1分45秒?A minute, 45 seconds for what?古撒小姐要收拾搬到旅馆去For fraulein Cuza to pack her things and moving her stuff她哪儿也不准去She is not going anywhere我不准你带走我女儿I forbid it; I will not permit you to send my daughter away你不准?You, you forbid?听好了你没权利说不准Let me tell you something, you forbid nothing你没权利说不准Nothing!带她走Get her out of here!准备好了吗?Are you ready?差不多了Almost孩子Listen to me, my child你是我生命中最重要的人you are the meaning of my life不管我发生什麽事Whatever I will do here whatever happens to me不要管我leave me behind, escape只管跟着麦海逃走不要等我Go without me, do not wait for me听话-No -Yes, go!找个男人好好过日子Meet a man找个男人好好过口子live a full life为我活下去and you live for me他是谁?Who is this?我的儿子My son五年前他死在西班牙He died in Spain, 5 years ago this month为共和军作战Fighting on the Republicans side当时你在西班牙?Were you in Spain?没有如果我在那里我会加入反法&hearts泗&hearts撕♥的德国人If I were, I would of been in the Itteral brigade,我会加入反法♥西♥斯♥的德国人with other anti-facist Germans和你儿子并肩作战.Your son and I, we wouldrve been fighting on the same side但我当时不在那里But, No I wasn't怎麽了 ?What?十字架?Cross?你是犹太人要十字架干吗?Why do you, a Jew need protection of the cross?I don't是朋友送的他是个好人It was a gift of a friend, A humane manListen to me Captain Woermann,送给你I pass the gift on to you拿去吧Take it你也是个好人You're a humane man too and you.你会需要的you may need it你怎麽出来的?他们放你走的?How did you get out? did they let you go?你父亲呢?where's theodore?他还在里面Still inside有任何事只管找我Anything for theodore Cuza down here, through this door 我现在没钱给你I have no money to pay you right now不用了这几年你父亲帮了我很多忙Your father did me many favors over the years不用了这几年你父亲帮了我很多忙forget about it谢谢你钱我们会付的Thank you, Mr. Oppe你在这里做什麽?What are you doing here?只有这房♥间能俯瞰古堡?Is this the only room overlooking the Keep?是的Yes那我要这间房♥Than Ill take it这是古撒小姐的房♥间It*s taken by Miss Cuza没关你It's okay你要去哪儿?Where will you go?回古堡离开这里Back into the Keep, away from here, 我不知道I don't know你父亲为什麽在古堡?Why*s your father in the Keep?那些军人抓了他He's being kept there by soldiers你要等他还是离开?Are you going to wait for him?你要等他还是离开?Or leave?我要在这里等他I'm going to wait right here for him那你最好和我一起留在这里Then you better stay here with me 你为何而来?Why are you here?You你从哪里来的?Where do you come from?我到处旅行I'm a traveller从哪里来的?From where?我居无定所Everywhere睡吧Go to sleep做个好梦And dream死亡围绕在你四周There is.死亡围绕在你四周Death around you死亡掌握在你手里At your hands不No你不过是看见在死亡集中营的我And what you sense is my fate in a death camp 是人们聚集起来死亡的地方吗?A place where people gather to die 是人们被谋杀的地方A place where people are murdered 我的人♥民♥被谋杀?My people are murdered?没错整个欧洲都一样-yes, and others from all over 是谁做的?who does this?在柏林的首领There leader in Berlin还有黑衫军and the soldiers in black还要杀光他们PH destroy them!我会取他们的性命I will consume their lies什麽时候下手?When什麽时候下手?could you do this?再过两个晚上就大功告成了When I am complete in two nights 如果我可以离开这里If I can leave this place你为何不能离开?Why couldn't you?因为我有一个力量来源 because an object of mine 因为我有一个力量来源the origin of my power 必须带到山里才安全 must be removed from the Keep 必须带到山里才安全and hidden in these mountains远离这里的人and kept safe from people here远离这里的人And from anyone who may come here必须找我信任的人办这件事It must be done by someone I can trust就是你like you这样我才能离开这里Only then can I leave the Keep,去杀光那些黑衫军and destroy the soldiers in black去杀光那些黑衫军and their leaders你愿意帮我把它带离这里吗?Will you.carry this object你愿意帮我把它带离这里吗?out of here.for me?没问题Yes麦海我还不想走-Mihail, -I'm not leaving yet你把伊娃弄出去了吗?-伊娃?伊娃在旅馆里-did you get Eva out? -Eva.Eva is at the Inn这里有一种力量There is something here, a power这个力量是我们的救星this power is our salvation真正的力量是上帝Power is God!神之子弥赛亚圣母玛利亚之子And the messiah, his immortal son圣母玛利亚之子who took flesh of the holy mother and ever我是对的virgin mary, And I. I have been right古撒你错了And you. you Theodore Cuza古撒你错了you have been wrong我的信仰是对的I was right in my simple faith我的信仰是对的I was right人们对待同类的方式才邪恶Evil comes from the acts between man and man 戴着纳粹徽章的黑衫军是邪恶的it wears a swatzika and it believes in black dreams 你知道的you know this你到底怎麽了 ?What's happening to you?你和你的女儿可以留下Stay here, stay here with your 和其他人一起被烧死daughter and burn with the others 和吉普赛人和其他人一起被烧死Burn with the misfits, the gypsies, 异教♥徒♥一起死 the heratics, 我不会帮你的I won't lift a finger to help you 麦海Mihail怪物Ha, Monster!下地狱吧Burn in Hell!活人及死人都须接受审判And the dead and the glory, 活人及死人都须接受审判 and judge both the living and the dead, 在你的信仰中得到恩典.and deliver of the grace! Pray for them 麦海?Mihail!我以为再也见不到你了I never thought I'd see you alive again 我们走吧Now we can get out还不行Not yet麦海?麦海告诉我你没走Mihail, told me you didn't leave 你还好吧?-you alright麦海发疯了Mihail's gone crazy到底发生了什麽事?What's happened to this place我帮不了麦海-I can't help Mihail被关在古堡的东西被放出来了What's happened is.被关在古堡的东西被放出来了that what was repressed within the Keep被关在古堡的东西被放出来了is spreading into the village你是谁?Who are you?你怎麽知道?What do you know about it?他是This is.我知道你答应替他带宝物出去Iknow that you have bound yourself to him我知道你答应替他带宝物出去Ithat you've agreed carry the talisman out那是力量的来源Ifs the source of the power这力量不属于他是这东西将他关在这里It is not his, it's what keeps him inside the walls如果你把它带走他就会跑到人类的世界and if you carry it out, he will be released into the world of men反正世界已经够邪恶了what's happening in the world is worse than anything he could do他也一样邪恶He is the same看看你look at him葛雷肯什麽?我的身体?what, it's my body,我才不在乎我不是为自己这麽做的I don't give a damn about me, I'm not doing this for me所以他才选你That's why he