2 0 2 3届高三英语外刊时文诺亚方舟精读精练讲义内容摘要A painting of Noahs Ark.The Old Testament tale has not onlyinspired countless generations of artists,but also more than acentury of scientific attempts to locate remains of the fabled vessel.阅读理解For more than a century,people have sought the Old Testam ent vessel that survived the biblical deluge.Archaeologists sayits a fools errand.Noahs Ark is among the best known and most captivating of all Old Testam ent stories:After creatinghumans.God becam e so displeased with them that he struck Earth with an all-encompassing flood to wipe them out-withone noteworthy(and seaworthy)exception:the biblical patriarch and his family,accom panied by pairs of each of the planetsanimals,who rode out the deluge in an enormous wooden vessel.For people who accept the religious text as a historicallyaccurate account of actual events,the hunt for archaeological evidence of the Ark is equally captivating,inspiring someintrepid faithful to com b the slopes of Armenias M t.Ararat and beyond for traces of the wooden vessel.But searches for theArk draw everything from exasperation to disdain from academ ic archaeologists and biblical scholars.No legitimatearchaeologist does this.says National Geographic Explorer Jodi Magness,an archaeologist at the University of NorthCarolina at Chapel Hill,of m odern searches for evidence of Noah.Archaeology is not treasure hunting,she adds.Mlts notabout finding a specific object.Its a science where we com e up with research questions that we hope to answer byexcavation.NStories of destructive floods and those who survive them predate the Hebrew Bible,the oldest parts of which are thought tohave been written in the 8th century B.C.Legends about a deluge that destroys civilization at the behest of a supernaturaldeity can be found in multiple Mesopotam ian texts,from the Epic of Gilgamesh,which was written around the early secondmillennium B.C.to a recently deciphered Babylonian cuneiform tablet from about 1750 B.C.describing how the ark wasbuilt.Could these flood myths be based in fact?There does seem to be geological evidence that there was a major flood inthe Black Sea region about 7.500 years ago.says National Geographic Explorer Eric Cline,an archaeologist at GeorgeWashington University.But scientists disagree on the extent of that event,just as historians of the era differ on whetherwritings about a deluge were inspired by real life.It seems likelier that floods were simply experienced in difterent places andat different times and that those events naturally m ade their way into the worlds oral and written lore.W e have no way ofplacing Noah,if he really existed,and the flood,if there really was one.in tim e and space/says Magness.Th only way youcould determine that would be If you had an authentic ancient inscription-and even then,she points out,such aninscription could refer to another Noah,or another flood.That hasnt stopped the proliferation of pseudoarchaeotogy thatupholds the Bible as literal truth.The fruitless searches are often aligned with adherents of“young-earth croatlonism,*thebelief that,despite evidence to the contrary.Earth is only thousands of years old.Part of the problem,says Cline,is that the public has unrealistic expectations of the discipline of archaeology and popularm edia highlights the thrill of the chase instead of the slow accretion of archaeological knowledge.W ere not like IndianaJones.M he says.Its a scientific procedure.Ifs painstaking.But what excites us does not necessarily excite other people.MIn his younger years,says Cline,he spent significant time and energy attempting to rebut the purported biblical evidence thatenchants the public year after year.Eventually,though,he quit-and now focuses his time on both his expeditions andtranslating his research for those willing to accept the results of the scientific process.People are gonna believe what theywant to believe,he sighs.That wont change any tim e soon-so in the meantime,hes focused on unearthing an18th-century B.C.Canaanite palace at Tel Kabri In what is now northern Israel.Following a pandem ic-related pause onfieldwork,he anticipates returning next summer to continue excavating a painted plaster floor at the Old Testam ent-era site.For us.the floor is incredibly important,because it shows international relations and contacts from almost 4.000 years ago.*he says,“Its not Noahs Ark,but Its a painted floor.the archaeologist says,which is good enough for m e.”Q uestions:1.W hats archaeologists1 a ttitu d e to seek the vessel th a t survived theb ib lica l deluge?A.Its foolish.B.Its in vain.C.Its meaningful.2.Why Cline q u it re b u ttin g the purported b ib lica l evidenceth a t enchants the public?A.Because he shifts focus to expeditions and showing researchto people who respect for science.B.Because he knows they dont believe him in any case.C.Because he is no longer young and tired of doing this.结构分析结构分析P 1:介的了诺亚方舟的传说,且人f 一直试图找到它,引起了考古学家的不满吃对于诺亚方舟和大洪水是否M实存在产生分岐P 3:问总在于公众对考古学抱有不切实际的期望以及媒体不m重科学的过程考古并韭身是通过也累来回答人G穆出的问料的一裨料学,而韭仅仅找到莫一特定物体诺亚方舟马大洪水在时闾和空间线上无法对反徽书不建设耀精圣经的I I理性C S n e将专注于保防以及将研究成果解得给I B患接受科学进程的人他将继掾桎更旧的时代遢址的彩锭石青电板.这招黑的人翻了第40 0 0年前的国除关系,S A正要的事内容解读For more than a century,people have sought the Old Testament vesselthat survived the biblical deluge.Archaeologists say its a fooTserrand.Noah/s Ark is among the best known and most captivating of all OldTestament stories:After creating humans,God became so displeased withthem that he struck Earth with an all-encom passing flood to wipe themout-w ith one noteworthy(and seaworthy)exception:the biblical patriarchand his fam ily,accom panied by pairs of each of the planet/s anim als,whorode out the deluge in an enormous wooden vessel.For people who acceptthe religious text as a h istorica lly accurate account o f actual events,the hunt fo r archaeological evidence o f the Ark is equally captivating,inspiring some in trepid fa ith fu l to comb the slopes of Arm enia/s M t.A raratand beyond fo r traces o f the wooden vessel.But searches fo r the Ark draweverything from exasperation to disdain from academic archaeologists andbiblical scholars,No le gitim ate archaeologist does th is,says N ationalGeographic Explorer Jodi Magness,an archaeologist at the U niversity ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill,of modern searches fo r evidence ofNoah.aArchaeology is not treasure h u n tin g/she adds.Its not aboutfin d in g a specific object.It/s a science where we come up w ith researchquestions th a t we hope to answer by excavation.H a fools errand蓑示“徒劳的事,白费力气的事,其 中e rra n d表示(短程的)差事,跑腿,例 如:He sent me on a fools errand.他 派 我 去 干 白 费 力 的 事。run an errand fo r s o m e o n e表示“为跑腿,为办事”Frank drifted into running dodgy errands for a seedy local villain.弗兰 克 开 始 为 当 地 一 个 下 流 的 恶 人 跑 腿 做 坏 事。“wipe out蓑示“摧毁,毁灭,使灭绝,例 如:The spill could wipe out the Gulfs turtle p o p u la tio n.这 次 原 油 泄 漏可 能 会 使 波 斯 湾 的 海 龟 灭 绝。w ip e本 身 也 是 一 个 含 义 丰 富 的 词 汇,动 词 含 义 表 示 襟抗,例 如:When he had finished washing he began to wipe the basin clean.他清洗完后开始把洗脸池擦拭干净。名词含义表示”(一次性)湿巾”,例如:Non-allergenic wet baby wipes are best for cleaning their sensitives k in.最好使用防过敏的婴儿湿巾来擦拭婴儿的敏感皮肤。sth./sb.wipes the sm ile off som eones face 表示“让笑容顿失,使丧失优势”wipe the state c le a n表示翻开新的一页,重新开始 hunt动词含义为主,可以表示“搜寻,寻找”,例如:Some new arrivals lose hope even before they start hunting for a job.有些新来的人甚至没开始找工作就感到绝望了。还可以表示“追踪,追 捕(罪犯、敌人)”,例如:Detectives have been hunting him for seven months.侦探 7 个月来一直在追捕他。还可以表示“(人)打猎,(动物)猎食”,例如:A leopard hunts alone,and an injured leopard cannot hunt.豹向来单独猎食,所以如果受伤了就无法捕猎。*,in the hunt for s t h.表示(参赛者)仍有机会赢”*explore-,tra ck、s e e k也可以表示“搜索,寻找”,注意区分:hunt:一般指寻找所需的物件,或对罪犯的搜寻,特指追猎。explore:一般指对未知事物或新生事物的探索、观察与研究。track:侧重按一定线索追查出结果。seek:多暗示做出很大努力去寻求某人或某物。Stories of destructive floods and those who survive them predate theHebrew Bible,the oldest parts of which are thought to have been written inthe 8th century B.C.Legends about a deluge that destroys civilization at thebehest o f a supernatural deity can be found in m ultiple M esopotam ian texts,from the Epic o f Gilgamesh,which was w ritten around the early secondm illennium B.C.,to a recently deciphered Babylonian cuneiform table t fromabout 1750 B.C.describing how the ark was b u ilt.Could these flo o d myths bebased in fact?There does seem to be geological evidence th a t there was am ajor flo o d in the Black Sea region about 7,500 years ago,says N ationalGeographic Explorer Eric Cline,an archaeologist at George W ashingtonUniversity.But scientists disagree on the extent o f th a t event,ju s t ashistorians o f the era d iffe r on w hether w ritings about a deluge were inspiredby real life.It seems like lie r th a t floods were sim ply experienced in d ifferentplaces and at d iffe re n t times and th a t those events naturally made theirway into the w o rd s oral and w ritten lore.aNe have no way o f placing Noah,if he really existed,and the flood,if there really was one,in tim e andspace/says Magness.The only way you could determ ine that would be ifyou had an authen tic ancient in scrip tio n/,and even then,she points out,such an inscription could refer to another Noah,or another flood.Thathasn/t stopped the p ro life ra tio n of pseudo archaeology that upholds theBible as lite ra l truth.The fru itle ss searches are often aligned with adherentso f young-earth creation ism/the belie f that,despite evidence to thecontrary,Earth is only thousands of years old.at the behest of表示按的 吩 咐,遵 照 的命令,例 如:In 1970,at his new wifes behest,they moved to Southampton.1970年,应 他 新 任 妻 子 的 要 求,他 们 搬 到 了 南 安 普 顿。extent名 词,可 以 表 示 程度,地步,例 如:The governm ent itself has little inform ation on the extent ofindustrial p o llu tio n.政 府 本 身 几 乎 不 了 解 工 业 污 染 的 程 度。还 可 以 表 示 范国,面积,大小、例 如:Their commitment was only to m aintain the extent of forests,nottheir b io d iv e rsity.他 们 仅 承 诺 维 持 现 有 森 林 面 积,并 不 保 证 林 区 生 物 的 多样 性。to the extent o f/th a t表示(强调)到的地步,到的程度a to w hat/that e x t e n t表示“到何种/那种程度”authentic形 容 词,表示“真正的,真实的,真诚的,例 如:She has authentic charm whereas most people sim ply have nicem a n n e rs.她 散 发 出 真 正 的 魅 力,而 大 多 数 人 只 是 举 止 优 雅。还 可 以 表 示(仿制品)以假乱真的,例 如:The copy he made of the painting can pass for an authentic one.他 I指摹 的 画 足 以 乱 真。还 可 以 表 示(信息或记述)准确的,可靠的,例 如:I had obtained the authentic details about the birth of theo rg a n iza tio n.我 已 经 掌 握 了 有 关 该 组 织 诞 生 的 可 靠 的 详 细 资 料。长 难 句 分 析a Legends about a deluge that destroys civilization at the behest of asupernatural deity can be found in m ultiple M esopotam ian texts,from theEpic of Gilgam esh,which was written around the early second m illenniumB.C.,to a recently deciphered Babylonian cuneiform tablet from about 1750B,C.describing how the ark was built.本 句 主 干 部 分 为 Legends can be found in m u ltip le M esopotam iant e x t s.接 下 来 填 充 结 构,o b o u t o d e lu g e介 词 短 语 作 后 置 定 语,修饰legends;Mat引 导 同 位 语 从 句,对d e lu g e进 行 解 释 说 明。from.to 构成 的 介 词 短 语 修 饰M e s o p o t a m j。/t e x t s,在 这 里 包 含 时 间 跨 度,交代T M esopotam ian te x ts在 不 同 时 期 的 表 现 形 式;w h ic h引 导 的 定 语 从 句 先行 词 为the Epic o f G g a m e s 力,对 其 进 行 修 饰 限 定;d e s c rib in g力 o w theark w a s b a t 现 在 分 词 作 后 置 定 语,修饰 Babylonian cuneiform ta b le t.Part o f the problem,says Cline,is th a t the public has unrealisticexpectations o f the discipline o f archaeology and popular media highlightsthe th rill o f the chase instead of the slow accretion o f archaeologicalknowledge,W e r e not like Indiana Jones/he says.Its a scientificprocedure.It/s painstaking.But what excites us does not necessarily exciteother people.In his younger years,says Cline,he spent sig nifica nt tim e andenergy attem pting to rebut the purported biblical evidence that enchants thepublic year a fte r year.Eventually,though,he quit-a n d now focuses his tim eon both his expeditions and translating his research fo r those w illing toaccept the results o f the scientific process.a People are going to believe whatthey w a n t to believe/he sighs.That w o nt change any tim e soon-s o in them eantim e;hes focused on unearthing an 18th-century B.C.Canaanitepalace at Tel Kabri in what is now northern Israel.Following apandem ic-related pause on fieldw ork,he anticipates returning next summerto continue excavating a painted plaster flo o r at the Old Testam ent-erasite,For us,the flo o r is incredibly im portant,because it shows in te rn a tio n a lrelations and contacts from alm ost 4,000 years ago,he says.Its notNoah/s Ark,but its a painted flo o r/the archaeologist says,“which is goodenough fo r me.in the meantime兼示“在此期间,其间,例 如:Eventually your child w ill leave home to lead her own life as a fullyindependent adult,but in the meantime she relies on your support.你的孩子 最 终 将 长 大 成 人,完 全 独 立,离 开 家 过 自 己 的 生 活,不 过 在 此 期 间 她 会靠 你 帮 助。fo r the m e a n tim e表示目前,眼下,暂时 The Prime M inister has,for the meantime,seen off the challenge ofthe o p p o sitio n.首 相 目 前 已 经 经 受 住 了 反 对 派 的 挑 战。unearth动 词,表 示“发 现,揭露”,例 如:Researchers have unearthed documents indicating her responsibilityfor the forced adoption of c h ild re n.调 查 人 员 已 经 发 现 了 证 明 她 对 强 制 收养 儿 童 事 件 负 有 责 任 的 文 件。还 可 以 表 示“发 掘,挖 掘(埋藏物)”,例 如:Fossil hunters have unearthed the bones of an elephant believed tobe 500,000 years o ld.化 石 搜 集 者 们 发 掘 出 一 具 大 象 骨 骼,据 信 距 今 已 有5 0 万 年。还 可 以 表 示“找 到,发 现(隐藏或丢失之物)”,例 如:From somewhere,he had unearthed a black silk s u it,他 不 知 从 哪 里找 来 了 一 套 黑 色 的 丝 绸 衣 服。pause动 词 含 义 表 示“侵 或,暂停”,例如:He had to pause to clear his t h r o a t.他 不 得 不 停 顿 一 下 清 清 嗓 子。名 词 含 义 也 表 示“辱 颜,暂停”,例 如:There was a pause w hile the barm aid set down tw o plates in fro n t ofu s.酒 吧 招 待 女 在 我 们 面 前 摆 放 两 个 盘 子 时 停 顿 了 一 下。*-sth.gives you pause fo r thought 表 示“使 认 真 考 虑,使 犹 豫 答案解析1.B.Its in vain.定 位 分 析题 干 问 的 是 考 古 学 家 对 寻 找 圣 经 大 洪 水 中 幸 存 下 来 的 船 所 持 的 态 度 是什 么?定 位 到 第一段 第 二 句,A rchaeologists say its a fooT s e rra n d.其中 g_fools e r r a n d为 固 定 搭 配,表 示“徒 劳 的 事”,B选 项 的in v a in是 其 同 义 替换。*干 扰 项 排 除A选 项fo o lis h表 示“愚 蠢 的 ,是 根 据f o o l设 置 的 干 扰 项,容 易 因 不明 确 原 文 搭 配 的 正 确含 乂导 致 错 选。C选 项m e a n in g fu l表 示“有 意 义 的”,与 原 文 不 符。2.A.Because he shifts focus to expeditions and show ing research topeople who respect fo r science.*定 位 分 析题 干 问 的 是 为 什 么C lin e停 止 反 驳 让 公 众 着 迷 的 传 闻 的 圣 经 证 据?定位 到 原 文 第 三 段 第 七 句,he q u itand now focuses his tim e on both his expeditions andtra n sla tin g his research fo r those w illin g to accept the results o f thescie n tific p ro c e s s.从 中 可 知,他 现 在 将 重 心 放 在 了 探 险 考 察 以 及 将 研 究 成果 解 释 给 那 些 愿 意 接 受 由 科 学 的 过 程 产 生 的 结 果 的 人,A选 项 是 原 文 的 同义 表 述。干 扰 项 排 除B选 项 说 因 为 他 知 道 了 人 们 无 论 如 何 也 不 会 相 信 他。原 文 提 到T People are gonna believe what they want to believe,他 知 道 人 们 只 会 相信 他 们 愿 意 相 信 的,但 并 不 是 导 致 他 停 止 反 驳 的 主 因。C选 项 说 因 为 他 不 再 年 轻 并 且 厌 倦 做 这 件 事。原 文 虽 然 提 到 了 in hisyounger y e a r s,但 关 联 牵 强。