Only Murders in the Building《公寓大楼里的谋杀案(2021)》第二季第九集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
(前情提要)正在收听的是俄克拉荷马不太欧克You're listening to All is Not OK in Oklahoma我是主播辛达坎宁from Cinda Canning.我没指望会发现任何I wasn't expecting to find anything related与他侄女贝基的失踪案相关的线索to the disappearance of Becky.波的嘴里到底叼着什么What the fuck is in Bo's mouth?贝基的内 ♥裤♥Becky's panties!我是莉奥诺拉福尔杰邦尼的母亲I'm Leonora Folger, the mother of Bunny.我那幅画在哪Where the fuck is my painting?你说你是从画家手里买♥♥下的那幅画?You bought the painting from the artist, Rose Cooper?她失踪了She went missing.-爸爸?爸爸!-没事儿子-Dad? Dad! - It's okay, buddy!等等我跟你♥爸♥有婚外情持续了很多年I was having an affair with your father for years.我以为他的出轨对象是罗斯库伯I thought Rose Cooper was.她也有份She was, too.我们在跟凶手发信息We're texting with the killer!我们告诉他们我们会把火柴盒We tell him we'll put the matchbook in a trashcan放在晨曦公园外的垃圾桶里然后outside Morningside Park, and then.一反转来了 亮粉男-twist! - Glitter.我们抓到他洗清嫌疑的唯一机会刚才跑掉了There goes our best chance at clearing our names.亮粉男是谁Who is Glitter Guy?I don't know. I just.直到这一刻我才发现这件事在我心上的分量I didn't realize how much was weighing on me until this moment.我希望你不要再担心了Well, I want you to stop worrying.好吗只是Please? Just.过来Come here. Come here.我爱你宝贝I love you, baby.我也爱你I love you, too.谢谢你爸爸Thanks, Dad.我们没事了没关系你知道吗-We're good. Its fine. - You know what?我觉得我可以做到了I feel like I can do this now.你是帕特曼家的人You're a Putnam.(纽约宁静湖柳树路25号♥)(员工电♥话♥和地址)(纽约布朗克斯区狐狸岗大街295号♥)喂?Hello? Hello?(超量武力拳击馆)看来我们要大战一场了Looks like we're in for a fight.Oh.看来我们要大战一场了Looks like we're in for a fight.天啊我得有点私人生活了Jesus, I need a life.这不是血腥梅布嘛Well, if it isn't Bloody Mabel.那两个老爷子怎么没来Where's the, uh, dusty grandpappies?那你又是谁呢And who are you supposed to be?拉胯版拳王洛奇?伟大的白人逗逼?Rocky Zero? Great White Dope?愤怒的屁话王?Raging Bullshitter?我可以一直说下去I can keep going.我爱拳击电影和双关语I love boxing movies. And puns.你♥他♥妈♥来干嘛Why the fuck are you here?就是想问几个问题Just wanted to ask some questions.那恐怕不行因为我Well, that ain*t how this works, see, 'cause I, uh. 我是警♥察 ♥I'm the cop.你的胳膊怎么样了How*s your arm?你袭击我之后被我扎伤的那只胳膊The one I stabbed after you attacked me.好吧梅布Alright, Mabel.谁会取梅布这种蠢名字啊What kind of a stupid fucking name is Mabel?蠢透了Dumbass name.你想问我问题You want to ask me questions?那问吧You can ask questions.戴上Throw these on.是的Yeah.你发现了 我找到了你-You found it. -1 found you.罗斯库伯Rose Cooper.跟我说点我不知道的事Oh. Well, tell me something I don't know.你打过拳击吗You ever box?我每周二和周四都上有氧拳击课I take a cardio boxing class every Tuesday and Thursday.你真可爰You're adorable.扶住沙包Hold the bag.很不错吧Eh? I know, right?抱歉我在神游Sorry. I was daydreaming.你出拳了吗我只感觉到一股微风Have you thrown a punch yet? I just felt a slight breeze.你知道吗我看到你脖子上有亮粉-You know what? - Saw glitter on your neck.我不知道你在说什么I don't know what you're talking about.你怎么知道在晨曦公园放证据的事?How*d you know about the evidence drop-off at Morningside Park? 我还是不知道你在说什么I still don't know what you're talking about.一个有你指纹的火柴盒A matchbook with your fingerprint on it.那个火柴盒没了Oh, that's gone.那也不是我的指纹And it wasn't my fingerprint.好吧上拳击场干一架Alright. In the ring. Let's go.干一架Let's go.我没说完全是你的错I am not saying it's entirely your fault.我不该放到床上的但那是山羊绒的I shouldn't have left it on the bed, but it was cashmere.我们不能因为一样东西柔软就在上面尿尿We don't pee on things just because they're soft.你好泰迪Oh, hello, Teddy.奥利弗Oliver.我要杀了你-Til kill you! - Ah!胳膊还挺酸的吧我看出来了Arm's still sore, I see.你为什么杀害邦尼福尔杰我没有-Why'd you kill Bunny Folger? -1 didn't it.你用刀刺死了她并想嫁祸于我You stabbed her with a knife and tried to frame me.好吧够了Okay, that's enough.你说够了吧Alright? Enough.但有一件事我想不明白See, what I canrt figure out, though,你怎么能实施这么复杂的计划is how you were able to pull off such an intricate plan.陷害无辜的人秘密通道I mean, framing innocent people, secret passageways.我充其量只是成绩不好但你压根I mean, I was a bad student, but you're just.就没长脑子a stupid man.你不可能实施这么复杂的谋杀There's no way that you could pull off a murder this sophisticated.我说够了I said that's enough!你觉得会发生什么梅布And what do you think's gonna happen here, Mabel?你觉得我会给你看我根本不想给你看的东西?You think I'm gonna show you something I don*t wanna show you?说一些我根本不想说的话?You think I'm gonna say something I don*t wanna say?那是不可能的'Cause that's not how this works,不管你用多少难听的话侮辱我no matter how many stupid shit-headed insults you throw at me.因为我还没蠢到那个地步'Cause I'm a fuck of a lot smarter than that.-出招吧好啊举起手套-Put 'em up. - Alright, mitts up.举起手套Mitts up.你这个王八蛋你干什么-You son of a bitch! - What the fuck?!你赢不了泰迪You can't win this, Teddy!看起来不太妙我应该等下一辆吗Oh, th-this doesn*t look good. Uh, should I just wait for the next one?不用进来吧什么事都没有No, no, no, no! No, no. C-come in. It's all good.你这个王八蛋You son of a bitch!天啊好吧伙计们你在Oh God! Oh! Okay! Okay, okay, guys!好了你们好好玩注意安全好吗Alright, you guys have fun. Be safe, okay?我的骨头老天哪Oh, my bone! Ouch!你到底发什么疯What the hell is wrong with you?你为什么要这么做Why are you doing this?!别装得好像Oh, don't act like you.你不知道是吧You don't know, do you?你是我儿子的父亲You're my son*s father!你这个狗 ♥杂♥种 ♥You piece of shit!什么What?所以爱喝椰子马提尼的是你不是莉奥诺拉福尔杰So, the Cocotinis are yours, not Leonora Folger's.我对她足够了解I knew enough about her to pull off伪装一次进城之旅不在话下a little day trip into the city.但我觉得我露出马脚了But, I think I'm slipping now.我不知道你们演员是怎么做到的I don't know how you actors do it,从头至尾假装是另一个人太累人了pretending to be somebody else all the time. It*s exhausting.你的伪装很成功You pulled it off like the master you are.你现在一定很激动吧It's exciting for you, isnrt it?想明白了这些小谜团Figuring out little mysteries.不算小吧Not so little.这么多年来全世界都想搞清楚你的行踪The world has been wondering about you for years.“全世界”?得了吧The world, please.在艺术界的一方小天地A pocket of the art world在我失踪前who wanted nothing to do with me他们不想跟我扯上任何关系before I went missing.你这些年来销声匿迹是因为我父亲威胁了你吗Did you go into hiding because my father was threatening you?我对我父亲不是很了解I don't know a lot about my father,但我不认为他是个好人but I don't think he was a good man.这让我一生都活在阴影之中And it has haunted me my whole life.然后你出现了And then. you came along.我希望你对盘踞在你脑子里的人收房♥租I hope that you charge rent to the people inside your head.你会大赚一笔的You'd make a fortune.画在你那吗拜托Do you have the painting, please?在I do.你是个该死的黑警克雷普斯You're a crooked fuckin1 cop, Kreps.一个对手无寸铁的老妇人下死手的黑警A crooked cop who stabbed a defenseless old woman,你还想拉我顶罪我一定要告发你and you*re trying to pin it on me, and I'm gonna nail you for it!Ah!你知道你的问题出在哪吗You know what your problem is?你知道你们这一代人的问题出在哪吗莫拉You know what your entire fuckin' generation's problem is, Mora?我不知道男团? 不是-1 don't know. Boy bands? - Nah.你们的父母告诉你们你们能干任何想干的事Your parents told you you could be anything you want,然后你们愚蠢的老师强化了这个认知and your stupid teachers reinforced that bullshit,所以你们拍抖音视频so you come out with your little TikToks做该死的播客好像所有人and your fuckin* podcasts like everybody都想听你们发表观点一样wants to hear what you have to say.没人在乎你们想说什么Nobody gives a fuck about what you have to say.你觉得我蠢?I'm stupid?你对我一无所知You don't know anything about me.如果我真的这么蠢我怎么能搞定If I'm so stupid, how come I was able to land全世界最聪明的女人?the smartest woman on the planet?如果我真的这么蠢Huh? If I'm so stupid,我怎么能用两秒钟how come I'm able to do a better podcast就做出比你们这群白♥痴♥更好的播客than you idiots in two seconds flat?我以为你讨厌播客呢-对-Thought you hated podcasts. - Yeah,我讨厌你们那些外行的闹着玩一样的播客I hate stupid amateur bullshit podcasts like yours.你们的播客很烂Your podcast sucks.原版的那些?俄克拉荷马?The OG ones? All is Not OK?倒是能看出些天分和才华That takes some talent. That takes some intelligence.相信我Trust me.我最懂了I should know.我不怕你I'm not scared of you.你应该怕你这混♥蛋♥好吗Yeah, well, you should be, you fuck. Okay?因为我是负责这宗谋杀案的首席探长Because I'm the lead detective on a murder case where somebody而你则不断地被人推到主要嫌疑人的位置keeps making you the lead suspect.你应该害怕That's fuckin' scary.或者你蠢到根本意识不到发生了什么Or maybe you're too stupid to realize what the fuck is going on here, huh? 要知道含冤入狱这种事You know, people go away for things they didnrt do每天都在发生记住了all the time. Remember that.硬汉Tough guy.现在停止你那自以为是的微笑Now, take that shit-eating grin off your face,滚出我的拳馆and get the fuck out of my gym.Oh.快拿过来Oh, give it. Give it, give it.你看-Mm. - Look.(萨维奇1965年)看到画布上这出裂痕了吗-See, there's the tear in the canvas. - Yes.是的Yes.所以这是真迹?-So, it is the original. - Well,只有一个办法能确定only one way to know for certain.等下让我试试Wait, let me try.算了还是你来吧No, you do it.把钉子拔掉?-Mm. - Pull out the nails?对把钉子拔掉Just pull out the nail.我要给你看样东西There's something I need you to see.如果我真的这么蠢我怎么能搞定If Fm so stupid, how come I was able to land全世界最聪明的女人?the smartest woman on the planet?原版的那些?The OG ones?俄克拉荷马?All is Not OK?倒是能看出些天分和才华That takes some talent. That takes some intelligence.相信我我最懂了Trust me. I should know.(俄克拉荷马不太欧克辛达坎宁)您正在收听的是俄克拉荷马不太欧克You're listening to All is Not OK in Oklahoma.要喝点什么吗-Ow! - Can I get you something?!咖啡?水?Coffee? Water?给你鸡♥巴♥上来一脚?A swift kick in the dick?奥利弗你听我解释Look, Oliver, let me explain.不你不必解释Oh no, no, no. You don't have to.我昨晚跟罗伯塔聊了一整晚她都告诉我了I was up all night talking to Roberta. She told me what happened.她有没有告诉你只发生过一次Did she tell you it only happened once?她说是两次She said twice.一晚上两次One night, two times.你还炫耀上了Well, now you're just bragging.告诉我泰迪你用你那油腻腻的希腊精♥子♥Tell me, Teddy, how many other women in the building弄大了大楼里多少女人的肚子did you impregnate with your oily Grecian sperm?你是论斤称的吗就像你的鹰嘴豆泥D-d-do you sell it by the quart like your hummus?你疯了我走了You're insane. I'm leaving.我只有他了泰迪He's all I've got, Teddy.如果我失去了儿子If I lose my son, I've g.我就一无所有了I've got nothing.我觉得自己是世界上最差劲的父亲I feel like the worst father in the world.你开玩笑吗Are you kidding?在你状态最差是时候你也没有On your worst day, you didn't drag your son把你儿子卷进谋杀案或是掩饰into a criminal enterprise or cover up his involvement他与某人死亡有关的事实in someoners death.确实True.但我最近鼓励他But I did recently encourage him投身于戏剧事业所以to get involved in the theater, so.这很糟糕是啊-Well, that's bad. - Yeah.2015年贝基巴特勒在俄克拉荷马州切克沙的失踪案该死的他拿走了火柴盒Damn it! He has the matchbook!今天有什么能阻止我把你关起来嗯?What's stopping me from locking you up today, huh?抱歉I'm sorry. I'm sorry.去年纽约警局的预算Last year, the NYPD had a budget是55亿美元of $5.5 billion.我们说的可是十亿级别的钱That's a billion with a "B.n我的薪水是税前85819美元My salary was 85,819 before taxes,我要付赡养费还有这个我也住的破房♥子的按揭贷款alimony, and the mortgage on this fuckin' dump where I also live.如果你用85819除以55亿会得到If you divide 85,819 by 5.5 billion, you get.我不知道是多少但那相当于是大海里的一滴水I have no fuckin1 idea, but it*s a drop in the bucket.试试靠这点钱在纽约生活根本不可能Try living on that in New York City. It*s impossible.(证物室)所以你得干点副业So you take other jobs.在科尼岛当保安You work security at Coney Island,或帮助那些无法处理多起谋杀和失踪案的or you help out departments in small towns that might not be equipped to handle things 小镇警♥察 ♥局like multiple homicides or missing persons,类似这种事shit like that.(证据毛发样本)拿钱干活You get in, you get out, you get paid.干脆利落You go through the motions.但偶尔你会遇到一个人But every once in a while, you meet someone一切都随之改变了Becky Butler's disappearance in Chickasha, Oklahoma,震惊了整个小镇in 2015 sent shockwaves through town.她人间蒸发了就像切克沙废弃的She'd evaporated just like the man-made lake迷你高尔球场里的人工湖at the abandoned Chickasha putt-putt course.没有证人没有线索With no body, and no clues,大城市来的自雇警♥察♥空降到这座小镇freelance police officers from bigger cities descended upon the town帮忙寻找贝基或是杀害她的凶手to help find Becky or her killer.一同抵达的还有一个勇敢的播客主Also arriving was one intrepid podcaster她在梅森迪克逊线以南的美国who never had a good hair day south of the Mason-Dixon.就没有一天发型不乱的Yours truly.每天晚上我都去本地烤肉酒吧“小鸡查克”Every night, I'd go to the local bar and grill, The Chicken Chug,他们家橙绿相间的小鸡商标whose orange and green chicken logo似乎遍布小镇的每个角落seemed to be everywhere in town.在那里我会跟微醺的本地人和想家的警♥察♥打成一片There, Td mingle with tipsy townsfolk and homesick cops,试图从他们嘴里问出点线索和八卦working them for clues and gossip.你很难想象凭借小鸡查克的一盆鸡翅It's amazing the allies you can make能缔结怎样的盟友over a Chicken Chug wings tub.我不是见过I didn't see it.而是听到过I heard it.上面的这幅画是给我的Yeah, this painting on top, oh, that was for me.底下这幅And the one underneath.是给他的this was for him.他最想成为的那个人The man he most wanted to be.他儿子的好父亲A father to his boy.他是我的挚爱He was my love.他努力保护我He tried to keep me safe.免受暴虐丈夫的伤害from a rage-filled husband.我必须离开为了我们两个的安全I had to leave. To keep us both safe, 我必须远走高飞I had to disappear myself. 我们再也没有见过面We never saw each other again.他心碎而死He died heartbroken.父子之间到底该怎么相处What is the thing about fathers and sons? 为什么这种关系这么难Why is that relationship so hard?我不知道Oh. I don't know.生物学傲慢Biology. Hubris.毫无新意的愚蠢Good old-fashioned stupidity.你跟你父亲关系好吗Were you close to your father?我尽力了Well, I-I tried to be.他是个上门推销员He was a door-to-door salesman.一个真实版的威利.洛曼A real-life Willy Loman.他经常不在家So, he was gone a lot.但他在家的时候But when he was home,我会使出浑身解数引起他的注意I would do whatever I could to get his attention.所以我才形成了这个浮夸的性格Hence my. what some would describe as "extra" persona.你呢How about you?不好我讨厌他Fuck no. I hated him.他在一家中餐馆的后厨被赌马的人弄死了He was killed in the back room of a Chinese restaurant by a Korean bookie. 胸口中了两枪Took two to the chest.好吧这不是比赛Okay, this isn't a competition.我只是想说I'm just saying.正因为如此because of that.我唯一想要的就是跟提奥有良好的关系all I ever wanted was to have a good relationship with Theo.就像你跟威尔那样Like the one you have with Will.可我搞砸了And I fucked it up.你能帮我个忙吗Will you do me a favor?我们现在已经扯平了吧Aren't we square at this point?你把我送进监狱我上了你老婆You send me to jail, I fuck your wife?答应我Just. promise me.你永远不会告诉威尔真♥相♥that you'll never tell Will.我也跟罗伯塔说了I told Roberta this, too.既然你们俩I mean, ifyou two managed to keep保守了这个秘密这么多年the mere possibility of this a secret all these years,我们不能为了威尔一直隐瞒下去吗can't we just keep on keeping on for the sake ofWill?我会按你说的做Fil do whatever you want me to do.谢谢Thank you.两次?Twice?我那时还年轻I was younger.嘿Hey.你不该来这儿辛达随时会回来You shouldn't be here. Cinda could be back any minute.她去哪了Well, where is she?去做声带按♥摩♥ 了Uh, vocal massage.他花钱找了个泰国男人给她按♥摩♥喉咙你想让我跟你说什么 She pays a Thai guy to rub her throat. What do you want me to tell you?不会耽误你太久我那天-Well, this will be quick. I. - The other day我说我可以帮你那是个错误when I said that I could help you, that was a mistake.我不能为你做什么I can't do anything else for you.请不要打扰我Please just. leave me in peace.邦尼福尔杰的谋杀案Bunny Folger's murder?那个警♥察♥克雷普斯That cop Kreps?这一切都与俄克拉荷马不太欧克有关This all has something to do with All is Not OK in Oklahoma.我只是想不明白有什么关联I just can't figure out how.就好像我缺了一个关键的线索It's like I'm missing a puzzle piece somewhere.你把这事忘了吧You should let this go.你走吧把这事忘了You should go, and you should let this go.波比梅布请你走吧-Poppy. - Mabel! Please go.你应该留着这个查尔斯You deserve to have this, Charles.谢谢Thank you.给你好过给那个几个月前来打探情况的女人Better you than that woman that came sniffing around a few months ago.什么女人What woman?波比你知道些什么你害怕什么P